#Kanvas Productions
1914. Les années de la Première Guerre mondiale où les agriculteurs qui cultivaient du « chanvre » en échange de dollars américains. Le chanvre industriel n'est pas seulement une plante agricole c'est l'antidote contre le pétrole et le dollar. Comment le chanvre a été interdit ?
1. Un acre de chanvre produit autant d'oxygène que 25 acres de forêt.
2. Un acre de chanvre peut produire autant de papier que 4 acres d'arbres.
3. Alors que le chanvre peut être transformé en papier 8 fois, le bois ne peut devenir du papier que 3 fois.
4. Le chanvre pousse en 4 mois, le bois en 20-50 ans.
5. Le cannabis est un véritable piège à radiations.
6. Le cannabis peut être cultivé partout dans le monde et nécessite très peu d'eau. De plus, comme il peut chasser les insectes, il n'a pas besoin de pesticides.
7. Si les textiles fabriqués à partir de chanvre se généralisent, l'industrie des pesticides pourrait complètement disparaître.
8. Les premiers jeans étaient fabriqués à partir de chanvre ; même le mot « KANVAS » est le nom que reçoivent les produits à base de chanvre. Le chanvre est aussi une plante idéale pour la fabrication de cordes, lacets, sacs à main, chaussures et chapeaux.
9. Il réduit les effets de la chimiothérapie et des rayonnements sur le traitement du cannabis, du sida et du cancer ; il est utilisé dans au moins 250 maladies telles que les rhumatismes, le cœur, l'épilepsie, l'asthme, l'estomac, l'insomnie, la psychologie et les maladies de la colonne vertébrale.
10. La valeur protéique des graines de chanvre est très élevée et les deux acides gras qu'elle contient ne se trouvent nulle part ailleurs dans la nature.
11. Le chanvre est encore moins cher à produire que le soja.
12. Les animaux nourris au cannabis n'ont pas besoin de suppléments hormonaux.
13. Tous les produits en plastique peuvent être fabriqués à partir de chanvre, et le plastique de chanvre est très facile à remettre à la nature, il est biodégradable.
14. Si la carrosserie d'une voiture est faite de chanvre, elle sera 10 fois plus résistante que l'acier.
15. Peut aussi être utilisé pour isoler les bâtiments ; il est durable, bon marché et flexible.
16. Les savons et les cosmétiques à base de chanvre ne polluent pas l'eau et sont donc totalement respectueux de l'environnement.
En Amérique du XVIIIe siècle, leur production était obligatoire et les paysans qui ne produisaient pas étaient emprisonnés. Mais maintenant la situation est inversée. W. Р. Hearst était propriétaire de journaux, magazines et médias aux États-Unis dans les années 1900. Il avait des forêts et produisait du papier. Si le papier avait été fabriqué avec du chanvre, il aurai pu perdre des millions. Rockefeller était l'homme le plus riche du monde. Il avait une compagnie pétrolière. Le biocarburant, l'huile de chanvre, était bien sûr son plus grand ennemi. Mellon était l'un des principaux actionnaires de la société Dupont et détenait un brevet pour la fabrication de plastique à partir de produits pétroliers. L'industrie du cannabis menaçait leur marché. Plus tard, Mellon est devenu secrétaire au Trésor du président Hoover. Ces grands noms ont décidé lors de leurs réunions que le cannabis était l'ennemi et l'ont éliminé.
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darkestmad-er · 6 months
The year is 1914. The years of WWI and the farmers who grew "hemp" in exchange for U.S. dollars.. Keep this in mind and keep reading.
Industrial hemp isn't just an agricultural plant.
It's the antidote to oil and the dollar.
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👉1. One acre of hemp produces as much oxygen as 25 acres of forest.
👉2. Again, one acre of hemp can produce the same amount of paper as 4 acres of trees.
👉3. While hemp can be turned into paper 8 times, wood can be turned into papers 3 times.
👉4. Hemp grows in 4 months, wood grows in 20-50 years.
👉5. Cannabis is a real radiation trap.
👉6 Cannabis can be grown anywhere in the world and it requires very little water. Plus, as it can repel insects, it doesn't need pesticides.
👉7. If textiles made with hemp become widespread, the pesticide industry could disappear completely.
👉8 The early jeans were made from hemp; even the word "KANVAS" is the name Hemp products receive.
Hemp is also an ideal plant for making ropes, laces, purses, shoes and hats.
👉9. It reduces the effects of chemotherapy and radiation on the treatment of cannabis, AIDS and cancer; it is used in at least 250 diseases such as rheumatism, heart disease, epilepsy, asthma, stomach, insomnia, psychology and other diseases stiffness in the spine.
