#If they don't have Buck and Hen get day drunk together about this I'm gonna riot
callanee · 3 months
I'm not gonna lie, I still kinda feel shocked that we actually get to see Buck as a queer man on screen. I never thought we were actually gonna get that, just wistful thinking. We already had Hen and Karen (amazing) and Josh, and this isn't a - capital Q- Queer show, they're not gonna do that. I don't really know how to articulate this all the way yet, but it's a really good feeling.
ABC is treating us well, and I'm so excited to see what the writers and crew have planned for us.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Re your theory:
This was literally my first thought after watching it!! I also feel like they set up Bobby and Lucy working together and getting injured in the dispatch fire so it makes sense in my head
I'm so gad you're with me on this - I maintain that they've set up Lucy in such a way that killing her off is actually the most interesting thing they can do with her - it plays into so many storylines perfectly that is almost feels like a wasted opportunity to not kill he roff because lets think about this
I've gone on and on about her being a 'guiding light' for Buck - and she's been serving that purpose - the kiss was the guiding light to get him to a place where he needed to be to break up with Tay Kay, and then the choice to have that Buck-Lucy conversation in Dumb Luck (which just doesn't hit properly because she's supposed to be a seasoned firefighter so why would she need that advice after a lucky call?!) there is also the fact that they spent 5b showing us in the few scenes we got of them working together - that they don't make that great a team - highlighted by the fact that Buck and Eddie were back and even more in sync with each other in May Day. It also adds more significance to Buck saying 'I'm glad it wasn't you' in May day as well - because hello foreshadowing!!! add into this the Buck on a bike - chasing a car Chim is in - well that plays into this too - if Buck is spiralling and being a bit more daredevil - because Lucy has died - especially to try and save Chimney (his brother-in-law) well thats so interesting to me as a storyline - because the punch and the lack of talking about it makes more sense etc
Then there is the fact that they took the time to establish her as someone the firefam liked - Chimneys comment about Buck being the one who has to leave because 'we like Lucy' wasn't just about Bobby finding out about the kiss (although it was about that) - it showed that the rest of the fa have accepted her
then we have the Jonah stuff- having a scene where she talked to him 1:1 and then having her be there when he is arrested - she's probably gonna be trying harder to prove herself to everyone - to show she's not like him - which has the potential for her getting herself into danger (both off and on the job) the Jonah stuff also plays into Bobby, Chim and Hen's storylines -because there is still the fall out from Jonah with CHim and Hen lurking in the background
Eddie crossing himself is another factor - we've never seen him do that before with a patient - not even a child - but if its one of your own - he totally would - because it hits harder - its a reminder that the job is dangerous - and he's just returned to the front line after a break down in part about the dangers of the job and this is interesting because it plays into Eddie being there for Buck in a spiral - just think it might be the catalyst to get them to talk about the shooting (which they still haven' done lets not forget)
then there is the Bobby of it all - we've already seen he's close to breaking point - and what would send him over the edge - than if he loses a team member - and that fits with Athena calling for him in that trailer - something is going down with him being drunk or on drugs etc
I have more - but I'm a bit feral right now and a bit incoherent!!
All in all - Lucy dying is the only thing that makes sense to me!
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