#I've read too many fics where Alfred IS a pilot not to
netherzon · 1 year
Conflicting headcanons:
Zoom School by Syntax-N introduced me to the idea that the nations can’t leave the surface of the earth for too long because it fucks up their physical forms. That they’re spiritually connected to their people, but physically they’re living crystals who need to be close to the core of the earth because that's where their body heat comes from, so flying makes them all violently ill or worse. This is also used to explain the teleportation powers some of them have in canon. They use a different plane of consciousness called “the nation state”(punny) to bend space and time pretty much.
Its just such an interesting idea to me, there's so much potential for other kinds of fun weirdness there, but of course this means any nations interested in flying have to make do with flight simulators and drones on the ground (rip Alfred)
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