miracvlovs · 4 years
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✗✗✗   you see [ kaleb yıldırım ] around lately? yeah i heard that the [ cis male ] is up to no good. [ he / him ] has been here for [ five years ] now but they’re still pretty [ abrasive ] which is fine because they’re also [ debonair ] so it balances out. the [ twenty-eight ] year old [ hitman for hire ] actually looks like a lot like [ alperen duymaz ], don’t you think? it’s best to watch out, though, because it’s been said that they’re really into [ strong cigarettes & even stronger whiskey ].
hey, hello, hi, bonjour! s’up buttercups? ‘tis i, your friendly neighbourhood loser chrissie ( a.k.a an irish doofus who is utter plot trash and the actual WORST at keeping track with discord messages, oops ) and i’m super duper excited to be here among you fab human beings! anywho, this is my first kiddo kaleb and he is … how do you say … morally grey. basically his morals are very questionable in every aspect. but! on the plus side, he’s very talented and good at his job even if he is ruthless and callous, oop. he is … the worst and also lowkey messed up inside tbh so pls excuse his blunt and sarcastic nature. plot-wise i’m open to literally anything and everything so come at me with any ideas ya got! i’m always diggity down to spit ball ideas and form some dope connections so pls feel free to invade my ims or hmu on le cord ( chrissie.#9606 ) and we can brainstorm until our heart’s content! if ya wanna, go ahead and light that lil grey heart up red and i’ll shimmy my butt your way for all of the good stuff. anywho, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?
KALEB EMER YILDIRIM     —     twenty-eight, hitman for hire,   +   one snarky son of a gun   /   troubled dude with daddy issues   /   all issues tbh ! 
aesthetics   ➤   dried blood caked into the grooves of cut knuckles, the lingering scent of smoke and gasoline, silver slivers of past scarring, five o’clock shadow peppering a blunt jawline, discolourations of blue and purple decorating battered hands, a subtle smirk etched upon a devious countenance, calloused fingertips riddled with small paper cuts, dark circles under almost-black eyes, the noise of screeching tires in the middle of the night, a tall stature adorned in all-black attire, ghosts of bruises staining calloused skin green, a scuffed zippo lighter in a pack of marlboros containing only one cigarette, white shirts with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, a sly grin under stormy dark eyes, a sniper on the roof of a deserted building, the roar of a car engine, & clenched, white-knuckled fists.
nicknames. kal.
date of birth. november third.
gender. cis male.
pronouns. he + him.
birthplace. manhattan, nyc.
orientation. bisexual + aromantic.
education. bachelor of music degree obtained from manhattan school of music.
spoken languages. can speak fluent english, turkish, spanish, & french.
negative traits. haughty, abrasive, enigmatic, cynical, temperamental, calculating, hedonistic, distant, sarcastic, & volatile.
positive traits. adept, diligent, charming, resilient, candid, adept, charming, audacious, determined, & resourceful.
strengths. efficient, energetic, self-confident, strong-willed, strategic thinker, charismatic, & inspiring.
weaknesses. stubborn, dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogant, poor handling of emotions, cold, & ruthless.
talents. piano, retaining information, memory recall, lock-picking, carjacking, hand-to-hand combat, automobile knowledge, tracking people down, & excellent problem-solving abilities. 
physiology. dark brown eyes. dark brown hair. six feet, one inch tall. of a lean, broad stature with a straight posture and evident height. has a few silvery scars littered across his skin. has a few tattoos in a few less visible places. is ambidextrous.
psychology. scorpio zodiac. water element. slytherin house. entj-a. chaotic neutral. type eight enneagram. choleric temperament. interpersonal intelligence type. addicted to alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, cocaine, and cannabis. suffers from addiction and insomnia. his vices are lust, wrath and pride. his virtues are ... honestly, probably just diligence tbh.
