#Izaack Tnmn
hellosweetart · 3 days
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Charming reporter
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sn1pxr · 1 month
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Angus and Izaack
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notmyneighbor · 1 month
That’s Not My Neighbor Francis Mosses/The Milkman Fanfic Masterlist
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Let Me In (completed) - Doppelganger Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Doorman Female Reader
Word Count - 40k
CW - explicit sexual content, body horror, minor blood and violence, pregnancy
Tumblr Chapter 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11
AO3 Chapter 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11
Bonus - Spotify playlist courtesy of @pear-18 here
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Back Alley (completed) - Doppelganger Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Waitress Female Reader
CW - explicit sexual content, minor blood and violence, minor blood/pain/breeding kink
Tumblr 1 ~ 2
AO3 1 ~ 2
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A New Neighbor (ongoing) - Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Female Babysitter Reader, Francis Mosses x Nacha Mikaelys
CW - explicit sexual content, cheating
Tumblr Chapter 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4
AO3 Chapter 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4
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Special Delivery (completed) -Doppelganger Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Document Forger Female Reader
Word Count - 3.3k
CW - explicit sexual content
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Scarlet Milk (completed) - Doppelganger Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Telephone Operator Female Reader
Word Count 5.2k
CW - explicit sexual content, blood drinking
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Sway (completed) - Doppelganger Lounge Singer Female Reader x Francis Mosses/The Milkman
Word Count 4.2k
CW - explicit sexual content
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In the Dark (ongoing) - Izaack Gauss x Francis Mosses
CW - explicit sexual content
Tumblr Chapter 1 ~ 2 ~ 3
AO3 Chapter 1 ~ 2 ~ 3
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R&D (ongoing) - Yog Sothoth x Doorman Female Reader (TNMN Nightmare Mode)
CW - explicit sexual content
Tumblr Chapter 1 ~ 2
AO3 Chapter 1 ~ 2
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Here Is the News (completed) - Doppelganger Izaack Gauss x Doorman Female Reader
CW - explicit sexual content
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Resistance (ongoing)- Doppelganger Francis Mosses x DDD Secretary Female Reader (TNMN Nightmare Mode)
CW - explicit sexual content
Tumblr Chapter 1 ~ 2
AO3 Chapter 1 ~ 2
My other fanfiction collection blogs:
FNAF | Dead Plate | Alien Stage
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sidhion · 1 month
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uh oh! trouble came knocking on your door!
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prismsofmystery · 17 days
Her ass is most definitely BATMAN
A little animation featuring Izabelle and Agnes. Izabelle does NOT trust Agnes' big hat having ass.
Agnes and Izabelle belong to @joydoesathing
I can't animate, so sorry if it's wonky fr
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angusciprianni · 2 months
Is Izaack's chest area a 10/10 pillow? Asking for a friend.
`` Hah, that's—!
. .No reason I'd know! ``
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moonamite · 27 days
Oh yeah remember that pokemon x tnmn thing I was supposed to do
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Izaack. Idk he and swellow would be like one in the same
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visforvictini13 · 1 month
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Name: Izaack Gauss
Trainer Card Number: 610
Gender: Male
Series Of Origin: That's Not My Neighbor
Type Specialty: Flying / Normal
All pokemon commonly associated with the reporter trainer class because he is a reporter
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ivronics · 15 days
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Coordinated attack!
I'm a little late to this fandom, but I just recently really got into the game That's not my Neighbor. It's helping me get through some major art block I've had for a while.
Possible slight Trypophobia warning for unedited version under the cut:
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1K notes · View notes
beartitled · 2 months
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3K notes · View notes
hellosweetart · 13 days
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Izaack Gauss close up pic
(I find him charming and a beef cake. I hope he isn't secretly corrupted.)
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phatkochi · 2 months
The 4 horsemen of the TNMN fandom
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notmyneighbor · 28 days
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here is the news | doppel! izaack gauss x female reader
words | 4k
cw | explicit sexual content, fluff and smut
ao3 link
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Everyone in the city knows who Izaack Gauss is.
