#Jk Jk she is just a simp daddy who loves her wife
finn-on-the-side · 3 years
I binge watched a playthrough of RE7 last night, and took notes while I did so. Enjoy my stupid thoughts out of context.
Warning for spoilers of course.
I’m watching Jacksepticeyes playthrough for context.
Jesus, Ethan gets even more hand trauma??? My man gets a knife clean through it.
Motherfucker just axed his wife!!!!! No! I love her!
We get one phone call from another woman and our wife disappears 😔
Did the Beneviento manor take inspiration from this house? This feels like a gross rundown version of it
MORE HAND TRAUMA?????? a screwdriver through it this time. Ethan, honey, don’t you not even have mold powers yet? How the hell Does the first aid juice keep that hand functional?????
“Welcome to the family son” daddy? Jk jk
Weird dinner scene? Lukas sucks and I hate him. Jack is off his fucking rocker. The mother is also off her rocker but in a less violent way? Grandma is very specifically on her rocker right now
Daddy’s coming a calling. Ethan’s leg gets cut off????? And this motherfucker offers him some of the fucking first aid juice??? And it worked????????? In RE8 I accepted that because he is half mold. Isn’t he half mold cause of the end of this game???????
I know Damn well that if I wrote for this motherfucker, I could make Elliot simp for him. They’d never forgive me for it either.
I love you Zoe, are you going to betray me?
“You don’t know him, but get the feeling he’s an asshole” halshsoshoshsia lmao I fucking knew it
The whole garage scene is actually so fun. This man is fucking insane. Also? Caught on fire? Blew his own brains out?
Zoe my beloved, please don’t betray me.
This whole house really does make me think of the Beneviento manor.
Evaline? 👀
Mia my beloved, you deserve so much better than this.
Alshlsha Ethan fucking canonically refers to Jack as daddy at least once, I’m having a stroke
Horrible mold men, I hate them
Travis 🥺 he deserved better. He did his best to help Courtney
This motherfucker (jack) in ironically uses groovy while trying to kill someone
He is??? Theoretically dead?? If he can regenerate from just a pair of legs, that’s real fucking impressive
Ooh, Lucas has shown up. Does no one in the game know the word ‘dad’ or ‘father’ cause they keep just using daddy
Marguerite just telling you to fuck off and closing the door? Peak of comedy
I am trying to eat fruit! Stop showing me bugs !!!!!!
I’m able to accurately describe one of these characters as Moth Mommy. I hate this
Horrible awful big lady. This section has so much grossness and awfulness
Thank god she’s finally dead. She has a great horror design, and I hated it
Creepy little girl. Creepy creepy little girl
Come on Zoe, don’t betray me now. I got you the arm. Hopefully this makes more than just one serum.
Lucas you mother fucker. He sounds like such a creep.
So can granny teleport and move herself or is one of the family members moving her?
He’s a creep!!! I cannot wrote fluffy content for any of these characters. I’d only write for them if I were to write darker content.
Jack was a marine????
Clancy! Poor dude
I’m angry now because the whole Clancy segment was actually really good cause I love villains who are clever and deal in puzzles and riddles and shit, but Lucas is a fucking creep
This man is the fucking blueprint for heisenberg and I’m mad
I am so angry that this fucking creep is exactly my type for fictional villains
Jack is still kicking??????
🥺😭 Zoe doesn’t betray you, but you have to choose between her and Mia. The playthrough I’m watching chooses Mia, but I’ll find a clip of what happens if you choose zoe
POV switch to Mia my beloved. Wait if you’re playing as Mia, are you able to choose Zoe in the other segment? Would you play as her here?
Mia lore????? Bamf Mia my beloved
I think Evie needs a hug
Ghost? Jack comes to say hello? Zoe was also there so I assume that means she died after we left her
“He doesn’t love you” he literally fucking came out here to Louisiana and has been continually risking his life to save her??? After 3 fucking years??????
