#Jiang Chi is smitten beyond words
heretherebedork · 11 months
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Jiang Chi has it so bad. He is smitten for Bu Xia beyond words and just plain old happy to have any chance to be with him. He's in love, your honor.
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While Bu Xia is still living in denial central, unsure about his feelings because he's too scared of the ghosts to think about himself and because he's trying so so hard not to think about this. I love him too, okay? I get it. I see it. I see why he's so loveable that Jiang Chi is willing to go at his pace and be patient and be open.
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But also it's very amusing that Jiang Chi isn't holding back now. He's been very clear with Bu Xia that he likes him and wants to date him and Bu Xia can just kind of... sputter about it without ever actually saying no. And he might pull back but each time he does he's fully respected and Jiang Chi might not let it stop him but he also doesn't keep pushing. He lets this happen, mostly, at Bu Xia's speed.
Jiang Chi is ready to go steady but he can tell Bu Xia just isn't. And so he asks but he also waits. I love it. Patience!
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I like this handling of the trope because, while never my favorite, it was sensitive, showed Jiang Chi willingly backing off and taking responsibility for his kiss and exactly how much Bu Xia does not do self-reflection. Jiang Chi is acting off the signals Bu Xia doesn't even know he's giving because he's not letting himself think past the ghosts.
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