👉10 The protein value of hemp seeds is very high and the two fatty acids it contains are not found anywhere else in nature.
👉11. Hemp is even cheaper to produce than soy.
👉12. Animals fed with cannabis don't need hormone supplements.
👉13 All plastic products can be made from hemp, and hemp plastic is very easy to return to the nature.
👉14. If a car's body is made of hemp, it will be 10 times stronger than steel.
👉15. It can also be used to insulate buildings; it is durable, inexpensive and flexible..
👉16 Soaps and cosmetics made with hemp do not contaminate water, so they are totally environmentally friendly.
In 18th-century America, its production was mandatory.
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asrisgratitudejournal · 9 months
Jadi… kemarin memutuskan untuk nggak keluar rumah samsek karena terakhir nggak keluar rumah itu adalah tanggal 1 September 2023, yang adalah 2 minggu yang lalu. Selain itu, literally sejak sampai Oxford lagi selalu ada aja agenda keluar rumah… Ya gapapa juga sih, tapi pengen aja ga kemana-mana for a day. Terus yaudah pagi jam 11 (nggak pagi sih itu bagi banyak orang, tapi bagi diriku itu adalah pagi), ku randomly memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan painting yang ku-kerjakan back from tanggal 5 Februari 2023. Dua hari itu dulu (5 dan 6 Februari 2023) adalah hari yang cukup berat sepertinya, ku sampai nge-post 4x: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Terus yaudah setelah 7 bulan ni kanvas ku-anggurin, ku memutuskan untuk pick it up lagi… Meaningnya awalnya ga se-deep itu sih, tapi pas dipikir-pikir lagi semoga memang menyelesaikan painting ini juga berarti ku healing dari wounds yang kupunya waktu itu. Kalau baca my previous posts yang ku-link di atas, intinya ku mikir bahwa membeli knives set, brushes, dan oil colour will somehow help me coping with my problems… Terus malamnya setelah beli itu semua, aku decided to try the knives set I bought. Dan waktu itu sebetulnya merasa cukup puas. Ku kayanya sempat mikir “Wah enak juga ya painting pake knives, nggak secapek kalau pake brushes”. Tapi sebetulnya instead of inspired, waktu itu mood-ku lebih ke sad and upset, dan nyoba pertama kali itu ya lebih buat channeling out anger aja.
Sekarang setelah 7 bulan berlalu, dan 1 atau 2(?) jam meddling about with colors, here it is the final result!: (LAH TERNYATA BELUM SEMPAT FOTO FULL JADINYA LOL super clown, anyway, tapi ini beberapa snippets while I was on the making of it – tidak lupa ku-kasih caption to give more context yes)
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(Ini pas mau mulai, lihat si palet masih kosong bersih. Cukup lama kontemplasi mikir warna apa lagi yang belum keluar karena there’s only so much you can do with 12 colour palette. Awalnya mau bikin semua yang kosong putih itu abu-abu aja biar gampang…)
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(Ini setengah jalan. I filled the blank in the middle with grey tapi terus bosen. Yang corner kiri bawah dibikin sama ijo juga aja biar cepet. Terus baru sadar si cokelat dan ochre belum kebuka, jadinya pake itu di corner kanan bawah)
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(Ini iseng aja mem-foto tekstur karena KU SUKA BANGET PAKE KNIVES O M God… Ini emang kayanya kualitas kanvasnya aja yang jelek jadi putihnya nggak terlalu bisa nutup…)
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(Ini tekstur di corner kanan bawah yang bagus banget juga... Ku sangat suka cokelatnya dan kuningnya UGHHHHH. Plus, my fav knife adalah yang kotak persegi panjang!)
