#L does eventually bring up the fact that there's a second Kira but only after Matsuda's been confined long enough that the kill count has
grimalkinmessor · 1 year
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@nebulamist (Long answer so I couldn't reply directly so POST DUMP TIME)
Matsuda doesn't send the tapes! He's not quiiite as bold as Misa, plus he's also not quite as impatient, so the thought doesn't really occur to him.
Instead, since he's closer to Gelus than Misa was to Rem, and L's already narrowed down the region for him, he sends Gelus off house to house to find the other Shinigami. From there Matsuda moves in to meet Light :D ...And subsequently subtly threaten him into a relationship. Ah, Love!
As for if he gets confined,,,,ehh yes and no.
They don't have reason to suspect a second Kira until later; specifically when L discovers Matsuda and Light are dating. Or, the fact that they're not dating in secret. L gets suspicious of Light suddenly not giving a shit about other people's opinions enough to come out of the closet, much less with an older, famous boyfriend that he now spends a LOT of time with at said boyfriend's very unmonitored house. Then he takes another look at the killing patterns and susses out the scent of another Kira. He narrows down the date of when Matsuda started killing, along with the fact that a lot more criminals with misspelled names have been dying, and then reveals his suspicions to the Task Force under the guise that Matsuda is just another Kira suspect.
They bring Matsuda in and put him in a cell, but it's nothing so bad as Misa's, and they don't torture him because L has far less evidence to lean on with Matsuda and he can't justify it. BUT that also means that Matsuda doesn't give up his Death Note—and, as a consequence, neither does Light. Though he does still (eventually) also submit himself to confinement to free Matsuda at Gelus's uuhh behest.
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mikami · 5 years
Death Note Audio Drama 01
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Disk 1: Pattern Recognition - a summary / partial translation
The Death Note audio drama is a German audiobook production that is officially licensed, but has been written and produced without any further involvement from the Japanese copyright holders. A Japanese release is, as such, not planned. An English release was announced in 2017 and has since never received any more news nor a release date announcement.
The audio drama starts of pretty benign as a retelling of the manga with some changed facts and dialogues.... and eventually full-on diverges from the plot and leads to a completely alternative ending. It’s pretty wild for officially licensed media. Wild enough to absolutely warrant being shared with the English-speaking fandom at large.
Since the whole drama is 12 hours in total in 12 disks (covering roughly one manga volume each), I won’t be able to provide a full translation and instead will summarize the less juicy bits while doing a full translation of anything funny or interesting. 
All future episodes will be found in this tag on my blog.
Without further ado, let’s begin.
We open to the sound of someone typing.
LIGHT: Something is rotten. Post-modern. Post-truth. Post-Justice. Day in day out, the same lies in endless repetition. Killers get away with murder. Drug dealers sell poison to children. The world is drowning in its own filth. The world is infected with corruption. I am the cure. I am the--
A knocking sound.
SACHIKO (muffled): Dinner is ready, dear!
LIGHT (groans, but then goes on): I am the surgeon who cuts out the cancer, I am the--
More knocking.
SACHIKO: It’s your favourite dish!
LIGHT: One second, mom! 
SACHIKO: Are you talking to your friends online again?
LIGHT: It’s fine, mom, I’m coming!
SACHIKO: Hurry up, it’s getting cold.
We cut to a scene of the task force entering the school in which Kuroh Otoharada has taken children hostage. The scene is fairly simple. Someone (I think Matsuda?) is pretty violently insistent on shooting Otoharada if necessary. They find Otoharada dead in the bathroom. 
Ryuk, who has a voice like a friendly fat little man narrating fairytales, tells us the rules of the Death Note. We cut to Light coming home and giving Sachiko his test results. They cut out the whole ‘number one in the nation’ and simply changed it to top grades in a nation-wide test exam. Probably because Germany doesn’t have ranking lists like that at all.
A TV report about Otoharada is playing. A lady named Noriko Takai is trying to interview Matsuda about the incident. Matsuda refers her to the upcoming pref-conference, but admits that Otoharada died of a heart attack.
Typing noises again.
