#Kirishima looks angry that he's crowded in and can't give his best jump
zephyr-together · 6 years
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I’m sorry if this is a popular image that everyone’s already seen but in case that is not the case and I’m not the only one who hasn’t seen it until now...look at everyone’s spiffy outfits...but where are we going... 
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Imagine Katsuki Bakugo/Reader part 5
Previous part here:
Once again I remind you that English is not my main language. I am doing my best.
Also, there is a while since I last watched or read BNHA and some stuff might be outside of the anime's context.
You and Bakugo are now dating, you've had a very intense next day to your first kiss, training against each other. Aizawa saw you fight against him and for a slight moment he shows he is proud of you.
While studying with Bakugo, he explains to you that he thinks you are one of the most promissing heros he'd imagine, if only you were not so worried about your scars. You tell him about your insecurities with them, Bakugo says he likes them nontheless. You have your first night together.
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When you open the door of your room, ready in uniform, the unexpected presence of Bakugo makes you let go a shriek. You blush at the sight of his red eyes.
"Hi." You say in a whisper.
"Let's go?" he says, kissing you in the cheek.
He had gone there to take you to class with him. You can barely get yourself to look at him straight, once it makes you remember his every touch on your skin the night before.
People seem surprized to see you arriving together, there are whispers full of questions coming around. Kirishima is clearly giving you thumbs up and Mina giggling along with Sero and Denki.
Aizawa takes one look at you and another at Bakugo to realize what is happening. It seems you will have some explanation to do.
When the class is over, your Uncle asks you to stay.
"So, are you going to tell me what is happening?"he asks.
"Bakugo and I we... we... it... it happened you know. I... I don't know what to say uncle. I am very sorry." you stutter.
Aizawa stares at you with a serious expression. You shrink as it seems you are going to get lectured again.
"Just don't let your grades fall." he says and grabs his sleeping bag. "And don't go soft on him in those trainings. He will kill you."
The moment he stands up you give him a hug. He freezes but then, taps you gently on the back.
The days go by as they were used to going, Mina coming to you to gossip, Sero and Denki taking to with them to do whatever dumb things they usually do, Kirishima taking you to their gaming sessions.
But every morning Bakugo comes to take you to classes and, during the time you are alone together he holds you close to him, gently, and sometimes kisses you when you are not expecting.
You have things in common that you didn't know before. You like some bands in common, and you think it is pretty cute how Bakugo still collects CDs and how excited he is when he shows them to you. Actually, you love his face when he is excitedly talking about anything, he looks like a little maniac, with that obsessed smile, but it is still cute.
How he is going to be the gratest hero of this time. How much he loved that new song the band launched. When he shows you tricks with his drumsticks. When he talks about strategy classes or the new workout he and Kirishima had come up with. When he teaches you how to play his favorite videogames. When he puts music for you to listen with him on the earphones.
There are so many things Bakugo likes talking about.
He also likes listening to you about the things you like. He always looks at you and asks more about them. (Which things are these? Take some time to picture it)
Every Saturday you go to the movies together and on Sundays, you train.
Bakugo wins most of the matches you have, but you do defeat him a couple of times. He always gets really mad at these, but he also congratulates you after giving you a cold shoulder for a couple of days (he never stops coming pick you up for class though).
Things continue like this perfectly until the finals get closer and you have to focus more and more in training and studying. You do it together, but don't get much time to spend on simple things that you enjoy doing. But you need to keep your promise to Aizawa.
"DAMN IT THIS FUCKING STRATEGY EXERCISE!" You scream, throwing your book to the other side of the room.
Bakugo stops what he is doing and smirks. He loves it when you get furious like this. He says it makes you pretty.
"What is up?" He asks taking his earphones off.
"This stupid exercise. I DON'T KNOW. I don't know how to solve this fucking situation." you say rubbing your eyes in stress.
Bakugo stands up and grabs your book to take a look at the exercise you were talking about. He, then, sits next to you and proceeds to explain.
"Elemental quirks have limits. It is easier to make the person overuse them and lose control or not being able to use it anymore, than it is to fight them straight up. I don't know what is your difficultty in this. This is actually what you do to me when you..." Bakugo swallows his breath and let go a grwol. "Win."
"Hmm, I see now." You say, letting go a sigh because now it seemed pretty obvious.
"You are just tired." he says, lifting you up in his arms. "Why don't we lay down a while? To rest."
He knells on the bed, while smiling at you.
"Yeah... to rest." you answer with a small giggle.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE FREE!!" Kirishima screams excitedly, untying his tie and throwing it up.
"Say it for yourself. We didn't pass... again." says Denki leaning on Mina and letting go a sigh.
"Agaaain" she cries, putting her head down.
