inforapound · 4 years
The Devil Inside  -  Part 3
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I really meant for this to be the last chapter but it got away on me. I’m sorry. Also, please don’t date anyone who acts like Ivar. This chapter really makes me miss high-school though. 😬 It actually will be a couple of week before the finale is posted.
Pairing - Ivar and you
Warning - SMUT
The rest of the weekend was quiet and you spent it at home, declining invitations to meet up with friends. Instead, you studied, baked banana bread, and overall did as many wholesome things as you could to restore moral balance after your movie theatre shenanigans.
In truth, you felt a little sick over it, like you had been duped but what would you have even said to Ivar if he had called anyway? Thanks for the rub? Nope.
It was rare those days that your mom and dad were both home at the same time, or at all, as each traveled so much for work and you were pleased to have a family supper that Sunday night and pretend that you were still a kid.
Of course, the events of your Friday night did not leave your mind and you found yourself zoning out, remembering how Ivar had looked at the theatre and how he smelled, and what his mouth felt like on yours. God, his tongue had been inside your mouth as if wanting to taste your orgasm. More than once you had thought about his words, the part where he said “he knew that you were a good girl.”  How exactly did he know that? And if you were good, what was bad?
By Monday the entire event seemed less vivid and it was easier not to think about. But walking out of the school at lunch and seeing that black Camaro brought back that same rush of uncertainty. Was he there for you? Of course, he was, you almost rolled your eyes at yourself. He was parked right beside your car instead of his usual spot across the lot. God, you felt anxious but weren’t you also a little relieved? Shit... and where were Kim and Amanda? You needed them. As if they heard, your phone chimed but looking at your screen it was not a number you recognized.  
    : Are you going to stand there all day?
It was Ivar. Obviously. He apparently had your number after all.
Walking toward him, you were acutely aware that he was watching your every move. You could feel those cold blue eyes and because of the small size of your hands, when you got to the car, you struggled to open his car door with its stiff classic car handle. It was impossible to miss how he rolled his eyes when he leaned over to help open it from the inside. You felt stupid and awkward and by the look of him, you were already on his nerves.
“Hi,” you said meekly as you slid down into the seat.
Not saying anything back, he glanced over but continued to stare out the front window watching kids head to their cars.
It was quiet and felt strained and just… nope…. you weren’t doing it; his attitude, his sighs, and rolling eyes. Forget it. You had some self-respect and weren’t going to be ignored while sitting in his car.
“So, I was thinking... the other night,” you started and he glanced at you again, his face unreadable but the frown he often wore was there. “It was kinda crazy and I just don’t want to...”
“To what?” he snapped.
Hesitating you waited in case he was going to say more but when he didn’t you licked your lips and his bright blue eyes flicked down to catch that subtle movement. “So... I was saying,” you continued and he locked eyes with you again, “I don’t want you to think that you’ve got to follow up or, I don’t know, take me out...”
“You don’t want me here?” he cut you off again, his eyes were narrowed at you, assessing.
Oh no, you had not given enough thought to what you were trying to say. You had obviously insulted him.
“No, no,” you repeated, reaching over and putting your hand on his arm, his leather coat feeling soft. “I only meant...”
“Meant what?” his eyes narrowed further and he made a face like you had just blown salt at him.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, shaking your head. “I’m bad at this. I only meant it feels backward, doing something so... intimate and then seeing each other and trying to... I don’t know...” you shrugged, sounding defeated.
Leaning over the console between your seats, he smirked. “Kiss me then.”
“What?” you couldn’t help but smile at his instant change in mood and you leaned back slightly to better look into his blue eyes. God, were they ever electric.
“If you’re not sure what to say, just kiss me. Everything else will come.”
Your enormous grin forced him to smile and you did, you kissed him. His hand came up and held the side of your face and it felt so amazing you sighed. You actually sighed. God, was this happening?
Pulling his lips away, he looked at you and his expression was serious but you could feel that his entire demeanor had softened. He was less on guard.
“Are you hungry? Wanna grab food?” he asked.
“Last block was home-ec; I ate everything in sight but I’ll go wherever you want so you can eat.”
Nodding, he straightened and turned the ignition; the engine firing up with a roar.
Less than five minutes on the road and you could tell where he was taking you. Driving through the gates, the impressive Tudor house came into view and he parked right in front, not saying a word as he got out and headed in, his crutch making a soft clicking sound as you trailed behind.
Inside, no one was around but you heard a TV or radio in the distance perhaps from the kitchen or that family room.
Down the hallway and into his room, you stood in the center looking around as he balanced his crutch against a hip and took off his leather coat, tossing it onto the loveseat. Flipping on music, he looked over at you and sat down on the end of his neatly made bed. You were dragging out the moment and when your eyes met his eyes, you knew, that he knew you were stalling.  
“You said you weren’t afraid of me.”
“I’m just trying to get a sense…. I don’t actually know you.”
Tipping his head to one side, he looked at you. Really looked, seeming to simultaneously analyze your appearance, your meaning, your reasons for coming, why you had let him do all those things to you. You didn’t actually know what he was thinking but that’s what it felt like. Regardless, it was clear, he held the power in the room.
“Come here,” he nodded to the bed beside him, his eyes not giving away his thoughts.
Clearing your throat, you made your way over, slowly sitting down, your hands running over your thighs to smooth out your skirt. Turning his head, he continued to look and you glanced up nervously.
“I know something about you,” he crooned, his expression a little more playful.
“I know you are smart. Top of your class. I know you don’t go anywhere without those two chicks. I also know you dated some rugby player from Reynolds.”
“How do you know all that?” you asked your body picking up that static in the air that tended to play between you.
“Mark,” he answered matter-of-factly.
“I see,” you shifted on the bed, feeling squirmy. “I’m at a disadvantage then. I know nothing about you. Other than you have two brothers.”
“And that you go to Clairmont,”
“I don’t…I do school online.”
“Oh. I know that you are a good kisser,” you peeked up at him seeing how your comment brightened his face. “But that’s it.”
You weren’t sure why you couldn’t hold his eye contact but it was then that his fingers brushed back the hair hanging over your shoulder, and you stayed frozen as he pulled the collar of your white blouse aside. Slowly he leaned in closer and closer, his face reaching the crook of your neck and he pressed a kiss just below your ear. Ahhhhhh, you nearly melted as his lips continued lightly across your throat, gently sucking your skin into his mouth, making your body shiver. But you didn’t move…..
Pulling back, he looked at you and then sighed loudly.
“You’re so tense,” he breathed out. “Fine! What would you like to know?”
“You feel like you don’t know me. So… ask.” He lifted his eyebrows and shook his head like what he was saying was obvious. “I never lie.”
“Ohh-kay,” you said cautiously feeling unsure of where to start but not wanting this window to close.
“Where are your parents?” you started with the basics.
“My father is never around. Overseas working and my mom died two years ago.”
Okay, that was NOT where to start. “I’m sorry,” you turned your head and looked at him.
Swatting the air as if to move on, he gawked, impatient for you to continue.
“What do you want to do after school?”
“I don’t know.”
“Who was your last girlfriend?”
“Wait you said...”
“I didn’t lie,” he cut you off. “I said skip.”
“Ohh-kay,” you replied, thinking quietly for a moment and you could tell this game was nearly done. “Do you deal drugs?”
He actually flinched and flared his nostrils, and you kept your eyes on him watching his reaction. Glancing around the room, he seemed to be steadying himself obviously hating this game.
“Weed,” he said almost bitterly. “I don’t deal drugs,” he mimicked some voice as if it was yours. “I sell weed. Nothing more than that.”