possible triggers   :   infidelity, divorce, alcoholism, drug abuse, cancer, death, car crash, funeral, blood, murder, suicide mention, gun mention, & various references to death and murder. 
a synopsis.   ah, here he is—my tol, troubled, grouchy son : ' ) don't u just adore ur resident trashy, snarky, but precious and sad fuckboi muse? bc i know I DO! anyways, before i digress, i'll cut to the chase. so, waaay before he blessed the universe with his presence, his mother ( who was originally from turkey ) moved to the states where she met one alexander hale. you can probably guess the rest: the pair married, they had children, everything seemed to be going swimmingly, yada yada. here’s a lil background: the hale family—a line of manhattan-born businessmen / lawyers / diplomats etc. they're dripping in wealth, not always as squeaky clean as they portray themselves as to be. kaleb’s dad was a douche, expected both of his sons to follow in his shadow and become lawyers, ran around behind his wife's back: the whole shoot and shebang of a classic a-hole. he always kind of ignored kaleb in favour of his eldest son joshua so kaleb kinda became hard-hearted and resentful due to the lack of his father's attention. skip a few years and he spied his dad cheating on his mother with his secretary though he refused to tell another soul for fear of any potential backlash. soon enough, his mother found this out for herself, their argument ruined his thirteenth birthday party then they divorced soon after. his mother fell off the wagon, became terminally ill—all while his father was remarrying and expecting a daughter with his secretary. it was a hella rough two years for kaleb. it got even worse. eventually, his mother passed away and his step-mother divorced his father to breeze off into the sunset with her new lover; leaving her daughter with her piss-poor excuse of a dad. at this point, kaleb was lonely and angry but adopted the role of his step-sister's protector, shielding her from their father's increasing substance abuse induced violence. just before his seventeenth birthday, his father died in a car crash. of course, he didn't entirely mourn the loss. almost immediately, he and his younger sister moved in with their elder brother who helped kaleb get into university. with dear ole dad out of the picture, he could finally pursue his interest and flair for music. after he graduated, he moved to santa ysabel with his brother and brother's family. in the beginning, things were going fine. yeah, sure, he was struggling for work and felt bad that his brother had to keep him afloat. normal stuff. then, one day, things quickly turned sour in his world. [ TRIGGER FOR GORE, BLOOD, SUICIDE MENTION, GUN MENTION, MURDER, DEATH ] he’d came home to find the locks on the doors busted, advancing into the house carefully only to find his brother’s lifeless corpse crumbled on the kitchen tiles: his throat and wrists slashed, posed as a suicide. of course, kaleb knew better. he knew his brother; knew he would never leave him or his family. upon further inspection of the house, he’d discovered the body of his wife upstairs: a bullet hole between her eyes. [ TRIGGER OVER ] the whole ordeal was enough to turn his stomach but once the sickness had subsided, all kaleb felt was a strong thirst for blood. sure, it was pretty damn stupid to try and seek revenge or whatnot ... but kaleb had always been one to let his heart guide his brain. anyways, time skip now to the moment he’d uncovered his brother’s entanglement with some dodgy loan shark, drug dealing criminals who were responsible for his murder. in the end, he’d hunted them down and eradicated them one by one, over a span of weeks. at first, he hated himself and what his desire for vengeance had turned him into but he kept going until he’d got them all: until he’d grown numb. truthfully, how he wound up taking lives for a living is beyond him. he woke up one day, found himself hired by some big-wig businessman who wanted rid of his business partner and et voilà, he was tangled up in the dark side of existence. i mean, was he blackmailed into doing his first paid hit? yes. but who can blame him? especially when they claimed to have intel regarding the sudden demise of a prominent figure in the criminal underbelly of the city, a.k.a his brother’s killer. it was a risk kaleb simply couldn’t take. he prefers to keep himself anonymous, hidden behind shadows, unsuspecting. death has become a job. nothing more. nothing less. it’s simply the algorithm of his existence: receive a dossier, take care of the target, get paid a hefty lump sum. and all just for enacting a stranger’s revenge in the blood of another. he moves like a deadly phantom, his footsteps light as a feather, whipping through the night like a bullet through a target’s skull. sartre claims that hell is other people. and if you were to stare into kaleb’s eyes—eyes eerily similar to having been cut from coal—you might just see hell and everyone in it staring right back at you. as nietzsche wrote: “ he who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. and if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. ”
random extras.
