#It's half past 12 but I don't care its 5:00 somewere~
Toothache (or well Supposedly)
Grian had been building, nothing out of the ordinary, well until Scar showed up. 
"Griiaaannnnn." Scar whined. The little fae jumped back, thankfully Scar saw this and caught grian in his hands. "Sorry about that." Scar giggled.
Grian shook himself and sat up meeting Scar’s eyes. "It's alright, so how are you doing?" 
"Pretty well, b-but uh-." Scar looked away seemingly embarrassed. "I- I have a toothache, a-and uh was w-wondering if you could help me out?" The elf smiled a bit at the end as if it was weird.
Grian sighed. "Alright." Grian bapped one of Scar's fingers. "It's what you get for eating all those cookies all the time." 
Scar laughed nervously. "I suppose it is."
“Alright big man, open up.” Grian patted gently on Scar’s bottom jaw. Scar opened his mouth, hitting the smaller fae with warm breath, causing him to pause. “You okay?” Scar asked. “Y-yeah sorry.” Grian stood up and sucked in a breath, his face a little red from embarrassment. First Grian just stuck his head in and looked around at first. “I- I can’t see anything.” “Fawrther bawk.” (farther back). Scar said, barely missing Grian’s face with his tongue. The little fae pulled back in surprise before looking back in with a groan. “Fine, I’m going in, please don’t do anything stupid?” the smaller builder asked. “Alrigh.” Scar said, opening his mouth a little wider. Grian made a slightly disgusted face before putting his hands on Scar’s teeth, he pressed down a little to test them. It didn’t hurt bad so he picked up a leg and gently set it on the elve’s bottom lip before pushing himself up. Standing up grian first put a hand on scar’s top teeth Grian pulled his other leg a bit forwards gently pressing a little under Scar’s tongue making grian let out a displeased augh. The fae brought his other foot in gently placing it on the tongue in front of him. He shivered again with displeasure and tried looking around. 
He squinted and when thinking he saw something kind of gray. So Grian moved towards it slowly, just as he got close enough to realize it was just a shadow, the light vanished. “Scar?” The little fae called, drawing out the elve’s name. “Where’d the light go?” Grian only had a second before Scar’s tongue was under him and pushing him up against the elven's hard palate. The smaller fae let out a gasp as the air was shot out of him. “You never had a tooth-ache did you.” Grian gasped out, Scar chuckled confirming the builder’s suspicions. Grian smacked at Scar’s tongue, not enough to hurt the elf though. “I hate you.” Grian huffed. “Now you dowwnnt.” Grian let out nervous gasps every time he was lifted up and down again. “You’re right, I hate this though sooo let me out????” The fae tried, Scar just laughed, again. Grian went to say something again but was cut off by a long slow lick. The little fae bit back a gag and grumbled a little trying to get the spit off his face. “Ewww really?” “Hmmmm?” “You licking my face.” Grian’s face was licked really quickly after that. “WHYYYY!” He shouted, batting at the elve’s tongue. Scar giggled, “becaws youw taste good.” Grian flinched at that, and the elf didn't mention if he felt it. Not much later though grian was dropped gently to the bottom of Scar’s mouth, the larger tongue on him in seconds keeping him down there. Grian pushed up a bit testing Scar’s hold, in which the larger pushed back so the fae didn’t fight it, he didn’t really have a reason to right then. Or well he thought for a moment, because when putting his arm down Grian saw how much of it was covered in a small spit pool that was forming. The fae’s hair stood up and in a quick moment Grian pushed the tongue up trying to get out from under it. He almost did, but Scar caught Grian's feet, sending him down on the ground. Before the smaller fae could move, Scar's teeth opened and he was pressed into the elve’s cheek, Scar's tongue keeping him there. Grian did his best to fight it but he was in such a hard and weird position, so he gave up. Pressed into scar’s cheek being licked. Well until scar got bored. Grian was pulled back out heaving for air. Scar chuckled causing the fae to kick out. Then the elf hummed, a familiar hum to Grian, but one that wasn’t good. A shiver ran down the smaller builders back and Scar opened his mouth a little letting grian get a good look at the outside world. Grian moved forwards a bit just to feel Scar’s head moved upwards, lips closed and a squishy muscle forcing him back. The fae tried to grab onto anything but in a couple seconds he was squashed securely into the elf's throat. Grian kicked out but a strong swallow cut off his movements. A pleased humm escaped Scar’s throat making the small fae shiver. Then another swallow forced him down even farther. After a few more Grian was moved into a more open space. “Enjoy your stay in Scar-land.” The elf joked; Grian just rolled his eyes and sighed. “Fine.” Grian huffed but still smiled.
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