#Jefferson x female yn
Mid Spring
Sam Wilson x Black Reader
Summary: Sam handles someone who disrespects you
Tw: Violence, vulgarity
(Takes place in the late 70s)
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“Wilson, what’s the name of that pretty girl of yours again, and does she have a friend?” Sam chuckled as he picked up the money that he’d won in the card game, “YN” the man let out a loud whistle sound and shook his head “Tell me, how in the living hell did your ugly mug get a girl like that on your arms, money or not she is out of your league” the rest of the young men even one older one chimed in all at once in agreement, “Because gentlemen, I just got it like that”, he waited for their laughter to die down before putting on his jacket and gave a wave “alright fellas, I’mma call it a night, gotta get up early in the morning”. That’s when Jermaine, the club owners nephew spoke up from bar all the way across the room “Nah, he’s just rushing home to his old lady, shit I would too if I had a fine piece of ass like that on my arm” the room all of a sudden went so quiet that you could hear the drizzling rain pattering on the roof which was drowned out before from the loud talking, “What did you just say?” Sam’s eyes went dark and he was biting the bottom of his lip slightly, he wasn’t so naive to think that there wouldn’t be men who would talk about you like one of their biggest fantasies, hell even some lesbians tried to push up on you and figured they wouldn’t catch as much hell as the men, and luckily for them they figured right, them being females only had gotten them a warning with a few swear words, never turning physical. The older man behind bar quickly ran over to hold him back “Samuel, come on now, he didn’t mean it”, “Sure I did Spike, come on you gonna act like damn near every man in this town ain’t thinking it?”, “What?! Thinking bout what Jermaine?” the kid stood up and walks closer over to the both of them “Oh, you know, bending her over and fucking her up the ass”, “That’s enough boy!” Spike scolds the young man “Go in the back and sleep off that liquor while you’ve still got the legs to do it”, “Nah, nah I’m alright, why should I run and hide, all you other niggas might do it but not me, I ain’t scared of Samuel Wilson, think just because your father passed you the torch that you run shit around here?! No you don’t, you ain’t got no power round here, you’re just a trust fund daddy’s boy, and when you finally fall from your little thrown papa Wilson handed to you, I’m gonna be the one living in your fancy apartment in the sky, all while I’ve got your girl slobbering on my dick”, while Spike’s distracted, Sam makes his around him, no one noticing the knife that he already had out until they see the three quick stabs Jermaine gets to the chest, followed by a slash across the chest, “SAM WHAT THE FUCK” all the men in the little bar goes to grab him off of the bloodied body, “Is he dead?” Spike asks his son “Anthony! Does he have a fucking pulse?!” Anthony checks his wrist while watching the life drain from Jermaine’s eyes “It’s very faint pops, I honestly don’t think he’d even make it to the hospital” he drops his arm and goes to find a rag to wipe his hands.
One of the bar patrons that none of them knew well had went to go and try and sneak out but not before receiving a warning from Spike “Aye boy! You didn’t see nothing” he nodded his head and tried to walk out again “Go out through the back, Anthony go lock that door”. For what felt like hours everyone did their share in cleaning up the bar and disposing of Jermaine’s body, Sam checked his watch every so often to make sure that time wasn’t getting too far away from him, after washing his hands for the fourth time he checked his watch again, this time it was noticed by Spike who patted him on back and lead him to the front door of the bar “You get on outta here alright, I’ll figure something out as to how to explain this to Barry” “Surprised he’ll even miss him, they’re not that close”, “Yeah, well Jermaine was still his nephew and trust me he’s gonna wanna know where he’s gone, like I said let me handle it, go on home to your woman” Sam nodded and gave his friend a big hug before exiting, making sure that no one would be able to notice him. Meanwhile you were asleep on the couch during a rerun of the Jefferson’s, Sam walked in as quietly as he could knowing that you most likely waited up for him and fell asleep on the couch “Just as I thought” he said to himself and softly closed and locked the door, he looks at the television while walking into the living room and softly laughs at something George said to Florence before going turn off the tv, and as in que you stir awake “Sammy?” Your soft angelic voice made him smile and he made his way over to you while you sat up to give him some room, you gave him a big kiss on the cheek and let him snuggle up on your shoulder, you rubbed his scalp with your fingertips which you knew he enjoyed after a long day “I wasn’t waiting up for you, I was waiting for Johnny Carson to come on” he chuckled and leaned up to kiss you, a deep and passionate kiss “What happened to the clothes you left with?” He was dreading this question, the first thought was he thought that you would think he was messing around on you, you certainly gave him a look like it’s what you felt, you gave a heavy sigh and said “Were you taking care of business?” You giggled after he gave you a look of confusion “Was it an order from daddy?” He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in “Nah baby, just taking out some trash that’s all, nothing to worry your beautiful self over” you left it at that and nodded your head “As long as you were careful” “Always”.
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