dragoncarrion · 2 years
Took a shower in a very small room and there was so much steam it was hard to breathe
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unboundbnha · 4 years
hoooo my god. this is for ME
for me. for godzilla. :’) 
➤ rules; make headcanons of you and a character of your choice, be it sfw or nsfw.
Thank you so much for tagging me @spicyness​! I’m gonna SKAJHDSKJ. HHHHH. This is everything? Fuck I just want a purple boyfriend 😫 this will be about Shinsou because I like him a normal amount :-)
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First off, I’m a pain in the ass. My sense of humor is wack (it’s basically just ‘annoy my friends and loved ones’), I’m always fricken TANKING The Mood (because it’s funny and I physically cannot resist making a Funny if the opportunity’s there), everything turns into a game unless you make me stop wink wonk. Shinsou seems like the type to snort in amusement and roll his eyes at my dumb antics, and I appreciate that! If I could make him legit laugh I’d die happy. (I am also emotionally savvy enough to know when to draw the line though, don’t worry. It’s just, man, my idea of fun is ‘LET’S ROAST ‘EM’)
I love cats. I’ll lose my whole mind over them. They NEED head kisses. Shinsou also likes cats. He also needs head kisses. That’s it, that’s the bullet point
Being open and honest and genuine is important to me. I believe most any relationship (friendship or otherwise) can work if you’re willing to communicate and empathize with the other person: I would 100% be willing to hear Shinsou’s shit, and he seems like he’d be a good listener too. I’m also good at logicking things through and he seems like he’d appreciate that. Likewise, he seems like he’d do the same for me, and as long as we stayed humble and weren’t looking to be offended (I don’t Do That -- he’s a Cancer -- love you, Cancers -- so it might take him a minute to get on the same page, but he’s emotionally smort and cares about me so I think he’d be willing to work at it) then we could help each other through emotionally hard stuff with hard truths. Plus, I’m a super honest person: if he was in a relationship with me he’d probably be pretty secure in knowing I wouldn’t hurt him on purpose. If past shit comes up with him, I’ll talk to him. Talking’s the good shit, y’all: utilize patience and empathy and you’ll be so well off!
I also battle, with a big fucking sword, a lot with mental health stuff (LMAOOOO WHO DON’T!!! YEET). I used to struggle with agoraphobia and still deal with anxiety and depression. On top of that, I have something like chronic fatigue -- I’ve been calling it chronic fatigue because I’m fucking tired, all the time. My top energy levels are like a 35% on a fantastic day. I really like the idea of this boye seeing me melting into a puddle, face down on the carpet, and bein like “how’s it going down there? you okay?” and the answer being obviously no, but him just like. Man I dunno. He seems like the kind of person who’s tired, but who can live with it. I can’t! When I’m tired, that’s it babes! I hit a 0% on my battery and I’ll collapse! So I just, hhhh. Don’t laugh, but I like to fantasize about him bundling me up and into bed. Thinkin’ about Birthday Snoot by my good friend @lord-explosion-baku​ and melting, okay?? OKAY???? I’m soft, the truth’s OUT, FUCK! I want to be taken care of like a sad but pampered cat.
(Please read Birthday Snoot I still cry over it)
Also I’m gross and struggle to shower often enough because it’s exhausting so bein given a gentle bath? oh MAN. Hands softly running through my stupid, terrible hair...asking me about my day and if anything happened that triggered me feeling this bad...just....the tenderness....the gentle affection.....being loved even when I’m at my lowest. Being cared for when I can’t do it myself. That’s a legit fantasy y’all. We out here!
I love to SNOOZE. I love being COZY. You bet your sweet bippy I’m gonna sprawl over a couch and take up the whole thing. Shinsou’d better be willing to snuggle the fuck up. I’ve got great squish which I personally feel like’s great for cuddling: I’m like warm taffy. How better to gently seep into every crevasse of your Favorite Person while enjoying a cozy cuddle?