he has a lot of small scars over his body, most of which he can’t account for or has forgotten about.
owns and drives a black 1969 boss 429 mustang which he loves arguably more than he loves himself.
speaking of, he actually is full of self-hatred so don’t let the haughtiness fool you.
trusts nobody but himself and is loyal to nobody but himself.
has a lot of anger issues so often ends up taking part in underground fights.
he rates around a solid three on the kinsey scale.
is a distant person; closed-off emotionally and prefers to keep himself to himself.
when it comes to whether or not he is morally decent or an extremely bad person, he is somewhere in the middle of that spectrum.
he isn’t heartless but he isn’t exactly compassionate either.
kind of shady but knows how to pass himself as charming. 
has been thru sum shit n seen sum shit so he’s v messed up inside.
though he does have a soft spot for animals and children.
his marksmanship is impeccable.
he’s naturally gifted with firearms and his shot is always on point.
dark eyes and bruised knuckles are his ultimate aesthetic tbh.
actually really appreciates classical music, though he’ll never tell. blame it on his piano lessons from childhood.
speaking of piano, he’s low key gifted at playing although he rarely does these days.
has a very short fuse and can lose his temper quite easily.
he has a good heart and good intentions when it comes to those he actually cares about although he’ll never let this show.
favourite coping mechanism? isolation.
a bit of a lone wolf. he keeps people at arm’s length but acts in a way where people are under the illusion he’s their friend.
basically the tall, dark and handsome trope: ( most of the tall, dark and handsome men display aloof, cold and distant personality but they do have a gentle and caring side. )
is a little snarky and grumpy but if you manage to break this exterior, you’ll find he’s quite witty and easy going.
he got into fighting at a young age. it was the only way to try and learn how to defend himself against his father.
sleep?? he doesn’t know her.
tends to repress his emotions until he explodes.
healthy coping mechanisms?? he doesn’t know them either.
is prone to pushing the self destruct button.
you can find a pinterest board for him by clicking anywhere here.
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so the jail support mutual aid group that i’m a part of has been being antagonized by this cab driver who parks across from where we work. hes not a liscenced cabbie really - my understanding of his “origin story” is that he was a yellow cab guy who has hung out outside the jail for decades occaisionally picking up fares when people are released with money or have family members with cash at the destination. hes been there for so long in many ways its largely social - he has his other cabbie buddy, he rubs elbows with the COs - but he feels very much like its his space. at some point the jail told the yellow cab companies to buzz off, so he just stopped working with a cab company and still sits outside the jail waiting for rides.
since the beginning things were tense - hes a gregarious old school type of dude who can be pretty moody and unhinged. but i always felt deferential to him in a way - he can be a huge help, he can be a funny guy, and it doesnt feel right to gentrify out a cabbie just because we give out free rides. that being said most of the rides we give he wouldnt take anyway - people who cant afford a ride home, who dont have a conventional home to go back to, people who need to collect their seized property from the county -- and on top of that he really just chills in his car most of the time. but for a long time we were like, OK, when we’re at capacity we send some rides his way. No problemo.
Problemo. the things he says start to alienate people. he definitely does not know the agreedupon vernancular when discussing LGBTQ issues. this begins to make people feel unsafe, and he also becomes more moody as the weather gets colder. 
a chicago summer renders the city into a carceral boomtown - kids minding their own business get picked up on bullshit drug charges that get thrown out the next day, legal gun owners get caught in the midst of constantly changing regulations that mean that the way you store your legal firearm today can get you thrown in the pen tomorrow (of course, only if you’re black), everyones out enjoying the weather so if you have a warrant and some cop with a chip on their shoulder sees you, you’re screwed. that being said - in winter, things slow way down. i have no doubt that the economic impact of this seasonal change influences the broader drama of this situation from henceforth.
