#Knifeless answers [Mun answers]
orphanedshadow · 4 years
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@bullshituberalles​ sent @bitchheroine​‘s URL for positivity
I absolutely adore Fox, we've Rped with so many different characters and I'm pretty sure that every single one of them has gotten themselves adopted by one of my muses. They're part of the overarching family unit now, and things wouldn't be nearly as fun without them.
Fox herself is such a nice person and great to talk to. Also she sends me some awesome memes via discord so that makes things a billion times better. Definitely would recommend everyone follow and say hello, she's one of the few people in the supernatural fandom I interact with and I've never regretted it for a single second.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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anonymous sent @flcwcdcode​‘s URL for positivity
More nice things about SJ. They're so very nice, and have helped me in my dive into the dbh fandom, as well as to figure out how to make things work. I've spent so long telling them about mouse-related conspiracy theories and glitches, and it's been so much fun.
Also there is the fact that they seem 100% willing to join me in muse torturing, which is the most important thing a person can do to gain my undying love and affection.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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anonymous sent @xspiderenthusiastx​‘s URL for positivity
Even if I haven't talked with the mun much ooc I have definitely fallen in love with their art style. It's such a unique mix of so many things, and gives me a bit of the comforting "Saturday morning comic strips" type vibe and has a few aspects reminiscent of Japanese animation while at the same time keeping fluid motion and complexity. It's difficult to describe how much I love seeing it, and I'm no art critic, but it's definitely the sort that I find very comforting to look at.
Then there's Rose, who's also pretty awesome. It's rare for a character to match Kara in her love for creepy crawlies, and the potential for adorableness is endless. Very good writing, very good characterization, just amazing all around.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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@flcwcdcode sent @ambitiouslyruthless​‘s URL for positivity
GooV is a precious bean, and their writing makes me feel many emotions. They’re so amazing when it comes to writing a character who is an asshole, and not giving in to the Tumblr trend towards toning back that sort of thing. It’s wonderful to see a character who is an unashamed jerk, and the fact that the human behind them is so nice just makes it better.
Basically as well as being amazing when it comes to writing skills GooV provides a very valuable service to the DBH RpC by giving the chance for conflict between characters, it’s very much appreciated and admired.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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@flcwcdcode sent @plasticdetective‘s URL for positivity
We gotta focus on Chen's art for a moment. They've got such a solid grasp of small details/backgrounds and do a great job of clothing. Also a bit of the more recent art has given me some bobble-head vibes and honestly I love that so much. The idea of them nodding their heads like bobble heads whenever poked in the forehead makes me giggle quite a bit.
Also Connor is super adorable and so nicely written. A great balance between softness and the sort of intelligence that makes him a wonderful detective.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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@flcwcdcode sent @rxmodel​ ‘s URL for positivity
First of all this is Tash we're talking about, who is a goddess when it comes to writing. It's been years now and I'm still in awe of her skill. I can't even think of the words to compliment her, and that's saying something.
That doesn’t even start touching upon Rex, who Kara's determined to think of as her baby sister despite all the reasons that makes no sense. Everything about Rex fills me with joy, from her innocence to her efficiency with guns. A flawless character (apart from intentional flaws in personally ofc) and simply a joy to behold.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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anonymous sent @storiestotell​‘s URL for positivity
Amanda has so many well-written muses that I can’t even name them all off the top of my head, but I absolutely adore them all, and the skill of the threads make me happy. A short list of compliments for two of the muses I’ve interacted with and definitely love. Cian is adorable and such a wonderful kitty, love all their feline antics. Miczariel has a lovely edge to her, that mix of badass and a little bit of cheekiness. It's great.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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anonymous sent @sugarled​’s URL for positivity
I may not have interacted with Spark much yet IC, but I already love her. A gift to my dash, and I can't wait to learn more about her. The way she’s written is already so wonderful, and there’s so many questions I have about her backstory that I can’t wait to have answered.
Chen is an absolute sweetheart as well, with so many adorable ideas and the willingness to accept all my ramblings about little murder critters. Also you can't forget how good they are at art, super impressive to see.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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@storiestotell​ sent @greatwrath​‘s URL for positivity
Tash is my best friend on this site, and possibly my best friend in general. Everything about their writing makes me happy, doesn’t matter the muse or context. Even when I’m crying because of angst I’m still feeling so blessed to be reading her writing.
As for Azrael well she is my favourite muse ever, I absolutely love reading about her and she tends to be my go-to character to draw whenever I am itching to draw but can’t think of anything. Just perfect. A wonderful balance between the relatable anxieties that come with social interaction and inhuman thought processes and understandings.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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anonymous sent @flcwcdcode​‘s URL for positivity
First of all I may only have known SJ for two and a half weeks but if anything were to happen to them I would be extremely upset. The writing is great, as is the character development, and they’re willing to go along with so much of my insanity.