Listen, everyone fucks hard with Shinsou calling his S/O ‘kitten’, and I agree (def have written leetle -- HOO -- leetle scenarios with that nickname because wow) but I get all wibbly with the idea of He calling me ‘Angel’. A joke at first because, like, guys, I’m really nice. (I know it sounds bad when people say they’re nice and LSDFLKJDF I AM, OKAY. I’ve worked on it. Cultivated the skill of kindness! Being kind isn’t easy, and sometimes you just wanna go apeshit, but I’ve worked hard to improve upon myself! Yeet!) But I also just really fucking love being annoying. I simply cannot resist the urge to sneak up behind someone and poke them in the ribs. I rib-poke while in the deep depths of making out too, I’ve tanked the mood a lot so picture my dumb ass Pink Panther’ing behind Shinsou, prepared to be Evil while he’s, idk, making breakfast or something, and before I can commit a Rib Crime he uses his hero training and fast reflexes and honed senses and all that good stuff to snatch my wrist and ask “what’re you up to, angel?” the answer is nothing, because he’s killed me by being sexy and fast and hero-y, and he’s probably actually killed me by startling me into collapsing like a fainting goat
He gets the deep stuff. Unfortunately for everyone and especially myself, I’m a Thinker with a capital T: it never fucking stops. I had an existential crisis for like three years in a row because of course, but I feel like he knows what it’s like to get lost in your head. Working each other out of panic attacks because holy jesus the universe sure is fucking huge huh? We’re not even a blip on the radar in the history of existence and we’re gonna be dead basically tomorrow aaaand that’s why we’d be good for each other, because I feel like we both have coping mechanisms that keep us from spiraling too bad, and we could share them with each other.
I also so fucking admire his drive, but it makes me angry that stupid fucking hero society would discriminate in the first place. 
Oh, yeah, that’s another good point: I’m hella mad about 98% of the time and I work hard to hide it! Because innocent people don’t deserve to get yelled at! I feel like Shinsou’s smart enough to sense when I’m about to pop and he can be like “heyyyyy...you wanna talk this out constructively instead of getting into a public brawl?” and I’ll be like “NO but I’ll do it for you because I love you” and then we get pizza.
Because I’m fine and balanced and stuff, I made a quirk for myself if I was in the BNHA-verse, and basically I can get stronger at the expense of higher thinking skills and will turn into a weapon of mass destruction against whatever I’m pointing at (ugh, that’s so sexy. Fuck I wanna be a big spooky buff as shit monster thing), friend or foe, so Shinsou and I would work well in tandem because if I got too rowdy he could use his quirk and get me to calm down! Keep me from accidentally doing a murder! Nice!
Okay this is nsfw so if you’re under 18 DON’T READ IT. I’LL CALL YOUR PARENTS. GET OFF MY BLOG. 
Relating to the point above, QUIRKPLAY. Mind control me into stuff I want to do but am too awkward to ask for, please and THANK you. Also, Shinsou’s a top. Gotta be, and thank god for it because I’m certainly not. I’m not happy about being a fucking bottom, because my first and most powerful personalty trait is ‘be as annoying as possible to the people you like; don’t let them tell you what to do.’ Can’t make it easy on myself, nope. Anyway, I want the appearance of being a top without the responsibility because damn, gotta be like, suave and shit. Gotta plan stuff. I don’t like that! I do that enough in real life and I don’t like it there, either! But whatever. I’m a brat and I feel betrayed by my coochie for it. But Shinsou’s a top and he’d tease me for being Fucking Terrible, and suddenly I wouldn’t be so mad at my coochie. She has her reasons.
I...like Shinsou for a lot of reasons, but a really big one, for sure, is that I feel like he can communicate about the important stuff. He likes to tease, but he knows when to be serious too. I’m really wack about being close and intimate with people and I have, hhh, special requirements to be able to sleep with them, and I feel like he’d both be able to respect AND honor that. Like, run through the rest of the BNHA boys with me here: would Bakugou be able to be completely cool, calm, and collected while still teasing, but knowing where to draw the line? Todoroki’s closer maybe, but he’s not as people-smart (which is also a big thing for me). Confidence (or at least the appearance of it when it’s important), respect, communication, listening and respecting what I ask for even if it seems wack -- Shinsou has that, and god is it attractive. 
