#I've seen a crown if candy why didn't I anticipate this?
marlinspirkhall · 1 year
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Well, Neverafter is off to A Start™
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seresinhangmanjake · 11 months
From Two to Four
Single Dad!Jake Seresin x Single Mom!reader
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Summary: a trip to the movie theater with your son becomes more eventful when you meet a man and manage to save his daughter's birthday from being ruined.
notes: this is going to be a mini series from @rosiahills22 request :)
warnings: none.
Words: 841
Your arm is being yanked on but that isn't unusual. With the way your son is, you're surprised you've not had a trip to the hospital to have your shoulder shoved back into its socket. He's strong for his age, and with the handful he is already, you just know you're in for more surprises as he ages; ones you can only hope you'll know how to tackle on your own.
Jamie pulls you through small crowd after small crowd in his effort to make it to the treats. Only when you're in line does he drop your hand so he can press his nose against the glass shelf displaying every variety of candy he could possibly want. A sugar-high child was not in your plans for the day, but you refuse to dull his excitement.
"Mommy, can we get rainbow gummies?"
His voice blends with a sudden cry, and you turn your head to find a small girl leaning against one of the theater's decorative pillars. Her blue tutu is scrunched in her little hands, and the bedazzled tiara on her head is beginning to slip sideways. Softly brushing away her tears is a man crouched in front of her. He tries to right her crown as her finger shoots directly toward the large movie poster behind the man's head.
"I know, baby, I know. But it’s sold out," he sighs. "We'll come back tomorrow, OK? I'm sorry."
He stands straight and takes her hand, a look of utter heartbreak marring his handsome features when he begins to lead her past you toward the door. 
"Excuse me,” comes out of your mouth without a thought. 
When he pauses, the little girl nearly bumps into the back of his calf. His eyes meet yours, and the tenseness tightening his brow and the line of his lips soothes. 
“I don’t mean to bother you, but I have two extra tickets to the same movie if you want them."
A dark blond brow raises. “You’re going to see The Dragon Princess of Amethyst Mountain 2?”
“Well, the first one had such a gripping storyline." You chuckle at the amused expression on his face. “My son is with me,” you say and look behind you at the boy all but licking the glass case in anticipation. “Jaime, come here, sweetheart.”
Candy magically forgotten, Jamie bounds over to you with the widest of grins, stopping right beside you to stare up at the man.
“Hi!” he says loudly and clearly, with a certain confident authority only a four-year-old could possess. “I’m Jameson “Jamie”.
The man laughs. “Hi Jameson “Jamie”, I’m Jake, and this is Olive.”
Jamie’s eyes immediately go to the girl. His head tilts. “Like the snack?”
“Jamie, honey, don’t say–”
“Yea,” the girl pipes up, her tiny fist rubbing at the dried tears below her eye. 
Your boy's eyes light up, and you know what he's about to say before it exits his mouth. “I love olives!”
"Yep yep!"
Jake chuckles, releases his daughter's hand, and moves to stand beside you so he may join you in watching your children form an instant bond. 
"Just so you know," he says, leaning closer, "I didn't name my child after a food, intentionally."
You don't care what and why he named his child as you watch Jamie take an immediate liking to her. He needs a friend, and you've never seen him invested quite so quickly. 
"Hey, I don't judge," you reply, making the man laugh again. You're starting to like it. It's deep and husky and has an intoxicating element that wants to lure you into your own fit of giggles. 
"I'm Jake," he formally introduces, sticking out his hand for you to shake. You do so as you offer your name in return. "So how did you end up with extra tickets to the best movie in town?"
"I've got a sister who's a flake and a brother-in-law with a missing backbone," you say before clicking your tongue. "Which is a shame, honestly, because I think he really wanted to see it."
"Well, I hate to say I'm thankful for that, but you've just saved my daughter's birthday, so…"
"Daddy," Olive calls, her entire mood having taken a complete shift, "can we get rainbow gummies?"
"Sure, baby."
Jamie and Olive jump up and down, their hands tightly clasped together. Then your son hurriedly leads the girl back over to the candy case to show her everything she's about to enjoy.
"How old?" you ask.
"So is Jamie."
As if on cue, Jamie looks back at you. "Mommy, and cookie dough bites?"
"Your boy's got a good appetite," Jake says, crossing his arms and nodding his head Jamie's way. 
"Oh, just you wait. He'll want–"
"And popcorn, Mommy?"
You snort. "See?"
Jake's eyes travel over your face, pulling forth a light blush that you can already feel heating your cheeks. His wide open lips display pearly whites, and there is a glint in his gaze when he says, "Well we better get them their snacks then."
A/N: More to come for this little series! I hope you liked it :)
tags: @wkndwlff @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @kmc1989 @oliviah-25 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @ssa-sadboi @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792
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