#I--H didn't even cross my mind bc of how weak it was sigh
shounen-sideblog · 7 years
I remembered reading how maybe the ending couples were what they were bc of K/ubo wanting to separate the human and the soul worlds... But nope, this is such a weird way of looking at it to me. Because I legit think if that was his goal, then it would make way more sense to have Ren//Ruki (at least they’re close friends) with IshiHime and then Ichigo alone or, if he had to be paired up, with Tatsuki (again, at least they’re close friends). Than to have R/R and I/H, because yes, I/H is that bad... As to why I think so, I already explained it here.
So it really comes down to K/ubo wanting to have I/chigo’s and R/ukia’s kids meet I guess... I mean, if you’re willing to think that a visual reference such as orange hair was so important to him that it had to be there (since a theoretical IchiTatsu kid could not end up with orange hair... but then again, it very well could, it’s a manga sigh).
Idk, man, I have nothing for why I/H is canon, is what I’m trying to say. :-/ Ren//Ruki I can at least understand from the “gotta separate the worlds + also Rukes gotta have a kid” point of view. But I/H, nope. 
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