#Idk she sounds different- idc tho I'm happy to see her!
lulughoul · 1 year
Head empty only her
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transparentheartz · 3 years
hello!! day 6 woo :D i just noticed how long our messages are and it makes me so happy awwww <3
hope you got your quizzes and other work done! i have 2/3 questions answered for a final paper which i'm surprisingly enjoying, it's on gender and queer theory which is soo interesting...
hopefully you'll make friends in your workplace tho! i met my best friend through work and she's literally one of my fav people so i hope you can find that!
omg i'm kinda scared of that bridge and intrigued!! i'm sorry to hear your anxiety makes being in cars with other people difficult, it must make long journeys so uncomfortable...
yeah i'm the same with my birthday, the only time i'll make a big deal out of it to my family bc it's all jokes yanno... i think my last 'party' was probably 14/15 too... i just have so many different friends and the idea of them all coming together makes me so anxious... too many conflicting ideals and personalities!!!
i mean you could still go out and not drink, even tho i know it's supposed to be a huge part of turning 21, just make sure you're comfortable!! i only really drink when i'm around people i'm comfortable with and even at that, i've never been pissed before. i hate the idea of losing control ahaha (just lil control freak me!!) yeah i do think alcohol tastes rotten tbh... i've a v sweet tooth so i tend to stuck with cocktails (hello pornstar martini) or just vodka and coke bc you can't really taste it! or there's this one cider that is soo sweet that i'll go for sometimes but don't force yourself to drink!
nameless nights was sooo good, it was one of the first ones i read! ahaha i can't imagining turning my irls into larries, my sister lectures me all the time about assuming L and H's sexuality (they're so loud, like idc they're not straight men!) and ugh. sounds like a dream!!
omg yay!! me too, although i haven't had time in soo long but i love reading, my fav genre is young adult, and within that i'll read fantasy contemporary dystopian, i'm not fussy! you read so fast wow!!! i love when you can escape with a good book! my fav atm is the daevabad trilogy by SA Chakraborty... absolute rollarcoster of emotions. an auto buy author for me is marie lu or beth o'leary!
enjoying talking to you so much!! have a great day <3
- your ss <3
hii! i know our messages are so long but i feel like i have so much more to say lol. honestly i love getting your messages, i always check to see if i have any new ones even though i know you only send one a day.
i finished all but one quiz, i still have a paper due in one class and three other papers due in another .. plus whatever is due this week so .. it’s gonna be rough especially bc i close every day this week for work.
which i’m currently writing this as i’m sitting outside my job for my shift to start. where do you work or what do you do? (don’t have to answer if not comfortable)
it can make long rides uncomfortable but really i sleep during super long rides. i have always loved sleeping in cars. when i was a baby i would fight sleep and cry and my mom would put me in the car and drive around the neighborhood and i’d fall asleep really easily lol.
it’s not just drinking either, i just genuinely don’t like being around big crowds or people i don’t know. and a bar or club will smell like alcohol and i hate the smell just as much as the taste. maybe i’ll try it idk. i mostly want to go to concerts for my bday.
i never talk about 1d or larrie with anyone irl. i’ve been a fan since 2011 and my best friend didn’t even know the extent to how much i love them and i’ve known her for like 7 years. idek how i turned her into a larrie, i think i mentioned it a few times cause something was happening in the fandom or something and then she went and did a deep dive of larry and now she’s obsessed and reads fics with me ! not only did i turn her into a larrie, i made her a bigger fan of 1d as a whole ;)
i like young adult , new adult and romance (cause like .. spicy scenes yk lol) i want to get into fantasy but it’s hard cause it’s just so much going into one book or series. i don’t have a auto buy author. before i buy books i have to read the first few chapters to see if i’ll like the writing style, characters, and stuff like that. i can never just see a book cover or read the synopsis and buy it off bat. if i see a cover or synopsis i like i’ll google it and read the preview of it.
questions for you :
do you have or want any pericings?
do you have any or want any pets?
do you like wearing makeup or going natural ?
hope you have/had a wonderful day :)
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