The famed news reporter for the local tv station has won countless awards for the journalism considered brave, gritty, unflinching and detailed. Always on the cusp of a breaking story, it was uncanny how often the man seemed to be at exactly the right place at exactly the right time. He was a household name, a favorite with a variety of age groups. Handsome and compelling. A face you couldn’t stop staring at, a voice you couldn’t stop listening to. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t gotten off to the sight and sound of him on more than one occasion. A girl has needs, right? And it’s not like guys don’t do the same thing all the time. You’re just…evening the score a little.
Now, that man you’d daydreamed about and climaxed to was in your booth inside the apartment building you both lived in, about to conduct an interview with you, the guard, responsible for screening for sneaky doppelgangers trying to trick their way into the building to harm the residents.
There is a lot of preparation that goes into the event. There are multiple cameras you’re constantly told to turn to. Pauses midway while hair and makeup is touched up. The attention is overwhelming, but at your young age, you’ve got a flawless track record for correctly identifying the doppels and it’s caught the attention of many, including your intrepid journalist neighbor.
Once the dust has settled, once there are no more set lights shined in your eyes or powder applied to your nose or Izaack’s rich voice bidding you to smile again for the camera, the sudden quiet is a relief. The crew has gone home. Everyone has left, save you and the news reporter.
You’re not quite done for the day, though. The segments you’d just filmed would be edited down. In truth, probably very little of the footage would even be used. But you guessed that’s just how the magic of television really works behind the scenes. The last chore for you today is to do a dry run through the interview you’ll be participating in live on air tomorrow night. You’re still seated in the swivel chair behind the desk inside your security booth, leaving the reporter to perch on the corner of the desk, one hip cocked over the edge, the lifted leg so long it still nearly touches the floor. Izaack is six foot four, and broad shouldered, an intimidatingly large figure. It’s no wonder, considering he’d played football in highschool and college.
He hasn’t lost any muscle mass in spite of his cessation of playing sports, the considerable physique still apparent even within the confines of the charcoal suit he’s wearing. You’re willing to bet he exercises to keep that appearance, to maintain his appeal with his adoring fans. His skin is smooth and unblemished, his raven hair always styled in neat waves. He’s got a strong jaw with a cleft chin just below a pair of full lips so generous they’d make any woman envious. They part often to flash brilliantly white, even teeth.
Those teeth are dazzling you right now. Trying to make you feel less nervous, no doubt, but you find the gesture intimidating instead. He might not be a Hollywood movie star, but he was still a local celebrity, and the source of more than one successful late night round of self pleasure. You squirm nervously in your seat and it squeaks, making your cheeks flush.
“You can relax, you know. I’m not going to ask anything you don’t know the answers to.” His voice is rich, deep, velvety. You nod and swallow thickly, waiting for him to begin.
He doesn’t even look down at the pad of paper clutched in one hand, nor the ballpoint pen seated in the other. His azure eyes are locked on your face and the color reminds you of the tropical ocean you’d seen on a poster in a travel agency’s window once, some exotic destination that you’ll likely never get the opportunity to visit.
“Why don’t we begin by you telling our viewers what you do each day.”
You clear your throat. “Well, the shift begins with a list of expected visitors to the building handed to me by an official DDD staff member, which I keep posted on this wall here,” you say, gesturing to a now blank spot to the left of the window. “I have a checklist of things I should be expecting from each person. This includes their appearance, their identification card, their entry request form, and, as I’ve just mentioned, the listing on the day’s expected visitors.”
Gauss nods. So far, so good. “What are some of the things that are a tip off about the identification card being incorrect?”
“One of the first things I look at is the serial number. We have a complete record of all the inhabitants of the building, complete with their photographs, their distinguishing facial characteristics, their addresses, professions, and relatives.
The next step is to compare the image on the card with the image we have on file, paying close attention to those unique appearance details. For example, someone may have a mole on one cheek, or have freckles spread across their nose.”
