#It could be that the original MC got influenced by our current MC maybe?
psychewritesbs · 2 years
i love your blog and if i were to start reading clamp stuff, where do you think would be a good place to start? i'm still pretty new to anime/manga :)
HOLA! Thanks for the comment 😁♥️. 
Oh I did not know you were new to anime/manga. How cool is that?! Welcome to the party :)
Ok so... CLAMP has a very extensive library of works and I’ve only read/seen about 6-7 of them. 
After stalking your profile and much deliberation, I can think of two series you might like... though I could be wrong.
More below the cut because we all know I vomit words like a boss...
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First, I feel like you can’t go wrong with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. Tsubasa is technically “Shonen” (JJK is Shonen) so it uses Shonen tropes while also subverting them (just the way JJK subverts tropes). I feel like it’s a very “beginner” friendly manga with amazing writing. 
Magic, mystery, adventure, comedy, romance (both hetero- and homosexual pairings--CLAMP has been defying heteronormativity since the early 1990s), and of course, CLAMP’s signature tragedy (they will cut you! do not be fooled by that fluffy beginning to the story), is some of what you’ll find in Tsubasa.
At the same time, CLAMP got way too ambitious with the plot and you might be left scratching your head after you finish. Don’t worry, CLAMP fandom is still scratching their heads too!
I’m currently re-reading Tsubasa and finally managed to suck my Frenchie Londoner into reading it too so I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts if you decide to give it a shot :)
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The other recommendation I would make is x/1999. 
Just be warned that CLAMP never finished this manga because during publication, incidents started happening in Japan that felt apocalyptic. In a nutshell, x is about the battle for the fate of the world, the apocalypse, hinging on the shoulders of a teenager, Kamui. And so throughout the story, Tokyo is progressively destroyed. To the MCs in x, they’re the ones fighting the battles, but to the population of Tokyo, the city is destroyed by mysterious incidents. 
Think of how JJK is about how negative emotions can take shape in our physical world as curses/monsters. If this is how Japanese people perceive their reality, they probably thought CLAMP was “channeling” or influencing the current events in Tokyo through the reader’s focused attention (at least this is my theory). That or it felt too real. So CLAMP decided to drop the manga as things were starting to escalate in the plot.
x/1999 has been in hiatus for what... 15+ years? 
That said. x is darker and heavier than Tsubasa. It has a much larger cast so it is not as intimate as their other work. Compared to Tsubasa, x is considered “Shoujo” (genre typically read by women), but again, CLAMP subverts tropes.
With x be prepared for psychic battles (a la JJK but without the martial arts), mystery, Judeo-Christian symbolism, and lots of rolling heads and dismembered bodies... like, “take a shot for every rolling head” and you will end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. ok maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit.
If you decide to read the x manga, I recommend watching the anime afterwards since the anime presents one of the potential endings that CLAMP could have gone with. 
I understand the OVA presents yet another ending but the OVA won’t make sense unless you’ve read the manga.
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BONUS: Tokyo Babylon
Yes, of course. Can’t not recommend TB. TB has its origins in the early 1990s so the art style is pretty dated and I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. 
If after reading Tsubasa and/or x you decide you want to learn more about Subaru and Seishiro, then putting up with the shitty scans available online is 300% worth it.  
TB is one of CLAMPs first manga and it shows in their writing style compared to their later work. It is also the sort of prequel to x.
In a nutshell, TB is the story about the green-eyed, black-haired, reluctant head of a clan of extremely powerful sorcerers, who happens to have massive impostor syndrome despite how naturally talented he is (I am actually not writing about JJK’s Megumi here), Sumeragi Subaru.
The story explores lots of themes through the “monster of the week” format like aging parents becoming a burden to society, how Japanese society perceives foreigners (gaijins), or the effect that victim-shaming has on the victim, just to name a few. In a nutshell, it is a very human story about humans going through life--and that includes our MCs, Subaru and Seishiro.
In a sense, TB is also an exploration of their characters and how their respective personalities and human nature are the very source of their tragedy. 
There is not a lot of fluff here, just a deep exploration of human nature and that makes TB one of my absolute favorite manga.
Hope this helps 💪🏼! I am defo looking forward to your thoughts 🤩!!!
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bi-outta-cordonia · 5 years
I wish I could say that I’m intoxicated right now but I’m super not. Also take into consideration that most of this rambling is heavily predicated on people’s TRR MCs being married to Liam.