LIGHT: To all those who are interested... If you are reading this text, something went wrong. If you are reading this, I might even be dead. In that case, dear me, dear Light Yagami. This is your younger self. In case you’ve forgotten everything, this story may be hard to believe, yet every word is true. Yeah... You found a notebook on the school grounds. Yeah... It claimed to have the power of bringing death to anyone you name in it. And yeah... you laughed about it. You were thinking of a prank. However... you couldn’t resist, am I right? You wrote the name of this guy from the school hostage taking and he died. But it could have been a coincidence. So you tried again. And what you saw, scared you. But in the same moment, you understood the power you had. So you ran home into your room and the confirmation was already waiting for you. With his claws, and glowing devil’s eyes.
Ryuk is indeed in Light’s bedroom. The meeting dialogue is largely very similar to the manga. However, this snippet happens....
LIGHT: I didn’t expect something so---
RYUK: Something so demonic? I’m hurt. I’m quite the catch for a denizen of the netherworld. I could be a sex god, if I wasn’t so good with death.
Ryuk elaborates that the notebook now belongs to Light, that nobody can see him, that he wasn’t chosen, that the shinigami world is boring... yadda yadda, we know this from the anime already. Light says his famous “if someone dies, does that make me a murderer?” line and Ryuk just says “of course it does.” Another funny Ryuk line: “You killed someone else too? Awww, you’re my man.”
In a flashback Light walks Shinjuku. Takuo Shibuimaru shows up and Light kills him, hurray. 
Back in the present:
RYUK: Fantastic. You killed this guy for flirting with a woman?
LIGHT: She wanted to be left alone.
RYUK: Alllright, social justice warrior. But isn’t that a little... strict?
Light launches into a speech about his ambitions. Ryuk keeps pointing out that he is afraid. Light gets annoyed at being condescended, since Ryuk is the one who gave him the weapon in the first place. However, he also admits to being scared. But still, someone needs to do it. But who else could do it, if not him? Etc, etc, etc. HE WILL MAKE A BETTER WORLD.
A TV segment about the early Kira deaths. The chief prosecutor is under fire for treating prisoners badly, since people assume the prisoners died of bad food in prison. Other people deny that this is how it is, because they assume that bad food would have more than 3 victims. Someone else assumes it is the will of God. Some other guy is praising whoever does the killing in a flippant and humorous tone. The interviewer criticizes him for these views.
L: Come in, Watari, come in. 
WATARI: I thought you might already be in bed, Mr. L. It’s fairly late.
L: No sleep, no, not sleeping. Can’t sleep. 
WATARI: How much coffee did you...
L: There’s a killer on the loose, Watari!
WATARI: That is always the case, Mr. L.
L: No, this time it’s different. Different, you understand? I looked at the data, check it out. Heart attacks going through the roof.
WATARI: The deaths among criminals? Wasn’t that about the food?
L: No, it can’t be the food, when it’s taking place so hand-picked and world-wide. These people can’t all have been poisoned by the same dose. What do the deaths have in common...? The only connection really appears to be that all of them are criminals...
WATARI: You are a master in pattern recognition, L. You’re famous for it. 
L (laughs): Famous, yeah. We have to contact interpol. I looked at the data. Someone is killing criminals by the dozens. We need to talk to interpol.
WATARI: They had a conference announced for later today anyway. Well... tomorrow. In their time.
L: Time? Time zones, of course! 
WATARI: Mr. L...? 
L: Let’s look back at the data for a moment. 
Ryuk is impressed by how many people Light killed. Light admits to getting nightmares due to it, but he also is determined about his mission. He explains his idea of heart attacks leading to recognition of the pattern. Ryuk is pretty flippant about Light’s plan, saying he is the only danger to mankind.
Nature noises.
WATARI: Are we working in the park now, Mr. L?
L: I need to stay on the move. Change wifi hotspots.
WATARI: Isn’t that a little... paranoid?
L: In the face of a killer who can kill from a distance? No, it’s only appropriate. Completely appropriate. Watari... You need to create a filter. Something to distort my voice over the phone. 
WATARI: That’ll be done in no time, Mr. L.
