#Inazuma Eleven Go: Kyūkyoku no Kizuna Gryphon
suushii-roll · 2 years
There has been something bugging me since I watched the Inazuma Eleven GO and Danball Senki W crossover movie:
The fact that Kinako Nanobana makes an appearance.
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No, I do not think that her involvement in the movie makes it bad or anything. She was one of the most helpful characters, trying to be a peacemaker for her friends.
The problem I have is more tied to the ACTUAL lore of the story, mainly the CS storyline. Why did she appear again after going back to her time? Why isnt anyone confused, despite no one in the stadium except a select few (Raimon, Shinsei Inazuma Japan, and possibly Inazuma Legend Japan as well) knew who she is? Speaking of which, spoiler warning for Inazuma Eleven GO: Chrono Stone and Inazuma Eleven GO v.s. Danball Senki W, as well as a few other Inazuma Eleven movies.
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Kinako Nanobana was first introduced in episode 18. At first, no one knew who she is except the other members of Raimon who were affected by the Time Paradox.
It was later revealed that her purpose of suddenly being in the Raimon team was to aid them in their journey stopping El Dorado from erasing soccer, and then help defeating Feida, preventing them from taking over the world.
The whole Chrono Stone story was caused by the war between Feida and El Dorado; a war that happened 200 years after the events of Inazuma Eleven GO. It was, however, foreshadowed by the movie Inazuma Eleven GO: Kyūkyoku no Kizuna Gryphon. At the end of the movie, Sengujji Daigo and Ishido Shuuji were talking about the possibility of Second Stage Children already existing. Ishido Shuuji also wore the Time Bracelet; a device given by Supporter X to him and Yuuichi, which prevents him from being affected by the Time Paradox.
Consideing that Fei was around the age of the Feida kids and the members of Raimon, then he should be 13-15 years old at the events of CS. Kinako seemed to be around her twenties when she gave birth to Fei, making her Fei's age 20-30 years before.
Being a teen around 20-30 years before Fei, still makes her timeline WAY to far from the Ina GO Raimon kids. Not to mention that she appears the same age as when they first met her.
Then why did she appear in the movie? Did everyone manage to still have contact after CS ended? Was there somehow a way for her to travel back in time, despite not being from 200 years away?
There are a lot of reasons of why she chose to appear, but I will only include 2 on this post.
Theory 1: Asurei Fei Left Kinako a Time Travelling Device
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Back in CS, we were given a scene where Kinako and Asurei first met. Asurei told her that he needed Kinako's help to look over Fei. We DIDN'T however, see any scene of them causing any Time Paradoxes or travelling to GO Raimon's time.
Since we have the whole 'we didn't get to see Kinako and Asurei time travel' thing, how they travelled and created a Time Paradox is up to our interpretation.
One of the ways they could have done it is by finding the timeline that the 5 Raimon kids who were not affected by Beta's mind control would jump to. We weren't really told how Time Paradoxes could be made (other than meddling with the timeline directly.)
Maybe Asurei gave the responsibility of changing the timeline to Kinako. Asurei's plan was to look over Fei; and by doing so have to help Feida as Supporter X. Maybe this plan REALLY requires him to stay away from his family, or it might spark some suspicion from Feida. So he either helped create the Time Paradox for Kinako or just sent Kinako to go to the past to change the timeline as she wants.
Theory 2: This Was All Caused By the Imbalance From Fran's Destruction
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A lot of sci-fi stories regarding time travelling or some sort of mass destruction in the timeline leads to the most major changes. So according to that, Fran's mission of erasing of the universe might have been the reason the timeline changed and put Kinako in Ina GO's time.
We all know how powerful Fran is; being able to travel to where and whenever in the universe, as well as remove and return anything she desires, as long as its in a natural state (for example: trees and grass in a barren field).
That being said, she didn't seem to delete everything AT ONCE. But we know that the universe likes balance, such as the instance where the false timeline Tsurugi Yuuichi and Endou Daisuke returns back to their original states after the Ina GO timeline goes back to normal. It seems that whatever Fran deletes, it opens to more possibilities in said universe; even so that it can open up to different ones. it would be a while before she can remove "violence" completely.