Anyway, theory time:
It’s been long explained that TRM is vessel that connects TCaTF and TRR/TRH and the historical aspects that influence aspects of both stories. Cordonia’s origins as a nation starts with the unification of the Five Kingdoms and the current history of Cordonia is set by the events of the 1600s that make up the crux of TRM’s story. It’s very likely that the book we are playing is the book that explains Liam’s immediate family history and is traced to our MC, who is probably going to end up Queen of Cordonia. With that being said, there’s a likely chance that Liam is going to be blood related to the MC of the book.
This is important. 
So... Today....
The chapter of TRM opens with MC screaming while a burning tent collapses on top of her. She has that narrative moment of closing her eyes, opening them--and realizing that she hasn’t been hurt. A sort of magical barrier thinly surrounds her, thwarting the blaze and keeping her from becoming harmed. Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time that some odd power of sorts has protected her. While she was climbing the ladder to get onto Hunter’s yacht, the wind catches and she winds up clinging to it for life. By all accounts, she should have died or been hurt on two separate occasions, but she winds up walking away from both situations unharmed. 
We’ve seen the magical connection between TRM and TCaTF. While the magic of TCaTF was far more open and involved in the day to day aspects of life, within the Cordonia of 1600, only nobles posses magical items that emit obscure and very niched magical properties--such as a comb that gives a person perfect hair, cleans stains from dresses, or forges the perfect outfit from thin air. These house charms seem more like novelties of status than of anything particularly useful in a manner exceeding practical use. It’s a status symbol.
It’s been said on numerous occasion that the incredible magic of the Five Kingdoms era has been lost, both in the most modern version of Cordonia and in the version set in the 1600s. And yet...
TRM MC is capable of some form of magic. On two occasions, she has been imbued with a power that has specifically protected her from harm. Two occasions she has been faced with circumstances that should’ve killed her and twice, this form of hard magic has surged up and protected her from said harm. Now, the theory that TRM MC is actually Queen Kendra’s blood daughter is still up in the air for me until we start seeing some actual hard proof, but let’s jut focus on the fact that TRM MC is capable of a form of magic that keeps her from being harmed. 
Liam. He’s a Crown Prince--the Crown Prince of Cordonia. 
Throughout much of Liam’s life, danger has always lurked right around the corner. Assassination attempts were a part of his childhood enough to the point that he was specifically trained to protect himself in situations where someone was trying to make an attempt on his life. As the prince, he had the King’s Guard and, as the King of Cordonia, he has them and the years he’s spent training in various disciplines, self-defense tactics, and weapons training to keep him safe. Danger has very much fallen unto Liam in various situations. 
So here’s the part of this where the rambling starts making sense as I, completely sober, say this with my chest--
There is still magic in Cordonia.
And Liam possesses some of it. 
TCaTF depicts Cordonia before it became Cordonia, when it was the Five Kingdoms and Queen Kenna united it. TRM depicts Cordonia in a more modern time frame that eventually gives birth to the version of Cordonia we know in the modern day. Assuming that the TRM MC is possibly the birth daughter of Queen Kendra, or somehow related to Kenna nonetheless, and assuming that the MC of this book is one of Liam’s blood related ancestors, I believe that this magical power that she possesses may have been passed on to him through the blood and he now possesses a very latent and subtle version of this power. 
My evidence: literally look at the trajectory of Liam’s life. 
At some point in his younger years, an assassination attempt was made on him and his family by way of the Nevrakises. They, along with their allies, attempted to stage a coup and eliminate the royal family so that they could inherit control of Cordonia through the ancient law that existed between their house and the house of the Crown. Their attempt failed, the assumption being that the King’s Guard and Constantine’s vigilance may well have kept the family from facing any further harm. The coup was dismantled, the Duke and Duchess of Lythikos were executed, and Liam went on living alongside his family. 
Later, another assassination attempt was made on Liam’s life when he was in either his late teens or early twenties. He survived this attempt as well though it left him shaken. So far, this is twice that he’s been attacked. 
The next time that an attempt is made on Liam’s life is during the Homecoming Ball when he’s introducing his nation to his future queen. The lights cut, when they cut back on, assassins with weapons ranging from guns to knives have overrun the ballroom and Liam has to defend himself while his guard scrambles to get him to safety. 