L now explains his initial idea of how to catch the killer. He asks WHEN someone would use their power to kill and concludes that they’d do it after work before bed, in free time timeframes. L assumes someone would likely kill between 4pm and 2am, but which timezone? 78% of people die in that timeframe, in GMT-10. Thus L narrows it down to countries in that timezone for a start. And he also wants to factor in weekends, holidays, other free time events... for all those countries, to narrow it down with reference to the 32% of killings done at other times. 
The interpol meeting is in session. The French representative argues that if the assumption is that this is black magic or something, then it isn’t under their jurisdiction. After all there are no laws about magic or cursing people. The US representative and meeting leader explains that there weren’t any laws about cyber crimes (or even a concept of cyber crimes) either before there were computers. Thus she argues in favor of investigating. 
RYUK: I mean, I love it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a god of death and you are basically my dedicated intern.
LIGHT: Can’t you just---
RYUK: I will just do what I feel like. You can’t write my name into my own book. I am practically the only living being on this planet that is pretty much safe from you. And that’s exactly why I’m asking: when is it over? I look at you, putting on airs full of significance, how you’re killing the killers, the rapists, the serial killers.... You declared yourself the highest arbiter. 
LIGHT: Someone has to do it. Someone has to tidy up!
RYUK: And what happens when you’re done with murderers? Tax evaders? Jaywalkers? Two hairdressers having a brawl at a bar? Where do you draw the line after which the world is cleansed? Let me tell you something. This world has always been a cesspit. 
LIGHT: I’ll know it when it happens.
RYUK: Or when someone stops you.
LIGHT: Oh come on, who’s supposed to find me?
Back at Interpol, they’re debating the need for an international task force. Soichiro suggests bringing in L. French representative is just like “oooh, you’re calling a mystery to solve a mystery?”. Who L is gets explained.
Watari comes in and explains that L is already on the case. L’s message is played. He wants cooperation from the police.
A TV report about further killings. A different channel, a religious speaker claims the final days have come. A different channel again, a stand-up comedian talks about the Kira case and jokes that if all killers gets killed nobody would be left to run the government. Says he’d love to do it, but he smoked weed as a college student, so he’s probably on the list too....
Yet another channel recalls that the most popular theory about the killing has religious qualities and that people online are talking of “Kira, the saviour”. 
Light turns off the audio on the TV and Ryuk complains.
RYUK: They assume Kira is male... How sexist.
Light is currently busy googling ‘Kira’. Light complains that people don’t manage to spell ‘Killer’ correctly, if that is what they mean to say. Ryuk is the one who brings up how ‘you Japanese’ swap L and R and thus explains the name.
Then the Lind L. Tailor broadcast happens and Ryuk tells Light to put the audio back on.  
The Task Force is discussing the broadcast. Matsuda thought L would be more self-assured and less... reading his text off flash cards. He then realizes the name sounds familiar to him and looks it up. 
Light talks to Ryuk about writing Tailor’s name and does so. He dies.
LIGHT: Oopsiedaisy, heart attack.
L’s voice picks right back up. Light is confused and angry. L explains the scheme. The taunt proceeds as in the manga.
Matsuda is just like ‘I tried to tell you, boss. Tailor was on death row’.
There is actually noises of Light breaking things in his room as he gets mad about this. Ryuk tells him to calm down. L disconnects on TV.
RYUK: Mic drop. Rock ‘n’ Roll.
LIGHT: Shut up.
Matsuda and Soichiro have their conversation about L’s stunt and also Kira lowering crime rate while Soichiro is rushing to catch the train home.
SAYU: Oh no, not curry again....
SACHIKO: Sayu, you love curry, you---
SAYU: That was when I was 6, mom! It makes you fat.
SACHIKO: Don’t be silly, dearie.
LIGHT: Everything makes you fat, if you eat too much of it.
SACHIKO: Thanks, Light. At least one person in this family uses his brain. You get that from your dad.
As if on cue, Soichiro comes home. He is delighted about the curry. Talks about the Kira case. He also brings up the idea of Kira being a teenager. Light chokes on his curry quite lengthily at that. 
Ryuk expresses his surprise at Soichiro leading the investigation. Light comes up with his plan to change the time of death.
L calls Soichiro and Soichiro gives him the news that Kira now kills hourly. L declares people connected to the investigators to be suspects.