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(Nggak ada gambar full selesai kayak apa… Tapi the more reasons for you guys to pay a visit to my house -YANG PANAS ITU HEHE. Ini corner kanan atas yang berhasil kututup dengan (awalnya mau bikin) violet/purple-ish… Nggak terlalu keluar warnanya karena jujur asli susah banget mixing paints buat bikin warna ungu… Ini pun dengan banyak sekali trial and error… Tapi akhirnya lumayan puas sih dengan result ini… Asli bagus banget juga lagi si warna putih yang ada di antara merah-orange dan ungu... SANGAT PUAS HUHU)
Udah itu aja gambar-gambarnya. Terus sebetulnya ide dari post ini adalah mau giving meaning to the final product. Tapi sayangnya foto final productnya nggak ada. But issokay! I still can go rambling about that I guess…
Jadiii, kalau dilihat memang konsep painting ini adalah abstract painting aja. Nggak menggambarkan suatu landscape atau benda apapun. Tapi seperti judul post ini, judul paintingnya adalah “Selesai”. Belakangan ini lagi banyak banget contemplating “sebetulnya apa sih yang dicari di hidup ini?” dan berhubungan dengan context di atas pas ku lagi sedih-sedihnya 5-6 Februari 2023 kemarin itu di mana ku sempat mikir “apakah di hidup ini menikah itu sepenting itu? Emangnya kalau kita punya value lain yang dikejar di hidup ini selain membangun keluarga dan beranak pinak, salah ya?”. Ku menghubungkan painting-ku yang abstrak ini ke pertanyaan-pertanyaan tadi. Ku ngelihat si painting ini sebagai hidupku. Memang abstrak aja, nggak kelihatan ada rumah di situ, pemandangan sawah atau gunung, mobil, anak, manusia, tapi colourful. Dan selesai. Semua bagian di kanvas itu full ku-warnain. Nggak ada bagian yang kosong. Sama sekali. Mungkin emang ada yang tipis-tipis aja kewarnanya sampai tekstur base dasar kanvasnya masih kelihatan. Tapi memang itu intended effect yang kubuat supaya paintingnya nggak terlalu “full” dan “too much”.
Ku juga nggak bikin semua bagian tertutup dengan warna yang SUPER TERANG/mencolok/outstanding. Bagian-bagian yang nyala ini kuanggap sebagai representasi dari “bright” side of my life. *Bling-bling*-nya seorang Asri lah: sekolah di top school di Jakarta, anak olimpiade sampe medali perak internasional pulak, masuk institut teknik yang katanya menerima putra putri terbaik bangsa, sekolah master di Perancis (pake beasiswa), PhD di universitas terbaik di dunia (pake beasiswa juga), dosen di salah satu PTN. Keren-kerennya pokoknya di situ semua. Kalau di painting, ada di warna merah, orange, dan kuning 3 garis yang di tengah itu. Bisa dilihat kaya api/flame juga kali ya, karena orang kalau nggak kenal aku beneran ya emang yang dilihat cuma “bright” side atau silau-silaunya aku aja).
Tapi kemudian quite a big portion of the painting ada warna hijau di bottom, grey, sama dark purple itu. Ada biru juga sih, tapi nggak terlalu mencolok. Ini masing-masing warna nggak akan ku-interpretasi secara detail tapi intinya selain semua *extraordinary achievements* tadi, ku juga melakukan banyak hal lain. Orang belum betul-betul kenal aku kalau nggak tahu aku juga sebetulnya struggling with A LOT OF THINGS: ya dengan mencari jodoh tadi dan memahami konsep pernikahan, dengan PhD-ku, dengan menulis article manuscript (to the point I feel so hopeless and having intrusive thoughts and therefore seeing mental health counsellor in uni), dengan loneliness/kesepian… Kemudian, terlepas dari betapa sosialnya I come across to some people, ku juga sebetulnya sangat enjoy my precious alone time, I enjoy solo TRAVEL so much, tapi juga at the same time sangat seeking deeper emotional connection from other people. Intinya berbagai macam dimensi dan fasad yang ku-punya lah. Itu semua colors tadi bergabung menjadi satu dan getting intertwined/berbatasan dengan 3 streaks merah-orange-kuning yang di atas tadi.
Hasil dari semua hal di atas adalah ya aku ini, hidup aku. Bagi beberapa orang (atau common people), painting ini mungkin “ga enak” untuk dilihat. Atau menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan: “Gambar apaan sih ini? Maksudnya apa sih?”. Beberapa juga mungkin: “Aku nggak ngerti, tapi bagus kok, aku bisa nikmatin.”
Paintings punya orang lain mungkin lebih enak dilihat bagi common people. Mereka ngegambar (yang udah ku sebut di atas tadi): rumah, sawah, gunung, anak-anak, mobil, kabah di mekah, bahkan mungkin beberapa ada yang pakai swarovski buat teksturnya. Tapi ku cukup yakin beberapa paintings (yang pernah kulihat at least) ada yang nggak selesai. Cuma rumah dan orang-orang dan mobil aja tapi langitnya masih berupa kanvas kosong. Ada yang full kewarna semua juga, selesai juga, tapi semuanya hasil brush strokes yang tipis-tipisss banget, nggak ada tekstur yang nunjukkin karakteristik khusus dari painting itu. Kebanyakan orang paintingsnya template, mirip-mirip satu sama lain, sampe gak bisa dibedain antara painting satu dengan yang lainnya. Ya nggak salah. Bagi beberapa orang memang lebih mudah nengok kanan-kiri, ngeliat sebelah-sebelahnya ngegambar apa kemudian mereka tinggal niru aja. Atau bisa juga mereka ngelihat gimana mereka diajarin dulu di kelas melukis sama guru mereka dan akhirnya sampai sekarang mereka literally ngelakuin 100% yang diajarin tanpa improvisasi sendiri and giving their own touch. Beberapa ada juga yang sama colorfulnya, sama full-textured-nya dengan paintingku sampai aku pun kadang ngambil mereka sebagai reference, picking the colours and textures they used. Aku tapi termasuk yang cukup bersyukur karena Alhamdulillah paintings di sekitar-ku sangat inspiring dan heterogen sehingga ku bisa belajar banyak dari semua paintings tersebut.