See. Guns. The Sons Earth possess weapons that can harm people from long ranges. Ignoring the fact that PB didn’t want to deal with widespread murder and whatnot, say that the attackers were in fact shooting at Liam. How could they miss that many shots at a man who was locked in once place while his guards fought to get to him? How could he dodge that many bullets coming at him? 
Maybe. Just maybe. He didn’t have to. 
Because his blood is the blood of TRM MC, the potential blood of Queen Kendra, and the blood of Queen Kenna even further back. A subtle buzz of the magic could be passed off as nothing more than adrenaline and the build up of energy as he fights. But maybe some of the attackers were dumbfounded at how none of their bullets touched him. Maybe some of them traded strange looks as they realized that shots that should’ve definitely connected and killed him were straight missing him.
Liam is ushered into safety eventually as the King’s Guard reaches him and he lives to rule another day. 
The second time he is put in immediate danger happens during the Costume Ball. Liam is standing in the ballroom conversing with his father, brother, and his fiancé. Things seem to be fine until a serious of explosions rock the palace and sends patrons screaming. Another bomb goes off, sending chunks of the building hurtling towards him. By all accounts, he would’ve been crushed under the debris. 
But he gets shoved to the side. And the debris instead falls on top of Constantine. 
Constantine has not always been a good husband, father, or king, but what he was was devoted to his family. We read the scene as a father devoted to protecting his child, which it was. If there was any moment that Constantine would’ve seen the only choices as being saving Liam over saving himself, he would’ve chosen saving Liam very easily. But what if...
What if part of Liam’s shield works like a geas. Magic still exists in some form in Cordonia but with the passage of time, it has weakened considerably. It would’ve been in its strongest form during Kenna’s reign, held left overs in regards to what remained during the 1600s, but in its modern iteration it has adapted to the lack of either energy or other magic it can pull from. Perhaps this shield adapted other qualities, such as a geas to help it perform its duty to the blood it courses through. 
In that it provides very distinct, subliminal message that may compel people and have them assist in the performance of his duties. Perhaps the shield is strong enough to protect it from smaller versions of harm, manipulate outcomes so that certain death inducing events do not happen. And maybe, it can also compel people to provide assistance in ways that it is not powerful enough to do so--such as a pillar or large piece of debris hurtling towards him. 
That perhaps the shield did in fact protect Liam and did so using his father as a vessel to achieve this. 
The next time that Liam is explicitly attacked is when he goes to retrieve his wife, who has been kidnapped by Anton. The ensuing fight has him outnumbered and outgunned. He walks away from it with hardly a scratch on him, both a testament to his fighting prowess but also possibly the work of the shield. 
We see how it works in the physical sense and in ways that are far more psychological in nature, such as through the work of geas. 
So let’s throw another dart at the board-- MC got into a car accident as a fully pregnant woman. 
Remember that homage to the tragic death of Princess Diana? The fact that the car was run off the road and MC, who by all accounts could’ve been seriously injured or could’ve been forced to deliver her child early walked away with only but a few scratches?
Well. If that child is Liam’s...
Perhaps the fact that MC walked away completely unharmed had less to do with Bastien and more to do with the child. As Liam’s blood, potentially the blood related descendant of TRM MC who possesses the shield, TRM MC potentially being Kendra’s actual daughter, and Kendra herself being Kenna’s descendant, perhaps the magic inside the child has passed from father to baby and they too are capable of invoking the shield at such an early age. 
Magic existing in subtle aspects of modern Cordonia is a possibility and, theoretically, Liam could have it but it works in a way that it has been forced to adapt to as a result of magic diminishing over time. Perhaps it isn’t as prominent as it was in Kenna’s day, or as it does with TRM MC, but it is there. It is more subtle than at the height of its true power but just enough that it provides enough protection to its host as it sees fit. 
Anyway, it’s gonna be funny when TRM MC is revealed to not be related to Kenna or Kendra at all and I look foolish for this lol
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advernia · 5 years
fic: god is a five minute hymn
— He may not hear her but he can, and there lies the glaring difference. - the king of hearts & alice the second.
1: this fic really has religious themes, but nothing too complex or detailed. still, i recommend treading lightly, i'd hate to step on some toes ( •́ ⍨ •̀) 2: apparently it's lancelot's week?! coincidentally, this actually fits for two of the listed themes noice (6/faith & 7/only human), so i respectfully tag @ikerev-appreciation.