The US Interpol representative and Watari are meeting for coffee, though Watari does not get coffee because it messes with his heart-rate. Watari requests the FBI to supervise in Japan. Specifically the FBI because the CIA might include a mole. The FBI meanwhile is meant for inland and thus not yet related to the case and can function as external. The representative is pretty shocked and initially refuses, based on the rules for the FBI. 
Three detectives leave the case because they don’t want to risk their lives by fighting Kira. 
Watari informs L that the FBI has agreed to investigate. L has already looked into the suspect pool via social media. Related to investigators, 16-24, only in the Kanto region.... 
Ryuk informs Light of someone tailing him. It’s a lengthy dialogue but very canon-close and not super interesting.
LIGHT: If this is the police....
RYUK: You’ll put up your hands and surrender?
LIGHT: I’m going to have to kill them. All of them.
RYUK: Yeah, that’s what I thought.
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A.K.A. Character Profile
Here’s a little cheat-sheet regarding my main muse, Alixandria Kara Andres, an OC/thinly-veiled Mary Sue from my Death Note fanfiction, Righteous Side of Hell. If you want to rp with me as Alix, you’ll need to look at this first (it’ll be under my ‘need to know’ tag). I won’t be revealing too much detail (spoilers and all that), just enough so people can get the gist of her character. You should also know that in this universe, Alix is the one who owned the Death Note Ryuk stole & dropped in the human world, not Sidoh.
Name: Alixandria Kara Andres (also goes by ‘Alix’ [but only with her permission] & the lesser-used A.K.A.)
Real Name: ???
Species: Shinigami (former human); Shinigami-human hybrid
Height: About the same as Ryuk/Rem (so somewhere between 6-7′’?)
Weight: Do Shinigami even have weight? They float most of the time, so... Screw it, let’s go with about 90 Ibs.
Shinigami Rank: 14 (lowest of the low; reserved only for hybrids)
Gender: Female
Likes: Flying, meditating, being in control
Dislikes: Being bossed around, sensory deprivation.
Intelligence: 6/10
Inquisitiveness: 8/10
Initiative: 8/10
Empathy: 10/10
Kills: 6/10
Appearance: Alix is very skinny, with pale, almost sickly looking skin that stretches tight over her bones. She has scraggly hair that just reaches her shoulders; although it looks black, when exposed to light, you can see it’s actually a very dark brown. Her eyes are very similar to a snake’s, with black pupils that narrow into slits when she’s angry, while the rest of her eyes are bright red. She has spidery fingers with very sharp, long black nails.
She wears a black mask with a white smudge under each eye over the top half of her face (so, from her forehead to the bridge of her nose). The mask is sewn into her skin and causes her extreme pain if anyone tries to remove it. She’s had the mask for as long as she can remember.
All of her clothes are black and tattered. She wears a long-sleeved shirt, pants, shoes, fingerless gloves, and a very long scarf she keeps around her neck and mouth at all times (she only ever lowers it to eat, revealing razor sharp teeth) plus a belt for her Death Note.  
She has a list of every person she’s ever killed carved into her left forearm, adding to it with each human she kills.
Powers/Abilities: Like other Shinigami, Alix can fly (her wings are covered with black feathers, each wing being about 7 feet long & about 5 feet tall), can dematerialize her physical body at will (become transparent/move through walls), and is very nearly immortal/indestructible (she can only die if she doesn’t write enough names in her Death Note or if the King kills her). However, she does have the ability to mimic any voice she hears, which no other Shinigami has. Her normal speaking voice is not the one she had as a human, and she claims she doesn’t know how she got it; although, there’s a rumor among the other Shinigami that it was because she screamed so much during her initial transformation that she lost her original voice entirely, so the King had to give her a new one. She’s also quite strong and has experience in hand-to-hand combat, along with a very high pain tolerance. 
Personality: Alix usually keeps to herself, avoiding other Shinigami due to hybrids having the lowest social status and preferring not to speak unless spoken to or if she has something she wants to say. This doesn’t mean she’s timid or afraid of social situations, she just knows when it’s best to keep her mouth shut. She can actually be quite sassy towards those she doesn’t consider a threat (mainly humans & some of the lazier Shinigami). She particularly enjoys teasing and messing with humans (especially Mello); if she’s around a human she knows can’t see her, she’ll often touch them or move random objects to freak them out. She has a dark sense of humor and often laughs at her own jokes. She’ll often try to defuse tense situations (or intentionally make them worse) with a witty remark.