“I see. Anything else?”
“The DDD logo must be present. This is something that gets missed quite often. It is required on both the ID card and the entry request form. The expiration date on the ID is the last thing that needs to be verified. Seems simple, but you’d be surprised how many doppelgangers ignore the importance of a valid date that hasn’t expired yet.” You point to the calendar tacked to the wall.
Izaack taps his pen against the pad of paper thoughtfully. “What about the entry request?”
“Well, that’s similar in some ways, and different in others. It, like the ID card, needs to have the DDD logo. It also features a photograph of the resident, along with their name and address. These names can be misspelled or the apartment numbers incorrectly labeled. The final piece of the puzzle is the reason for travel. It can be very obvious when a doppel is using a forgery. Some are more astute than others, but a lot of them lack the knowledge of a plausible reason to explain their absence. I once saw one state they were going out to do ‘human things’” you say with a little chuckle, and the dark haired reporter smiles indulgently.
“It certainly seems like you’re quite the expert. No wonder the residents of the building feel safer with you around. A perfect safety record thus far, I understand.”
You lower your eyes, blushing, feeling a little blossom of pride blooming inside of you. “I try my best.”
Izaack slides from his perch, straightening, the pad of paper and pen disappearing back into a deep pocket of the trench coat he’d left draped beside him. “That’s basically how the interview will go. You’re a natural. Just replicate that same confidence and you’ll do fine.”
“Thank you.”
“Oh, there is one more thing,” he says as you stand. “If you wouldn’t mind indulging just one more question. Off the record, as it were.”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“What if the paperwork looks correct, and the doppel’s appearance is a perfect match?”
“Oh, that reminds me. I forgot to mention it. I call the residence to verify the identity, either by a family member, or—”
“—But supposing there was no one home to answer. The visitor is on the day’s list. They’re expected to be out and returning home. They live alone. There is no one to vouch for them one way or the other. And every other detail seems correct. What do you do?”
You draw in a deep breath. “Well, thankfully, my instincts have helped me in those rare situations when they occur.”
“I see.”
You step forward, thinking the older man will be exiting the office, but he remains where he is, blocking the doorway.
“Um, Mr. Gauss, if you don’t mind, I’d like to be getting home now.”
“Oh, I do mind. I mind very much. You see, my dear, your so called instincts, those ones you’re so proud of, have failed you.”
Your blood runs cold. You’d been tricked by a doppelganger. You back away now, your hand reaching for the alarm. It’s too late to worry about shuttering the office, but it will still alert the residents that something is amiss.
“Don’t even think of touching that button. Or the phone, either. Your DDD pals won’t be coming to your rescue tonight.” The tall mimic smiles, gesturing towards the chair beside you. “Why don’t you sit down, get comfortable.”
“Why? You’re just going to kill me. Eat me, or whatever.”
“No, I don’t think I’ll be killing you. Eating you though, now that is an idea.” His teeth flash again, and this time they are no longer the perfect pearl white specimens you’re accustomed to, but pointed, slightly yellowed teeth. The turquoise eyes are now black, the white orbs bloodshot. “Sit down,” he says again, “before I change my mind about the not murdering you part.”
You sink back into the swivel chair, your heart pounding. How had you not known? How long has he been pretending to be Izaack for? Where was the real version?
As if reading your mind, the creature elaborates about the fate of the male human he’s pretending to be. “He’s not dead. Someone like that is too valuable to waste. Let’s just say we’re keeping him tucked away safely for now.”
You wonder if the new reporter’s capture is truly a better fate than a swift passing. “Don’t hurt him, please.”
“Why? Isn’t he a virtual stranger to you?”
“He’s my neighbor.”
The wide shoulders lift and drop in a shrug. “You have plenty of others. Or was there some other reason making you so concerned about this particular individual? Something a little more personal? A touch more…intimate, shall we say?”