It's barely been a week since he's held her 'captive', and the one thing he's certain about her is that she has the tendency to sing in the privacy of her quarters; when the four corners of the room are as obscure as the night and the only sliver of lighting present is the faint trickle of moonlight passing through the windows and filtered by the curtains.
She's a fool if she thinks that no one hears the peculiarity of the language she sings, with somber verses begging or seeking things such as repentance, forgiveness, guidance, mercy; then shifting or mixing with lines that speak of glorification, amazement, or graciousness to the various names he's never come across or heard of in his life - he hears her, even through the walls and the door that separates their rooms, and what first struck him as the pitiful yet understandable action of someone coping with their sorrows through song turns to a developing interest on why she sings like she does; eccentric lyrics given lives with indefinite meanings through a woman's voice not quite broken, yet also not as venerating as the words make her to out be.
... Had she gone mad, or were such songs and unusual singing considered normal in the Land of Reason? 
                                There were days that her melodies were replaced by something he'd describe as chanting because the only form of noise he can pick up in the silence of the night was incomprehensible mumbling - it's either her voice was truly too soft for him to hear, or she was speaking far too fast that the only words that he could decipher were Our Father and amen. What those words even mean he'd ask her someday or maybe he won't; he's not that particularly curious about it.
Nothing else follows after that, so he presumes she's gone to bed.
On those days, seated on the floor and back leaning against the door of their connected rooms, he lets out a breathless sigh.
It would've been better if she sung instead.
                                With the aid of a little magic he's able to listen to her crooning as he works from his desk, and tonight her lyrics were something about grace leading her home. A song perhaps related to her current situation with a soothing melody that even Shine seemed to appreciate, seeing as the lion lay curled up by the linked door, a side of his face and an ear pressed against the wood. 
The song doesn't mention a name - any name - but he's heard enough of her songs for him to know that she's singing to someone.
And for the briefest of moments, a thought crosses his mind:
- how fortunate of that person to have someone like her; tirelessly reaching her voice out to him.
                                He doesn't exist here, does He?
He gives her a blank look so she continues; knees still on the floor, words solemn, hands clasped under her chin.
God, I mean.
Ah, one of those names.
I don't know who you speak of.
Her eyes widen for a bit then she starts blinking, shying away from his gaze and nodding slowly, next words turning to murmurs.
... Yes, I suppose... that's right. You really wouldn't know.
You seem to like - no, adore that person to quite an extent that you mention him in your songs so often.
She snaps her head back to gape at him - never mind the reason why her cheeks were starting to color, he had more pressing questions.
Why do you do what you do for that person? Each night, without fail, you mumble words centered about him or you sing for his sake. Was he someone in the Land of Reason who influenced your life deeply?
There's a touch of curiosity in his voice that makes her go silent, memory running over a query so genuine that it emulates the calls of young children; ridiculously inquisitive but yet so honest with how they expressed their wonders. The tones of preened adults around them, noses held too high and eyes far too narrow. A thick book, a figure on a cross. Queries continued to pile up and the masses gradually started turning their heads away, but still -
- the children continued to sing.
... We've been told that He's incredibly kind.
... We've been told?
They both pause for a moment, but eventually she laughs lightly to the sound of his confusion, to the slight tilt of his head and raised brow. It's strange how a man - one much older than her - could appear a little younger than he looks when his questions aren't answered as clearly as he'd expect they would be.
It makes him more approachable, somehow.
Would you like to learn about Him, King Lancelot?
... I would - but perhaps at a later date. Is that alright?
Very well then - whenever you please.
He's the one nodding this time and she finds herself smiling, looking at the man she called a King; at the man who had lived in this foreign world longer than she had been living in her very own - he stood strong and steadfast as the head of his own Army, respected as a ruler and feared as a warrior. At first, even she was terrified of him, but she dared to rebel against his hold... and surprisingly it turned out better than maybe both of them thought: understanding replaced fear, anger turned to kindness.
But to think that he'd ask her a question similar to that which passed her lips long ago, with the same bright blue eyes and unknowing tone...
... maybe it's His work or of fate's; but regardless of which, both certainly moved in mysterious ways.
                                        I'm not so sure you'd believe in what I'll have you know about Him, though.