Alix believes in manners to some extent; if you treat her with respect, she’ll do the same to you, even if she doesn’t really like/hates you...but if you disrespect her, you better believe she’s gonna disrespect you (at least behind your back), especially if you’re a human. She’s already taken a ton of shit from other Shinigami, so you bet your ass she won’t take any from a human and will quickly reprimand said human by either reminding them that she can kill them at any time, smacking them upside the head, or dangling them out of a seven story window until they apologize (depending on how disrespectful the human was to her). While she does respect other’s abilities (such as intelligence, physical strength, attractiveness, etc.) she will mouth off to them if she doesn’t care much for them and/or to get a reaction. 
Although she’d never admit it, Alix is rather protective of the few people she likes (not enough to actually risk her own neck for them--at least not intentionally--but she still cares about them) and will sometimes help them if they’re in danger or give them useful advice.
She doesn’t remember much about her past life and chooses not to think about it much. The only things she can remember are the songs she heard as a human, many of which she knows by heart. If left alone, she’ll often sing to herself using various voices. 
She’s usually very calm and collected, but can lose her temper if something really pisses her off, or will purposely lash out to take control of a situation/intimidate humans. 
She despises the Shinigami Realm and most other Shinigami (especially the Shinigami King) and wishes more than anything else to return to the human world, but the only time Shinigami are allowed to go to the human world is to retrieve a lost Death Note. While she has considered dropping her Death Note & using it as an excuse to go back, she always ends up deciding against it. Her Death Note is one of the few things she has that she considers hers’ and hers’ alone; she can’t stand the idea of anyone else using it, especially evil humans that would use it for their own gain (so naturally, when she finds out that it was her notebook being used by Kira all this time, she’s a bit...upset). She also believes the Death Note is a curse that shouldn’t be in the hands of any human and that no one deserves the pain & madness it brings.
History: Alix is a very rare form of Shinigami known as a hybrid; a Shinigami created from the soul of a deceased human (we’ll just pretend that ‘The all humans go to MU’ rule doesn’t exist). The only other hybrid aside from herself is Beyond Birthday (whom in this universe was successful in his suicide attempt in ‘Another Note’). Her and Beyond are the first hybrids to be created in nearly a thousand years, a fact made more amazing in that they were created only a year apart from each other (Beyond being the first & Alix the second), whereas past hybrids would be created once every hundred years or so. Hybrids are not considered to be ‘real shinigami’ by the rest of Shinigami society, so she and BB are often subjected to scorn & ridicule.
After she was created, Alix was given a Death Note by the Shinigami King. Still having some of her humanity, she was rather hesitant to use it, but eventually went along with it after learning that she needs to live off the lifespans of humans in order to survive. She knows what she does is wrong, so she tries to kill humans as quickly and painlessly as possible (with the occasional exception...). After killing enough humans to last her a couple years, Alix hid the Death Note so she wouldn’t be tempted by it again. 
For years, Alix hung out with Beyond, whom she soon met after her creation. While the two aren’t really friends, they are the only hybrids in existence and keeping each other company is better than having no company at all. Eventually Beyond told her his story, including details about L, Wammy’s, & the successors (unlike Alix, B remembers his past life perfectly).
When she found out her Death Note had been stolen and was being used by Kira, she immediately went to the human world to retrieve it. After forcing Ryuk to help her, she eventually found her way to the mafia’s hideout, where she was stunned to discover that one of the successors Beyond had told her about (Mello) is the one currently possessing her notebook. She soon introduces herself to him and the other mobsters, while also telling them about the fake rules. While the two don’t get along very well at first, Alix nearly strangling Mello when he first orders her to keep watch outside, she can’t deny that she’s deeply infatuated fascinated by him. 
