#Judith (tov)
yellowtrinity · 6 months
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i sank 160 hours into tales of vesperia and here's what i've got to show for it
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"if ToV had one 'fuck' where would you put it" conversation led to me hunting for rating details which led to me finding info that implied ToV could say "pussy" without changing rating
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tatatasoma · 4 months
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spinattack · 9 months
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brave vesperia vs the world.. or something
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crestfallencrest · 5 days
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Brave Vesperia is just that kind of party.
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luminantrondo · 1 month
Silence of the Dragon Rider (Volume 2) Spoilers
Was no one going to talk about how Judith and Rita had to literally pull Estelle away from digging through the rubble when Yuri went missing? I kid, of course.
This is a scene in the second volume of "Silence of the Dragon Rider", taking place right after Yuri goes missing/is stabbed by Sodia and falls off Zaude.
My (shoddy) translation below:
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"Although she didn't show it, Judith was worried about Estelle. When Yuri went missing at Zaude, Judith and Rita, who were also overwhelmed, had to pull Estelle away as she desperately tore through the rubble."
I'm still picking my way through the 2nd volume. It's a retelling of the game through Judith's eyes, but it starts skipping (a lot, unfortunately) around towards the middle. If you're a fan of Judith & Rita's relationship, they get quite a lot in here, including a cut skit from the game that implies a connection between Rita and Hermes (Judith's father, obvi).
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elvenechoes · 7 months
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I know this meme is old now but I found this forgotten and unfinished in my sketchbook and couldn't just leave it there
Brave Vesperia mugshots!
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bloodyodyssey · 5 months
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ok i redrew the honorable bisexual warrior 👍🏽
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lucentel · 8 months
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colored vers of the last post !! i like how rita turned out the most i think
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mieutwo · 2 years
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◄ tales of vesperia as tumblr posts part 11
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pancharts · 5 months
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Judith tales
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lyerra · 4 months
sooo uuuh @merddynaladar and @magicmetslogic said they wanted to know what i've come up with so far with my tales of vesperia ghost trick au... honestly i dont think i'll turn it into a fic but it was sorta fun coming up with all these ideas soooo... here they are!!
The setting is in the late 2000s, in Pornic, which is a coastal town in France. Yuri is a café owner while Flynn is a young police commissioner/police school student. Both of them are childhood friends and see each other as family (since none of them have surviving family members).
As Yuri is closing shop at night, he gets mysteriously assassinated in his own café by a hitman and... wakes up as a ghost, as he sees his killer holding an unknown pink-haired girl at gunpoint.
Another ghost(?) named Judith appears and explains to Yuri that while he is dead, he gained powers that he can use to save the girl from meeting the same fate, as well as learn the truth behind his death; however, he will only have one night before he disappears. After he saves her, the girl introduces herself as Estelle and tells Yuri that she is a friend of Flynn's, and that something has seemingly happened to their common friend.
I don't have 100% of the details about what happens next, but here is a brief summary of the main events of each chapter.
Chapter 2: Very similar to GT's actual chapter two, Yuri goes to check on his adopted brother Karol, and finds him and Repede in trouble. He asks Repede to look after Karol, and returns to Estelle.
Chapter 3: Estelle is somehow suspected of Yuri's murder and decides to make a run for it (since Yuri only has tonight and stuff)
Chapter 4: Rita, Estelle's roommate, gets reluctantly involved in this mess. The girls (and Yuri) decide to look for clues at Flynn's place. On the way, they go through a construction site to avoid suspicious people (like the one who killed Yuri) and with Yuri's help, manage to survive weirdly disfunctioning electronical equipment.
Chapter 5: We learn that Estelle met Flynn through her mother. Estelle's mother, recently deceased, was a scientist, and she was apparently working on a secret project with Flynn. We are also introduced to Raven, a shady police officer who offers information about a case Flynn was working on before his disappearance: the case of the manipulator, someone who is able to manipulate others and uses those powers to commit crimes. Also Rita dies in this chapter (so Yuri can save her and they can actually talk without having to go through Estelle lol)
Chapter 6: Through a bracelet that Estelle's mother gave her, Rita learns about a mysterious meteorite called Brave Vesperia, and that Flynn is linked to it somehow. Meanwhile, Raven tells the group about Alexei, a powerful government official who could be behind Yuri's death and Flynn's disappearance. Judith warns Yuri that Raven is not to be trusted.
