#If Canon Eun has some sort of happiness then Jade Viper Eun is just gonna suffer. I don't make the rules here <3
eunique Β· 3 years
Developing the Jade Vipers AU #3
First two posts: #1, #2
Part 3, going into Eun's character and personality.
Will contain Genshin Impact spoilers for reference
Eun's personality is very different from the canon I wrote for her. Her personality is similar to the Tsaritsa's/Cryo Archon (Genshin Impact) personality.
While Eun's personality is similar to the Cryo Archon's personality, it isn't to the extreme of the Cryo Archon's. To quote the Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail, the narrator describes the Cryo Archon as "the Archon who lost all love for her people". This insinuates that the Cryo Archon once was a kind and gentle Archon but due to some series of events, she had to harden up and close herself off emotionally. Even Venti states that after the Archon war that the Cryo Archon changed drastically, leading to the end of Venti's friendship with the Cryo Archon.
So drawing from those aspects of the trailer and Venti's dialogue, Eun is far more emotionally closed off from everyone after working with the Jade Vipers for so many years. Refuses to open up and talk about her feelings throughout bf1 until late Ishgria arc, going into arc 3 is where she hints at her emotions more and is a little more open with herself but only to select people who she trusts. Tilith and Karl being those people while it takes more for Eun to warm up to the rest of the asshole brigade. However, she does very deeply care for her friends and her found family with the Jade Vipers but isn't vocal about it. She shows it more through small, subtle actions.
Eun doesn't meet her father at all. Even after she has been told that he is alive and back in Elgaia, she just doesn't have the heart to face him so she sends a letter to him telling him how she is, explaining what had happened over the years and wishing him well. It isn't until after bf1 that she sees him in person.
The friendship between Karl and Eun? Is more complicated. On the one hand, Eun does want to reconnect with Karl but is really holding herself back due to the fact she doesn't want to drag him down. Karl, on the other hand, wants to also reconnect with Eun and wants to help her but his offer is constantly turned down because again, Eun doesn't want to drag him down or get him involved which makes it very difficult for both sides to reconnect during the Ishgria arc.
By the end of bf1, Karl does convince Eun to seek professional help for her trauma and mental health issues and they do reconnect and rekindle the friendship. It just was awkward to start off to say the very least. By bf2, Eun is more comfortable expressing herself a little more but only with people she is comfortable with and still puts up a facade whenever she's in public.
Also doesn't help that they romantically like each other and they're both too scared to tell each other for each of their own personal reasons so they end up pining for years.
Do they do something about it? No. They do be mutually pining.
In general, Eun is very much depressed. Quite pessimistic, self-sabotaging towards herself and has the mindset of she has no chance of finding some sort of happiness so she'll help others find theirs instead. It also gets to the point where her secretary as well as the OG Viper members are trying to convince Eun to go find her own happiness. She doesn't express herself as much (also finds it hard to after having to remain stoic and appear unemotional for so long) and puts up a facade. While canon Eun does put up a facade sometimes, those who know her well enough are able to pick up subtle quirks to really tell how canon Eun is really feeling. However with Jade Viper Eun, she really puts up a facade and makes it incredibly hard for anyone to read her emotions.
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