It’s disconcerting how transparent your thoughts and feelings seem to be. The invader’s hands, now tipped in dark claws and studded with jagged veins that look ready to burst through the skin, curl around the armrests and tug you closer, the wheels bringing you right up to the doppel. “I can guarantee you if I was the real Gauss right now, he wouldn’t have spared you a second glance. He’d never have gotten this close. He’s arrogant and obnoxious, so nauseatingly self absorbed that I wager you wouldn’t be nearly so taken with him if you got to know him as well as I have. I’ve done you a favor, trust me.” The irony of that last utterance is not lost on you. A master of deceit imploring you to believe his word. Insanity.
The replicant’s mood shifts and his voice softens, drawing you out of your reverie. “I bet if I were to just peel this off of you, I’d find something very sweet and tasty beneath it.” The sharp tip of one digit sinks midway through the fabric of your skirt, dangerously close to your thighs, and splits it wide open. He grabs each flap and tugs, tearing the material further until it’s completely separated. You wince when you feel his hand seat on one leg, the claws scratching but not piercing the skin. It doesn’t take them long to shred your panties, leaving your lower half bare save for your shoes and stockings. “Spread your legs for me.”
You resist, shaking your head and clamping your lower extremities close together.
“Do not make me repeat myself.”
A choked sound escapes you as your legs spread open.
“My, my. That does look delicious. So pink and pretty. Just a perfect little pussy to snack on.”
You hate that your body responds to his words, your sex throbbing from the attention, from being bare in your work space. The fake reporter kneels down, but his presence is still no less initimidating even at this reduced height.
“A lot of people would be glad to trade places with you right now, you know. So many of you humans lust for this face, this body. Are you one of them?” The claws have vanished, the only bit of relief you find, gasping when those human looking fingers stroke right over your damp sex. Your clit pulses needily and the movement is not lost on the doppel. “I think the answer to that question is a resounding yes.” His thumb massages that sensitive pearl while his middle finger spears your drooling entrance. You are soaked. You can hardly believe your body is betraying you like this.
“Oh, look how wet you are. Tight, too. It’s a good thing I have the right tool for the job to pry you open properly.” A tongue emerges from between the rows of sharp teeth, a dark maroon colored tentacle looking object with a pointed tip that flicks your bud and has your hips involuntarily lurching, seeking more contact with the foreign muscle. “Delicious,” he murmurs. “Best fucking thing I’ve had to eat so far on this miserable planet.” Then his mouth crushes against your pussy.
You need something to hold onto, and that something becomes the carefully coiffed hair of the news anchor, instantly sending the coal dark tresses into disarray. He sucks so hard you think your clit is going to be pulled right away from your body. He adds a second finger and, at times, that wicked, alien tongue into your channel and you no longer care that you’re getting your cunt eaten out by a doppel. Your throat burns from how rapidly you’ve been searching for air. You feel like you’re going to cum, but that something else is about to happen, too. There’s a pressure inside, similar to needing to void, but slightly different. That bizarre, wonderfully obscene tongue of his keeps touching your g spot and it’s doing things. Things you can’t control.
His eyes lift and they’re that pretty teal color again, the hair you’ve mussed tumbling across his ivory forehead, and you fall apart against that Adonis face, the orgasm so intense you find yourself squirting, splashing fluids into the waiting mouth that sucks and swallows and laps every stray droplet, seeking more.
Your legs are shaking violently and you’re embarrassed and you’re afraid, too, but the lust is doing a nice job of muting that last feeling somewhat.
“Absolutely fucking delectable. That was a pleasant surprise, dear.”
“I didn’t know…I…”
“First time for everything, isn’t that how the expression you humans use goes?” He licks his lips—fully back to the human features again, normal tongue, teeth, eyes—and rises to his feet. “Perhaps you’d like to continue this elsewhere? Somewhere a little more comfortable?”
“Um…” You’re still coming down off your post orgasmic high, the nerves in your legs firing and tingling. You’d just squirted in a doppelganger’s mouth. Had a mind blowing climax, the best of your life. With an imitation copy of famed news reporter Izaack Gauss. Fuck.