Back to the problem - soon it feels like him screaming at us that we’re taking his fares, or don’t know what we’re doing, or are giving other cab drivers too many fares, is an every night occurence. People start feeling unsafe - you hear this guy say a couple slurs... and hes loud and angry......but to me i was like. Well you’re white. This is an elderly black man who is pretty much living hand to mouth. I wanted to be in a position where we could provide hims ome material financial support via pay for rides (that, due to our understaffing, we still needed help with) and everything seemed chill. We were sort of telling offended people to check their own privilege and assumptions. Because I don’t have a lot of energy and time for people who criminalize and pathologize black masculinity. 
Regardless our policies and attempts to play ball don’t matter - whatever we do still isnt good enough. Its clear that he views us giving any sort of rides to people as a threat to his livelihood despite, as i’ve said, us only really giving rides that he wouldn’t take anyway, and being as deferential as we can to give rides that seem like a good fit for him - to him -- which also is eating at our financials. And the contingent of people feeling hurt, threatened, burnt out by dealing with him grows.it becomes clear that ignoring this group of people is coming off as callous and silencing voices. there are people whos departure from the organization is clearly linked to this guy bothering us -- and his hassling is getting worse. He starts talking about burning down our tent, slashing our tires, etc.
Maybe coming from a more working class or hick town, being a str8 white boy, i never felt the fear in my dealings with him, just a lot of frustration. But i became one of the few people who can really get in the car with him and talk out how he feels, doing my best to act as a go between from the group to him. I take a lot of verbal abuse and shit talk throughout this but always call him on this. To me the key failure of the young american left is an unability to engage materially with real working class people who do not speak in such flowery language and have not been as understanding of the large-scale social developments that have been undertaken since the obama presidency especially around “microaggressions” and the defied canonization of identity politics from an aspect of Marxism to the underlying dogma of most centrist-to-center left projects. Le sigh! So I tried to fit in where I was effective and act as a filter - sifting out this guys bullshit and calming him down so we can have a good normal talk. Honestly? This begins to wear on me. Im a conforntantion averse person, ask anyone...
We have a referendum on everything and its clear that no one except me and my gf are even open to the idea of still working with this guy. So we (me, some other volunteers) decide to have a sit down chat with him this week. 
Well on Sunday i guess he was walking over to us hollering and talking major shit - normally we can handle this, but this time we actually had people who had been released from jail waiting for a ride as he was coming to talk shit. The people waiting couldn’t bear to hear the way he was yelling at his and start to intervene. He flips out and goes to his car, a beat up classic coupe, and produces some sort of steel pole weapon. He starts pounding on the light post by our tent with it and rushes our tent threatening to kick it down. The situation is deescalated, but holy shit.
So now we’re having a sit down chat with him tonight to figure how what  moving forward looks like. I dont think we’re ever going to work with him again, but he’s also cearly not going anywhere - he’s been at that area for a long time and again, considers himself the don of it - so I simply don’t know what will happen. I’m sick to my stomach thinking about this, how fucked up and weird and sad it all is to have to deal with, when this mutual aid project is otherwise such a beautiful and harmonious thing.