His head snapped over to look at you again and you could tell he was trying not to glare. God, he was not an open person.
“For the money,” you smiled, indicating you were joking, trying to lighten the mood.
“I started smoking it a couple of years ago. I went through a bad time after my mom passed. My legs were pretty bad,” he glanced over, “I have a disorder that I was on a lot of pain meds for and then the Drs gave me more shit because I was messed up over my mom. My dad basically ditched and I was not doing well. I had to quit all that shit. I knew I was heading toward a point that you can't come back from. So,” he shrugged, “I dropped the pills. Quit everything and just smoked weed.”
You were silent for a moment. “I see,” you said and it felt like the safest response.
“I started buying it in big qualities. Didn’t want to deal with small-time sellers. Didn’t know where their shit came from or what was in it. Just started selling a bit here and there and pretty quickly it paid for it. And then some.”
“Were you selling to other people who were in pain? Instead of them taking, like, pharmaceuticals?”
“Fuck no,” he scoffed. “Anyone with cash.” He rolled his eyes but it turned into a smile. “I’m done with your questions.”
With one hand, he pushed you abruptly back onto the bed.
“Ivar,” you gasped as he quickly scooped an arm around your waist and yanked you up until you were both laying on the pillows.
Meekly, you tried to resist, but he called bullshit and held your free hand back before pulling you against him and kissing you. His lips felt good, his tongue working its way into your mouth, his knee pushing between your legs. He knew exactly what he was doing pressing his thigh up against your crotch, his hand squeezing your ass, and running down the backs of your thighs.
You were going to stop him. You were. Just a few seconds more of his hot mouth, his amazing taste, and smell that flooded your head warming your body right down to your center. Oh god and the sounds he made. Small grunts like the more he kissed and touched you, the more he realized he wanted.
In one swift movement, he rolled on top, leaning on his elbows, his kisses becoming borderline rough. It was the bulge in his pants grinding against you, your hips rolling up against him that felt way too much. Way, way too much.
“Ivar,” you pulled your mouth back but he simply diverted, sucking on the side of your throat, one of his hands magically arriving at your cleavage and beginning to work on the buttons of your school shirt.
“Ivar, stop,” you said a little louder.
“What?” he asked, glancing up, managing to open two more bottoms with the flick of his fingers. How was he so good at that? Instantly, his hand was inside, squeezing and groping your breasts through your bra.
“This is too fast,” you muttered.
“Not for me,” he puffed, working his mouth back up to yours.
“Ivar, stop,” you turned your chin enough to escape him.
Letting out a resigned sigh, he tilted his head back to better focus on you.
“I don’t even know what is happening between us?” you continued sounding...well... a bit whiny.
“Don’t be childish,” he dismissed.
“I just want.... to take it slow. This is all new.”
“New?” his eyes flashed. “Not for me. I have wanted you since last the summer.”
What, you thought?! Last summer? Seven months ago? This was bewildering, you just met him.  
“I just fucking knew when I saw you,” his face grew serious, and he reached up, brushing your hair back from the side of your face.
“Knew what?”
“I just knew.”
Woah, this was overwhelming. His blue eyes were searching yours and you then understood how sincere he was being and how excoriating it was for him to be like that.
“Can I just... have a minute?”
“No,” he frowned but his features softened and he leaned down and kissed you again. It was a soft kiss, a beautiful kiss, his gorgeous lips pressing against yours, holding still as if pouring out the feeling behind what he had just shared. Dropping his head into the crook of your neck, his arms tightened around you.
“Don’t push me away, okay,” he whispered and you heard the anxiety in his voice.
It melted your heart and gave you some insight as to why he was such a weirdo. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you embraced him back.
“Why are you so.... cool with me sometimes. You’re unsure?”
Shrugging, he lifted back up to see your face but looked away, and you realized he was embarrassed.
“I don’t wanna freak you out. I can be…. a lot.”
No shit!
“Enough of your yapping,’’ he looked back and you could tell the subject had been changed.
“Ivar!” you gasped as his hand shot up your kilt, grabbing the waistband of your blue underwear.
Squirming, you latched onto his wrists to stop him but he clucked his tongue as if you were the one being naughty.
“These can fuck off,” he said yanking your underwear down your legs, slipping them off, along with your black shoes, and tossing everything onto the floor.
Narrowing his eyes at you, he looked wicked and smug and so incredibly sexy and you found yourself just watching, seeing what he’d do. Kissing you one more time, he moved down your body, nestling between your legs, and attempted to push up your kilt. Mouthing the word ‘noooo,’ your hands shot down to hold it against you.
“Move your hands!” he ordered.
“No, wait, this is crazy.”
“Move your hands or I swear to god,” he glared as if insane but it morphed into a grin. “Move your hands!” he barked, this time actually looking a little annoyed.
So, fuck it, you did. You moved your hands and he flipped up your kilt.
Oh god.
Even as your self conscientiousness began to burn, your bare box a mere five inches from his face, the glee that came over him made you laugh. But within a second, some darkness moved behind his blazing eyes and he just stared down at your pussy. Grabbing the back of your thigh, he bent your knee up, opening your legs wider.  
Oh god.
“Can we close the blinds or something? It's so bright in...”
“Shush,” he quieted you not looking up. “I want to see what I’m doing.”
Oh god.
With his free hand, he carefully spread the lips of your pussy, and you looked up to the ceiling, your cheeks hot, unable to watch. It was so weird, your legs instinctively tried to close but he clucked again, pulling them back open.
“Don’t hide from me. Ever,” he whispered and you glanced down just as he looked up at you. “Plus, you said you would go anywhere so I could eat,” he grinned wildly, looking handsome, like a total deviant.
You jumped when his fingers touched you a second time, his fierce eyes watching your face as he began running his thumb over your clit. Fucking hell, it was intense and you had never had a guy just hang out down there, staring at the details of your body. His mouth fell open alittle and you watched curiously as he spread your lips even further, rubbing that same spot that you knew was starting to swell under his soft strokes.
“Do you know how fucking perfect you are?” he asked, glancing up again, his expression looking somehow pained.  “Do you like that?” he kept staring at you, observing your reaction, his thumb gliding over and over. It felt amazing and by the way his head tilted to the side, gazing at your pussy and swearing under his breath, you knew he appreciated how wet you were getting.
“Fuck!” he rushed out loudly, “I could barely sleep last night. I was thinking about you. About kissing you. Everything at the movies. How wet your pussy was. Fuck!” he swore again. “Like it is now.”
His thumb pressed harder, and your stomach flinched making him laugh but he quickly grew serious and without breaking your gaze, he lowered his face, extending his unnaturally long tongue and swiped up the center of your folds. Jesus, it felt good and you glanced at his door noticing there was no lock.  Steadily, his fingers spread you further apart, so wide it almost hurt and he grunted, sounding very pleased, his tongue descending again and licking you, lapping you, feeling warm, circling your clit. Within a few seconds, your hips began to gently rock and your breathing became shaky.
Time was obviously not of the essence as he took his time swapping back and forth between tasting you and running his thumb over your slit and each time you twitched or shuddered, those menacing eyes were back on you, studying your reaction, seeing what made you moan.
“Please,” you heard yourself whimper and it made him chuckle.
“Please what?” he asked, clearly loving it.
“Please,” you whined as his thumb and his intermittent licks began to drive you mad. Your pussy was wide open and needing more.
“You will have to be more specific, beautiful.”
“Please,” you tipped your chin down and looked directly at him. “Make me cum, Ivar, please,” you added the ‘please’ just to make him happy and his eyes flashed.