Dan sebetulnya ku ga peduli gimana orang lain ngelihat painting-ku ini sih, yang paling penting adalah apa yang AKU rasakan dan pikirkan saat ku melihat painting ini. Dan gaada kata lain selain: PUAS. Ku sangat senang I finished this one. It’s VERY BEAUTIFUL in my eyes. The TEXTURE, the color clash/combination… UGHHHHHH. Ku juga berharap itu yang kulihat terhadap hidupku sekarang. PUAS. Udah sejauh ini. A VERY BEAUTIFUL life and journey indeed.
Tentunya nggak berkat usaha-ku sendiri. Guru-guru painting-ku, paintings di sekitar-ku yang jadi inspirasi. Semoga painting-ku ini juga bisa jadi inspirasi bagi painters lain. Semoga kita semua bisa merasa HAPPY dan PUAS ngelihat painting kita sendiri, baik itu painting yang abstrak, yang template pemandangan, yang selesai, yang belum selesai, yang tipis-tipis, yang bertekstur, yang colorful, yang cuma satu atau dua warna. Dan yang paling penting juga: we can always RE-PAINT. Sampe meninggal masih bisa diselesaikan, dibetulin, di-improve. Asal kita nggak berhenti.
VHL, 14/09/2023 16:19
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ryanthedemiboy · 23 days
Does anyone have any info on this canvas or company?
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The phone number and the email address are deactivated. I haven't been able to find this in trademarks — closest was Kreative Kanvas. I think I found Dick Hancock's barren LinkedIn.
But nothing about the company or the product anywhere.
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rbzofficial · 2 months
081399996345 Konveksi Tas dan Koper Di Tasikmalaya
081399996345 Tasikmalaya, Konveksi Tas Umroh dan Haji Kualitas Bagus Harga Murah
KONVEKSI TAS UMROH DAN HAJI — Mau tau info Harga Jasa Pembuatan Tas Umroh Dan Haji Kualitas Terbaik di Tasikmalaya, Toko Tas Umroh dan Haji Terpercaya, Grosir tas Umroh dan Haji Murah, Konveksi tas Umroh dan Haji Terpercaya di Tasikmalaya, Biaya Pembuatan Tas Umroh dan Haji di Tasikmalaya, Gudang tas Umroh dan Haji Kualitas Standard dan Kualitas Super, Produsen tas Umroh dan Haji Termurah di Tasikmalaya, Kami menjual Tas Umroh dan Haji berkualitas dari yang kualitas standard dan kualitas super. Info lebih lengkap bisa hubungi admin kami di https://wa.me/6281399996345
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Kami RBZ PRODUCTION merupakan Konveksi Tas Terpercaya yang sudah lama berpengalaman dalam Pembuatan Tas Umroh dan Haji dengan harga yang terjangkau murah dan berkualitas bagus. Siap menerima Jasa Pembuatan Tas Koper Umroh dan Haji, Instansi, Kantor, Sekolah dll.
RBZ PRODUCTION merupakan Distributor Tas Koper dan Tas Kulit Terpercaya. Merupakan solusi untuk anda bagi yang mencari Konveksi Pembuatan Tas yuntuk partai besar. Kami sebagai Produsen Tas yang berpengalaman akan memberikan layanan dan pelayanan terbaik untuk anda dengan harga terbaik. Murah, berkualitas dan Bergaransi. Jadi anda tidak perlu ragu dengan kualitas barang yang kami berikan, karena kepuasan adalah prioritas utama bagi kami.
Ada banyak Tempat atau Konveksi yang Membuat Tas dengan berbagai kualitas tapi hanya kami yang menjual dengan harga murah dan kualitas terjamin.
Para pelanggan yang pernah belanja pada kami merasa sangat puas dengan produk yang kami berikan. Tentunya jika Produk yang kami berikan barangnya sesuai keinginan klien kami pada akhirmya akan memberikan kebahagiaan yang tidak ternilai.