"Bakugo got the second best grade in the class!" says Sero, putting his hand in Bakugo's shoulder.
Bakugo seems to be exploding in rage while looking at the final results.
"Who got first place this time?! Midoriya or Todoroki?" asks Kirishima rushing to see the sheets.
"None of us." says Todoroki coming from behind you. "Y/n did. Congrats." He says, turning to you.
Midoriya comes to you, his eyes shining, but you are not certain if he is about to cry or if he is really happy about something.
"Congratulations." he is sobbing, he is probably going to cry. "Co-could you tell me what was the answer for question 2.4?"
"IT WAS C!" screams Bakugo, pulling you away from him.
"Actually... it was E." you say kind of embarassed.
You are pretty sure you've just seen Bakugo's soul coming out of his angry mouth, and also Midoriya's from his bubbly eyes. Actually, Todoroki also seemed to be pondering in disbelief.
"It... it was a tricky question." you say, trying to make Bakugo let go of your arm, but he is holding you really tight.
"Hey, I got this one right too!" you hear Kirishima yell, followed by an explosion, which was Bakugo furious about it.
He stomps away burning with rage.
"Hey, y/n." Midoriya calls you before you have the chance to go after him.
"Yeah?" you ask.
"So, we are thinking of celebrating the end of the semester in the city, eating some ramen, would you guys like to come too?" he asks.
"Us?" you stutter.
"Yeah, you and Kaachan. You are dating right?"
Your face turns red and you feel the impulse of running away. You really thought you and Bakugo had been doing a nice job in hiding it from everyone elese, but it seems you were really wrong.
"Of course they are coming too!" Kirishima says. "Bakugo loves spicy ramen, he wouldn't miss it for the world."
"Nice!" Midoriya says with a big smile.
"Bakugo and y/n are dating?" You hear Todoroki ask Midoriya as they leave.
"I was not sure until now." he answers with a giggle.
Damn him! He tricked you right.
Bakugo seems to still be giving you that silly "cold shoulder" he does when you beat him in anything.
You, him, Sero and Kirishima are walking around the buildings trying to find the restaurant Midoriya had told you about, but he doesn't seem to be actually good with directions.
"Dumb hair! Where the fuck are we?!" Bakugo asks infuriated.
"I think... i guess... in that direction... well..."you pity him trying to understand the map in his phone.
"We came from there!!" Bakugo screams and lots of people look at you.
You don't really enjoy having people looking at you when you are not wearing your special suit. You tend to always wear it, but Bakugo convinced you to wear some fresh clothes once the heat of the summer was really high.
When he sees you lifting your collar and crossing your arms to avoid the scars, he silently puts his arm over your shoulder. You smile as this makes you feel protected.
All of a sudden you hear the sound of glass crashing and ambulances coming rushing in the streets. People are screaming and running in every direction, and this gets you and Bakugo separated from the others. You are pushed by the crowd to a blocking.
There is a huge skyscraper burning in flames on the other side. The police holds people behind while the firefighters try to put it out but unssucessfully. Heroes are coming in and out of the building carring people, but you can see so many of them by the windows screaming for help.
"There are not enough heroes!" you hear someone scream.
"Look! There is Endeavor!"someone yells.
You see that giant man coming out of the building carring four people on his shoulders, and taking them to the paramedics. They cry and thank him but he doesn't stay to listen, he runs back to the building.
You see heroes coming out from windows and doors with rescuees. Mt Lady is using her hands to pick up people who are in higher floors, but the building is bigger than her.
"You have to tell her to step back! Her wheigh can cause the buiding to crash!" you hear a firefighter telling another hero.
Someone flies to her and she shrinks and starts crying.
"This is a mess." you hear Bakugo say. "Wait is that..."
You turn to the site he is looking. Yeah. Those are who Bakugo thinks: Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Iida are there helping take people out of the building.
"Fucking Deku!" he screams, transpassing the police blocking with a jump.
"Damn it, Katsuki!" you say, following behind.
Bakugo doesn't listen to anyone screaming for him to stop, he just runs right into the bulding.
"What the fuck?! How come do you guys are always in trouble like this?" You ask Todoroki, having heared about all the things that had happened to class 1-A before you arrived.
"Welcome to the team?" Uraraka says with an erratic smile.
"We should not be doing this, we should not be doing this, we should not be doing this." You hear Iida saying while fastly coming in and out the building with people on his arms.
"We were passing by. They need all the help they can get. My f... my f... Endeavor, asked us to help. There are other civillians helping too, some guys from other classes, people with helpful quirks the other heroes know, we won't get in trouble this time." Todoroki explains to you. "You need to help, your quirk can take you places other people are not being cabable to reach."
You stare at him and sigh.
Fuck. Aizawa is going to kill you.
Last part here:
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