Chapter 7: In this chapter, Repede returns as a ghost to help the group. Moreover, Rita figures out that the thing Estelle's mother studied were ghost powers like the ones Yuri has; only her subject was Flynn, who was apparently able to manipulate people and objects. This description sounds awfully like the criminal discribed by Raven, which comes as a huge shock to Yuri and Estelle.
Chapter 8: Raven betrays the group and gets Estelle's bracelet to Alexei. However, Alexei manages to also capture Rita who seemed to understand the secrets of the meteorite better than his own men. Raven, who did not intend to get a 15 year old girl kidnapped, decides to help the group by telling them the truth: Alexei was the bad guy and he manipulated Flynn into a deal. Using this deal, he turned Raven into a ghost and made him the manipulator. Alexei is now escaping with Flynn and Rita in a submarine, and Raven manages to send Yuri, Estelle and Repede there.
Chapter 9: Alexei escapes and this becomes very similar to the og game: Yuri and Repede have to help Estelle carry an unconscious Rita to safety while in a sinking submarine. They are eventually saved by Flynn!
Chapter 10: This is my favourite part haha. Yuri, Flynn and Estelle have a heart to heart. Yuri especially confronts Flynn on all the secrets he kept (he literally died and became a ghost and hid it from him for like, an entire year).
Wait, what's going on? Basically, Flynn died about a year ago in an incident that left him with a meteorite stuck inside his body, turning him into a ghost. His body is now invulnerable but also he's dead. He possesses his own corpse and finds Estelle's mother who studies him and tries to free him from his condition. After she dies, Alexei is charged with taking her research for the government. He finds out about the powers of the dead and Flynn and he erases the info about Flynn but stuff about the meteorite soon becomes known all around the world. Alexei then strikes a deal with Flynn, telling him he will try to finish Estelle's mother work if Flynn helps him catch criminals and stuff. Alexei's goal, however, is to steal the fragment of meteorite inside Flynn's body. Flynn agrees (Alexei doesn't make him do anything too bad anyways or he wouldnt have accepted). During one of Flynn's missions, Alexei kills Raven close to Flynn's body (and the meteorite) and witnesses for himself Raven becoming a ghost. His plan for this night was to convince Flynn to leave the country immediately because governments had learned of his existence through a submarine. The plan was to drop Flynn's "soul" in the abyssal plains where there were no cores he could possess to escape and run away with his body (and the meteorite).
Chapter 10 (part 2): So yeah they explain what's going on and they realize that Estelle and Rita are going to die and maybe Estelle manages to get the boys to say some touching last words or something... And then Rita wakes up and comes up with a way for the ghosts to escape and get help through a torpedo.
Chapter 11: As they escape, Flynn, Yuri and Repede find Flynn's dead body, without the meteorite that was stolen by Alexei. They realize that now that Flynn's body is not constantly going between life and death, Yuri and Repede can reverse his death and alter the timeline... Which they do :D Also Judith reveals she was like, the spirit of Brave Vesperia or something
Chapter 12: Epilogue!!! The group is having a party at Yuri's café :D Only Yuri, Flynn and Repede remember, and Flynn introduces Estelle and Yuri, but Estelle remembers a little bit when she sees him and they tell each other how happy they are and stuff,, Alexei never got to learn about the powers of the dead and eventually was arrested by Flynn for other corrupted activities. Raven never died, Flynn and Yuri never died either, and they adopted a cute little kitten named Sissel :)
So yeah that was long. Don't hesitate to ask!! I have a lot of details that I havent written down here so if you're interested in this AU I'd be happy to expand on whatever you want!!!
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yuri man i dont think youre helping
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hephsinyulind · 7 months
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Judith 💜
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spinattack · 1 year
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besties who slay together stay together
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megoomy · 2 years
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happy valentine’s day! she is going to beat you to d
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