I have a hard timing blaming small children for shit like this, especially if they had a shitty childhood, so evaline deserves sympathy.
Chris?? You are not nearly as wide as you were in Re8
Clancy DLC?
This one is actually really fun, I like games like that. Also Clancy seems real handy! Shame he dies
This ones real cool too! The one with Marguerite. I really do like puzzle games. I think Clancy deserves better
Jack and Marguerite sharing a tender moment:
Clancy bleeding out beside them:
Watching the daughters dlc now. What I’m understanding is that Lucas fucking sucks, and Zoe deserves better.
Poor Clancy, the 21 dlc was super cool but poor dude. Lucas sucks and I hate him
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dearestlouis · 3 years
𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅,
Today is our 6th month of being together and I'm so happy to have you in my life. I'm not a perfect one for you, but you always told me that I'm the prettiest ever. Who's lucky? Absolutely me. Through this, I want to show you that there are so many people who support us. And I'd love to welcome the baby together with you. We shall to hold each other's hands tightly, I love you the most! xx
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𝑨 𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 :
⋆ Hello, dearest Joy and my twin Johnny.
I'm so glad to see this couple at first. You guys look so great together and I must say that you guys are the best couple I've ever seen! I wish you guys nothing but happiness; I hope your marriage life will always be romantic and last long. Can't wait till I see you guys have a kid.👀 Wishing all of the best for you guys! —JOHNTSUH
⋆ Starting off this message to Johnny oppa and Joy unnie for reaching another month together! It probably was not an easy road but both of you went through it well together and I hope it'll stay that way for a loooong time! Congratulations and happy monthsary once again! 🥳 — KlMSOHYUNN
⋆ MEMLO LOVEBIRDS! Congratulations for reaching another happy moment together. I hope both of your love will keep getting bigger every day! Thank you for taking care of my unnie well ❤️ stay longlast! —KAGNMlNAH
⋆ Hello Joy and her husband, I am very happy to see you have come this far and I hope you will be together forever. Your marriage is proof and witness that your love will always be united until your hair turns white. I pray for your good, make it last guys. 🤍 —roisiepark
⋆ Hello, Johnny hyung and Joy noona. J2(?) so there will be J3? i believe it will since Joy noona is having something called cutiebean inside her tummy right? i'm so happy for the two of you. Wow time flies that quick now Johnny hyung will become a father, Joy noona will become a mother and i will become an .... uncle? omg congratulations to both of you i'm very happy for both of you! not only that, i also want to congratulate you both for spending 6 months together. it is quite a long time, you guys have gone ups and downs together for so long. I hope you two will always be happy, your time always filled with love and always cheerish each moment together. I'm beyond happy for both of you. 🤍 — HENDEURl
⋆ happy monthsary lovebirds! anyways, as you guys going to be a parents soon, i have a strong feeling that this is the beginning of many great things. have fun discovering the surprises and perks of being parents. i will keep you in my prayers and also thank you so much for making me an auntie. can't wait to meet your ray of sunshine💛 — withlovewheein
⋆ Hello there, my sweetest brother and his beloved! I am feeeeling so great to hear that both of you have reached the sixth months of living with each other. I only have one wish that i want both of you always stay together and sharing bunch of memories together. Thank you for taking care of my brother, and please love him and take care of him well. 🥺 Happy 6th monthsarry! 💗 — Kakak Ayel sayangnya Tobi.
⋆ Good day, johoenny the peepee 👉🏻👌🏻💦 HAHAHAHAHA.
First of all, damn your wife is sweet ay. I can see now why you were so eager to make the baby🤡
But well! Happy 6th monthsarry to both of you🔥🔥🔥 it may be a short yet long journey but i know both of you can last really really long. Hope you 2 will stay sweet and lovey-dovey like this.
And also for Joy, i wish the best for your pregnancy! Im sure the baby will be as strong as the parents *lets pray that johnny's horny genes wont get into the baby 🤡*.
Best luck for everything, guys!