Speaking of the opening of any possibilities that can appear, Fran's deletion in process might have sent Kinako to live in Ina GO's time. Maybe even make her actually stay. But it will still contradict the fact that Fei seemingly still came from the future. So a more rational explanation is that Kinako might have resided for a while before going back to her timeline. Making her live and get known by people, before leaving again.
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vradmic · 6 years
For the ask away post! - 6, 38, 59, 63, 74, and 77
Thank you, anon~ 74 has been answered here though, so I will not be posting it again.
6 - rain or sun?Rain, honestly. Most of the time, the “rain” isn’t even enough to annoy and distract me from whatever it is that I am doing outside.
38 - best movie?Accel World - Infinite Burst… nonono, I’m just kidding XD my real answer would be between Pokémon 5: Heroes, Digimon Adventure: Our War Game, and Inazuma Eleven GO: Kyūkyoku no Kizuna Gryphon.
59 - Do you have a night/morning routine?I’m not really sure if it can be considered one, but because I have people I hold close to me in a variety of time zones, late at night and early in the morning are the most effective times for me to keep in touch with them? That leads us to…
63 - Are you a night owl or an early bird?Both. Not as much of a night owl anymore, admittedly, as I try to sleep before 1 am, but I still rise somewhat early at 5 in the morning.
77 - How was your day?My day is still not even halfway done, but it has been pretty good so far. Thank you :)
Ask away~
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vradmic · 7 years
1, 21, and 38 XD Nah, just kidding; let's go with 2, 18, 29, 58, 60 (since I won't be in 58, what are your thoughts and opinions on me?) - LZ
*sighs* Thanks, Zeph, for choosing the ones that I said I wouldn’t be doing XD
2 - what would you name your future kids?It’s, uh… still a bit early for that XD
18 - do you miss how things were a year ago?While I’m not going to lie and stop myself from saying that I miss chatting with pikaree1 on fanfiction.net and @dapokemonmadster like last year, I’ve also come a long way since… and, let’s be honest here: this time last year I wouldn’t know of franchises like Raildex, Love Live!, or BanG Dream! XD not to mention all the new friends that I’ve made since. So, overall… yes, I miss how things were a year ago, but I wouldn’t want to give up what I have right now.
29 - favorite films?Love Live! The School Idol Movie is currently in the top spot (look forward to it @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 ). Other films I enjoyed are, but not limited to, Pokémon Heroes, Digimon Our War Game, Inazuma Eleven GO: Kyūkyoku no Kizuna Gryphon, and Toaru Majutsu no Index: Endymion no Kiseki.
58 - description of my best friend?Well, since @undertaleotaku didn’t describe me… my best friend is someone who I’ve known for a very long time; I might even go as far as to say that I know them the longest with the exception of family. They are amazing, they are supportive, and they have carried me through one of the darkest, if not the darkest time of my life. I’m pretty sure we both know who I’m referring to, right?
60 - since I won’t be in 58, what are your thoughts and opinions on me?Aw, Zephy… you’re awesome and an amazing friend, and you’re able to lift the mood just by being there. You’re a bit on the reckless side, though (I can only use that pun so many times XD), but you clearly care deeply for those around you and I respect you and cherish the bond that we share.
You’re also an amazing beta, I’m not going to lie.
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vradmic · 7 years
11, 17, 22, 23, 30 - LZ
Thanks, Zeph~
11 - anime crossover that needs to happenBanG Dream or Love Live! with Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s. I can see it now… Idols on Motorcycles.
17 - favorite anime movieLove Live! The School Idol Movie, followed by Inazuma Eleven GO: Kyūkyoku no Kizuna Gryphon and Toaru Majutsu no Index: Endymion no Kiseki.