As for muse well Conall is a wonderful little shit, so much chaotic energy. A troublemaker, yet also willing to put up with so much nonsense from unstable little androids. Just a joy to witness, and I can not wait to see how things turn out.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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anonymous sent @gildedscripture​‘s URL for positivity
mónika is an extremely talented writer and artist, as well as a lovely human. I absolutely love how she can convey ethnicity and gender in her drawings with subtle facial features. Angles and width of noses and other facial features, the incline of the chin, all those fancy high-quality art teacher skills. It's super impressive, and the style is extremely gorgeous to boot.
As for muses I love the diversity in characters and origins, as well as the complexity in portrayals. They're wonderfully unique and it makes me happy.
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orphanedshadow · 4 years
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anonymous sent @svitha​‘s URL for positivity
I adore Ara, we've been friends on here forever and so much of Kara's lore has gotten developed thanks to her patience with me. Hell Kara's mainverse came from a thread with her many blogs ago, and even if we haven't done much recently I'm always happy whenever I remember what we've been able to create. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have been able to make things nearly as complex, and for that I'm forever greatful.
As for muses all of hers are awesome, but Elin is especially amazing, a wonderful blend of softness and intensity. Every change that's come throughout the years has just made her better, and she's something truly magical. It's great to watch how the character has developed, and I really can't wait to see what's next.
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orphanedshadow · 5 years
Psychic Pokémons!
Send me a Pokémon Type and I’ll make a Team for my muse using only Pokémon of that type.
I’ve decided to go for little Kara, because I can see her being drawn to many of the more secretive pokémon and the psychic type have plenty of those. Also she’s definitely the befriending type, the thought of actually capturing a pokémon isn’t one that would really occur to her.
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Abra: Her first friend who hatched from an egg that was rejected by people who had left their pokémon at the daycare. Abra is her sleepy baby who she loves a lot, and wants to feel safe, and it certainly doesn’t hurt that Abra is able to take her away from scary things if she needs to.
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Ralts: The two met due to having similar habits, namely hiding when they sense hostility. Both of them decided to hide in the same little storm-drain, and a fast friendship was formed, especially after Abra came and got them both out. Though Ralts is timid they certainly fit in with Kara’s “team” which is more a small gang of feral children than anything else.
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Wynaut: She found the little baby in a cave and lured it out with sweet berries. Both of them really enjoy raiding nearby bushes, and the wynaut’s cultural practice of attempting to squish each other at night. Even if Kara doesn’t quite understand that that’s not actually proper cuddling she accepts it, after all comfort is comfort.
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Munna: Given how often Kara gets nightmares it was no wonder that a pokémon which feeds off of dreams found her. Though for a while Munna was only a night-time companion that she never saw one night it floated a little too close and found itself being treated a little like a stuffed toy by the unconscious child. Once it had gotten to experience cuddles it never went back, and Kara awoke with a new friend right next to her.
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Espurr: Most children would run from a slightly battered-looking pokémon found in the middle of a crater, but not Kara. Instead she decided to offer the little thing food and help nurse it back to health. Since then Espurr has not left her side, and is one of the few on her “team” that can actually fight. In fact Espurr is somewhat decent at it, even if their control leaves a lot to be desired.
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Espeon: A somewhat odd sight next to her somewhat disheveled trainer the two met when she was still an Eevee. Evolution happened some time after Espurr joined the gang, shortly before Espurr had a little bit of an accident. Kara never could figure out if she evolved because she sensed what was going to happen, or sensed it because she had evolved, but either way the pokémon’s psychic power definitely helped keep everyone safe.
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orphanedshadow · 5 years
Friendly neighbourhood duck here to quickly mention that while we haven't interacted (IC) yet, I do adore and admire the kind of work you have put into Kara's development. It sometimes seems like there is nothing at all you haven't thought about yet, and your grip on your muse is so solid. I also love your stray comments on my posts. I see them, and I appreciate them. I hope we can do some stuff soon!
Oh wow, thank you so much, I don’t even know how to reply to that properly, and we can definitely do some stuff. I would love that. There’s a lot of potential when it comes to interactions with your muses and Kara, not to mention if we bring in my ladies from my multi. :)
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orphanedshadow · 5 years
🎂 Happy birthday! 🎂
Thank you friend, I’m hoping that you’re having a good day as well, and that things are going well for you.
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orphanedshadow · 6 years
👃 - What does your character smell like (Sophia!)
The Kara ask meme
👃 - What does your character smell like 
Sophia smells a little like unidentifiable flowers, along with lavender and fresh shoots of greenery. There is a little bit of blood in her scent, and the incense-like scent of vampires of certain lines, but the spice is not overpowering like it is in some people.
There are hints of cigarette smoke, which attempts to cover up what Kara would usually be able to sense, but she can still catch the scents if she focuses.As well there are traces of what Kara would call "sorrow" which is the result of being around those with emotional distress and having them open up. It is a mix of many of the variants of that scent, showing that the work the other does essentially sinks into hers soul.
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