#If I go outside without my eagle I'm immediately attacked by 15 - 20 raccoons. Sometimes a bear.
bonefall · 10 months
Random assorted thoughts apropos of very little;
I found out that Milkweed actually COULD be ecologically valid, but not the way you think. It's another name for Pretty Spurge, so called because it has a milky-white sap.
So I won't need to totally change Milkweed's name when I come around to her
Going to be trying to use orvet to refer to slowworms, a French term that makes a really nice warrior prefix (thanks @graphi-horse-time)
On the subject of the Ivypool super edition, if the awful place with "strange creatures" that the patrol visits ends up being a zoo, I will not stand for zoo slander. I highly doubt that The Erinzzz have targeted critique on the lack of inspectors to uphold the animal welfare guidelines of the Zoo Licensing Act of 1981.
Maybe they'll surprise me.
If not, I'll either change the setting entirely, or portray the welfare of 99% of the animals as superb except for the magic, talking things the Clan cats are trying to bust out.
I could easily make it not a zoo and just an animal center if I have to, a place that keeps domesticated animals. Just have like, James and Jane Smithton accidentally capture two demigods because they caught them rooting around in the bins lmao
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