greentrickster · 2 years
So, that latest Don’t Starve lore video, huh?
I’m sure lots of people have commented about the meat of it (because, frankly, why wouldn’t they, that’s a lore video that leaves you emotionally compromised right there), so I’m going to add the smaller detail that I thought was neat:
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It’s a small, quick frame, but I was surprised to see the other survivors not only came searching for Maxwell, but looked pleased and relieved when he woke up. I like seeing Maxwell become part of the group in fan works, but I didn’t really expect to see it in canon in any real form.
Which also increases the #fear about what’s going to come next in the story, but, you know. Still a sweet moment I didn’t expect and appreciate.
(Though I’m also wondering... with the game board becoming that much more real, who is Charlie playing against? And, given how it happened, how much is Maxwell aware of what he’s just done?)
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