With that his mouth dropped down to your flesh, sucking your soft layers and clit right into his mouth. He was devouring you and it was raw and wild and the carnal sounds he was making made you imagine him as some beast. The climb to your finish was fast and powerful and when you finally came, all inhibitions were gone, you bucked your pelvis and grabbed his perfect hair, grinding your cunt up against his mouth, incoherently crying out. It was messed up and you had never once felt anything like it before.
“You are so beautiful, baby,” he murmured, kissing the inside of your skin and running the palm of his hand up and down the inside of your thigh. “You are so fucking beautiful. I have wanted this for so long,” he spoke against your skin as you came down from your climax.
As you untensed and simmered, he slid back up beside you, his hand snaking inside your blouse and grabbing your boob.
“You almost made me blow in pants,” he smiled and you just gazed at him, blissed-out, taking in how dreamy he looked.
“Oh shit!” you said, lifting your head, your eyes trying to find a clock.
“What time...”
“Relax,” he tightened his hold on you. “We’ll leave in 15 minutes. Plenty of time.”
Resting your head back down, you closed your eyes loving how much larger his body was than yours and how it felt to be in his arms.
“Plenty of time for what?” you asked, opening your eyes again.
“I’m not done.”
Oh god.
Sitting up, he grabbed you, roughly flipping you onto your tummy, his body quickly covered yours and pressing you down into the bed. It was so fast and you were confused but still too spaced out to speak. Pushing your legs apart, he shifted his weight to one side and flipped up your kilt uncovering your naked ass.
“What....” you rushed out, feeling too exposed. Your bottom, the back of your you-know-what, everything just out in the open.
“Stop fighting me,” he pressed his mouth to your ear. “You have a perfect ass, by the way.”
Fidgeting you realized he was opening and pulling down his pants and panic shot through you.
“Ivar, I can’t...”
“Shush, I’m not going to have sex with you. Relax.”
What was he doing, your mind started to reel? Was he lying? Was he going to try? If you were being honest, part of you wondered if maybe you’d let him. It was crazy.
You jumped, sucking in air when his hand touched the back of your pussy, his fingers rubbing between your lips and around your entrance. As the tips of his fingers dipped inside, the sounds of his approval fired back up. Bracing for it, you were thrown off when his finger didn’t push inside but instead traveled up the crack of your ass, circling around your asshole. Your eyes bugged out at the odd sensation and it hit you what he was doing; he was using your own slick to lube you up. But for what?
“What are you doing?”
Ignoring you he lowered himself back down, his weight feeling heavy, and you felt his hard bare cock land right in the crease of your ass. His elbows settled on either side of you, boxing you in, and just as you were about to tell him to get off, his face and chin burrowed back into the side of your neck. Slowly, he rolled his hips forward, his cock sliding between your cheeks, slippery and hard and feeling so unexpected. Pulling his hips back, he rutted again and his strained breathing showed you he loving it. It was different and hot and the sound of his panting in your ear was such a turn on. Not to mention his intimidatingly large rock-hard dick, touching the back of your entrance.
“All that panic for nothing,” he grunted and you could tell he was smiling. “I just needed to feel your perfect ass.”
It felt good. It felt surprisingly good and without thought you pushed your bum up toward him, immediately making his hiss.
“That’s it, my beautiful girl,” he grunted in your ear, pumping against your behind even harder. “Your little body knows exactly what to do, doesn’t it? Fuck!” he swore as his pace picked up.
Leaning on one arm, he snaked his hand under your tummy, finding your crotch, pulling you up toward him so your butt was at a better angle. Spreading your own legs a little wider, you dug your knees into the bed, arching your back even more. He fucking loved it and made you cry out when his fingers connected with your overly sensitive clit.
“Do you know how badly I want to fuck you? Hmmm? Put my dick inside you. Your beautiful little hole?”
He was moving faster and faster, it was so slippery and wet and you felt filthy because of how much you wanted him, wishing it might just slip and jab you.
“But I’m not going to rush you. I can wait,” he kissed the side of your head, his fingers rubbing your front which was a dripping mess at this point, your own hips moving in time. Everything began to feel funny and you realized you had never, not even once, had two orgasms in a row.
“You’re so wet,” he groaned as his hips moved faster and his fingers pressed harder. His breath grew even more ragged in your ear and everything began to distort. You couldn’t tell how long you’d been under him, grinding, panting, bucking up against him, and starting to whine his name. The air felt thick and your skin felt hot and you wished you were naked instead of your kilt being bunched around you. His arm was securely under you, his fingers slipping relentlessly over your clit, his cock sliding over the back of your pushed up ass. It was all too much and, in that blur, your second organism rolled, rocking you hard and stretching on so long you weren’t clear if it was still going or you were just that sensitive. You couldn’t breathe or think or move and or even make a sound. It was Ivar, crying out into the air above you that drew you back, his hips stuttering against you hard, and then you felt it, a warm pool of cum at the top of your crack.
His body went slack and he flopped down, half on and half beside, his leg and arm still wrapped around you. Catching his breath, he brushed the hair that was sticking to your tacky forehead away to uncover your eyes and pressed a breathy kiss to your lips. You didn’t open your eyes but felt him snuggle in, your faces very close and you guessed he was looking at you.
“I want you to be that person in my life… who….” his voice dropped off as if unable to finish what he wanted to say and you thought you heard him whisper your name. “God,” he continued. “I just want to be with you. So badly.”
Not once on the short ride back to school did he let go of your hand, even bringing it to his mouth and kissing the back a couple of times. If you had any mental capacity left after your two earth-shattering orgasms and his heart breaking-ly sweet admission, you would have realized that you were in shock. Was it good or bad? It was hard to tell but he was swooning over you, smitten with an entirely different warmth in his eyes.
Kissing him goodbye and swinging the door closed, you walked toward the side entrance of the school, wondering if it was possible to bruise a tail bone and seeing your two best friends, waiting. By their expressions, it was clear they wanted to talk.
Great, you thought, you had to tell them that, like it or not, Ivar Lothbrok was your boyfriend now. And despite your hesitations, you did, you liked it very much.
Next chapter
*Happy Valentines Day❤️
@youbloodymadgenius  @whenimaunicorn @ceridwenofwales   @sweeneythots @funmadnessandbadassvikings @redama @mdredwine@didiintheblog   @londongal2810 @fields-and-fields-of-poppies  @oddsnendsfanfics @youbelongeverywhere @flowers-in-your-hayr @hecohansen31 @naaladareia @gearhead66 @blonddnamedhandz @lisinfleur @geekandbooknerd @xbellaxcarolinax @edythofhastings @ivarsgoddess  @where-beauty-goes-to-die @zuxiezendler @punkrocknpearls @snatcherheart  @lordsexmachine @fuchsiagrasshopper @wilhelmyna @heavenly1927 @cececolbert​ @peachyboneless​
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lovingmybaealways · 4 years
7: First Morning...Sixth Round
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Chapter 7 of my story of the morning after with Young-bae still in bed and still doing wicked things to my body.  Lots of smut so enjoy!
I awake to the sun shining in my eyes as I forgot to shut the drapes last night.  I moan and try to roll over but can't since there is an arm holding onto my waist and a leg hooked over mine. I look beside me and see Young-bae fast asleep on his stomach and sprawled out like a starfish.
‘Young-bae looks so young and innocent when he's asleep' I thought to myself.  I fight the urge to kiss him and manage to climb out of bed and sneak into the bathroom to freshen up.  Fortunately the hotel provides bathrobes so I pull one and go to brush my teeth.  Young-bae wanders into the bathroom naked and hugs me from behind.
