#Is he a *little* OOC? I mean I KNOW he's basically dressed like Ben. But I like the idea of Krennic in a black suit just once
smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Flatliner - Orson Krennic x Reader (Rogue One)
@mandy23b​ @happyskywhale​ @wltz-bby​ #mendotagsquad
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Director Krennic + 43 - “I feel like I can’t breathe.” Requested by @purebloodwitch​
Author’s Note: I know you have a real thing for Drama, and I included drama! But I also used the sentence three times and there’s some slight subverted expectations here 😉😉
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the fact I wrote the words (seriously does anyone actually read all this blurb??)
Premise: Back on Lexrul from Geonosis and on his first evening out with you in months, Krennic reflects on the first time he spoke those three little words...
Words: 2305
Warnings: Small swears / subtle sexual connotations
--- Smile beatin' my chest up, you're downright dangerous
Dang, girl, I'm done, I ain't never seen no one Poppin' it like a cold one and drop it down like uh huh Oh my, see the light, I don't mean the neon kind One kiss from you tonight will send me on to the other side Sippin' on this 7-7, never been this close to heaven Got her pretty turned up to 11 Droppin' 'em dead on the dance floor Somebody better call a doctor She's a little heart stopper I'm talkin' breaker breaker one niner She's a flatliner
I remember what you wore on the first day You came into my life and I thought Hey, you know, this could be something 'Cause everything you do and words you say You know that it all takes my breath away And now I'm left with nothing I remember every look upon your face The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste You make it hard for breathing But there's so much time to figure out the rest of my life And you've already got me coming undone And I'm thinking, ooh, I can't live without you 'Cause, baby, two is better than one There's so much time to figure out the rest of my life But I figured out when all is said and done Two is better than one Two is better than one
You swept through the crowd like they were nothing, as if you owned the place. In your favourite dress, you sure as hell felt like you did; paired perfectly with your accessories and heels, the night was bound to be yours. You were not of the Empire, but your companion to be was - which was why you were allowed here. Your planet was at least correctly aligned, but small and insignificant - you’d never felt the need to join their ranks; you had a habit of turning heads and getting what you wanted. That wasn’t to say that getting involved with a military man hadn’t led you to a few bad scrapes - and Krennic insisted that you train to the best of your ability to hold your own, less you look like you were following him around like a lost puppy. Which, you would add, you definitely weren’t.
Tonight Orson was fashionably late, of course. Trust him to need to make an entrance. You weren’t anxious about him not being here, but you were keen to see him. He’d been spending a lot of time on Geonosis recently, which had kept him out of your arms. But Krennic was back, and you’d heard whispers already that he was looking confident and better than ever - you hoped that was true. This project was very important to him. He hadn’t been able to disclose much of it to you, but you were aware of its significance.
You continued to edge towards the entrance staircase and suddenly you heard it. The excited murmur running through the crowd made your heart skip. Why so excited? Why so popular? That was what happened on Lexrul these days. To keep you away from Empire hot spots, Krennic would bring you to his home world when he wasn’t able to be with you. Too aware of what they may do to you without him around. Krennic’s popularity here only continued to grow as he did more and more great work. Naturally that made you proud to be with him. Lexrul was very industrial, but reminded you of Coruscant. Most of the planet was city scape or heavy industrial area. You liked the city though, having grown up on a planet nearly bereft of them. Certainly bereft of them after the Empire had flown in to “rescue” you from the rebels.
The train of thought left your mind as quick as the air left the room. Krennic produced a similar reaction from everyone in the hall as he stepped out onto the landing - but you didn’t care about them. His smart blue eyes surveyed the room with a smile and a small nod, stopping the applause before they began (such was the admiration of Lexrul for its favourite son) before he searched for you, awaiting his arrival at the bottom of the steps. His smile grew wider until he was grinning, and Orson made his was down the set of stairs. He was in a dark suit, classic - but nearly out of place when you were used to seeing him in bright white. Every so often red and blue streams flashed across his left breast pocket to denote the rank bar that wasn’t there. And as he took your hand so that you may take his arm you noticed that he was wearing a signet ring twisted in all your favourite colours. “Darling, may my first words of the evening be to compliment how fine you look, and also to apologise for being called away for so long...” Krennic took your other hand in his. “How have you been?”
