#Idk what to name her but I think I'm just gonna nickname her ace
fluffytimearts · 1 year
"Chill Butch"
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Clothing Idea credit to: @honestcactusblog (thanks!)
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brewing-radianite · 2 years
Numbers 3, 6, 8, 11, 18, 25 and 26 for Cynora... Noramir? You don't have to do them all if its too much. Thanks for the glorious food, by the way: this couple is criminally underrated... literally.
I wish you perfect ping and many an ace.
i love them so much... perhaps too much for someone who like. knows next to nothing about nora in hindsight. everything i love about her is practically headcanon LMAO riot is gonna shoot my daydreams down out of the sky at some point BUT UNTIL THEN i'm so so in love with her
3.) Most common argument?: they've known each other for so long and love each other and each other's habits so much they're p well accustomed to each other and mostly just play argue over small matters like nora stealing the blankets from amir at night in her sleep or amir leaving his study a bit of a mess that only nora can figure out how to clean and organize again
6.) What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?: Cypher most loves Nora's laugh and smile (and honestly? kind of everything about her 'cos idk i just imagine he's really so sweetly head-over-heels for her...) and Nora most loves his sense of humor and how affectionate he really is. He can be p elusive and mysterious to others but she gets to see the side of him that loves to be held close as they fall asleep every night and expresses all of their goodbyes in tender kisses
8.) Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?: I feel like they both call each other by their birth names (and some common pet names) but idk they're always spoken with so much love and genuine admiration it sounds different out of each other's mouths
11.) Who tops?: A little nsfw but I won't go too into detail here... I'll just say Nora and leave it at that but you can ask for elaboration on my nsfw alt if you'd like...
18.) Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?): This is not quite going to answer the question. but. Cypher actually cooks the most out of the two of them when they're physically together. But Nora is the one into leaving little notes and messages around the house or in his pockets or bag to find later on. Usually affectionate little compliments, or "I love you,"'s, or "I'm at your side, wherever you go," things like that.
25.) Who needs more assurance?: Changes between the two of them, imo, some days are just rougher for each other than others
26.) What would be their theme song?: this is going to sound Interesting. but. plastic love is my go-to song when i write them.
this mostly stems from my own headcanons from their youth, how they met, their relationship long before marriage and their daughter came into the picture... but i imagine them both having been very youthful yet misguided and relatively lonely people especially in their line of work, and for a long time, they only had each other to rely on. after all, trusting the wrong people in their business can literally get them killed. such trust issues also cause some wariness with commitment and long-term relationships, as theirs was turning into, but their love for one another is undeniable and they always find a way to be there for each other. i think the plastic love music video captures that feeling between two young adults really well. (city pop is also just a banger genre)
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xamaxenta · 3 years
have any pokemon au thoughts about the semi background characters in one piece? like what is bellemere up to and who are her pokemon? corazon? cavendish? perona (obvi ghost)? paulie? makino? all the different supernovas? idk, i'm just rambling now :)
Oh my god lets fucking go lets FUCKIN GO
Again under cut bc long
Bellemere, Nami and Nojiko’s mom is still an orchard owner and the Arlong Park thing still happened but Arlong was more of a character who wanted to forcefully take land to grow his gang influence, Bellemere’s orchards were some of the lands seized and Nami was forced to become a thief to buy back the land from Arlong and free her mother and sister from his clutches (and the rest of the town)
Bellemere has two Pokémon, Sunkern and Ivysaur
Nojiko has one Pokémon , vaporeon
Corazon unfortunately there’s not much else I can say for him but he died, I’m so sorry😭 I still want the whole Dressrosa arc but Pokémonified to happen and if Cora lived idk how else Law would want his overthrowing of Dofla thing, unless Corazon was imprisoned but idk how that would help - So… yeah Cora babe is unfortunate deceased, Doflamingo killed him
His pokemon was an Abra, which he passed onto Law after his passing now a Kadabra named after him “Corazon”
Cavendish and Barto are an unlikely pair that travel together, slightly older than the lucrew (17 years both) and Cavendish is Luffy’s self proclaimed rival except he’s not, that’s Coby 😂 and he always gets his ass beat by Luffy, Barto is just a Luffy fanboy and he has a scraggy named Luffy and they both fanboy for Luffy and his Scrafty
Bartos other pokemon aside from Scraggy is Toxicroak and Toxitricity
Cavendish has Shelmet, Mienshao and Ponyta
Perona is a dark and ghost enthusiast, she’s Zoro’s sister and loves tormenting him with her Sableye that… often just watches Zoro sleep and freak him out by laughing at him with it’s creepy fanged mouth, i actually forgot what Kumashi was gonna be so ill think of that later but her pokemon are Sableye and Mimikyu, she’s too young to leave the Mihawk castle for now but later is encouraged to either go on a journey or get a job 😂. Neither of which she wants to do
Makino the lovely lady from Windmill village, runs a popular home bar restaurant combo and has a full team of helpful critter pokemon to wait tables and help her around the house: Linoone, Keckleon, Bidoof
The next three are from Ace, Sabo and Luffy: shiny Butterfree from Luffy (hunted by Luffy for ages and given to Makino has a thank you for everything),
Growlithe from Ace (to protect Makino and all because she was at the time pregnant),
Goodra from Sabo who raised it from a Goomy and sent to Makino to help as a support Pokémon, Makino at this point had her baby and Goodra is a perfect nanny pokemon, Goodra has been nicknamed “Bobo” by her infant because of “uncle” Sabo (he’s not actually an uncle they just call him that to make him feel old)
Paulie’s just an honest shipwright and fisherman, he only has a Lapras as his Pokémon, one he saved from the flooded lagoons in water seven
Iceburg got a pichu and that’s it, just pichu and it’s very cute
Bonney - Ditto, Zorua and munchlax that invited itself along because she always has food haha
Hawkins - Exeggutor (grass/psychic its the closest to straw and tarot i can get), Reuniclus, Tangrowth
Drake - Tyrantrum, Aerodactyl, Craniados, Kabutops - yeah he’s a fossil maniac
Urouge - Braviary, Hawlucha, Machamp, Poliwrath
Bege - Stakataka (yes an ultrabeast he caught i wont elaborate because i have no clue how), Gigalith, Drednaw (i just think it fits)
Kid - Metagross, Aggron, Electivire
Killer - Scizor, Tyranitar, Excadrill
Apoo - Exploud, jigglypuff (listen i know) wobbuffet (dunno i think they would VIBE HARD together)
Luffy, Zoro, Law and Teach are not mentioned in the supernovas because first three I summarised last time and Teach is excluded because he’s an elite four member
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