Jika anda minat dengan Tas Koper yang yang kami ajukan, anda tepat datang di situs kami atau langsung hubungi kami di 081399996345
KAMI MENERIMA JASA PEMBUATAN ANEKA MACAM TAS: Tas Koper Umroh dan Haji – Tas Troly – Tas jinjing – Tas Paspor -Tas Kabin – Tas Selempang -Tas Rangsel – Tas Kantor – Tas Seminar – Tas Traveling – Tas Fashion – Tas Olah Raga – Tas Promosi – Tas Kanvas -Tas Sekolah -Tas Goodie Bag – Tas Sayur -dan berbagai model lainnya sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.
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blogkhamila · 4 months
Gudang Label (085876888123)
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Sambut kehadiran fashion terbaru di Gudang Label! Diskon besar, pilihan luas - semua di satu tempat!. Menghadirkan sentuhan personal pada setiap pakaian - pusat label baju pilihan para fashionista!.Dengan pusat label baju kami, setiap pakaian adalah kanvas untuk ekspresi pribadi Anda. Ciptakan gayamu sendiri!
Pict Product :
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Untuk info lebih lanjut bisa datang langsung ke store kami di JL. Kyai Singkil No.24 atau bisa langsung hubungi kami WA : 085 876 888 123
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JAHITAN RAPI Telp/WA 0858-3261-0688 Grosir Tas Kanvas Jogja Kendal UD Al Barokah Magelang
Grosir Tas Belanja Lipat Baggu, Grosir Tas Belanja Lipat Strawberry, Grosir Tas Belanja Motif, Grosir Tas Belanja Serbaguna, Grosir Tas Belanja Spunbond Murah Produsen Tas magelang Custom Berkualitas untuk Semua Kebutuhan Anda ! Apakah anda sedang Membutuhkan tas berkualitas tinggi dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda? ELL-HAWA Production adalah solusi terbaik! Jahitan Kuat – Rapi – Bahan…
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konveksitasmagelang · 6 months
Pabrik Tas Spunbond Rembang BISA KIRIM LUAR KOTA Telp/WA 0858-3261-0688 UD Al Barokah
Produksi Tas Terdekat, Produksi Tas Spunbond, Produksi Tas Kanvas, Produksi Tas Kulit, Produksi Tas Magelang Produsen Tas magelang Custom Berkualitas untuk Semua Kebutuhan Anda ! Apakah anda sedang Membutuhkan tas berkualitas tinggi dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda? ELL-HAWA Production adalah solusi terbaik! Jahitan Kuat – Rapi – Bahan Premium ORDER KLIK DISINI…
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vinie59 · 10 months
Le chanvre ; COMMENT ET POURQUOI LE CHANVRE EST-IL INTERDIT ? 👉1. Un hectare de chanvre produit autant d'oxygène que 25 hectares de forêt. 👉2. Je répète, un acre de chanvre peut produire autant de papier que 4 acres de bois. 👉3. Alors que le chanvre peut être traité en papier 8 fois, le bois peut être transformé en papier 3 fois. 👉4. Le chanvre pousse en 4 mois, les arbres en 20-50 ans. 👉5. La fleur de chanvre est un véritable piège à radiations. 👉6. Le chanvre peut être cultivé partout dans le monde et il nécessite très peu d'eau. De plus, puisqu'elle est capable de se défendre des insectes, elle n'a pas besoin de pesticides. 👉7. Si le tissu de chanvre se propageait, l'industrie des pesticides pourrait complètement disparaître. 👉8. Les premiers agriculteurs ont utilisé du chanvre ; le mot « KANVAS » est aussi le nom des produits du chanvre. Le chanvre est aussi une plante idéale pour faire des cordes, lacets, sacs, chaussures, chapeaux. 👉9. Réduire les effets de la chimiothérapie et de la radiothérapie dans le traitement du cannabis, du sida et du cancer ; Il est utilisé dans au moins 250 maladies telles que les rhumatismes, le cœur, l'épilepsie, l'asthme, l'estomac, l'insomnie, la psychologie et les maladies 👉10. La valeur protéique des graines de chanvre est très élevée et les deux acides gras qu'elles contiennent ne peuvent être trouvés nulle part ailleurs dans la nature. 👉11. Le chanvre est encore moins cher à produire que le soja. 👉12. Les animaux nourris au cannabis n'ont pas besoin de suppléments hormonaux. 👉13. Tous les produits en plastique peuvent être fabriqués à partir de chanvre, et le plastique de chanvre est très facile à retourner à la 👉14. Si une carrosserie de voiture est en chanvre, elle sera 10 fois plus solide que l'acier. 👉15. Il peut également servir pour l'isolation du bâtiment ; durable, bon marché et flexible. 👉16 savons et cosmétiques à base de chanvre ne contamine pas l'eau, elle est donc complètement bio. La production était obligatoire en Amérique du 18e siècle et les fermiers qui ne produisaient pas ont été emprisonnés. Maintenant les tables ont basculé. D'O ERE ? 👎-W. R. Hearst possédait des journaux, magazines et médias en Amérique en 1900. Ils avaient des forêts et produisaient du papier. Si le papier était en chanvre, il aurait pu perdre des millions. 