Also, mind control. 
Also, his capture weapon. 
Also you know this motherfucker is kinky as shit. Thank the good lord.
Also, sexy-slow makeouts with his long, nimble hands running up my outer thighs to squeeze my waist -- teeth on neck, stolen gasps of breath -- 
I feel bad because all of this, fuckin, WALL of text is pretty much ‘this is what purble boy can do for me’ and I don’t say a lot I’d do for him, but if I got someone like him I’d go to the end of the earth for them. I may be a perpetually-sleepy bitch, but one of my best -- and worst -- character traits is my unwavering loyalty. I’ll be 110% down to kick anyone’s ass who insults him: he can fight his own battles, but he shouldn’t have to over some dumbass with a big mouth and a little brain. Making him smile and laugh, oof, be still my beating heart. Words of encouragement when life gets too much. Genuine thanks for his help, whatever it may be. Hugs, because we’re both touch-starved as fuck and he deserves gentleness, dammit. He doesn’t seem like his love language is receiving gifts -- more like quality time and words of affirmation? Maybe physical touch? -- but I’d still get him little things that made me think of him, that could help him in his day to day life or maybe just bring a smile to his face. We could rescue each other at social conventions, have dates to the humane society and play with cats. Support each other through our depression days, prove that even having a brain that’s mean to you sometimes doesn’t make you unlovable. Man, idk. The whole thing’s soft and makes my heart go doki-doki. Hitoshi Shinsou is an extremely good person and god damn I’d want to show him I appreciated him and existing at the same time as him. He deserves love and kindness. He deserves someone to kiss every knuckle of his hand. He deserves hugs in the kitchen and blankets being pulled over his shoulders when he falls asleep at the desk. He deserves only good things, and I’d be honored to give them to him. 
Okay! If you made it to the end of this, congratulations! You don’t actually get anything, but boy oh boy you have a lot of information about ME now! Aren’t you delighted? Heh. So! You tag people for this stuff, and I’m gonna tag @lord-explosion-baku​, @bnhascribbles​, @perpetual-bed-head​, @russianonion​, @weebsinstash​, and last but certainly not least, @usernamekate94​. Tell me about Monoma, Kate. Tell me.
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whatsuppeople · 6 years
98 Questions
 tagged by @slowtofu​!!! ty sm!!!!
Gonna be under the cut since its lengthy .. . .
1. full name: Peach “Captain“ flowerhalo
2. nicknames: Cap for short, Cappy for medium!
3. birthday: July 3!
4. age: 18
5. zodiac star sign: cancer
6. moon sign: idk
7. ascendant: i swear you guys are just making this this up at this point omg
8. venus: ok the thing about these signs is that they expect u to know ur exact birth time which is weird and also i dont wanna ask my mom pfft
9. gender: female
10. pronouns: she/her (they/them is ok too)
11. sexuality: 🅱️isexual
12. myer-briggs type: i could never remember tbh
13. relationship status: unfortunately and unbelievably single but sometimes i like to pretend im married to my favorite fictional characters
14. best friend: oof ngl best friend asks make me sad bc idk who actually considers me as their best friend :’)))
15. religion: Hello Kitty is the only god
16. favorite color: purple and pink!
17. favorite music genre: im not picky i love alot of them
18. favorite band/artist: too many!
19. favorite song: too many!!! but fly me too the moon probably or some cute future funk song
20. favorite holiday: Thanksgiving tbh!!!! yum yum yum! Xmas is good too
21. favorite tv show: mMMMM like. actual shows or cartoons or
22. favorite youtuber: harshlycritical/john wolfe
23. favorite perfume/cologne: idk what its called but theres this one i like from rue 21 i think
24. favorite season: hhhhh idk 
25. favorite flower: aLL OF THEM UR BEAUTIFUL!!!!
26. favorite gemstone: i dont have one but i think theyre pretty!!
27. favorite roller coaster: ur funny 1 im scared of roller coasters 2 i dont go to amusement parks enough to even have a favorite 
28. favorite fruit: FRUIT IS SO GOOD i love alot of them. . .grapes, cherries, mangos, peaches, apples.. .  .