22 - if you could give one anime a spin-off which would it beToaru Kagaku no Railgun. Have a spin-off of a spin-off and focus on everybody’s favorite character from Toaru Kagaku no Railgun that is not the Railgun herself.Toaru Subarashi no Ruiko: the story of how Saten Ruiko became the amazing Saten Ruiko who we all know and love.
23 - best anime soundtrack Raildex without a shred of doubt. You can argue for franchises like RWBY, Love Live! or BanG Dream! to have really good soundtracks as well, but Raildex takes the cake in my opinion.And between the two… I hate to say it, but Index got REALLY good BGM, so… Railgun has better OP and ED without a doubt, but Index has better BGM.
30 - popular anime you didn’t likeI am going to get hell for this, but… Shingeki no Kyojin. I can see why it is popular, but I never managed to get myself into it.
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vradmic · 7 years
Inazuma Eleven Tag Game
@revivedandabandonedkids made an IE tag thingy a little while back, and while I wasn’t actually tagged myself… I’m a big fan of Inazuma Eleven, so why the heck not?
For anyone who stumbles upon this in the future and is not part of the IE fandom: this post contains spoilers for Inazuma Eleven, Inazuma Eleven GO, Inazuma Eleven GO: Chrono Stone, and Inazuma Eleven GO: Galaxy (though I tried to keep spoilers to a minimum, there may still be some here).
- Heya what’s your name: You can call me vradmic/vrad or Fal, I’ve gotten used to both. I rather not share my real name publicly.
- Favorite character: Fubuki Shirou and Kiyama Hiroto (original), Amemiya Taiyou and Hakuryuu (GO), and Matatagi Hayato (Galaxy). Naturally, I have more, but let’s keep the list short to avoid a list of five pages, shall we?
- Favorite arc: Aliea Academy
- OTP: None
- BroTP: If they’ve interacted in canon in a good way, then… that works for me.
- Any ships that everyone ships but you surprisingly don’t (please remember the little // in the ship names so it won’t show up in the tags): As should be obvious from what I said earlier; since I don’t actively ship any characters romantically with anyone in the Inazuma Eleven franchise, I could put any ship in here and it would, technically, count as long as people in the fandom ship them.
- Favorite hissatsu: Eternal Blizzard, Panther Blizzard, Gekirin Dunk, Tenkuu Otoshi, Maou no Ono, Tenchi Raimei, Thousand Arrow, Sunshine Force, God Hand X, and Asokoni UFO!
- What about combination hissatsu: Fire Tornado DD, Black Dawn, Extreme Rabbit, and Great Blaster
- Favorite Keishin: Seijuu Shining Dragon and Taiyou Shin Apollo
- Favorite Mixi-max (I bet you were expecting this): Hakuryuu and Taiyou with Shokatsu Koumei.
- Favorite Soul (you’re right I don’t have any excuses for this): Ookami, Hayabusa, and Pelion/Belion.
- Favorite forward (LOL THERE’S MORE): Hakuryuu and Matatagi Hayato
- Favorite mid-fielder (I know this is getting old okay): Kiyama Hiroto, Amemiya Taiyou, and Terumi Afuro
- Favorite defender (Almost done…): Fubuki Shirou followed by Tobitaka Seiya
- Favorite goalkeeper (Not my fault there are so many positions): Rococo Urupa and Ibuki Munemasa.
- Favorite manager/girl player (actually, all girls in general): Fran
- Favorite team: Zero and Faram Dite
- Favorite team uniform: Raimon GO’s 2nd uniform and Faram Dite 1st uniform
- Which movie is the best: Kyūkyoku no Kizuna Gryphon
- Prettiest character: No answer
- Most handsome: No answer
- Best hairstyle: Fudou Akio in GO without a doubt
- Do you think it takes more hairgel to style Tenma’s, Alpha’s, or Tobitaka’s hair: Tobitaka without a doubt
- Whose hair takes the most time to manage: Probably anyone with long hair (Terumi Afuro comes to mind)
- Who would you most want to see with their hair down (sorry for all the hair-relatedness): Hakuryuu or Kidou Yuuto
- That OP/ED that keeps replaying over and over again in your mind: Probably Maji Bomber or Mata Ne… no Kisetsu
- That character song that is way too catchy for its own good: Mai Agare! and Starline
- Raimon or Teikoku: original --> Teikoku, GO --> Raimon
- Ultimate Shining or Ancient Dark: Ultimate Shining (sorry, Shuu… US was harder to beat…)
- IE or IE GO: Overall, probably the original
- Taiyou or Taiyou (hint: The answer is Taiyou): Going to be fancy and say Taiyō instead
- Fubuki post-personality-disorder or merged: Former.