👎- Rockefeller était l'homme le plus riche du monde. Il avait une compagnie pétrolière. Les biocarburants, l'huile de chanvre, bien sûr, étaient son plus grand ennemi. 👎-Mellon était l'un des principaux actionnaires de la Dupont Company et détenait un brevet pour la fabrication de plastiques à partir de produits pétroliers. Et l'industrie du cannabis a menacé son marché. 👎- Le président Mellon Hoover est ensuite devenu secrétaire du Trésor. Les grands noms dont nous avons parlé ont décidé lors de leurs réunions que le cannabis était l'ennemi. Et il a été éliminé. Les forêts sont abattues pour la production de papier. Le nombre d'empoisonnements aux pesticides et de tumeurs est en hausse. Puis nous avons rempli notre monde de déchets plastiques, déchets nocifs… Merci à Marco Due Camarda pour avoir posté ceci. merci Luana Fazzini
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kanvasbeauty · 1 year
Acure - Kanvas Beauty
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Kanvas Beauty is proud to be an official retailer of Acure Organics in Australia. 100% vegan, 0% pretentious. That's motto of straightforward American brand Acure Organics. All of its products are formulated with 100% natural ingredients, without any parabens, sulfates, mineral oil, formaldehyde or PEGs. The best thing about Acure? It knows it's not enough to be natural: it also has to work. Acure's ranges have been designed to produce results, taking your skin and hair from blah to brilliant. If you need another reason to love it, all its products are 100% biodegradable. Good for you, good for the planet!
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semarang-it-center · 1 year
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Yuk kenalan sama fitur-fiturnya Fingerspot.iO 😉 9. Pantau Cluster Sales Kanvas Manajemen HRD dapat melihat data lokasi karyawan dalam bentuk clustering di Maps dari aktivitas spot yang baru dibuat, spot terakhir yang dikunjungi, scan GPS berdasarkan status Scannya dan pantau lokasi karyawan berdasarkan periode tanggal yang diatur. Dengan demikian akan lebih mudah memantau sales canvas yang kerjanya mobile, dan laporan kunjungan nya akan lebih mudah diperiksa 😉👍 More Info Product : https://fingerspot.com/co/F791
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aboutandinfo · 1 year
KANVAS Women's Blue Croslite Sole Material Ballerinas Low Heel Sandal
KANVAS Women’s Blue Croslite Sole Material Ballerinas Low Heel Sandal
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description : These low stiletto heels provide the perfect comfort to walk over any surface without the fear of any slip, due to meticulously crafted sole. The print inspired by the Mugal Architecture is an architectural style developed by the Mughals. Because of its abstractive patterns, styling from monochrome to quirky, it makes all the outfits look so…
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aekmedia1 · 2 years
Building SEO Content to Support the Customer Journey
Search engine optimisation (also known as SEO) helps you understand and develop a strategy to improve your sites visibility rank for positioning in organic search results enhance the appearance of your web pages or website. Building an SEO content strategy that can support both you and your customer journey to develop and grow can create, harvest, and maintain a positive customer relationship, whilst strengthening your brand identity. 
What is a customer journey? 
A customer journey is the consumer decision and discovery journey that takes/converts them from lead to a buying customer. When you imagine the customers journey from interest to purchase, they go through certain ‘touchpoints’ to develop their knowledge of your services, product, and your brand. As a customer of many products ourselves, almost daily, we understand the natural journey you would take from interest, to discovery, to research, to purchase- that is called the customer journey. When selling a service or product you must understand what will lead them to you and how to keep them, preventing them to moving to your competitors. 
There are many debates on the customer journey or buyers journey model. Classic models show the linear customer journey and most likely will include awareness, consideration, and an ultimate decision. There are a variety of funnels such as the basic 3-step model and 4-step model. However, some argue that there are other steps in the customer journey, and indeed varying touchpoints and proponents of a cyclical costumer journey.  