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baekhyuns-abs · 5 years
Slave to Darkness [5]
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(gif not mine credit to the creator) Do I have responsibilities? Yes. Would I rather write about a fictional universe than face them? You betcha. Starting to get into the swing of things again and I’m happy with how this is shaping up to be a t h i c c plot. Love ya’ll xo
The first book// The second book Masterlist Askbox (please talk to me im lonely) Sexual References
chpt: 5
The way Yifan scanned her body as she rounded her desk made her feel naked. A small smile appeared on his face as his eyes lingered on her collar. “A good morning?” She met his despicable gaze as he handed her some documents to file and she wished the floor would swallow her whole. He’s a vampire he can smell it! It became clear from his reaction to her that Baekhyun’s intentions were more than just sexual desire - he wanted every vampire to know also whom she belonged to. As if the collar wasn’t enough. She took a seat gingerly, feeling her soiled underwear rub uncomfortably beneath her. Yifan left, headed through the doors to the girls and so her day began. ~~~ Joonmyeon respected humans - he didn’t like them much but he respected their need for humanly things. He would only kill when necessary, he never left the manor for his food but only used his girls and whores over and over again, till nothing remained but scarred skin over a sickly corpse. Once he ran out Kyungsoo would ‘restock’ him. But when it came to vampire hunters all of Joonmyeon’s forgiving nature and intolerance for violence resorted to nothing. He had no patience for the race of humans, he had made his mistakes in trying to build peace with them over many different generations and each time they betrayed that peace killing many of his prodigies and his Blackswans. His brothers could do anything to a vampire hunter if they crossed paths; frankly he could care no less. “He has a wife.” Baekhyun mused to no one in particular with murderous intent as he scanned the article. “How are they even here?” Jongdae whined. “We killed them all.” “They’re like fleas, they’re always going to be there.” Baekhyun responded. For all Baekhyun’s improvements and his change in temperament there was nothing and no one that would be able to leash his cruel nature that loved to kill. He passed the newspaper none so gently to Sehun. He was pissed at the younger vampire, though it was irrational; Sehun had no control over his past even more so who he was the brother of. Even so Baekhyun couldn’t help but be angry over it, Yuna had played her games, he had let her infect his mind without so much as a fight. He just hoped wherever she was, whatever ground she was buried under she was suffering. “We’ll wait till the sun sets, then we can go.” Jongin slid off the window ledge, smiling. “Then we find him.” Baekhyun turned to him, running his tongue over his top teeth, matching his look, red eyes gleaming with diabolical evil. “And his wife.” “Before you go Baekhyun, we need to talk to your girl.” Joonmyeon’s tone was level, calm and indifferent as if he didn’t know how much it would irk him - or care Baekhyun’s eyes narrowed all murder and gruesome intent dissolving. “Why?” “It’s in our best interest to find out what she saw.” He shrugged. “A vampire.” Baekhyun retorted. “It was just a vampire.” Yixing had told him about the body of the whore. The way her body had been slashed and bloodied beyond recognition. The way her head was barely still attached to the rest of her body, her slack, open and broken as if it had been yanked from the joint. It wasn’t the work of a vampire, he knew that, none of the blood had been taken, it was all there. If he’d have had his way - his old way - he wouldn’t have let her go to work this morning, chain her to the bed and watch her all day; fuck her all day. Deeply it affected him, seeing the fear even hours after the incident and he wanted nothing more than to track down the creature. But for her, he was trying his best as much as he was worried he was going to continue giving her the freedom he had stolen. “If that’s the case then we have nothing to fear.” Baekhyun hated how Kyungsoo was always just there, never announced, never making a sound until he wanted you to know he was there. He could have been there for the entire morning and Baekhyun wouldn’t have noticed. Chanyeol matched his look of surprise as Kyungsoo strode past Baekhyun to stand at Joonmyeon’s desk. “And I’ll question her with or without your permission.” Kyungsoo spoke at first without looking in his direction, cold before turning to him with a look that dared Baekhyun to push him. “Now will you get her or shall I?” ~~~ Her