You opened your mouth to answer but realised that he had not only stolen your heart, but your breath too. Meaning when you finally spoke, you had no intention of answering his question: “I feel like I can’t breathe!” He was stunning; this evening very nearly flawless. Exactly the kind of compliment Krennic would enjoy hearing uttered by you. Right now, you could barely even think such a thing. His eyes flicked from yours but you could already see the forming of his smirk as Orson admired you once more; “Why, is the dress too tight?! Because I kinda like it.” It was a tease, because he would do anything to coax the real answer out of you. You swallowed hard, and were able to take a deep breath, finally. “No, because I think the most flawless man I’ve ever seen just walked through the door.” “Aaahhhh-!” Now he was definitely smirking, “Why thank you, my darling. But if it is the dress, I don’t mind relieving you of it...” His eyes flashed, and there it was; no doubt it would likely happen. “No. Just-” You could feel how fast your heart was going too, but couldn’t calm yourself quite yet. Krennic was likely having the same reaction to you; but he was just better at covering his tracks. “Just let me catch my breath.” He chuckled, “Oh, I’m not all that sure I want to!”
But it was the way that you said it that had him transported back to the first time he’d ever told you that he loved you. It was the sentence itself; previously in a much more dramatic context. His heart leapt - but not in any way that was good - and he had to calm it, squeezing your hand a little tighter. You were here right now, and you were safe. Safer still on this planet than you’d be on any other; Lexrul didn’t attract the attention of the war. Even when the industry was strategically important. Orson counted it as a blessing, he didn’t need any mess ups again. ** It hadn’t been something he expected. One could never expect to be almost assassinated. Krennic was careful, but apparently even when he thought he had all bases covered things didn’t always go according to plan. In hindsight bringing you along with him was a stupid idea. But you wanted to see what he was planning – and essentially, Krennic at his very best – and you’d pleaded with him so hard that eventually he had caved. The newest rule on his roster when travelling to any other planet was ‘no walking through open spaces – even when all the roof tops were supposed to be covered’. That was on you. You’d been a little quicker to react to it than he had; but a blaster bolt moved fast and knocking him aside had only caused you to take the full force of it yourself. Looking at you now he could hardly tell, besides a faint mark, although maybe Orson could only see it because he’d worried over it so much. You might have saved his life – but the fact you were hurt was all his fault. Luckily you hadn’t been the only one with him, and his Death Troopers had you both covered and the situation under control – by that point it hardly mattered. It wasn’t a clean blaster shot either. “SHIT! Y/N!” He dropped to his knees beside you, “It’s okay, It’s going to be okay…” Orson didn’t panic, at least not externally. He didn’t know if it really was going to be okay looking at the wound, what he did know is your group weren’t so far from his cruiser and if they were quick, he could get you to medical. Removing his uniform jacket, he folded it up to put pressure on the wound. That only made you cry out. “I know! I’m sorry, just hold on!” Krennic turned immediately back to his troopers and unholstered his blaster; “I want this square under control! Bring the cruiser back! We can’t move from this position pinned down like this---!” His commanding voice certainly sounded more distressed when he raised it, and Orson almost wished he’d voiced nothing at all. Annoyingly he could hardly get involved when he was trying to stem the flow of blood from you. When his cruiser did arrive to gain you all vital cover and protection it was probably minutes, but with your life essentially in his hands, to Krennic it felt like hours. And it was worse when he knew it had very limited medical supplies. Thank god his troopers were better at this than he. Krennic tried to ignore your laboured breathing as they set to work as best they could, but it was hard. “Come on Y/N. Hold on… please, hold on…” Yet he’d never forget you grasping for his hands, breaths almost choking; “O-Orson… I feel like I can’t... breathe...” He swallowed hard, hand delicately framing your face for a moment, using all the control he had to make sure his voice was calm; “Don’t be so dramatic-! It’ll be fine.” And it was. But he certainly didn’t know that then. Especially when your