"Good morning beautiful." he says as he kisses me on the back of my neck.   I quickly rinse my mouth and tell him "I'll leave you to it" and run out of the bathroom.  By now my cheeks are flushed.  How can I be so embarrassed to see him naked?  He was naked all night and we did so many things...all of them sexual... I could feel myself starting to get wet and aroused just thinking about the past 8 hours.  Trying to distract myself, I go look out the window onto the busy street below. Soon Young-bae comes out of the bathroom and comes over to hug me from behind and puts his head on my shoulder. "Are you okay Jagiya?" he asks softly. "I'm good!" I say brightly, avoiding looking at him as I continued staring outside.  My face got redder and redder as I could feel a bulge pressing against my back. Young-bae looks at me quizzically and raises one eyebrow.  "Are you being shy?  You don’t need to be.  It's just me."  He then smirks a little wickedly.  "Just the same guy who made you cum all night long!" I'm now so mortified that I wish a hole in the ground would open up and swallow me whole.  "Oh you!" I say exasperatedly and push him so I could walk away.  Before I could even go 2 steps, Young-bae grabs my arm and swings me around so that he could hug me properly. "I'm sorry.  I'm just teasing you because you're so cute!"  Young-bae lifts up my chin and looks at me.  "Forgive me?  Please?"  And he blinks rapidly at me. He looks so absolutely adorable that I can't help but smile at him. "I'll take that as a yes" says Young-bae and lowers his head to kiss me.  Soon his kisses become more demanding and his hands untie the belt of my bathrobe and slips it off. Young-bae grasps my ass and lifts me up as my legs and arms automatically go around him.  His erect cock is now trapped between my folds and his stomach.  He walks me over to the desk, and perches my butt on there, leaving his hands free to play with my nipples. "Ummmmmm" I moan into his mouth and I run my hands through his silky platinum hair. Young-bae moves his hips up and down, sliding his cock against my increasingly wet pussy. "Mmmmmm Jagiya...you are so wet for me." "Only for you" I murmur against his lips. "Yes, only for me.  I want to be your everything!"  He moans as he grabs my hips forward and presses my core hard against his cock.  "I can't wait any longer Honey.  I need to be inside you!"  Young-bae sets me back a bit further on the desk and walks away. I look at him in confusion and realize that he's gone to get a condom from his jacket pocket. "Oh" I say "I think we forgot to use one earlier?" "I'm sorry Honey!   I didn't mean to forget...I got caught up in the moment.  Hopefully it will be okay as I pulled out in time.  But in any case, I will definitely take care of you!" "It should be okay" I say "It should be a safe time for me." Young-bae walks back and I see he has a strip of condoms in his hands.  "Seriously?" I ask laughingly. He looks at me with a wicked smile "We have the rest of today and tonight..." I blush and hide my head on his chest as he rips open up a foil pack and takes out a condom.  "Damn. How does this go again?" as he tries to figure out which way to unroll it. I take it from him, and roll it down his cock, stroking him down from top to bottom before fondling his balls. "Hey, how do you know how to use a condom?" he asks as he presses his forehead against mine. "Sex ed class" I say cheekily.  "Didn't you ever have to practice on a banana?" Young-bae bursts out laughing but soon starts to moan when I lean forward and flick his nipple with my tongue, and increase the speed of my strokes. Young-bae inserts his fingers into my pussy and used his thumb to stimulate my clit.  He starts thrusting in and out, and I can feel my orgasm begin to build.  “BaeBae...please!  I want you to fill me up.”  
Young-bae pulls my hands away, and pumps his cock a couple of times before lining it up to my entrance.  He pushes in slowly and we both moan at the sensation.  He pushes all the way in to the hilt and grips my ass “Are you ready for a wild ride?”
“Mmmm yes...BaeBae.  You feel so good.  I feel so stuffed…”
Young-bae holds me in place and starts thrusting in and out of my pussy, gradually picking up the pace as he feels my muscles start tightening around him.
“Ahhhhh...you feel so good around me.  Cum on my cock Babygirl.  I need you to cum now.  I’m getting close…”. Young-bae moans .  He lowers his head to thrust his tongue into my mouth.
“Ahhhhhh” I scream as my orgasm blows me apart.  
“Ahhhhhh!  You’re squeezing my cock so tight Jagiya!  Fuck!  It feels so fucking amazing!!  Mmmmmmm” gasps Young-bae.  He continues thrusting at a frantic pace, and all I can hear is our moans, the suction of cock sliding in and out of my pussy and the slapping of his balls against my ass every time he slams in deep.
Both my hands move down to pinch his nipples and twist slightly.  Young-bae slams into me with a gasp and bites down onto my shoulder as his cum shoots load after load into the condom.  
I explode into another orgasm from the slight sting of his bite and from his cock convulsing inside of me. “Mmmmmmm...BaeBae!” I scream.
Young-bae gathers me into an embrace while we both come down from our orgasms.  When we're both calmer, he leans back and takes care of the condom.  
"Jagiya, wrap your legs and arms around me."  says Young-bae as he picks me up and carries me back to bed.
Chapter 8: First Morning ... Seventh Round ... And An Argument
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elvendara · 7 years
Yooran Week Day 3
I’ll be off Tumblr in about 30min.s for like two hours!!! AHHHHHH, So, I’m posting this now, even though I didn’t finish editing the last part of this.....Hopefully it doesn’t have too many mistakes.
“Here, put this on.” Yoosung tossed an apron at Searan. He sighed.
“Do I really have to?” he whined.
“Yes, come on, this will be fun.”
“I doubt it! You know how bad I am in the kitchen! I can barely microwave anything.”
“Do you want banana bread or not?”
“Well, yes…but…”
“Then put the damned apron on.” Yoosung put his fists on his hips and glared at his boyfriend.
A smile played around Saeran’s face at Yoosung’s use of curse words. He threw the apron over his head, trying to hide his amusement, Yoosung didn’t like it when he laughed at him.
“Thank you. Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Saeran rolled his eyes and Yoosung arched his eyebrows.
“No. Happy?” Saeran threw his arms outwards, palms up.
“Yes, I am.” The blonde stood on tiptoes and kissed Saeran’s nose. Saeran grumbled but tied the apron around his waist.
“Ok, now what?”
“We gather the ingredients. We need butter, sugar, two eggs, 3 bananas, flour, salt and vanilla extract.” Yoosung read from the open cookbook. “I’ll get the pantry items, you get the ones from the fridge.” Yoosung turned towards the pantry and opened it. Saeran lazily opened the door to the refrigerator and hunted for butter and eggs.
He found the eggs easily, scooping two out of the carton, but couldn’t find the butter. “Where’s the butter?”
“It’s in a tub.” Yoosung told him.
“Tub? What kind of tub?”
“It’s small and blue.”
“Small and blue.” Saeran muttered, he was getting frustrated, how hard was it to find butter? Yoosung pulled the door further and stared into the cold shelves. He pointed to the center shelf, “There.” He said. Saeran stared and suddenly the butter was crystal clear.
“Oh.” He grabbed it sheepishly and turned to put his items next to all the ones Yoosung had already placed on the counter. He grumbled again but didn’t say anything. Yoosung set a mixing bowl on the counter and a smaller bowl next to it.
“Can you peel the bananas and mash them?” Yoosung asked, handing him what could only be a masher and sliding the smaller bowl towards him. Saeran took the masher and grabbed a banana, they were over ripe, but Yoosung said that’s why they were perfect for the banana bread, he wasn’t so sure, but, what did he know about baking anyway?
