#Jack get away from Tumblr you can't fail this test
latteandjacks · 7 months
I will make an attempt to explain Father in the stars a bit more because holy shit guys
There's a point in the episodes where things split, everything up to episode 5 happened in this au but I believe that Hollow sorrows is gonna the point where the rest of the episodes don't happen/Not everything happens since it seems like it's gonna focus a lot on this topic
The whole point of the au is that Skid got tired of not getting answers from his dad and decided that he was going to get them himself, Pump knows that they will probably not find much but wants to help Skid get every information he can about the topic because Lila doesn't seem to talk about him a lot
Pump working his daddy issues by helping Skid with his daddy issues
Lucky got interested on the cult because it felt too familiar to pass up as a simple deja vu and Radella has a similar issue to Skid, her family doesn't tell her anything about what happened to her aunt and cousin so she joined their crusade looking for answers
I will make a fuckton of comics that explain the lore sure, but as in canon CANON episodes I also want to make 12
The au is directly related to Very cult friends, an au that features Jhon(knee) and ill in the spookyverse as members of the cult
ill would be the antagonist of one of those 12 episodes (And she will die on her own episode by the hands of the least expected person to betray her) I want them to have previous interactions with the teens so their episode would be 3 or 4
(Capi)Tan and Shoot(Gun man) are part of the cult and would also be antagonists for an episode, neither of them would die but they will be fired This should happen mid-series so probably episode 6 Also pure headcanon, Shot is Lucky's uncle
Mayor is not part of the cult of this au for lore reasons (That involve Jhon), and because it would make no sense for him to fire Tan and Shoot for being part of the cult, it would also just make the cult more powerful than it already is He becomes relevant in episode 11
Dexter would come back, actually this is the first episode, since this is the more silly of them all as Dexter isn't really a treat for 4 teenagers that triple him on size and know how to defeat him, perfect introduction and is the only one I have completely written down, the name would be something stupid like "The comeback of the killer doll" or something
Jack is part of the cult, he would be the antagonist of episode 11, he would not die but there would be SO much drama he wishes that was the outcome
That's about all the antagonists I have yet apart from Stars and Father who are obvious the antagonists for the final episode Cringe culture is dead, I kind of want the rest of the antagonists to be entirely new, ocs and shit I think that would make things more interesting and would help to separate this from the original route after episode 5/6
I will decide what happens and what not in the run
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