“Or I can bend you over the desk and fuck you right here. Your choice, dear. But make up your mind quickly, or I’ll choose for you.”
The brazen declaration strikes you iron hot in your core. Either offer sounded tempting. “Um…” You repeat helplessly.
The replicant clucks his tongue softly. “Cock dumb already, are we? And you haven’t even seen it yet, let alone felt it.”
“Upstairs,” you manage to blurt your decision.
“Fine. My place or yours?”
“You mean Izaack’s?”
“I mean mine. He’s hardly in a position to use it at present.”
“Oh. Yours, then.” You suddenly realize you’re naked from the waist down and you no longer have any intact garments to cover your nudity. “My clothes…”
“Use this.” He lifts his coat from the desk and tosses it at you. It’s absurdly long but it does the trick, shielding your naked body from view.
The doppel says nothing to you on the elevator, seemingly unconcerned if anyone were to run into you now, or if you had any thoughts of trying to escape. There’s a slight delay when he realizes his apartment key is still tucked into his coat pocket, shoving his hand into the outerwear he’s loaned you, the sudden warm press of him inviting, in spite of everything, and then you’re ushered inside.
The reporter’s living space is modernly furnished, and neat as a pin. You’re guided to the bedroom, a large portion of which is occupied by an enormous closet full of clothes—necessary for the job, you suppose, although to your eye one suit is much the same as the next—and a king sized bed covered in a steel gray sheet set and comforter.
“It’s, um…your place is nice,” you say, feeling a need to fill the sudden silence.
The doppelganger grunts at the compliment, thumbing open the button of his suit jacket and tossing it over the back of the chair in front of the desk placed before the window. He tugs on his tie, a silk item that’s a few shades lighter than his eye color, and this joins the blazer. His fingers move briskly over the cuffs of his shirt sleeves, then unfasten the row of buttons draped over his torso. He sheds the shirt and the undershirt unceremoniously and you have your first glimpse of the body the copycat has adopted.
There were a few paparazzi photos snapped here and there that had circulated the tabloids, so it’s not as if you’ve never seen the man on one of those glorious resort beaches you know you’ll never experience in your lifetime, but seeing those muscles in person is much, much different. You can’t help but appreciate the beauty of the figure in front of you, even if it is a phony.
“Like what you see, do you?” There’s a little smirk on the imposter’s lips now as he begins working open his pants.
You stare open mouthed, gaping like a fish out of water as he continues shedding clothing. He hadn’t been exaggerating about his cock size. At all. If anything, he’d been too conservative. He was going to break you in two. You’d be slain after all.
His gaze sharpens, piercing you after he finishes undressing. “You’re not going to clam up like this during the interview tomorrow night, are you?”
“I…what? We’re still doing the interview?”
“Of course.”
“But…but I thought…” You can’t stop staring at the massive erection saluting you.
“It’s a hassle changing faces sometimes. I’ve got a good thing going here. Good job, nice place to live. Appreciative viewers,” he murmurs, his fingers tucking under your chin. “So I'm not keen to do anything to draw attention to myself. You keep my secret and I’ll make sure you’re…compensated. Deal?”
You nod, unable to form words. If you declined, you feel certain the consequences would be dire.
“Good. Now get out of that coat—mind you place it nicely on the chair there until I can hang it up later, I do like this human’s wardrobe—and I’ll see about making some more of those fantasies come true, hmm?”
You’re blushing again. He’s already seen your pussy up close; is removing the rest of your clothes after the borrowed coat such a hardship? You let the blouse and brassiere fall to the floor, about to peel the stockings off but he bids you to keep them on, pushing you gently back onto the bed after he drags the comforter off. “In case you have another…episode.”
He’s talking about the squirting. You glance away hurriedly.
