#It's kinda half arswd but oh well
the-heaminator · 2 years
Shit kept going in and out of focus if it wasnt spinning and unfortunately both often happened at the same time, he wanted to vomit but he knew he couldn't, he had wisely avoided eating anything substantial recently, surviving mainly off crackers because eating meant he would vomit, probably during the meeting, and attract far too much pity for what he's worth.
Just had to hold it together for a bit longer, he could go dry retch in the conference hall bathrooms in about 5 minutes he just had to pull his shit together, and he managed to do so, disappearing for the bathroom as soon as he could. Right side of his head pounding like there was no tomorrow, dry heaving into the toilet, and sitting exhausted on the lid once he was done.
He knew he was not to "neglect" himself like some said he did, eating and sleeping were natural human instincts, but the governmental turmoil had given him an everlasting headache and the sheer internal anxiety of it all allowed him to stomach next to nothing.
His room was a mess, it had been for a while, but wrappers had started to pile up upon his bedside table, sweet sugary things mostly, in an attempt to keep his blood sugar just high enough to avoid tanking miserably.
He hoped no one in particular noticed his unironed suit or the lack of cufflinks he exhibited, he was too tired right now to really think of the little details.
God he just wanted to puke and curl up and sleep for a week but he knew it wasnt possible, the nausea wouldn't go anywhere and the headache wouldn't let him sleep.
Standing as unobtrusively as he could as nations milled around, waiting for the conference to officially nd so they could go sleep in their hotel rooms. Lucky bastards.
The meeting was taking place in London, and his flat wasn't too far away, he just needed to drive a bit, he was fine, he could drive, this was certainly not to be a safety hazard.
Unbeknownst to him Canada, Matthew even, stood quite near, wanting to approach his father when he found the right words to do so, Arthur hadn't been in a good state since 2008, and only seeming to get worse with the government changing in and out with the blink of an eye, another recession looming and the lonliness of it all.
Oh dear if he was thinking like that he really was too far gone.
Shaked out of his dreamy stupor by dint of Matthew poking him on the shoulder, he examined Matthew's face with what clarity he could muster, he looked concerned methinks, or worried, mayhaps both. His second son, forever a pillar of spineless love and devotion, in a way that truly scared Arthur, was concerned for him, visibly.
Oh he really had fucked up now hadn't he.
"Yes Matthew, what do you want?" Trying to dispel the concern away from him, it usually worked with most people but Matt was always far too good at figuring him out.
"Arthur...you don't look so good."
"Oh I'm fine, don't you worry." Practised nonchalance that was.
"Are you sure, you don't seem to be fine?"
"And what makes you say that?" That should get Matthew off his tail, he was spineless as previously mentioned, he wouldn't go against him.
Though Matthew intook a deep breath and said "You're slouching for one, I heard you dry heave in the bathrooms, your face is incredibly pale and you dont look like you've eaten in a while, or drank anything that wasn't alcoholic for that matter, your breath reeks of booze and tobacco." Another deep breath"
"Your eyes are unfocused and your eyebags are worse than usual. Also you've been writing in a bad mix of French and Latin for the past half hour."
Oh Matthew really was on to him, but was it that noticeable!
"You are not driving in such a condition Arthur."
"Hang on a bloody second, why is that? I am perfectly capable of driving thank you very much."
Matthew gave a terse smile with tired eyes thatt clearly conveyed he was not to be fucked with right now "No Arthur, no you are not driving and right now I'm prepared to force you into your car and get you home."
Arthur silently wondered where such strong feelings of protection directed at him came from in his children, and he certainly didn't understand why they were as strong as they were in Matthew specifically, but he was at the end if his rope for arguing, and just gave in. Which concerned Matthew even more than before, Arthur didn't just...give in, and this could barely be considered a fight.
Arthur walked out to the car park and located his car and just let Matthew sit in the drivers seat, not even commenting as Matthew bumped his head after not stooping down enough to sit in Arthur's rather small car, a thing that if doe on a good day would have warranted either a lengthy lecture or a sharp exhale, but it seemed as if he didn't even notice.
Off they went, they avoided eye contact, Matt wanting to focus as he was not particularly used to driving on the left side of the road, and Arthur seemed to silently stare out of the window, sometimes making a face to himself as if he had just eaten a lemon, before reverting to an unredable expression.
He didn't exactly know what was going on in Arthur's head, he had no way to know, but perhaps the weather and the stress had git to him, it wouldn't have been the first time for any of them,though the older nations seemed adamant in refuting this claim.
But for now it seemed like Arthur needed food, sleep and perhaps some comfort, if he would accept it of course.
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