#Izumi's ability to see combined with fairymon's inability to do so made interesting results :3
windfighter · 4 months
Could you write digimon frontier where someone finds/falls into one of Grumblemons burrows? Or just something about him. (He is very underrated)
I tried, but it turned out to be more about Fairymon ops x,x
Takes place after the end of Frontier, when the kids have gone home and the legendary warriors are the new guardians of the digital world:
Winding Tunnels
The ground disappeared beneath Fairymon’s feet. She yelped, fell. Her wings beat behind her, kept her from crashing completely. She landed gently on a secret second ground, hidden below the first. Tilted her head and listened to the sounds of the area. Wind howled, swept through tight corridors. A tunnel. Several even, a whole system. Had a Drimogemon made it to her area? She put her hand to the wall, followed it deeper.
The tunnels went in all kinds of directions. She listened for the wind, let it guide her through them. Through very tight corridors where the wind whistled high notes for her, and through wider tunnels where it was but a whisper. She didn’t know how long she had walked, but her feet were starting to ache.
”What are you doing here?”
Fairymon tilted her head at the voice. Grottomon.
”I could ask you the same thing”, she answered.
The air was a lot more still in this place, the wind quieter. A cave. Fairymon’s wings beat, lifted her from the ground and she flew over to where she could sense Grottomon.
”I found your tunnel in my area”, she explained.
Didn’t land. Grottomon moved around, but didn’t look at her. She didn’t look at him either, but the movements in the air told her where he was. Unthreatening.
”The ground is my area”, he answered.
Simple as that. Fairymon didn’t agree.
”The mountains are your area, not the Soyokaze village and surrounding forest.”
She put her hands to her side.
”We split the world in ten areas to not step on each other’s toes after the incident”, she continued. ”We should all honor that arrangement until the Angels are back.”
”Don’t think I don’t know about you sneaking over to Ranamon”, Grottomon answered.
Fairymon’s cheeks felt hot. She crossed her arms over her chest.
”That’s… a different matter”, she said.
He knocked on one of the walls, shuffled around and knocked again, probably preparing for another tunnel. Fairymon sighed. She wasn’t angry and Grottomon obviously though she was.
”I just want to know why”, she said. ”And to know where the tunnels are so no other digimon get lost in here.”
”Are you lost?” Grottomon asked.
There was laughter in his voice. Fairymon clenched her hands, stretched her back to look more assertive.
”Of course not!”
She was so lost, but she could always follow the wind out. Grottomon laughed.
”Faster travel”, he said. ”Been over to The Dark Continent a bit lately.”
”Why are you…”
”Wolfmon and I had some things to discuss”, he said.
What exactly he didn’t say. Fairymon didn’t ask.
”I am not spying on you or whatever you’re implying”, Grottomon continued.
Moved to another area of the room. It was big, Fairymon couldn’t hear the wind reach the walls. It seemed to gather somewhere above her. Probably a vent or something. Maybe she could get out that way.
”My area’s not big enough”, he continued.
They had split the world in ten equal areas. One for each of the legendary warrior, since tensions had been high after the humans left. Fairymon was just about to point it out.
”All Dig-mons are in my area”, Grottomon continued. ”No tunnels allowed anywhere else and they need to dig. The Digmons, the Armadillomons, the Drimogemons. Me. We need to dig, it’s in our data. There’s almost no ground left to dig in here.”
He turned towards Fairymon. She made an attempt to turn towards him as well.
”Some tunnels flooded because the ground under the lake got too thin and now the lake’s gone”, he went on. ”Water’s gone, plants are wilting and everyone is starting to starve. I can’t reach Ranamon because she’s in the ocean.”
Fairymon landed on the ground.
”You should have said something.”
”I’m telling you now.”
He turned away again.
”We’re trying to fix it, but we still need more dirt. More space. Fresh water. Wolfmon’s been supplying some food while we sort it out. Only one of you who’ll speak to me.”
Fairymon laughed.
”Can’t imagine the dark continent is great for him.”
She didn’t know why Wolfmon had chosen that area, and why Löwemon had taken the Forest Terminal and Seraphimon’s castle. It wasn’t her place to speculate, but obviously he felt lonely if he reached out to Grottomon of all digimons. Fairymon walked after Grottomon, followed him for a bit as he knocked on the walls.
”We can help you”, she said after a few minutes. ”We could use a few digmons in my area. And I’m sure the others would also like to help.”
She smiled.
”It’s not a competition, we’re taking care of this world together.”
”Some of us more together than others”, he answered.
But there’s wasn’t malice in his voice, just teasing. Fairymon blushed again and looked away.
”I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He stopped, she heard him draw something on the wall.
”Anyway, I’ll talk with Ranamon”, she continued. ”And it’s probably time we all met up.”
”Because the last meeting went great.”
The last meeting… Fairymon shuddered. Agnimon and Chackmon had gotten into a fight, followed by Löwemon and Wolfmon refusing to talk to each other. Blitzmon and Mercuremon had done something and then half the building had exploded. Arbormon spent most of the meeting sleeping while Ranamon drew figures on the table. Fairymon had gotten into a fight with Agnimon the moment Chackmon stopped arguing and left. Calling it a disaster didn’t do it justice. Fairymon had no idea what Grottomon had been doing throughout it either.
”Well… We’ve grown a bit since then”, Fairymon said. Hoped. ”We were all still affected by the humans back then. Or the corruption. I’m sure this time it’ll be fine.”
The only one she had spoken to since then was Ranamon, but hope springs eternal. So, she really hoped they would do better this time. Grottomon grabbed something and went back to the wall.
”I can figure it out on my own”, he said. ”Don’t need you all stenching this place up.”
”I’ll send word about the meeting”, Fairymon answered.
Turned around, Now, where was the tunnel she had arrived through? Grottomon laughed.
”Tell me again how you aren’t lost.”
”I’m not lost”, she said.
The air rose to the ceiling. Fairymon’s wings beat behind her, lifted her from the ground.
She hoped the hole in the ceiling was big enough as she flew through it. The air guided her, let her know where the walls where so she could avoid them. She still scraped against it in a particular thight spot, but then she felt warmth against her face. Sunlight, a fresh breeze. She was above ground again. She turned, flew back towards the Soyokaze Village. Now she just needed to figure out where they could all meet up.
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