“Look at me,” he says, drawing your gaze back to his features. His knee sinks into the mattress, joined soon after by the other. He climbs over you and you’re struck again by how large the creature is in every single way. His face dips to yours and he kisses you for the first time and you forget all of your earlier misgivings in an instant. Those plump lips were made for this, for stroking and brushing against another’s. Your own part and his tongue slides between them, nudging yours, trying a little sample of the taste of your mouth. Ink smudged fingers caress your breasts and smooth over your ribs. Everywhere your own hands touch meets firm, muscular flesh. Everything is toned, lean. You knead his shoulders and stroke his chest and squeeze his biceps, marveling at how massive his arms are, far more than your fingers can stretch around. You’re still not brave enough to explore further south on your own.
“Touch me,” he whispers beside your ear before nibbling on it, and your hands collide with something scalding. You’ve found his cock. Wet at the tip. He groans a little, his hips pushing that erect organ through the circle of your fingers, effectively fucking them. “Good girl,” he praises, and you feel a fresh flood leaking from your sex. “Let’s get you nice and filled.” His hand wedges between your thighs and you instantly spread them open. He strokes the head of his prick over the moist petals and then pushes at your opening and oh, it burns, it’s too much, too much but not enough, you want more, rolling your hips up to help him sink in further. “Hungry little thing, aren’t you? Just like a doppel.”
At the utterance of this final word his face changes again, his true form once again asserting dominance, revealing itself. You can’t kiss him like you had earlier, not with those razor teeth, but his tongue reaches your mouth easily, twining around inside, poking and prodding. His hands brace against your thighs and fold you over and he goes in even deeper, sinking into your wet cunt that sucks at him, throbbing, already trying to milk seed from the alien.
You can feel him burrowing inside—feel him from the outside, even, the bulge palpable through the exterior wall of your abdomen—and the ache starts to become more pleasurable. Your body wants this. It wants to mate with this imposter.
The gentle introduction completed, Gauss’ replica starts pumping faster. You’ve still got one orgasm up on him and he wants his now. “Fuck, you feel so good. Are you going to cum on my cock this time? I’d love to feel that hot, wet cunt of yours spasming around me.” He snakes a hand between your bodies, stroking your clit again.
“Mmmm…Izaack….” You realize you’d just addressed the clone by his human name and your tongue freezes against his, your rocking hips halting.
“You can call me that.” Softer mouth again. Human lips. Wet against your throat. “Let me hear how much pleasure I’m giving you.”
The permission relaxes you, draping you in warm comfort. You card through his hair—now a tangled licorice shaded mess—and gaze into aqua eyes, moaning his name over and over. His hips slam into yours roughly, at odds with the gentle circles he’s still tracing along your nub, and it pushes you over the brink. The smirk is back, that satisfied curve of lips followed by a Cheshire Cat grin that fades as his own release builds.
“Here it comes, get ready for it…fuck, it’s so good…”
A series of jets of hot liquid fill your womb and you shudder as the invader fills you with his cum. His teeth sink into your shoulder—human ones, but biting hard enough to leave temporary dents—and then he collapses beside you.
“That was, um…”
“Good?” He supplies, still sounding a little breathless.
“Yeah. Really good.”
“Mmmm.” He folds his hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling while he recovers. You shift on your side and he glances over at you. “You’re sure you’re good for the interview tomorrow? Remember what you’re going to say?”
“Don’t want to rehearse it again?”
Ah. A concealed invitation. “Maybe we should. Just to be sure we have all the details just right.”
“My thoughts exactly.” The doppelganger pulls you into his arms.
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ryaistardemon · 3 months
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Hey Tumblr, here’s stupid request doodles and other things
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prismsofmystery · 19 days
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I'm so sorry
Brother is NOT beating the allegations
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angusciprianni · 2 months
If we had a kid would it have black hair or brown hair? Or maybe your eyes or mine? (Not romantic, more of a bromance thing)
`` Hah, What a strange question!
No idea, dear friend, but our child would certainly have the winning best smile with both of ours combined! ``
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