At AEK, we use is the 5-step model as we find it is the most rounded and optimised hyper-targeted funnel that addresses all points in a customer journey. The advantage of a 5-step model is that it adds an extra layer to your customer relationship, as your relationship with your customer doesn’t end or stop at the one action, it also includes loyalty and advocacy. The goal, especially with an E-commerce store, is always to gain returning customers. A returning customer makes the initial purchase and returns through various tailored incentives such as loyalty points and email marketing. A 5-step funnel reaches even beyond your customer buying several or reoccurring item purchases, as a customer can then advocate your brand or business through loyalty schemes and friend referrals, building loyalty and furthering your brand awareness. 
The 5-step funnel model stages are as followed: 
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Awareness- The stage where your lead becomes aware of your product or service. 
Marketing tips and tricks:  Introducing your brand with content rich narratives and engaging content such as 15-secs videos. 
For example:  
You should create custom, high-intent video tailored for Facebook and Instagram advertising to attract new customers to start building your sales funnel. 
To further communicate the boutique range and experience Kanvas Beauty offers online, we thought it will be best to design and produce custom marketing material such as videos, images, emails, and website graphics. 
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For our Montagio’s multi-channel strategy to acquiring a brand-new customer  
base of customers who matched our target demographics across the key platforms signed and produced a custom, high-intent video tailored for Facebook Advertising to new customers. We then designed and introduced custom landing pages with a focus on conversion rate optimisation and SEO with our specialist conversion rate optimisation techniques to complement our marketing efforts. 
To take an integrated approach, you need to compliment your awareness across all channels, to create a consistent narrative. You must also tailor your content and match the tone to fit the channel you are presenting it on. Facebook requires visual content, that stands out, whereas, LinkedIn requires a more professional tone, to suit whom it is addressing and the platform your content is on. An article needs to be concise and informative with the appropriate information and research to show your expertise and what set you out from the crowd. 
The length of your video should also match what point of the funnel your customer is, top of the funnel videos should be less than 15-secs, middle of the funnel can be greater than 15 seconds. 
Interest - The stage where your potential customer (lead) becomes interested in purchasing your product 
Decision- The stage where further investigation and analysis for your customer is made to decide a suitable product just for your customers need. 
Action- The best stage of all- your lead becoming a happy customer. 
Conversion- becoming a loyal, brand ambassador and advocator. Turning satisfied customers into brand advocates, whilst lowering your acquisition costs. 
Marketing tips and tricks:  Conversion- Use Yotpo for where your customer can build loyalty points from customised rewards and referral programs that engages existing customers whilst reaching new ones. 
Advocacy- A customer advocates your brand by referring a friend with tool such as Yotpo. 
You can truly create an optimised hyper-targeted funnel by adding steps between consideration and conversion, and other initiatives or further touchpoints between actions and conversion.  
Whatever model you choose to employ, you must always ensure it is a perfect representation that truly signifies your customer journey, to help you hit all touchpoints and create a hyper-targeted funnel to reach your customer where it counts in their buying journey. SEO plays a major part in truly reaching and supporting the customers to create tailored content that they will encounter throughout their customer journey and ultimately work their way to the next part of the funnel. 
How does SEO support the customer journey? 
Although, with the uprise in TikTok SEO and social media changing the way consumers find, explore, and discover your products and services, research has shown that 71% of people still turn to popular search engines such as Google to research and discover services they need. In fact, 74% start here and convert to purchasing and Google Data has found 43% of consumers become inspired during their shopping journey by browsing goods on a search engine. 
Further research from BrightEdge (2019) has found that an average of 44.6% of revenue derives from organic search channels, with B2B companies generating double the amount of revenue than any other channel they use. 
The customer journey differs from industry to industry, but one thing remains the same and that is the process of converting a person’s interest to a paying customer. 
There are many ways that SEO can support the customer journey and influence the stages they are in utilising a generic process of awareness, consideration to decision-making. 
Awareness phase 
Whilst searching online a potential customer must first become aware of your services, products- and in extension- aware of you and your brand. Ranking first or on page one of organic search result search engines such as Google or Bing is one sure way to get noticed and get those clicks. 
Keyword Research  
What is keyword research? 
Keyword research is the foundation of a clever, efficient communications and content strategy. In relation to SEO, keyword research is how you develop an understanding of what your customer is searching, discover relevant and popular customers search queries and essentially find out what your customers wants and are looking for. Most importantly, keyword research determines what you should use on an organic search engine channel. 
Competitor Research  
How does SEO use competitor research?  
SEO research targets keywords and helps you discover more keyword via your competitors. Using tools such as Ahrefs, you can find out more about your competitors and their webpage keyword ranking as well as discover what keywords they are ranking for.  
