#It's shii I checked all this but i doNT KNOW WHAT TO ADD HVWWHWGWHHWHHW
beruu14 · 4 years
“AskErrink” master post!
Here you’ll find information about the tags, story and maybe a bit more! Please make sure to read it whole!!
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This is the official master post of the blog! (at the moment) Here we’ll bring you some useful information that it’s considered important before scrolling down the blog!
1-. The mods
at the moment there’s only two mods who are taking care of the blog
Beruu and Shii
We don’t have specific roles besides do whatever we please on the blog, Shii helps a lot when it comes about the story and cleaning of the inbox and also deciding which ask should be answered first to create a story ((give them lots of loves please)) And I draw most of the asks ((Please encourage Shii to draw too I want to see it so bad))
You can make us questions and send us stuff via inbox! Like drawings, fan art and fan letters. If you want to send something for only one of us, please specify before sending or edit the tags below the submission box!
#ForShii - If the submission is for mod Shii
#ForBeruu - If the submission is for mod Beruu
[This also applies for the Asks (When we open the ask box again, of course)]
The response of each mod can also be known by the tags of the answer
#Important ((Posts that are relevant))
#Delete L8r, #Delete L8tr ((Posts that don’t deserve to live more than a month))
#Shiitalks ((Shii speaks/Answers))
#ShiiReblogs ((Shii reblogs a post))
#ShiiVideo ((Shii publishes a video))
#ShiiArt ((Shii uploads their Art))
#Beruutalks ((Beruu speaks/Answers))
#BeruuReblogs ((Beruu reblogs))
#BeruuVideo ((Beruu Publishes a video))
#BeruuArt ((Beruu uploads her art))
#Spanish ((The text shown is in Spanish, Block the tag if u don’t care ksndksnd))
#Turkish ((The text shown is in Turkish))
If the questions made are in either of those last languages we’ll translate them, but please keep your questions mainly in English!
Checked by Shii ✔
Checked by Beruu ✔
2-. The AskErrink Blog (BeruuTalks)
This blog has no real purpose more than just entertain, It’s in its whole a no-canon Undertale AU that is essentially based on a sanscest couple (Errink).either Error nor Ink belong to us (It also includes characters that may be named by these characters in a future of the ask such as Dream, Fresh, Paperjam etc.)
Leaving that aside! To be honest I didn’t have planned anything like a story for this AU honestly... but thanks to Shii and some good songs I found on YouTube, I have been able to create something up! ((I think)) 
There’s a lot of questions that are always up on the inbox each time we come and take a look and that we are kinda tired of seeing so why not answer them here and now. Right?
So in that case,
Let me do a quick F.A.Q!
Where can I find the start of the AskBlog ?
A: Here!
Are Error and Ink a couple in this AU?
A: No. (((((yet)))))
Were Dream and Ink a couple in the past?
A: Yes, but due to some “incidents” in the past they broke up.
Are ink and Error aware that Geno existed?
A: Only Ink knows.
There's actual porn of Error in Ink’s sketchbook?
A: It’s up to you 👀
Are Ink and Error going to get married?
A: What.
3-. Asks and Art tags
In order to keep the posts somehow organized we use tags! As you can see, there’s a lot...
#AskErrink ((Everything related to the AU main story will be tagged with AskErrink. Any post that does not have this tag has nothing to do with the story!))
#[Character name]!sans ((This can be seen in almost any post, it makes it easier to people to find content related to that character! Ex: “#Ink!sans, #Error!sans, #US!sans, etc...))
#[Character name]time ((This tag is seen only when the character is alone [Or when no one other than themselves are listening! Ex: “#Ewwowtime, #Inkytime, #Dreamytime, etc...)) 
((That’s all at the moment))
Checked by Beruu ✔
Checked by Shii ✔
Last time updated: 08/23/20
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