Yoosung turned the oven on to preheat and began to measure out his ingredients and dump them into the mixing bowl.  He watched Saeran as he peeled the bananas, his nose wrinkling and the tip of his tongue sticking out. He knew it would probably take him twice as long to prepare the banana bread with Saeran helping him, but, he didn’t care. He devoured every inch of his profile. He resisted the urge to brush the red strands away from his eyes, as Saeran kept tossing his head and blowing on them so he could see what he was doing. If he gave in to touching Saeran now, he knew that Saeran would try to turn it into something they could finish in the bedroom. Not that he would mind, but, he was enjoying Saeran’s domestic side.
Saeran mashed the bananas, almost losing chunks as they slid over the sides of the bowl. Yoosung tried to hold his giggles in. Saeran looked so miserable smashing those bananas.
“There!” he held the bowl up for Yoosung to examine.
“Perfect! You did a great job Saeran.” He couldn’t help but smile at the praise, he’d only lost a little bit of banana when it flew onto the floor. “Go ahead, pour it into the bowl.” Yoosung urged.
Saeran let the bananas flop into the mixture Yoosung had and it plopped atop the flour and sugar causing a small wisp of flour cloud to lift before settling down again.
He grinned at Yoosung, this wasn’t so bad.
“Can you get the loaf pan? We’ll need it, and the oil spray.”
“Oh, um, from where?” Yoosung pointed to the cabinet by the stove that held the pans and the pantry, where the oil spray was.
“What does a loaf pan look like?”
“Like a loaf of bread.” Yoosung giggled. Saeran growled, but he found it, setting it next to Yoosung, where he took the time to move the blonde’s hair out of the way and kiss his neck. “Are you laughing at me?” he whispered. He loved the curve of Yoosung’s neck, it was almost delicate, as if too much pressure would break it. Saeran ran his eyes along his jawline to the point of his chin. He hated to admit it, but, he was enjoying himself.
Yoosung shook his head, unable to open his mouth for fear of doing just that.
“Uh huh!” he turned away and opened the pantry, at least he knew what the oil spray looked like, he watched Yoosung enough to see him using it. He’d asked him what it was for, because he seemed to use it a lot. He pulled it down and set that next to the loaf pan. Yoosung was mixing all the ingredients together with a rubber curved spatula.
“Can you spray it? Make sure you get the sides as well, so it doesn’t stick.”
“Sure.” Saeran picked up the pan and sprayed it, he turned it over and sprayed the side he’d been holding it from. Suddenly it slipped from his fingers and crashed to the floor, shattering pieces of stone across the kitchen. Saeran stood there, the spray in one hand, staring at his feet.
“Oh!” Yoosung uttered.
Saeran slammed the oil spray on the counter and walked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom, slamming the door.
Yoosung swept up the pieces, hoping he hadn’t forgotten any, and threw them in the garbage. He took his apron off and stepped into the bedroom. As soon as he opened the door he was hit in the face with Saeran’s apron. He yelped in surprise but didn’t say anything. Saeran was laying on the bed on his back staring at the ceiling. Yoosung could see that he was trying to hold himself in check and not fly off the handle.
He crawled next to him, tossing the apron on the floor, and lay his head next to Saeran’s, his arm around his waist.
“It’s not a big deal you know. It isn’t like you’re the first person to ever break something in the kitchen, I’ve done it several times.” Yoosung tried to comfort him.
Saeran didn’t respond.
“Saeran, babe, it’s ok…” Saeran shifted to his side, his back towards Yoosung. Yoosung sighed and sat up.
“Ok, go ahead, act like a baby if you want to. But I’m going back out there and finish up. I’ll just use another pan, I don’t care what the bread looks like, as long as it tastes good. If you want to continue to sulk and pout in here, then that’s your choice. But don’t expect me to share my banana bread!” Yoosung slapped Saeran’s ass as he scooted off the bed in a huff and walked out the door. He left it open.
Saeran squeezed his eyes, trying to keep the tears that began to sting his eyes from falling. He bit his lip and worried it between his teeth. He wasn’t being a baby! He’d told Yoosung he wasn’t good in the kitchen, what did he want from him? He flipped on his back again and took a deep breath. He had been having fun, helping Yoosung. He threw his arm over his eyes and sighed. It was an accident, it wasn’t as if he’d done it on purpose. So was he so angry about it? Yoosung hadn’t been. He sat up and stared at the apron on the floor.
In the kitchen Yoosung pulled out a Bundt pan, he hadn’t ever used it, and sprayed it generously after having rinsed it out. He saw out of the corner of his eyes that Saeran was at the bedroom door, finally he stepped out, the apron back on, and held the glass mixing bowl for Yoosung to scoop the batter into the pan easier. Yoosung smiled.
“Thank you.” He said when it was done. He picked up the pan and Saeran pulled open the oven door for him to slide the pan inside. Closing the door, Yoosung turned the kitchen timer on for 55 minutes and turned back to Saeran, who was looking at his feet. He slid his arms around his waist and pressed himself against his boyfriend.
“I’m sorry Yoosung. I…I was just feeling sorry for myself, like I used to. Those old voices telling me I’m useless. Why do you put up with me?” he suddenly asked.
Yoosung laughed and pulled him down for a gentle kiss. “I love you! And you are not useless Saeran. You never were. I don’t ‘put up with you’. I like being with you. I know this kind of thing is still new to you and I love that you humor me when I ask you for help. And I’m grateful that you try, if only for me.” Yoosung smiled up at him and Saeran’s body was flushed with emotion.
“Thank you again. Now, we have 55 minutes to waste, what should we do?” he asked shyly.
Saeran grinned and picked Yoosung up. Yoosung squealed and wrapped his legs around Saeran’s waist, his arms clinging to his shoulders.
“Now that, is something that I’m good at.” Saeran laughed, taking Yoosung back into the bedroom.
He leaned over the bed and lay Yoosung down. It didn’t take long before they were both naked and running their hands all over each other. They knew they didn’t have much time so didn’t waste any on foreplay, Saeran grabbing the lube and beginning to work on Yoosung’s opening, pushing his fingers in and fucking Yoosung with them as he ran his tongue over his hard cock, licking the tip. Yoosung writhed beneath him and pressed his ass against his fingers, growling as he grabbed Saeran’s hair and pulled. Saeran hummed against his cock and he took Yoosung into his mouth as his fingers kept pumping, loosening him up. Yoosung’s back arched, his breathing harsh, his head back.
“Hahhh, Saeran! MMMM!”
“You ready for me babe? I need to be inside you, now!”
“Fff…yes!” Yoosung spread his legs so that Saeran could have easier access, holding them under his knees. Saeran lubed his opening again and then his own cock, stroking himself as he stared at Yoosung, his mouth hanging open, his tongue running across his teeth. He leaned over Yoosung and kissed him deeply, his tongue delving into Yoosung’s eager mouth, then he pressed the head against Yoosung’s opening and pushed. He swallowed Yoosung’s moan, letting go of his cock and grasping Yoosung’s hip, his fingers digging into the flesh. They rocked back and forth, the headboard banging on the wall, neither of them paid it any mind, they were alone. Yoosung’s nails raked across Saeran’s shoulders and he bit and sucked Saeran’s neck and shoulders, finally grabbing his ass and ramming against him forcefully.
