#Is that because China 'always gets bullied and pushed around' (it doesn't help that their government is a bully too)
alchemistdetective · 8 months
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((Hoyo really put the concerns of some of the elders in Modern Day China here, good gosh
A bit of China talk under the tags))
#OOC#Basically to summarize one of the concerns in China#One of China's sentiment is that their government kept insisting that other countries ESPECIALLY the US loves picking on China#And China would someday be strong enough to 'beat' the US and take over as the world's superpower#All this talk while the rich China politicians send their kids over to the US to study because of China's education system and all that#What Sushang is saying is similar to the concerns of traditional Chinese people in modern era#Is that because China 'always gets bullied and pushed around' (it doesn't help that their government is a bully too)#The kids are leaning more towards other foreign cultures such as the US while not having much of China's tradition and heritage#Basically it became a 'Westernization' of China where the West started to influence China and those who are proud of their home are worried#It doesn't help that the Chinese elders still remember the Nanjing Massacre back at the VERY old days when Imperial Japan was around#So not only are the nationalists seeing their kids be influenced by Western media and stuff#They also don't respect tradition and culture that much either and it doesn't help that politicians are sending their child overseas#instead of working on their own education system#For those who are aware of the famous Japanese song: Senbonzakura it's very similar#I think I pretty much ranted enough but yeah#tl;dr: Sushang's words are pretty much one of the biggest concerns of Modern-day China among people who love their nation
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