morning began uneventfully, only one man came in, his wife in tow. She let them in after he passed her a credit card and she didn’t question the situation any further. She pulled out her notebook, messy with scribbles and notes. She had seen how neat Yifan’s was in the logs and hers next to it looked childlike and clumsy so she made it her business to practice whenever she had the chance. She was engrossed in her writing, copying excerpts from the newspaper onto her lined pages. That was until a knock on the table caught her attention. “I’m sorry.” She gushed, looking up at her male visitor. Vampire. Her heart lurched and she held her breath at the sight. The stranger was neatly dressed in black jeans and a deep green T-shirt, his skin looked like it held warmth but pale. His eyes were the most deep the most daring shade of red she had yet to see. A dark maroon but still striking enough to be recognisable as inhuman. There was a dark cascade of brown hair that was tied loosely at his nape, without it, his long locks would have been longer than hers. “You’re human.” His voice was as expected, dark and seductive. She nodded. She saw him eye the collar that suddenly felt too restrictive. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and she wondered what that look meant. Her twiddled with her pen nervously as she thought of what to say next. “D-do you want me to find you a girl for your n-needs?” She had never met this man before, this vampire was a stranger and it threw her. It was silly to forget that there was of course more vampires than what resided in the manor. His fingers where long, thick as he planted them on the desk leaning down, looming over her like a delicious smell. She noticed his eyes glint and she knew that look - she knew that look of hunger very well.   “I think you’ll do just fine.” She felt her stomach drop and she avoided his eyes, up close they were hypnotic, paired with the fine lines and plushness of his lips. She heard him draw in a breath through his nose, smelling her - smelling her sex from before. She crossed her legs, hoping it would hinder his exploration but she could tell from his dancing eyes it did no good. “You smell…” He leaned in closer and she leaned back in her chair. “... Naughty.” She was breathing heavy and she felt helpless as she looked back into his face and felt a pull towards him. Her body went rigid, her mind blanked, all coherent thoughts vanished as she blinked. She rolled her seat back forward back, a strange feeling washing over her as the stranger smiled at her. She felt herself stand up and she couldn’t find it in her to fight whatever made her do it. “Can we help you?” She blinked at the voice, her senses coming back under her control. She was leaning over the desk to him. His nose brushing against her collar bone with her head back invitingly. She couldn’t recall how she had gotten in that position, why or when but as Kyungsoo’s voice broke the silence the trance had been broken. She stepped back, startled, confused and completely red. The vampire turned at the voice, his smile not wavering in the slightest - cocky. “I wanted an easy feed, if you must know.” She looked towards Kyungsoo and the floor disappearing from under her. Baekhyun glanced at her, his eyes on fire as he came to stand next to the stranger. She swallowed thickly, guilt and worry beginning to brew in the pit of her lower belly. She stood still, feeling Baekhyun rage and she couldn’t bare to look at his face. “There’s no one for you here.” Kyungsoo’s voice was level, yet hostile. “You come into our home, uninvited.” Baekhyun’s voice was quite the opposite and she knew she was part of the cause. “And try to feed off one of our humans-- My human!” He endearment filled her with some sort of warmth, it was possession of the best kind - she was no longer just his whore, but his human. It only made her more guilty, more fearful. She still felt the slight chill of the stranger’s nose on her skin as he took in her scent and she subconsciously reached up to scratch the area; make the feeling go away. “Who are you? What’s your name?” Kyungsoo still calm. “Gabriel.” He didn’t take his eyes off the fuming Baekhyun as he answered and his fangs retracted back into his gums with ease. “Does Yifan still reside here?” “No. So go look elsewhere.” Kyungsoo lied. “Don’t come back.” Gabriel left. Baekhyun watched his disappearing form as he walked away, his strides arrogantly casual as he slowly disappeared between the trees out the window. Baekhyun whirled around then and his eyes looked like whirlpools of angry fire and fear made her immobile. “He Reveried her.” Kyungsoo announced cooly. “He’s almost elder, he has that ability.” Baekhyun said nothing and licked his dry lips. Kyungsoo