breaths got shorter and you began to feel cold. All Krennic could do was hate that he couldn’t do anything. “Hey-! No! NO! Y/N! Y/N! Darling stay with me… Stay with me!” Your lapse in consciousness wasn’t something he could take, and Orson held you that little bit tighter, “I love you. I love you, you’re going to get through this! You have to!” It was the first time he’d ever said it and he knew that. But there was nothing like the fear of losing you to make sure he did. Because if Krennic did lose you, you had to know. He wasn’t letting you die and leaving that unsaid. Krennic had his own flare for drama though, and when two weeks later you stepped out of the medical wing nearly good as new, he’d been standing waiting. You’d been enveloped in the most bone crushing hug you’d ever had and were laughing; “Okay! Now I really can’t breathe! Stop!” “I’m just glad you’re okay. If something had happened-” He loosened his grip, “You, you had me worried there.” You couldn’t help your sweet smile; “I know. And I love you too.” His eyes instantly flew wide, “You heard me.” He said it with quiet fascination, and you nodded before leaning forward to kiss him. This time when he wrapped you in his arms, Krennic was gentler, which you appreciated. “Can I take you home? Or… just somewhere, a little safer than with me?” You chuckled, not sure if he was serious; “You’re kidding right? After what happened I think the safest place is with you right now.” You bit your lips together bashfully, “And, I’d like to stay, Director.” Orson would never admit that he wanted you to say it, of course, so he just smiled (although it was more of a smirk, that was given.) “Then stay you shall.”
*** By this time the party was becoming a little too much for both of you, and you found yourselves outside on a quiet balcony. Whereas on Coruscant you might find yourself staring at a magnificent high-rise skyline, Sativran City, Lexrul, wasn’t anything like that. It had its skyscrapers, but the majority was spaced out, smaller blocks. To you it offered a nice change - to be able to actually see the stars from here. Tonight there were thousands of them, each one beautiful. Krennic wasn’t admiring them though – more, you watching them with fascination. His smile might have been absentminded, but the gushing over you he wanted to do in his head certainly wasn’t. Your eyes were drawn to the moon, and you leant on your hands for a moment – so pale and mysterious up there. And Lexrul only had one – as your planet did – so similar but so different. Tonight it was very nearly full, and looked beautiful – lights from the city and from afar throwing a purple-blue tint across her face. It only made you smile more. Krennic chuckled, which made you turn to him; “What?” “You.” “No, come on what are you thinking?” “You wouldn’t want to know that.” You couldn’t help the little smile, eyes narrowed playfully, “You sure?” “Mmm.” He nodded, “I mean I have a lot to think about so, it’s welcoming to think of something else…” Orson reached out, caressing your cheek, before running his hand down to your shoulder and over your back, you hummed softly at the tenderness of his motion. You question, however, was not to press him for more detail. “What’s it like?” “What’s… what like?” He tilted his head, puzzled. “The project, what does it look like? What’s it going to be?” Krennic chuckled again, and nodded up at the moon; “Might look a bit like that eventually. I suppose. It’s really just a skeleton framework right now.” “It’s spherical?!” “Mhm.” But upon your mouth opening to ask more, “I’ve told you too much already!” You leant back and shook your head gently, “So full of mysteries…” “That my job, sweetheart.” And Krennic wasn’t wrong, he was an intelligence operative too. “And you do it most excellently…” You smiled again looking back to the stars, “…I know it’ll all work out. They all believe in you here. And I believe in you.” You knew his big dreams. What he wanted out of this most of all; “The Emperor will surely recognise all your efforts.” Krennic’s face tugged into a smirk, and his heart couldn’t help but swell a little at that, but he said nothing more, instead he slid his hand across the railing to yours. The stars reflecting in your eyes disappeared once more as you turned back to your Director, unable to deny the pull to him. Afterall, when he was looking at you like that, how could you? You entwined your fingers with his, leaning to touch your forehead to his, inviting him in for the kiss you knew he craved. Krennic knew one thing – he couldn’t do it without you.
13/16 - 🎶 and there ain’t no stopping us now! 🎶
Thank you so much for reading!
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