#It's like the creatures/cowchop all over again
froggies-bloggies · 1 month
i dont actually know if the music will be taken off spotify, im just preparing for the worst :(
ok I wrote out a whole paragraph and then had to delete it because I thought it would cost them something to keep the songs up but I don't think it actually will
That being said, I'm not sure who owns the copyright, and it might just be easier for them to remove the songs than continue paying out whoever the rights holder is, and I'm not sure if that was their parent company, RT itself, or the artist themselves, I imagine that it was too confusing they might get rid of it, but from what I've seen it's a passive income source
But if the money is going to say, tracadero/Jeff Williams as the rights holders, they'll probably stay up, if it's not, it's very likely that they'll be sold and who knows what will be done with them then, probably best to download them if you haven't already
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beholdingthedead · 1 year
Some questions for you, my friend!
How did you first get into Soulsborne and which is your favorite game?
Which Soulsborne character resonates with you the most?
Which soundtrack do you listen to the most?
Do you have a favorite boss?
If you could visit one Soulsborne location in real life, which would you choose?
Feel free to answer all or just one! Cheers! <3
Thank you so much for the asks, my dear! Truly, I appreciate your inquiries and your inquisitiveness and I am always contented to spew my musings on my favourite games in all of my ephemeral existence! Thank you again!
This is a fond memory for me! When I was younger, I watched this YouTube channel called “The Creatures” rather religiously. The channel was of a group I quite enjoyed but eventually I just… forgot it existed. I started watching other things, you know how it is. I rediscovered a strain of the channel, however, as a few of the former individuals in the aforementioned YouTube channel decided to create a new channel of their own! That channel was called CowChop and on it, they played Dark Souls 3! I have watched that series of theirs likely over twenty times at this point. When I watched it, I got interested because I had never seen a game like that before. Many of the games I had played at that point were first-person shooters and such so I was interested in the odd, interesting game they were playing and decided to get it myself. It was love at first fight, honestly. I played through Dark Souls 3 and I got fixated hard. I have well over 150 hours on the first save I have and after that I decided to get into all the other games as well. The rest is history!
Likely D, if I’m honest. At least, the way I interpret him. Despondent, stoic, distant, and easily scorned. That is, unfortunately, how I am, especially when faced with anything remotely romantic. I am deeply uninvolved, emotionally, and while I have the capacity to care for others, I often fall out of mind when acting as a golden light for so long. It feels bigheaded to say so, but I truly believe I am similar to him to some capacity. If not him, then likely Rykard or Tanith. For similar reasons, mind you. As well as my fixation with wanting to be blasphemous or free. Oftentimes, I feel trapped in this dreary world we live in and I want to be free or at least synchronized. I imagine being devoured by a serpent is enough to make you feel like you belong to someone or something or somewhere, I suppose.
Likely Ludwig the Accursed / Holy Blade, Beast Clergyman, God-Devouring Serpent, Laurence the First Vicar, etc. Sorry for not distinctly choosing one but those are ones I have most certainly listened to on repeat while daydreaming so I assume those are my most listened to!
Favourite is tough… Dialogue wise? Maliketh. Design wise? Moon Presence. Lore wise? Nameless King. It is just too hard to decide on one, however. I love every boss! I may get frustrated on some but I think that is just because I am honestly not very good at the games I love so dearly! Fight wise, I am a big fan of Father Gascoigne, Margit, and Curse-Rotted Greatwood!
Finally, I imagine I would visit Archdragon Peak! I would lay down, breathe deep the fresh air, and watch the sky, listening idly to the noise of dragons soaring in the sky. It would be peaceful and welcoming, I think.
Thank you so much again for your questions and I truly do appreciate it! Have a lovely day!
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