came to her desk, mulling through her files in curiosity and just because. She didn’t know what that word meant only it was whatever it was that Gabriel had done to make her submit and give herself over. She felt sick at the thought, of how easy it was and just how quickly his magic had worked. “I need to ask you about what you saw yesterday.” Kyungsoo said. “What did he look like?” She hadn’t thought about it. Not since it happened. The dead white eyes, the gleaming grey skin that was almost transparent and the teeth. The horrible pinpoint sharp teeth and the long sickly fingers that drew blood just by squeezing her throat. She felt the wound throb in her neck just thinking about it. She was thankful the collar covered the remains of the wound. She sat herself down, feeling her knees weaken at the memory. She looked at Baekhyun hoping for a look of support and she got it. His red eyes as softened and although his jaw was still tight he appeared calm. She took a breath and flashes of it all bounced off her mind. Although she had tried to forget it, tried to push it into the furthest corners of her mind she somehow knew that she would have to answer questions later. “He was fast.” She croaked, throat feeling tight as if he was choking her yet again. “What did he look like?” Terrifying; she wanted to reply. She clutched her hands tightly atop of her thighs till her knuckles whitened.The same knuckles she had hit the creature with relentlessly as he choked the life from her. She could solemnly swear that she was more scared of him than anything she had ever faced living in the manor. “Pale…” She replied lowly. “Very pale… Like grey. His eyes were white a-and pointy teeth.” “Did he say anything?” Baekhyun asked this time and his hand drifted to her face cupping her chin. She shook her head and Baekhyun spared a glance to a thoughtful mute Kyungsoo as he placed a ringbinder back down where he had found it. “Thank you.” Was all he said before he rounded the desk and headed back down the corridor. She watched him go, concern written all over her face. She heard Baekhyun move in front of her and she turned to look at him wearily. “Baekhyun…” She stood on shaky legs and came to stand next to him. “I’m--” “He reveried you.” He forced out in a gruff voice. She could tell how hard it was for him to leash his jealous and possessive nature and she reached out gingerly for his hand. She squeezed his cold digits and she felt him reciprocate “You had no control.” “But what does that even mean?” She questioned anxiously. “It’s mind and body control.” His voice was tense. “It takes centuries to even be able to try it, decades more to perfect it… Only the eldest vampires know how.” She looked up at him, bringing her body closer. “Can you?” “I’ve never tried.” His look had turned sheepish, a small smile forming. “It takes a lot of control, something I don’t have.” “I-I think you’re quite good at control.” She moistened her lips apprehensive as she traced the side of his face with her fingers. His skin was smooth, up close she could see with faint blue lines of his veins behind his pale complexion. They were prominent when he was most fed but only up close. She had noticed only recently the small faint lines as they curved down his jaw and ran down his neck. She followed one up into his hair, running her fingers through the thick strands, knowing how much he liked it when she initiated the first touches. A long and worthwhile progression of their relationship; Baekhyun never allowed her to touch him. But now he couldn’t get enough of the tentative feeling of her warm hands on his skin, the genuine affection that she showed him he greedily drank up. He had been starved of that for too long. “You think so?” He asked with disbelief, quirking his brow. She looked back into his eyes. They weren’t deep, they were a familiar depth filled with warmth and adoration for no one other than her. They were beautiful in their own way, a better way because they were his. Her face brightened again into a faint pink and she pressed herself snug against his hard body. She wrapped her arms around his neck, a small nervous smile playing on her face. “But you don’t need to Reverie me to get what you want.” Baekhyun’s tongue licked the corner of his mouth as his brows rose in surprise. He smiled, his hands holding her waist firmly, pressing her to him even tighter. “You’re right.” He nodded, mischief brewing behind his eyes. “All I need to do…” 
He bowed down, his mouth brushing against her ear as is voice deepened and his grip on her body became tighter and in a sly voice that made her melt he said; “... is lick that pretty cunt between your legs and you’ll give me everything.”
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