Hm. But that's for you to explain, and for me to decide... isn't that right, Alice?
                                        3: liz and i got to talking about, in our opinion, how... lackluster cradle is as an isekai world, (゜▽゜;) sure, world building’s definitely hard within mobige limits (26pts & 2eds in this case) and is not exactly the game's focus, but asides from the vaguely explained magic and a couple of things here and there; cradle feels too similar to the ‘real world’, complete with holidays like valentines day & christmas (which is religious by nature). we've probably read too much isekai, but where’s my cultural differences + culture shock, cybird??? 4: 19th century england had a christian majority, but also various beliefs. it's also around this time that charles darwin published his two theories (on the origin of man & descent of man), growing doubt but also faith. where mc is in this fic is completely up to your interpretation ɖී؀ීϸ 5: tbh it's cute that lancelot has the common sense of a child and cybird showcases it occasionally on story events... then u have mc who's simplistic as hell... extra cream = extra happiness, never forget ( ᐛ )و
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ethereal---spirits · 5 years
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For about a month I had posted on Twitter some translations from the interview with MALICE MIZER that was in Rock and Read 083. Since it would take a lot of time and work to make the whole interview readable to everyone, and because I am not a trained translator nor do I get paid to do this, I decided not to put the whole interview online, but to share some of the more interesting quotes. I’ve decided to put those quotes here, along with a little more. The formatting is the way it is because there were tweets with that character limitation, since I was doing one tweet a day. So here is a bit from the Rock and Read interview with Közi, Mana and Yu~ki. 
Közi: (on the R&R magazine cover) "I was surprised. (Hmm, why this timing !?) Last year, I did a 25th anniversary live and it will be released on DVD, but it wasn't like I was (with a revival!)."
What influenced Deep Sanctuary VI? Mana: "To put it in a nutshell, I played the MALICE MIZER "au revoir" instrumental at the finale (of DSV). Then Közi says "Motto". . .Then there was a great chorus of (Au Revoir) from there.
Közi: “The live is over, and three of me, Mana and Yu~ki are on the stage for a curtain call. Just when it was time to go back and forth, the background music of (Au Revoir) flowed. At that time, there was a microphone in front of me. Then I suddenly said “Motto (more)”, got off the stage and then that great choir happened.
Mana: “As Közi said, it was not a preparation, it was a coincidence.
Yu~ki: “Everybody sings (Au Revoir), l listened on the side, together, three people. . . . It was certain that warm feelings had started to grow at that time. When I said (I want to meet everyone's expectations), I felt that the feeling was OK. It was a suggestion from Mana-chan, that was the basis for more, but there was no reason to refuse it (that's right).”
Yu~ki: “How to make new things, I think that (leader) Mana had professional ideas. But Mana told me "Közi and Yu~ki, you are fine artists. Do what you want to do."
R&R: "Was your idea Yu~ki to fly in the air at the Shibuya Public Hall performance just before the major debut?"
Yu~ki: "That's right. I was also in charge of theater, so I made a lot of effort in directing."
Regarding self-production in the 90's Mana: "I had never thought of getting someone to pull me on (label or such). I was developing activities by being able to complete by myself, so I was able to go alone with them by myself."
About what MALICE MIZER was able to complete by themselves and their communication with each other Yu~ki: "I think the relationship between the members was good. We went to eat curry often." Közi: "Clam ramen and so on."
Mana: "I did not lock the house I lived at that time, so some members came in and out. It was a time when there were no mobile phones, so I came in without a foreboding. Roadies also came well. KAMIJO talked about it at DSVI MC, all roadies lived within 5 minutes of my house." Mana: "I can't think right now (lol). The members came on their own, there was no shelter and there was no privateness, like it was their own home. It wasn't too large for a 1K room, and I was impressed that I had lived like that." Közi: "...It was a octopus room (lol).
R & R on Mana's apartment: "Even though the decor is Gothic and decorative, it was not an elegant life (lol). Mana:"It was not. It can be said that everyone gathered around one kotatsu." Yu~ki: "(imagewise) Can you say kotatsu?" Mana ". . . (lol)"
About Deep Sanctuary VI Mana: "This time, I wanted to reproduce the (active) time as much as possible." Yu~ki: "This time, there was a direction of (festival) as a major premise. I wanted to make it a stage that everyone can enjoy, even for those who have never seen MALICE MIZER"
R&R: "In terms of reproduction, Sakura was the only image of Kami." Közi: "I was completely haunted." Yu~ki: "I was surprised at the time of rehearsal.... He put the orange hair extension and wore the cap backwards as well, as Kami did it. That was Sakura-kun."
