#L'Rell x Voq
thechancellorsguard · 2 years
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So, I'm not quite caught up on Discovery yet, but. Similar to @viennainspringtime 's list...
Things I Should Not Be Doing:
Shipping Michael and Lorca
Falling (more) in love with L'Rell
Things I Am Currently Doing:
Shipping Michael and Lorca
Falling (more) in love with L'Rell
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st disco for the fandom ask thing? :D
*favourite character: I think it is obvious that I love Admiral Cornwell...*least favourite character: Mirror Lorca (just because he is bad... but I find him super attractive) *5 ships(canon or non canon): since it is bad to put lorca x Cornwell to all...Katrina x Gabriel (prime)Philipa x Afsaneh Hugh x Paul Michael X AshL'rell x Voq *Character I find most attractive: Its a tie between Gabriel Lorca and Katrina Cornwell (blame Jason Isaccs for being so handsome) *Character I would marry: hmmm... I don't see myself being with any of them (well... other than Commander Chakotay from Voyager, if he has no idea who Kathryn is) *Character I'd be best friends with : I'd love to make friends with Either Katrina or Michael but me being super awkward.. I'd be best friends with Tilly* a random thought: what is the purpose of the spinning disc portion of USS Discovery? Its cool but did they manufactured it especially just to spin? *An unpopular opinion: I don't ship Katrina with so many people. I just ship her with Gabriel. (I mean I'm not against any people doing that. Its just my opinion)* My Canon otp: Katrina x Gabriel *My non-canon otp: Philipa x Afsaneh* most badass character: I mean....whew... this fandom got a ton of badass female characters and its awesome... do you need the list in alphabetical Order or chronological Order? 😜 for me its Katrina Cornwell but Michael Burnham, Philipa Georgiou, and Sylvia Tilly are super badass and stand equal in the list *most Epic villain: To me it is Emperor Georgiou ..she is Epic( Mirror Lorca is cool but I mostly love him as this morally Grey version of Prime Lorca and him being a rebel instead of trashy version revealed in MU episodes) *Pairing I'm not a fan of : L'rell and Katrina (ughhh) and Michael x Phillipa scares the hell out of me ( to me they are mostly mom and daughter no matter what the Universe is) *characters I feel writers screwed up (in one way or another) : I mean this show has one Epic team of writers... allmain characters are superbly written and feel so real. But I think it would've been more cool if MU Lorca was a rebel instead of who he really was. but the show isn't over yet.... we might still get surprising twists and revealations in next season. Also I wish they made Ash Tyler much more potent character. * favourite friendship: Michael and Tilly ( they are adorable together)* character I most identify with: Katrina Cornwell (her psychological background, her empathy, leadership ... gosh I could just talk about her for hours) *character I wish I could be: I'd rather be a lowly crewman if I could be in trek Universe... but I'd love to be Katrina Cornwell for a change... hehe Thanks for the ask @sad-is-happy-for-deep-people
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