Saeran was panting, his body tensing as it got ready to explode inside of Yoosung. He thrust harder, faster, his lips glued to Yoosung’s neck, his hands under his shoulders holding him in place. Yoosung wrapped his legs around Saeran’s hips, his hands moving back up to his hair, pulling on him, wanting his mouth on Saeran’s. The kiss was breathy and messy as Saeran came with a thunderous roar. He continued to pump inside Yoosung until there was nothing left. His body shivered and he lay on top of Yoosung, letting his cock slide out. He gave Yoosung small tender kisses on his chest while Yoosung ran his fingers through his hair. When his body recovered somewhat, Saeran slid down Yoosung’s body and took him into his mouth again, massaging his thighs, then grabbing his balls and kneading them between his fingers. Yoosung groaned, clutching the bed sheet. He was so sensitive that it did not take long for him to cum, Saeran swallowed his cum and hummed as he did it, sucking Yoosung’s cock until it was dry. He let his cock fall out of his mouth and looked up at Yoosung, his face was drained and satisfied. Their eyes met and Yoosung smiled lazily.
Yoosung took a deep breath, pulling Saeran up to him and they exchanged slow, passionate, contented kisses. Yoosung sighed and looked to the clock by the bed. His eyes opened wide.
“The bread!” he screamed, pushing Saeran off him and running to the kitchen.
“Fuck!” Saeran scrambled off the bed, wondering why he didn’t smell the bread burning.
They both came to a screeching halt as they rounded the corner and saw Saeyoung at the counter, eating their bread. He turned and stared at them with a grin, looking them up and down. Yoosung and Saeran covered themselves, but didn’t move.
“Th…that was ours!” Yoosung shrieked.
“Saeyoung! What the hell!”
“Well, the timer was going off, and, you two were obviously busy, so, I took it out. And since I took it out, I get to eat it.” He chortled. He’d taken it out of the pan and held it in pieces on a kitchen towel. Half of it was already gone.
“The fuck you do!” Saeran stalked towards his brother, but Saeyoung ran around the counter, Saeran following. When Saeyoung came back around by Yoosung, Yoosung grabbed Saeyoung around the waist, but Saeyoung kept going, dragging Yoosung. He slowed him enough for Saeran to catch up to him. Saeran tried to pry the bread out of his hands, but Saeyoung was not letting go, shoving pieces into his mouth.
“Mmm, this is really good!” he pulled the bread against his chest and tried to protect it against his body. Yoosung was dragging him down, his pants were falling and he could feel Yoosung’s face against his ass. He couldn’t help but laugh. Saeran was trying to open up his arms to get to the bread.
“Give it to me!” Saeran hissed. Saeyoung’s face was bright red with laughter, he only shook his head, unable to speak. Yoosung finally got him down on the ground, wrapping his legs around his. Saeran, changing tactics, pulled up Saeyoung’s shirt and started to tickle him. Saeyoung was laughing so hard now that he couldn’t breathe. His arms loosened and Saeran took the bread, Saeyoung tried to get it back but his body was not obeying him. Yoosung sat on his legs, Saeran was handing some of the bread to him and they were eating over Saeyoung.
Saeyoung propped himself up on his elbows and stared at the couple.
“Damn Yoosung, if I’d known you were packing that I might have tried to get in your pants.”
Saeran pushed him back down with his foot, and yanked Yoosung off him, leading him back to the bedroom.
“In your dreams bro, this dick is mine.”
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missamerichale · 5 years
“you and i can be alone together later”
- literally what our 75-year-old tour guide whispered to me on the catamaran for our day trip to Saona Island excursion on day 2. Buckle in, my peeps. It’s about to be one wild ride.
The day began with a lovely alarm jarring us awake at 5:30AM. Luckily we were pretty tired the night before from traveling to Punta so we got a decent amount of sleep, overall. We had to prerequest “Fast breakfast” the night before because we needed to be ready at 6AM for our shuttle to the boat and the breakfast buffet didn’t open until 7AM. We got changed, lathered on sunscreen and wandered to the front desk to pick up our individually wrapped styrofoam takeout boxes that were equipped with 1 banana, 1 yogurt, 1 piece of banana bread, and 1 roll (kind of like the roll you’d get with a chicken dinner), with jelly. It was interesting, but we were starving, so we went in.
We board our bus (fits about 12 people) to begin our way to the boat tour. We knew it was going to be about an hour an a half  ride to get there. But, we didn’t even arrive to the boat until 10:30AM. What could we have possibly done for 4 and a half hours you ask? Let. me. tell. you:
We stopped at a gas station, in which some people switched tour busses (still not sure why?), then we stopped at a shady gift store where we got a free shot of “MamaJuana”, which is their national drink or something, and it actually was pretty good. They also had a bathroom #blessed. The one thing I couldn’t figure out was the crap shack had a bathroom attendant?? When I stepped out of the stall to wash my hands she pointed to the soap dispenser (literally the most basic one - like yes, I know what soap is), so I put soap on my hands, and then she gave me a piece of throwaway towel to use from a roll in her hand. It was nice but totally unnecessary? And I kind of felt like I needed to tip her but I didn’t want to? So weird. But anyway, I did end up buying 2 things from the crap shack: a necklace for my grandma and a pair of earrings for myself, in which the dude was trying to sell to me for $60. I said heck naw cuz, and gave him $40 instead. Correy paid $20 for an ankle bracelet that ended up falling off her ankle the day later because of it’s poor quality but we won’t talk about that. Let’s just pray my ears don’t fall off from infection whenever I decide to wear the earrings. MOVING ON.
We get back on the bus and head to the coast where we’d get on our boat. We finally get there and depart the bus, and I’m so jazzed about getting to the boat. I’m thirsty and ready to get my drink on. The tour guide, who had briefly introduced himself as Fransisco (still unsure if that’s even his real name), tells us to follow him. Well we follow him down a dirt trail, past a school (?), to a little boardwalk that overlooks the water, which was cool - but where was our boat? We just spent 15 minutes walking here and there’s nothing here and now I’m mad.
Whatever yo, we take pics and follow Fransisco back down the trail where he FINALLY walks us to the beach to get ready to hop on the catamaran. The tour worked like this: you would ride to the island in either a catamaran (the party boat) or a speedboat, and then when you left the island, you would take whatever boat you didn’t take in the morning to get there. We got to ride the catamaran first #BLESSED. This means BOOZE CRUISE YA’LL.
We piled on to the boat in which the captain introduced himself, his crew, his “dancers” (who were like 13 year old girls which made me sort of uncomfortable and I felt bad for them kind of?), and Fransisco. We layed out in our bathing suits while the “dancers” (I have to keep using quotes because I literally can’t bring myself to call them that), served us up FREE Rum and Cokes. My literal DREAM!! I was so happy, I made friends with one of the “dancers”, Eliza. She was bomb. I kept going to her for more refills MY GIRL.  So content with the morning so far. They started blasting music, which was like 90% spanish, 8% bruno mars, and 2% macarena. Liv , Correy and I sat and chatted for a while until Liv and Core had to run to the bathroom in which I opted to stay by our bags. That’s when it happened.
I was sitting there, minding my own business, sipping on my rum and coke and embracing the sun, when Fransisco walks up behind me (like a CREEP) and whispers in my ear, “don’t worry, you and I can get alone together later and talk about everything.” UM EW. WHAT. I gave him the nastiest look of all time and replied, “UM NO.” and he walked away. I was so shook. Also it was unsettling because one of the workers at the crap shack literally just asked if I was over the age of 16 so I was really looking like I was 12 that day. GOODBYE. 
Tipsy Hales had already set in but now I was tipsy AND shook, and if you know me, you know I don’t let this kind of stuff fly when I’ve had a few drinks in me. Core and Liv came back so I gave them the story of the old man and we all vowed to keep our eyes out for him (AKA avoid him at all costs). Time passes, and my drink, naturally, gets empty. I turn around to walk over to ma girl Eliza, when old man is standing there with his arm out acting like he’s going to refill my drink for me.