On how Sakura must have researched Kami's appearance and playing style Mana: I think maybe. I didn't ask for something (we want it this way) for us. There were a lot of suggestions from Sakura, and for example, the chorus mic. He said that he wanted to reproduce the way of Kami
On Kami's drum kit being used for DSVI Közi: The drum settings and tuning were completely the same as Kami. Mana: We also used the drum set from Kami. Közi: That's right. The drums were taken (from Ibaraki). I went to Kami's alma mater to borrow them.
About what Sakura said about Kami at DSVI Yu~ki: "...I didn't know that those two men had such a deep love of brother and brother, and I was not able to measure how much thought Sakura had put into the songs. I was able to play comfortably just because I really appreciated it." Közi "...Sakura's love for Kami is really great. I think that I was really looking at that kind of awareness. It was also a suggestion from Sakura to post an article on Pearl's homepage and to make a Kami drumstick and put it for sale. And in fact, moved it towards realization."
R & R: "What did you not do? Did you ever think about it?" Yu~ki: "As former director, I have a unique world view of MALICE MIZER. There is a feeling that I wanted to show. I wanted to fly and fly (lol)." Közi: "You will fly away from the stage. (Thank you!) What? (lol)."
On the MALICE MIZER 25th Anniversary Deep Sanctuary VI and Yu~ki not getting to fly   Yu~ki: "But this time it was just a festival. It was a direction of having roadies sing and having fun playing old songs."
R & R: "The MC of Kozi and Yu~ki was also surprising. At that time (in the past), non-vocal members had little talking on the stage." Yu~ki: "There was a struggle, but it's a festival (lol)." Közi: "It was hard! We talked about doing our best (lol)!" Yu~ki: "I think the roadies also spoke well, even though I have my current position." Közi: "You prepared a lot of episodes. But one thing I thought was that the roadies were speaking of good episodes of Mana and Yu~ki. Even though with me, there were no good stories (lol)."
About the MALICE MIZER 25th Anniversary Deep Sanctuary VI roadies' MCs Mana: "I think it was good because I could hear quite a few secret stories that only the roadies knew. I did not ask what they would talk about in advance."
R&R: "Different stories appeared for the two days. It was not informed in advance what kind of episodes would come out?" Mana: "Yes. So, I also heard many for the first time, there were a lot of surprises during the shows."
About filming the MALICE MIZER DSVI DVD Mana: "The design on the final day was almost untouched, but in fact the video shot is only on the final day. I had no plan to film, so on the first day I didn't make room for the camera. I mean, I really didn't want to have two days."
Why only one night Mana: "I wanted to make it a one night legend. After all, when it comes to two days, the contents you did on the first day will be spoiled (for the second day). Because of that (25th anniversary overnight shock), I felt strongly that I wanted to do one night."
Why add a second night? Mana: "However, I heard that many people were drawn to the lottery, so I did it for two days. As a result, it was good to do it for two days. Many people came from afar."
R&R: "There were also customers from overseas. Have you made any changes from the configuration you originally thought by having two days?" Mana: "At first, (Ma Cherie) was not planned."
Mana: "In fact, it was planned to end with (Au Revoir) that I did before (Ma Cherie). Two years ago, the audience moved in response to the excitement of the chorus of (Au Revoir), so I was thinking of closing with (Au Revoir). At first, I thought that it would also be singing."
Mana:  "The day I entered the studio with Kozi and Sakura, while aligning the sequence and checking for problems, I put together songs one after another. At that time, there was no (video) image that the song could enter (Au Revoir). So I quickly decided to make it vocal-less."
Mana: “With (Au Revoir), we might have streamed a live video at the Yokohama Arena on the back screen. At first it was not on the schedule. If you watched Közi and Sakura playing in a rehearsal, I really want to link a special song for us (Au Revoir) with Kami. So, I thought that I wanted to synchronize the live performance with the video that Kami was playing at the Yokohama Arena. Then the production side is...When synchronizing sound and video, the originally planned time changes... However, the result (playing Au Revoir with no singer) worked well, and I thought it was good to have that direction.” 
