#LLH: yes that's my husband
la-muerta · 4 months
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Li Lianhua's quiet, fond smile for Di Feisheng EP7 // EP24 // EP38
for @cheetahing
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skymoonandstardust · 4 years
Love and Light in Hell
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Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , chapter 3, chapter 4 , chapter 5, Chapter 6
Chapter 7
An: Sorry it took a bit to get this out, but i hope you lovelies enjoy <3
Hugin cawed and Muninn ruffled his feathers uneasily.
"It sounds fair and easy enough. . ."   thunder grumbled, punctuating the Allfather's uncertainty, "but can we trust a child of Loki? Can we be certain she will hold the bargain and not try to trick us as her father would?"
Frigg sighed and adjusted her wrap as she looked at the storm outside. 
"I'm afraid we can't." 
She turned to her husband, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But we have to give her the benefit of the doubt. We must remember that she is not Loki, though she is of his blood. The gain is worth the risk if it means our son will be returned to us again."
Odin grumbled, turning a bit away from her to stroke Muninn's dark plumage.
"You're right. I don't like it, but she's our only option to get our son back."
Another sigh passed his lips as he turned, scratching his snowy white beard
"I will have the messengers sent out in the morning. With all luck, we should have the testimonies we need by the end of the week.”
"I hope for all our sakes that is true."
Odin listened to her long skirts brushing the floor as she walked away.
Sleep just wasn't coming. You'd done everything you could think of, counting crows, thinking peaceful thoughts of a universe devoid of gods and humans except for yourself, and even singing the old gruesome lullaby your mom used to sing to you, in the few days she had you before your banishments by the gods. 
Nothing made the voice stop.
"Thank you, your majesty. You are as good and magnanimous as your father."
The snide tone replayed on a loop in your mind and you swore if you had to hear it one more time you'd snap and go down to your bone dungeon to do some torturing.
That would certainly calm your nerves and blow off some steam. . .
You're not Loki, you know you're not anything like him.  . .he was trying to get under your skin.
Yeah, and he succeeded.
The second voice whispered softly in the background of your thoughts. You sighed and sat up, throwing the covers off to slip out of bed.
Alright, enough of this.
A few minutes later you stepped out, now fully dressed, and padded down the hall. 
Thankfully there were no guards stationed outside your door to question you.  No matter how your advisors protested you insisted on this. After all, what use were guards when you were a weapon yourself? 
The dark hallways ahead were empty, only the usual night shadows in attendance as you wandered through the corridors.  After leaving your hall you occasionally ran into a sentry on the night duty, but they let you pass with a nod of respect, not stopping you to ask any questions. 
Sooner than you thought you would, you reached the door. 
Pushing it open you slipped In quietly and pulled it closed with as little noise as possible before turning to look around the infirmary.
While most of the beds were empty a couple were occupied. . . Just looking around you could see bandages that needed changing and beds sheets that need cleaning. Probably some doses you could prepare as well.
 Rolling up your sleeves with a satisfied smile you got to work. This is just what I need right now-- and thank the Allfather I stocked everything myself. Knew it would pay off to know where things are in here.
You tied your hair up with a black ribbon and picked up a patient's chart. Now, let's get to it.
Time seems to have no meaning sometimes. And for you, this was one of the times where it felt like it did not. 
It could very well have been seconds, minutes or hours as you saw to the needs of the patients and did things in general around the infirmary, prepping, cleaning and tidying..  
You tied off the soft white gauze then cut it with famine before sheathing it again.
"There you go Eric,  now--"
The creaking of the big wooden doors opening for the second time that night interrupted you. Your fingers flew back to famine's hilt as both you and Eric turned to look at the doorway.
The blinding brightness told you who it was immediately. 
"Yeah." He looked around with sheepish curiosity, his cheeks starting to tint pink from embarrassment.  "Sorry, I didn't know you were in here."
"Couldn't sleep." You shrugged
"Neither could I. I was just trying to find the kitchen to get a midnight snack when I heard something in here and thought I'd investigate. Seems pretty stupid now that I say it out loud." 
Harrison chuckled and glanced down, missing the smile that tugged your lips up for a second.
Okay I admit it, he's pretty cute, and sweet. . . everything I'm not.
The last thought had the same effect as sea spray on a winter day. It froze you to your bones in seconds.
You are Loki's daughter and queen of hell. You may be polite to each other but you'll never be friends.
Still there wasn't any use not trying so you mustered up a slightly rigid smile and nodded at him. "Would you like to join me? You can help if you like, or we can just keep each other company."
Harrison glanced around for a moment and licked his lips, his hesitance easy to read on his face and see in his eyes as he shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.
He's going to say no, I know he is.
His response obviously surprised both of you and you listened with wide eyes as he continued to ramble on.
"I-I mean, yeah I'd really like that. If I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of eternity we should learn to get used to each other.”
A half alive half dead smile appeared on your face. 
"I know that's something people have trouble with, with me." You gestured vaguely at your face. 
Harrison couldn't help smiling "I'm a blazing halo of light down here, and it was the same way on Asgard. I'm hardly any easier to look at."
You laughed and held out your hand to him. 
"Well, I think I'm willing to make the effort if you are."
Harrison gazed at the withered blackened skin of your hand for a moment, then took it with a smile that rivaled the glow around him in brilliance. It nearly made you drop the handshake.
"I think I can do that."  
He let go of your hand as his smile disappeared and he suddenly looked down and cleared his throat.
"I-I also wanted to say I'm sorry. For what the emissary said-- what my father did to you-- for what happened with your brothers.”
It felt like someone had speared your heart on a hook and used it for ice fishing bait, stabbing it and suddenly plundering it into below freezing water.  You could almost start to feel its beats begin to falter and slow.  
"Thank you. It's good to have one of the gods acknowledge their mistake. To hear one of them admit they did me and my family wrong. . .no one else ever gave me so much courtesy."
You wrapped your arms around yourself from the chill in the room and looked at Harrison. “It's not your fault, though. But, when you return to Asgard and take your rightful place on the throne you can do something about it. Reinstate me and my siblings to our proper place, that's what you can do for me.”
"Yeah." Harrison nodded. "Once I return and become king of Asgard."
He didn't sound convinced, and honestly neither were you.
@madmadmilk @hollandroos @hazmyheart @marvellous-holland @queenofmotherfuckingterrasen @aidiastyles @hey-its-grey @mysmileyspideyboi  @pascalispedro @a-sea-of-fandoms @scarlettsoldier @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @scarlettsoldier  @fangirl-who-dreams @esoltis280 @theresnofandomforthis @cassiopeia-barrow  @dragonangel-funandfire @iaiabear @coffeeismylife28 @katiegoddessofmischief
LLH taglist: @the-crazy-fanfictionist @spideygirl2003 @allegra-writes @rebekkah4766 @musicandbokkslovingweirdo @petersoftboyparker @fanficparker
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