#James and Tetsuya I can't go into as deep of detail
coockie8 · 1 year
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I can't even begin to articulate how proud of this I am!
So this is actually a scene from the series I'm writing with my sister, Cosmic Legends (draft title, subject to change). Basically, Tetsuya's (the short boy with the fox ears) abusive ex tried to extort a selfie out of him in exchange for help only Carl (the ex) could give.
Unity (the black girl) decided that fine, Carl could have the selfie, but it wouldn't be the selfie Carl wanted, so she gathered Tetsuya's current boyfriend, James (pink-haired boy), and her husband, Dorman (obviously not-human guy in the back), and took a group selfie to fuck with Carl. It's a fun scene lol
This is a particularly harsh jab btw 'Cause Tetsuya more or less left Carl for James, and Carl's jealousy over Tetsuya and Dorman's bond (they're besties, like Dorman would die for Tetsuya if he could die.) is what lead to Carl being abusive, so this selfie is basically Unity's way of saying "you can have the photo, but they'll always have the real thing!".
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