This is NOT my first rodeo, you old, crusty freak.
I’ve seen you fumbling around in your fanny pack all morning for who knows what. and you know I don’t like you already. So no. Leave me alone.
I shook my head and said no again, cause apparently he didn’t get it the first time (per usual). 
I took the longest way around the catamaran to get my drink refilled just so I didn’t have to walk by him. When I came back to the girls, we wanted to get a pic taken. We made friends with a couple of girls from Spain, one which spoke fluent English, and asked her to take our pic. She happily agreed and set her drink down to take our photo. Her friend stepped away to go to the bathroom. Then, OLD CRUSTY picks up our friend’s drink from the floor and holds it so she’s forced to talk to him after she’s done taking our pic. I literally cannot stand this dude.
So after she gets our pic I openly walk over to her and tell her to not drink it because he was being super weird earlier and also trying to grab my drink, and he saw me talking trash so he sheepishly handed her the drink and ran away. She freaked out, naturally, and dumped it overboard to get a new one. I was feeling like a #hero. We celebrated by dancing to the macarena and (somewhat) salsa dancing with Eliza and her friends on the front of the catamaran until we got to the island.
The. island. was. AMAZE. Bluest water I have literally ever seen in my entire life. We got lunch and hungout there for an hour and half. And by hangout, I mean walk the beach, take pics and spend a good 80% of our time floating in the ocean water with the sun on our faces. The day ended with a trip on the speedboat to the “natural swimming pool” which was an area near an island with 3 feet water wayyy off the coast of the island that people could swim in if they wish. We decided to stay on the boat because we were #tired from the events happening in the morning.
The boat makes it back to the port and we get off to walk back up to our vans. All is well, but I’m feeling uncomfortable with old crusty being on our bus, so Liv sat next to me to ensure he didn’t try to come creep by me or something. Thank God the bus ride back was shorter than the ride there. But it still took way too long, in my opinion. We didn’t actually get back to the all-inclusive until 7:30PM. But don’t worry you guys, an hour out from our home destination old crusty had to go out with a bang. 
First of all, he literally caressed liv’s calf without saying a single. word. and then just walked away??? We literally just stared at each other in disbelief because of how gd weird he was. Then, we have to switch busses for some reason, so I sit next to correy toward the front. This bus gets so crowded with peeps that old crusty has to sit in the back area with us so a tourist could sit in the passenger seat, and this, unfortunately, put him directly next to me.
He puts his hand on my arm and holds it there. I’m cringing so hard on the inside you guys I kind of wanted to throw up. He’s all, “so what hotel are you staying at?” and I said “Vista Sol”, and he’s alike “ahhhhhh, Vista Sol”, STILL holding my arm, ALTHOUGH I literally had to tell him we were staying at Vista Sol .5 seconds earlier because THAT WAS THE WHOLE REASON WE GOT ON A NEW BUS!!! GOODBYE!!
A wave of relief hits me when he takes his hand off my arm, but then about 15 minutes later he starts getting the shakes of some sort. I don’t know how to explain it you guys. He was literally twitching. We stop at a hotel to drop off a family who promptly exit the vehicle, then homeboy disappears and we are like dude can we go now? He literally disappears for like 15 minutes. We made friends with 4 ladies from Vermont on our bus and the one was like “he’s having withdrawals from something” and I’m like jesus H christ this is actually my worst fear. What a TIME to be ALIVE.
He returns, much more chipper, and sits behind Liv in the spot that the famliy was sitting before they left. He then picks up a leftover bag of trail mix that the mom who left the bag was eating and starts eating it?? Liv is looking at him like omg. She asks him where he lives, to which he replies “next to your hotel”, so for reals I was like we are DYING. TODAY. my friends.
By the grace of the good lord above, he finally leaves the van in which I almost kicked him out and for sure did NOT give him a tip. I felt 100% more safe in the van without him there, and we were quickly dropped off at our resort so we could get ready for dinner at the italian restaurant and chill until we had 2 full days of FREEDOM!! It was a long first full day in Punta, but TOTALLY worth the boat ride and island views. Downfall = Old Crusty. I would recommend you do NOT book the Saona Island Day Trip from Punta Cana off of TripAdvisor because you might get stuck with him and it might just put a whole damper on your day. Also watch yo drinks my friends.
But for sure try to go to Saona Island - just not through TripAdvisor’s tour. :)
As I sign off, I’m daydreaming of more rum and coke’s,
0 notes
jitsuda-blog · 7 years
Chiang Dao Camping
The reasons that I am writing this blog because I think I fall in love with trekking. I think I understand now why people like to go trekking.
I am inspired by a book called “Born a crime” written by Trevor Noah. I like the idea that he wrote about his life, born in South Africa in English language which allows people from different parts of the world to understand and enjoy reading his experiences. And I am one of them. So, I hope that my messages will be seen by people, in India, Africa, small islands, small towns in other parts of the world somehow. I apologize for my broken English. I honestly would love to share my latest experience.
And most importantly, I am amazed by beauty of nature. Nature has so much impact on me. I also appreciated everyone in the trip who had helped me along the ways that were full of difficulties and wonderful adventures.
26 November 2017
My parents drove me to Chiang Dao Camping office (Chiangmai, Thailand), where I first met up with guides or porters and other trekkers whom I would be spending the whole 3 day journey with.
It was my first time going trekking alone. I had invited some friends, but they were not free to come, or they did not want to come, I was not so sure. But, I really wanted to go. What should I do?
Since I am always  inspired by Iroamalone website, which is created to advice how a woman can travel alone, I saw the possibility that I was not going to be in the jungle alone, I could just follow the other tourists. Besides, I actually am an adult. There is nothing for  me and my parents should be concerned or worried about that much.
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It was 8.30 AM. There were total 10 trekkers and 2 porters for this trip. We all sat at the back of the pickup that would bring us to the trekking starting site.
Once the pickup passed the National park office, the speed began  faster. The driver sped up while running on the super rough road.
“Ahhhhhh!!!!! Ohhh Noo…..!!!! Ouch!! Ouch!! Seriously!!!” My butt bumped up and down the seat.
“Do you have to go that fast?!  I do not wanna die here. There is no seat belt. What if the car accidentally get off the road and go down the hill?!!!” I was crying inside. And I believe that everyone felt the same way, they all grabbed the bar tightly. It was such a fast and furious ride. [Later on, when we finished the trip, we complained about the fast ride to another driver, he said it is hard to bring the pickup full of people up on the high mountain if they go by slower pace. And they are experienced in driving to the area.]
Even I was panic on the intense ride, I still noticed the scenery along the rough road. It was foggy. I saw orange garden, with small little shop in the front, selling oranges and some snacks. The ride was not that bad actually.
It took one hour and a half on the scary ride, we finally arrived safely at the starting site. We grabbed lunch pack and 2 bottles of water and put into our bags.
The driver who is also the manager of the tour, He showed us the map and explained the directions.
Way up to the campsite: 8.5 km (4 - 5 hours walk)
Way down from campsite: 6 km (3 - 4 hours walk)
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                                     Then, it was time to start trekking.
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“Wowww…. isn’t it pretty?!!”  The track was narrow, so we all had to walk as one row. The weather surrounding was a bit cooling, but I  thought there was no need to wear long sleeves yet, because I would be sweating later.
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The flower is called “Tian Nok Kaew”  you may see that  they look so much like small little parrots. [Nok Kaew means Parrot].
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We stopped a while for lunch break. The sticky rice with fried pork and sausage filled up three quarters of my stomach. Around 2 PM, we reached the campsite. We stayed right below the big mountain. We rested a while, enough to recharge the energy to hike up to the big mountain that evening for sunset. 
