#I've never drawn Martin before and chances are I never will again
tunaf1sk · 2 years
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Younger Calliope and Martin I doodled while listening to Prison of Plastic. I wonder how they met...
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teenwolfhot · 6 years
Scott McCall imagines part 2
Inspired by ariana grande " break up with your girlfriend...bored "
" hi .... im scott you okay you seemed startled ... " looking at him " ummmm uhhhh im good " walking away you were confused as too why Scott would be at the counselor office
Suddenly Mrs Martin door opened " hi (y/n) ... you wouldn't happened to bump into Scott would you he kinda ... well forgotten this " handing you his biology book " i can give it to him since I do have classes with him especially biology " smiling this is your chance to get closer much closer
" sure ... by the way i want to see you before you leave today it's about your career... next step " you nodded and simple walked away
Scott was too into the whole thing that he was late for lacrosse practice " MCCALL YOUR LATE ... ESPECIALLY YOUR CAPTAIN... I MIGHT GIVE LAHEY THE POSITION YOUR SLACKING OFF " scott sighed while walking to his locker
Coach stormed into his office " man what's up with you ?" Lahey whispered " having an off day " on queue kira walks in a couple of whistle before a loud roar and more whistle blowing
" hi ... guys " it was kira and malia " coach ask us to join ... since Jackson and stiles decided not to return for the final semester " lahey felt a bit off point " coach asked you ... to play on the team ... the boys lacrosse team ?" Liam pops up " actually i asked them since we needed more players and we have a game against brett school again sooo .... we're in deep shit we ... need players " walking away
" anyways i dont have a problem playing... how about you kira ?" The girl shake her head
Its been a long day for scott when he got a voicemail during class
(" hey scott is stiles you knew that ... checking on you... plus )
The answering machine goes off
( " hey its me again... before anything just wanted to say hi and ... im coming back ... for a couple of days ... along with lydia ... yeah we decided to take a break ... anyways see you in three days ")
Scott was pleased lydia and stiles are coming to vist but things aren't great at school or at work , plus is mom been taking a lot of night shifts at the hospital and since argent went MIA nobody knows where
It was a rough summer for the gang especially when derek decided to go off with braeden and malia fighting her mum
Rough was the word to describe the summer for the gang but in the end friendship and death was recurring in their life
Isaac sees a counsellor about his feelings and fears especially since his childhood wasn't that great
All in all everything was supposed to come together but it's falling again
" Scott...scott..scott... Scott " the young man was cut of from his thoughts " yeah ?" He looked up it was issac " your mum let me in ... plus it seems you didnt have dinner ... i brought Mexican food " isaac laughed so did scott
" lydia and stiles ... their coming back for a couple of days ... and kira we're i dont know ... with malia its it's different i can't i .... " isaac laughed " scott McCall confused on both girls ... haven't seen you like this since allison " comfort silent drawn in " Mexican food " issac draw the line on the subject
" yeah ... my mum wondering where argent suddenly went ... considering we all don't know " isaac unloading the food " about that .... derek and braeden found information on argent ... it seems he wants to know about the nogtisune " scott dropped the cup
" what?"
" yeah apparently he wanted to know when the nogtisune vanishes from the person body will any killing of the nogtisune be reversed " scott was shocked " is that possible?" Braeden knows of a ritual that can be used but its a classic folklore... a story "
Scott couldn't belive it " he really misses her... especially since Kate is still alive and revenge is always on her mind "
Issac nodded what he didnt tell scott was that the stories are true there's a ritual to bring dead people back ... sacrifice is shamefully
" What are you planning?"
Scott told isaac that his failing and lydia mum said he needs a tutor " i dont know plus im not working especially slacking at lacrosse... never been in this position before "
Issac knew that scott was struggling but not this bad " i could help I've got lydias biology books with all her notes ... you can borrow them ... you know "
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