P.s please do tell me the birth date so i can come unlike the wedding 💀 — bobbyrxnika
⋆ Hi, lovebirds. It’s been a while since my last wishes on your wedding day and now i’m gonna throw some words again for you two. So, how’s your marriage life? It’s fun right? Even i don’t really know how you treat each other, but i can see Johnny can be a perfect husband for Joy since she always talk about how lovely Johnny is. And i’m very thankful for keeping my sister safe with you, Johnny. Also, congratulation soon-to-be parents! Promise i will buy some good stuffs for my niece/nephew later! I hope you both will only meet the happiness in life for a very long time! ♡
kembang desa cicaheum.
⋆ Happy 6th monthsary, my favorite love birds.
May you both love and care for each other as you do today till infinite. may you create countless memories in coming years and grow stronger each day. may this monthsary be magical enough to add great love, care, and compassion in your live.
With love,
⋆ Hello to the cutest couple ever, Johnny oppa and Joy unnie! First thing first, thank you so much for inviting me to your wedding (it is one of the most memorable things that I’ve ever had in this world!) so for you two.. I wish you two for always be surrounded by happiness. Please enjoy all those quality time you could spend together. I hope nothing would butt into you two’s happiness. Stay healthy and happy! <3
Love, Siyeon.
⋆ To the most adorable and sweetest couple on earth, Alodie and Louis, congratulations for reaching up another milestones in your relationship! I notice how both of you being a simp for each other and that's wonderful. Louis, I would bid my utmost thanks for taking care of Odie really well, you know I always count on you when it comes to her. May both of you be blessed with happiness and more love for another upcoming journey, another anniversaries, to no end. Keep on sailing and be happy, always.
With love,
Buna Lily.
⋆ Happy 6th Monthsarry to you, lovebirds! 🕊❤️
There’s nothing as wonderful as seeing a happily married pair. Your happiness always reflects by the smile in your face and the delight in your eyes. And I as Alodie's beloved mom would like to personally thank Johnny for taking a well care of my daughter. Thank you for making her the happiest she ever been! May the love you have for each other continue to blossom like a rose with each of the passing month (and even year). You have all my greatest wishes and blessings. 🤍 And oh, I'm praying all the best for the baby too. 😜 Grow healthily, little one.
With love,
Adrianne L. Edelstein
⋆ Congratulations for being 6 months together with Joy unnie. Thank you for taking care of her well and make her happier than before. The road is still long way to go, so, i hope the love will always lights up the way. Please always be the lovely couple and lovely siblings for me.
— Kim Yerim
⋆ Best wishes to both of you on your Monthsary. May the love that you share last your lifetime through, as you make a wonderful pair. Happy Monthsary Johnny hyung and Joy noona.
- Doy
⋆ This message is aim to the dearest couple, Alodie and her husband. Time flies, I bet your relationship as a husband and wife is finally reaching a month old. Congratulations for that, I sincerely happy for you two. I wishes both of you to be happy with each other and I wish it'll wrapped with abundant blessing, jolity, and prosperity around so you could have the dream life you've dreamt about. Long live the couple! ♥️
— Calliope, X.
⋆ Happy mensiversary, Joy unnie with her beloved husband. 💗 May the ties that bind you grow ever stronger and hold you steadfast amidst your fears and uncertainties. Never stop being each other’s best friends, and always be each other’s priorities. I love seeing you both in love. Stay this way forever! 🌹
— Aeri
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⋆ Hello, Johnny and Joy, oho I just realized that you both are Js. I am here going to congratulate both of you for another months you guys have spent together. Also the fact that Johnny is going to be a daddy soon!
As for my wish is for you both to have a happy and healthy long lasting relationship, being supportive towards each other and take a good care of each other more, okay? Johnny is a good person and I trust him that he will be a good dad and husband too. Also you should love Joy more each day, or I’ll beat your peepee John. OK JK.
Happy 6th Monthsarry!
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