OMG, I realized that climbing up to this mountain was not easy. It was very steep, certain path was tough, the narrow track was full of rocks. Further away by just inches was just nice cliff. I started to get out of breath. I breathed in and out deeply to calm myself. It seemed like the porter noticed my reactions. He stopped and called out for everyone to take few breaks along the way up. This was  the most extreme exercise I had ever done in my life.
Almost one hour later, I finally caught up with some other trekkers, we reached the top of “ Doi Luang Chiang Dao”,  at least  the ground on the top was flat enough for me to walk easily. [Doi Luang means big mountain].
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Is this real?!!! I breathed in the fresh air deep down into both of my lungs. The aching from climbing suddenly went away. I could not feel anymore pain by just looking at the breathtaking view in front of me. I sensed only lightness and peacefulness. Was I dreaming? Last five minutes I was still suffering from the rocks and scary cliff. We were at 2,225 meters above sea level.
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Others were checking their phone signals or finding their best spots for shooting photos. They probably could not wait to tell their love ones of what they just experienced.
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The porter has been very nice, he liked to show us the different locations on top of the big mountain.  
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At the end of the day, the sun disappeared slowly from the sky. It was time for me to climb back to my tent in the darkness (of course I brought flashlight with me). It was easier coming down, but still it was scary for me.
Next morning, I woke up around 4.15 am. We were heading to another mountain called “Gew Lom” for sunrise. The sky was full of stars, it had been long time that I had not seen that many stars so obvious.
Climbing up to Gew Lom was not easier than the day before. It was hard because it was dark and more slippery. Again, I was suffering with catching up my breath and trying to keep my body moving through the hard track.
At a certain part of the way to Gew Lom, Pi Ling, another porter, flashed the flashlight  up to a cliff, and we could see the reflection of an animal called “ Liang Pa” which is mountain goat. “They like to stand on the cliff” Pi. Ling said. [ Pi means older brother].
About an hour of climbing in the darkness, We once stepped on the top. Pi Ling prepared hot Milo (chocolate drink) for us. What could be better than having hot drink above the cold mountain. 
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                                      And... the sun started rising....
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After the sun had fully risen, we just enjoyed taking photos for a while. Pi Ling quickly presented us an interesting flower. The flower would break and spread out its seeds whenever we give slight squeeze or even when the rain falls onto it.
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I  enjoyed making the flowers broken for a while. Then, we got hungry, so it was  time to climb back for breakfast. 
Oh my gosh, the way down was even more slippery. My walking stick did not help much. I needed to hold the trees and rocks nearby to help balancing myself.
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Pi Chai, our chef, cooked wonderful dishes for us in every meals. I could not believe that up on mountain I still could enjoy tasty food. I needed to restore lots of energy. After breakfast, we all were happy to rest. We would start another trekking in the afternoon at 2 PM, this time we would go to another mountain linking to Gew Lom. Which means we would need to hike up to the same path as the morning, and continue further away another 25 minutes. That sounded so far away for me already.  However, after I had done hiking up and down mountains twice, I really gained much more confidence that it would be possible for me to go further.
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There was a little cave hiden underneath the top of the mountain.  It was impossible  for us to go deeper inside, since the the entrance was too small. 
It was chilling up there. Pi Ling again was preparing hot drinks for us as usual. We were just looking for spots to sit down and could not wait to enjoy the drink until....we heard unexpected sentence.
“ Oh No !!, I forgot to bring the kettle” Pi Ling spoke out loud enough for us to hear. 
We were stunned for seconds and tried to process what we had just heard.
“ It is ok ” we all responded him with little bit sadness. I can just drink the cold Milo then. I still needed to restore some energy.
This afternoon, we could see only fogginess on the sky and surrounded the mountain. The sky was still unclear and it was almost time of sunset. We decided to go back to the campsite because of the heavy fog. We missed sunset.
Tomorrow would be our last day, we planned to go back to Doi Luang Chiang Dao, to see the stars and sunrise another time. 
5 AM, we reached the top, but still the whole mountain was full of fog. It was 15 Degree Celsius, with breeze. I could not stand the wind. I hid myself in front of the wood signage. Of course we still hoped that the sky would open soon, we waited until we were sure that the sun had been risen. The weather got warmer. “It is ok, I do not see sunrise, I still can enjoy the cloud!!”
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let us go back to our tents for breakfast and get ready for long trek all the way back.
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This is our kitchen. Pi Ling and Pi Chai were packing their stuffs.
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On the way back, the sky opened,  I believed that the mountains showed up to say goodbye to us, or maybe to give us encouragement to get through the new hard track. The way back was very different from the way we came. 
It is 6 km, which is shorter distance, but seriously, walking down the long steep hill really hurt my knees. Pi Chai helped accompanied me from half way to the end. Other trekkers were walking very fast. I was very careful to step down the slippery path. I did not want to get any injuries, my knees already got hurt and tired. Pi Chai guided me all the way through and giving me some green oil to massage my knees. I was not sure to try. But since it is just herb, I finally tried. I liked the smell of it, though. “Not bad”, I felt less painful later on. We walked passed by bamboos jungles, wild bananas jungles, high rocks covered with moss all over them. Wow, this was like unusual landscape for me. It was like dinosaur era. I probably watched too much movies, or I got too tired until I became blurred.
OMG, I finally saw the same pickup  waiting in the front. I came as the third place, by the way:))
Thank you all friends along this trip, it was nice to meet you all. Thank you for help taking photos of me. Thank you Chiang Dao Camping for arranging  the program efficiently. Thank you porters for being so kind, funny and sharing your stories. 
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                                                                            Nature is really amazing = D
 Last pic was shot by Ja with her GoPro (thank you so much)
                                                      Expense details(3 days,2 nights program)
Trip: 2,750 bht per person
Sleeping bag rent: 200 bht per night
Luggages : If you need porter to carry your bags, the price is 120 bht per kg ( mine was around 4 kg)
Further inquries please contact Chiang Dao Camping Facebook page
Additional information
There is no water for showering, the porters prepared only water for drinking and washing face or brush your teeth. 
Toilet: it looks like a hole with wood board for a person to stand on and squat to do your business,  they covered with black plastic net to make like small restroom. The smell is terrible. One of the porter said they will change new hole every month. It is better than nothing, I think.
Phone signals: AIS or One2call signals can be found on top of the most mountains. Truemove can be found only at Gew Lom mountain (mine is Truemove, I could make a call there). 
Phone signals cannot be found at the campsite and along the trekking tracks.
Accommodation: one tent can fit one or two people. I stayed alone in a tent, which was located near to other people’s tents. 
My opinion: Suggestions for trekkers ( trip during November) 
The weather can be 10-15 degree C at night  until early in the morning. It can be windy on top of mountains.
1. The sleeping bag from the campsite is not warm enough, you should bring extra sleeping bag or extra blanket. I, myself was suffering from coldness. Some other trekkers asked for extra sleeping bag even they already brought ones from home.
2. You may bring additional cushion/air cushion to put on top of the mat in the tent, so that it helps to prevent coldness transferring to your body at night. 
3. Bring some snacks or sweets if you have high metabolism, you will always feel hungry and you can share snacks to your friends too. There is no snacks available at the campsite. They provide only food, water, Milo and coffee.  Each usual meal may not last for long hours in some people.
4. Bring hot water bottle with you, because the water for drinking is as cold as water in a fridge. you can ask the porters to boil water for you to spare.
5. It is better to join 3 days 2 nights trip, because there is possibility that the sky can be foggy and you will miss sunrise or sunset if you stay just one night.
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