#Jaenelle can't live as woman for long whereas Surreal can't understand the depth of the Black
dothegravitybounce · 3 years
On goodreads I'm seeing some Jaenelle hate as well (not hate but like that ain't it yknow). Which reminds me of how much I love the way her character is constructed. The whole goddess walking on earth is super appealing to me, because the story always treats her as goddess whereas if it was in another book it would very much be a story about her as a woman solely and how that's ultimately better. For Jaenelle it isn't, her journey as a woman is a burdensome one actually. It's always skating on the line of overpowered Mary Sue but it's always reminding you that she actually isn't supposed to be there, alive, communicating and living amongst others. I love the parallels with Jesus (YES JAHSHAHS I KNOW but it's exactly that). Is she a savior or the fact that she's responsible for everyone and bears everyone grievances what ultimately harms and kills her freedom?
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