fizhingtrawl · 1 year
Okay you reblogged the sensory issues werewolf Kevin post so I'm gonna ramble about it a bit
I feel like the thing that gets him most is just. The smell of candy
Like he's grown numb to it bc of how long he's worked at the Candy Club but - and honestly I can't tell which take I like better, that his senses progressively heighten the closer it is to a full moon or it all just Hits him before he really starts to transform - but now it's not just as bad as when he first started working there, but far, far worse; he can smell every individual, artificial scent in every candy in the store, and it's just so much and so nauseating that he goes out the back for some fresh air before he loses his lunch.
This is so real I love this
I think the idea of it hitting him all at once fits best because it’s very sudden, just like the pain or surprise one gets before wolfing out
This is so cool ausghhh ur thoughts I swear /pos
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