29. favorite vegetable: ngl. . . .corn
30. favorite icecream flavor: cookies and cream!
31. favorite candy: anything sweet
32. favorite restaurant: no one ever takes me out so 
33. favorite fast food restaurant: idk alot of fast food makes me sick
34. favorite starburst flavor: watermelone
35. favorite pizza topping: keep it plain babey!!!! but pepperoni and/or hamburger
36. favorite chip flavor: cheese tbh
37. favorite non-alcoholic beverage: tea probably! i also love soda
38. favorite alcoholic beverage: i dont drink bc im underaged
39. favorite video game: i love too many games but @ kender tboi is so good thats a good choice
40. favorite board game: not rlly a bored game but uno si good
41. favorite city: your funny
42. favorite dog breed: ALL DOGS ARE GOOD!!!!!!
43. favorite animal: mmm bats, dogs, cats, the list goes on
44. favorite number: uhhh
45. coffee or tea: tea!!! tea!! i love tea!!!
46. vanilla or chocolate: vanilla!
47. leather or denim: OOOF both r good on jackets 
48. short or long sleeves: short sleeves
49. patterned or plain: depends
50. floral or plaid: floral!!!!!
51. black or white: black liek any true goth
52. makeup or no makeup: none!! make up makes me feel ugly :( i like lipstick and lipgloss tho
53. tumblr or twitter: i used both but i use tumblr more
54. facebook or snapchat or instagram: all r bad but snapchat i guess
55. phone or tablet or computer: im currently on my laptop
56. liberal or conservative: why would i be conservative lol
57. sunrises or sunsets: BOTH R PRETTY,,,
58. are you vegetarian: tbh i love meat too much
59. are you vegan: no
60. are you allergic to anything: cheap lotions :( they immediately make me break out rlly badly 
61. are you polyamorous: mmmm i wanna say no but i might feel differently i were given the chance to be in one
62. have you been out of state: no :( we enevr go anywhere
63. have you been out of country: no
64. have you kissed a boy: no
65. have you kissed a girl: no
66. have you kissed an enby: im crying ive never kissed anyone 
67. have you broken a bone: god no
68. have you been to the emergency room: i think twice when i was a little kid, i dont remember it though
69. have you ever been high: no
70. have you ever been drunk: no
71. have you ever been in a band or choir: no
72. have you ever catfished someone: no
73. do you have any siblings: 1 sister
74. do you live with your parents: yeye
75. do you have more than 100 followers: yeah,,,
76. do you have more than 1,000 followers: :(
77. do you have more than 10,000 followers: :(
78. do you smoke weed: no
79. do you drink: 
80. do you have a job: 
81. do you own any musician/youtuber merch: im currently wearing a Pink Nirvanna shirt!!!!
82. do you have any internet friends: of course!!!!!!
83. do you play any instruments: no but i wish i did
84. where did you go/are you going to college: this small community college
85. college major: i wish i knew
86. names of all your group chats: KIRA KUIIN DAISAN NO BAKUDAN BAITSA DASUTO has my fav 2 nerds
87. tap the middle autofill button 10 times: im sorry but i would not do this tag game on mobile
88. what time zone do you live in: central i think!!!
89. your best friend’s sign:  hhh
90. your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th closest friends’ signs: (no particular order!!!) Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo x 2, Aries, Pisces x 2
91. your crush’s sign: hhhh i dont have a crush and even if i were to pick i feel like itd be obvious/awkward so 
92. your mom’s sign: Virgo!
93. your dad’s sign: Gemini!
94. your sibling(s)’ sign(s):  Aquarius!
95. your enemy’s sign: i dont have any enemy like if u think i have time to worry about them ur wrong!!!!! but its an aries lmao
96. your ex(s)’ sign(s): dont
97. an ex best friend’s sign: BITCHQUARIUS!
98. tag 5 people to participate: not tagging anyone but if u wanna do this consider urself tagged!!!
ngl i dont expect anyone to read this like. at all but if u did thank u! 🌹
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