#Jill's report ⋆ headcanon / character study
hcrlastescape · 6 months
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hcrlastescape · 6 months
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When Jill entered the fog she was quite useful in improving what little life that the survivors had between the trials, survival training from her days in the army granted her knowledge on how to survive within the wilderness so she would be the one instructing the others on how to maintain a camp fire, constructing basic shelters from the trees that surrounded the realm and if The Entity allowed it, to hunt and prepare wildlife that they would come across.
For the first few weeks she would believe she had been abducted by a terrorist organization and placed in some sort of simulation, put against various creatures, unhinged humans and even those who she thought were long gone and buried, for what purpose? she was not sure but it was more logical than the tales she was told around camp of a cruel God. It was not until she failed her first trial that her belief was shaken, she should have been dead but she awoke back at the campfire completely intact! Maybe this theory about some spider deity was not so farfetched after all. . .
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