I hope to have a little more tomorrow. The talk about the future that I did not put on Twitter.
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mixtapekings · 7 years
Interviews – Sketch
“I started MC-ing,writing around 1992 around my early to mid high school days approximately in that hip-hop golden era timeframe when Big Daddy Kane was still somewhat doin his thing, and I was also influenced by that Rakim song:”Mahogany”…(actually was amazed by that song to the point where I copied the verse of that song on a sheet of paper)….then started messing with a group wit a long-time friend of mine. Then in 94′ was part of another group wit a friend on my old block, around that time I was taking it a lil’ more seriously putting together a demo-tape networking at certain events and trying to get our name out at a couple of underground radio stations, as well as gettin my 1st taste of booking studio-time etc., I was always torn between rapping & artwork….so I took a break from my rap group and went to Art School..(graduated with an Associates Degree in illustration)….but I was always dabbling wit the rap and went to a couple of open mics and recording with a few friends in somewhat of a rap-group as well as doing solo stuff hooking up wit another friend and laying down recordings to do my independent thing. I currently rest in Queens, but I rep Brooklyn…(born&raised). My style is lyrical, flow is kinda jazzy at times story-telling with somewhat of alternative subject matter & content, but at the same time relate-able for the masses.
1. Sketch what’s good? How’s things your way?
I’m good man, thanks…….jus tryin to survive & stay positive..
2. We have seen you making appearances on Digital Dynasty for almost a decade. How did you first get involved with the mixtape series?
I got on the mixtape series thru my boy Tha Advocate, I’ve known him for years now, we’ve always had a kool business relationship, da homie iz always on his grind, respect……whatup Advo!..
3. To date, we know you haven’t dropped a solo mixtape or album yet, what’s on the agenda? Anything for 2017?
Yeah, I def got plans for 2017, I do however got an EP out dat I did awhile back….”Tha Sketch Factor” dat I recorded wit my boy Medina, it’s on Cdbaby, but I got a mixtape in the works for 2017, expected to drop around Summer, Im excited about dat.
Get that here- http://bit.ly/2pN18fy
4. Any idea for a title or anything like that?
Yeah I got some title ideas, but nothing etched in stone just yet, but it’ll be a kool & catchy title defining myself as an artist, not really stressin the title, I’m more concentrating on the music, content, lyrics, beats etc., tha quality of material is more my focal point, the title is jus the icing on the cake.
5. A lot of people may not know, but you got your acting in Tha Advocate’s “Best Friend” music video. Youre role was very believable. What was it like to play that role?
Thanx man I appreciate dat, that was a great experience, I enjoyed doin dat alot, got a chance to get my Al Pachino on…..lol, I’m not gonna front…I was kinda nervous at 1st but once it was lights,camera,action….I was comfortable, it felt natural transforming myself in a role of a dude dat was bad,sinister,decietful etc., To me acting is a form of art, I got natural artistic ability in my DNA so I felt confident dat I could pull it off, I was fortunate to get the opportunity, I’d be open-minded to fuck wit some acting in the future as well.
6. Out of all the songs you have done to date, which is your favorite and why?
Aw man, dats kind of a tough one…..I liked “Rays of the Summer” dat was on the latest Digital Dynasty mixtape, this otha joint “Persevere”, “Sunbeam”, I did a joint awhile back I believe was called “Storytellin”…I got some good feedback from dat song…I tell stories sometimes in my raps, so it felt good to get good feedback from dat song, I got a handful of joints dat I put out, and some I didn’t yet, oh yeah…”So Hard” was a joint I liked too….I don’t know if I have a favorite song….I’m always excited off of what I’m gonna write nex, sorta like wit my artwork.
LISTEN TO SO HARD HERE — http://bit.ly/2oZLnid
7. Outside of music we know you have an Associates Degree in illustration. What avenues are you pursuing when it comes to your art?
Yeah I got a degree in Illustration, well since I graduated I’ve done some freelance work, did some animation related stuff which was a great experience, been in a few galleries etc., got some gallery shows comin up in the near future, I would like to do my own independent thing….I like to have full creative control, so I got some ideas in the works.