About a month goes by, with Alix keeping watch outside the hideout & answering questions about the Death Note in exchange for chocolate. One night, she visits Mello in his room and reveals to him the existence of Shinigami-hybrids and that Beyond Birthday is one of them. Mello quickly figures out that she’s other hybrid, to which she readily admits to (she hadn’t told him right away because she wanted to see if he was as smart as Beyond had said). During their conversation, Mello expresses what seems to be genuine sympathy regarding Alix’s situation; she can’t tell if he’s serious or if he’s emotionally manipulating her. Either way, she ends up feeling closer to him as a person.
The next night Alix is visited by Ryuk, who informs her that the Japanese Task Force are going to raid the hideout and that as long as she doesn’t interfere, she’ll get her Death Note back. She agrees to it, but feels a bit guilty as the building is seized while also realizing (to her dismay) that she truly cares for Mello’s well-being. After the place blows up, she goes down to ‘look for her notebook’ and rescues Mello, hiding him from the others and helping him call Matt. 
Once she has her Death Note back, she waits with an unconscious Mello for Matt to pick him up, singing to him as he whimpers in pain. She briefly considers killing Light Yagami (whom she already knew was Kira) with her Death Note but decides against it, believing that it wouldn’t be fair to the humans trying so hard to catch him.
Matt recovers the injured Mello and she follows them to his apartment, revealing herself to Matt & explaining the situation to him the next day. She offers to help the two catch Kira and they agree, but only on the condition that they do most of the work.  
Mello- He is unlike any human Alix has ever encountered, and while she can’t stand certain aspects of his personality/methods, she can’t help but respect and be fascinated by him. She also finds him physically attractive (a fact that drives her up the wall), but she claims this is because she hasn’t seen a decent looking man in years; it’s not like she finds him attractive as a person or anything! He is the only human who met her without warning and didn’t scream.
Whether or not Mello sees Alix as a friend, a pawn, or even both is unknown. He is aware of her ‘attraction’ to him and occasionally teases her about it (not often though, since the last time he did she punched him in the face and nearly tossed him out the window).
Alix often teases Mello by calling him ‘Pretty Boy’ and while she does enjoy the way the nickname gets under his skin, she also means it as a genuine compliment (although she’d be hard pressed to admit it to anybody).
Matt- Matt is the first human Alix encountered that she liked right away. He treats her like a human being and actually finds her abilities cool rather than disturbing (sometimes when they’re alone, Alix will make Pokémon noises for him; he jumps up & down like a little kid every time). He teaches her how to play some of his video games and lets her sing along while he plays his ocarina. Like Mello before him, Matt gives his condolences when Alix tells him about her former humanity. 
Whenever Matt gets tired from watching all the security cameras, Alix will take over for him and let him rest, much to Mello’s anger (she tells him to go f*ck himself every time and that he’s lucky to even have a friend like Matt in the first place).
Kira- Alix doesn’t deny that she is a Kira sympathizer. Just like Light, she tried to make the best of her new power by using her Death Note for ‘good’ by killing people she believed the world would be better off without. She often switches from hating Kira and his followers to just feeling sorry for them; she understands where they’re coming from, but believes the power of the notebook should only be handled by Shinigami, who don’t usually have an agenda regarding who they kill. 
She sometimes look at Light the way a parent will look at a child who had a lot of potential but ended up blowing it all to sh!t. She feels responsible for Kira’s reign, seeing as how it was her ‘cowardice & negligence’ to her ‘duties as a shinigami’ that started the whole thing, and intends to kill Light once he’s been exposed.
Near & the SPK- Since she can’t spy on Kira without the risk of Ryuk seeing her & possibly telling Light, Mello has Alix keep tabs on the SPK. Alix is greatly disturbed by Near due to him being the only human she can’t get a read on, which she often hides with scorn & distaste; she senses there’s a deeper reason for her being uncomfortable around Near, but she can’t quite figure out what. Eventually, she begins to grow more comfortable around him and starts to care about tolerate him.
Alix has a soft spot for Hal, admiring her abilities along with being the only human woman she can tolerate. However, she can’t help but nearly vomit every time she flirts with Mello. 
Beyond Birthday- Let’s just say it’s complicated...
I plan to update this as the story progresses, but I think I’m good for now. Thanks for looking & let me know if you wanna rp. Ciao! ^^
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