Sizing up the competition is important, especially those on the ranking top 10 on a search engines search results. After all, they are who Google is finding is relevant by using relevant content and keywords. Leverage this knowledge to not just do what they are doing but do it better. Mastering. understanding and using competitor research can help you further understand where you lie within your market. 
SERP Research  
What does SERP stand for? 
SERP stands for Search Engine Research Page and is the page that is returned by a search engine after a user submits an enquiry on their search bar. SERP research uses this data to ask the following questions: 
What content is matched with the keywords or search enquiry? e.g. blogs, homepage, products, videos. 
What type of content is shown with the blue organic links? e.g. videos, images. 
Using SERP research, you can cater, create, and ensure you are using content relevant to each query, blue organic link and your keyword or search queries. 
An Optimized Website 
We all want to optimise our website, but what does an optimised website mean in terms of using SEO to optimise it? To have any chance of competing in search results your website/web pages must be optimised and provide a great user experience for visitors to browse, crawl and enjoy. It must also be optimised for search engines to crawl. If your content is not optimised, boring and/or irrelevant both users and the search engine will have a hard time looking through and ultimately ranking you. Therefore, they will go elsewhere towards websites that provide easy-to-read, informative, and easy-to-consume content. You will not be number 1 in anyone’s book, including on ranking No1 on Google. 
Consideration phase 
Whilst users are in their discovery, research page they are learning about your services, products, brand and who you are as a company or business. But do not be fooled, they are also learning about others- your competitors. Your job, always, from your Google Meta Descriptions to your content, videos and pictures is to pitch and generate ways to get them to choose you. Whilst offering the best product helps, you can also achieve this through various SEO strategies. 
Optimized Search Listing 
Your search result is your first impression, prior to even your webpages or website. 
Anything that helps you stand out from the crowd you should do including using SEO. Scratch that, ESPECIALLY using SEO. There are many ways to optimise your search listing using SEO, including SEO keywords to optimise your meta titles, meta tags, and meta descriptions. Helping you stand out from the crowd. 
Get content with writing good content 
Any old content just won’t cut it, getting the content right is one of the most important ways to reach potential customers and sell what you are offering. You must have a great content strategy in place including mapping your content, researching your content, using SEO, and mapping the keywords that you must add to your content, whilst keeping your content concise, relevant, and engaging. 
But most importantly, you must understand the intent behind everything you do –  
Why are you doing it?  
Who is it catered to?  
What is the goal?  
How is it answering your searchers queries?  
Using relevant topics, relevant questions, planning the architecture of your website, and knowing what content will live within each navigation directory page and what can lie in the blogs etc can help keep your website concise whilst remaining knowledgeable. 
You consume information with your eyes; therefore, it should be tempting, appeasing and look good. Your content must be high-quality, presented in the best way, telling captivating stories along the customer journey including adding videos, pictures, and downloadable guides.  
Decision-making phase 
After all is said, done and researched, your customer will be adding you to the list of businesses they are considering. The last impression counts as much as the first to seal the deal and further answer ‘why you?’. You last impression, during the decision-making stage includes previous customer reviews, your online reputation and how you, and all this, compares to your competitors. 
Robust Decision-Making Tools 
Your service pages, products and web pages must be as useful and complete as possible. Leave no stone unturned and then cement their decision by standing out above the rest. Your landing pages must be compelling and useful, adding in layers for context such as comparison charts, tools or interactive widgets, anything that further adds to the customer journey and creates a fun experience one they wish to return to experience again. 
Customer Reviews 
Customer reviews are always important when a lead is considering a product and still in two minds, therefore, you must have a way of noting, capturing, and viewing customer reviews on your website including quotes, star-ratings, client results and anything to shine light on previous work that makes you the place or business to go. 
A lasting thought… 
Understanding your customer journey can sometimes seem overwhelming but adding to your knowledge of your target audience with SEO can help you reach your customer in ways that traditional ways cannot. Leveraging SEO can help you deliver a personalised, fun, and unique customer journey and truly answer what questions and need your customer is demanding.  SEO and Keyword research can help you truly get to know your customer, and in turn, for them to truly get to know you and your brand. 
You can use SEO content to support your customer journey and leverage the power of SEO to track your performance as you go along with SEO tools and analytics.  
And don’t forget… 
Learn from your mistakes! After all, it is not just your customer going through a journey, but also your business growth journey, use this guide to help navigate you along the way.  
For more advice, information, tip, or tricks visit our Integrated Marketing Agency website or contact us to help you capture a deep understanding of your customer’s journey. We’re a team of passionate and experienced minds, driven to understand your business and the customer journey. Chat with one of our specialists today to learn how we can take your business to the next level. 
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kanvasbeauty01 · 2 years
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