8. Which type of art lets you paint a picture better, your words on the mic, or your illustrations?
I think both help me paint a picture, I think one compliments the other sometimes….95-100percent of the time both my art & music is based off of me tryin to express myself….what I’m goin thru….how I’m feeling, experiences etc……….Artwork most people would say is my truest calling, even though I get kool feedback wit my music, but there’s times when I go thru moods that the music can express better or exactly what I’m tryin to convey….and other times my artwork would express things I’m tryin to say……my art always paints a picture….but my music paints a picture too….dat basically da definition of my name “sketch”.
9. So you started in the Golden era, back when NYC had the bull by the horns. Now the rap game turned a full 180! How do you feel about today’s hiphop climate?
Well, I’m not really trying to knock the new skool….there’s some good artist out there….especially underground….but of course you got your wack artist out here too….lol….I think because HipHop is gettin older, it has evolutionized….So artists now can get away wit stuff now dat they couldn’t get away wit back then…..and yeah dat hurts da culture…cats rhymin simple or at times not even rhymin…..lol…..Back then, you couldn’t get away wit dat, or some cats now dat might have ghostwriters….not tryin to take a shot at Drake….some of his shit I like….he makes some kool songs, but skill-wise, originality especially…I’m reppin the old skool all day…..I grew up in tha 80’s….so basically I grew up when hip-hop was born in it’s infancy stages growin….eventhough I was a kid growin up too, I feel kinda fortunate growin up round dat time, I was educated well……so I saw hip-hop before it got commercial & global….when it was still underground & raw…..then the late 80’s goin into the 90’s golden era-time, when I started fuckin wit writin,rhymin…I started studying cats dat are now considered legends so artistically I feel fortunate to learn around dat time…..Slick Rick,Puba & Brand Nubians,Big Daddy Kane,Rakim,Gangstarr,Nas even Eminem….even a whole bunch of artists before them!…..Growin up I use to be anticipating how this or that MC was gonna spit or what they had to say….now? Im not dat excited…maybe cuz the bar was much higher back then, maybe now since I know how to rhyme….some cats jus don’t impress me like when I was younger….I jus think now….there should be more of a balance…..Kool…have your ABC mumble rapper sayin tha typical shit…..but at the same time, give an opportunity to da rapper dats lyrical,original,on some different shit….give him da same amount of spins on da radio, da same amount of opportunities for him to make a living off his craft dat da typical rapper gets…and hip-hop would be better.
10. Any new era artists that catch your ear?
I like J.Cole….I really neva listened to his catalog but some of his shit I heard in a car one time….I felt it was good…some of Drakes shit is kool…I like how he rides a beat sometimes….I neva really listened to Kendrick Lamar but some of his shit I heard was kool….there was a cat named Ol’ Droog dat I thought was good….cats was sayin he sounds like Nas….haven’t heard anything from Droog in da hottest minute though….I really can’t remember anybody else comin to mind right now…so I basically listen to Ol Skool….not even really rap….I was listening Old time Reggae,Rocksteady and some old Rock&Roll.
11. How do you feel about Donald Trump as President?
Donald Trump….man..I don’t know where to start…….lol….dats kinda complex……..but at da same time I wasn’t 100percent agreeable wit Hillary either…..lol……..I plead the 5th man…..lol, I’m not too deep in da politics, but I definitely like gettin educated on what’s goin on & up on politics,current events etc.
12. Back to you and your craft. Can you give us some insight on what exactly you want to put together as your latest project and when you think you would drop it? Any producers or features?
Id like to put a solid album out…like 25 tracks deep….but nowadays a mixtape is jus as kool so I’m aiming for that first….the beats are more instrumental production….but I’m open for dope producers….I’m kinda picky wit da beats though….I feel you gotta be at times, I can basically rhyme over any dope beat…but there’s times when I feel not every beat is tailor made for the type of artist I am….but yeah I’m open-minded for producers.
13. It was good chopping it up with you and we look forward to hearing more from you homie. The floor is yours, let the world know where to catch up with you on social media or the streets!
Thanx man….good lookin out….support dat EP “Tha Sketch Factor”- Sketch Architec lookout for more EP’s I may put out on there as well….check my artwork on Facebook as well as Instagram…..check some of my joints on Advo’s Digital Dynasty series as well as some more shit on future Digital Dynasty volumes….and stay-tuned for my mixtape droppin around summer 2017…..thanx for politikin wit me on this interview……OnE..
Connect with me here- http://bit.ly/2pNs52G
from Interviews – Sketch
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