- Hang out with Rika or Touko: Touko seems a lot… calmer… I’ll go with her.
- Yank Tsurugi’s ponytail or Fei’s: Fei has a ponytail? I’m not sure if that counts as a ponytail, to be honest… Probably Fei because I can more easily convince him that “it’s joke!” or that it was a bet or something along those lines.
- Kageyama Tobio Reiji or Kuroiwa Ryuusei: Reiji
- Quick! Kiss Cliff Marry. Shindou, Kariya, Kinako: Kinako, Kariya, and Shindou respectively. I can give my reasonings if anyone wants to know.
- Which is more amazing, the fact that the ball doesn’t pop or the goal doesn’t get torn through: Considering the fact that the ball popped twice (Gouenji and Reize) and the goal only got torn once (Reize), I probably have to go with the latter; especially with techniques like Excalibur and Gradius Arch out there…
- Why don’t they ever get yellow/red cards?????: They did, though! There were cards given in both the Aliea Academy arc and the Chrono Stone arc. But to be fair… would you be brave enough to give yellow/red cards to teenagers who can set the ball aflame, make lightning strike down from the heavens above or even freeze the entire field solid? I rest my case…
- Eat a soda popsicle with Suzuno or plant a tulip with Nagumo: Suzuno’s cool, I’ll go with him.
- Be a forward with a defense technique or a defender with a shooting technique: Defender. Defender without a doubt.
- Who do you think Endou should really end up with: I’m going to trigger so many people here… Fuyuppe.
- Yes or No, Afuro Terumi: What’s the question? But, yeah, Afuro’s cool.
- Sacca yarouze?: Sure…
- Anything you wanna praise the series for: Character development and pacing was really well done. The BGM was also really good, and I feel like it’s an underappreciated aspect of the franchise.
- Anything you wanna complain about the series (don’t worry we all know it’s not real hate here): Hm… there were some characters that I didn’t feel “deserved” to appear again in later episodes. Chou Jigen Dream Match is another thing that I didn’t fully agree with (the lineups, at the very least…). I also wonder how living creatures that shouldn’t be able to speak Japanese are able to speak Japanese, and how soccer determines literally everything. Finally, why didn’t they look for non-Japanese players and/or older players for Galaxy? It is heavily hinted that Souls are something owned by a species, so it shouldn’t be unthinkable for non-Japanese players to also have a Soul.
- Got any IE merch (yes I’m offering you bragging rights): Meh… all I got are the Striker games (with the exception of the first one) and the character song albums.
- What do you think about Ares no Tenbin: It has a lot to do to make a name for itself in my eyes, that’s for sure. At the same time, I’m intrigued by the idea that is Ares no Tenbin.
- 3 things you love about the IE fandom: They’re still active even after the almost three-year hiatus since Chou Jigen went up, the fanart is awesome, and they haven’t killed anyone yet are still going strong despite how unknown IE as a franchise is (relative to the size of the franchise as a whole).
- 1 thing you would like to say to the IE community (fandom,producers,etc.): Please make Ares no Tenbin live up to the hype that it is receiving!
- What do you think about the creator of this whole post (I know. I’m lame. I’m sorry.): Nothing specific; I am not active in the IE fandom so I barely know anybody here (the creator of this post included).
I… am not going to be tagging anyone as everybody I know who is a fan of IE has already done this or doesn’t have an account here…
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