#LM!Raph's borkday!
daedelweiss 2 years
Can you fit your whole fist in your mouth? 馃 馃悽
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yeah, i don't think you'll get a live viewing of that.
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bluesgras 2 years
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It's the big guys bday! enjoy the cake :D
The wonderfully drawn Life Misson AU is made by the lovely @daedelweiss
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daedelweiss 2 years
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feel free to ask him questions/advice or tell him anything for the next 24 hours! just please don't flirt with him or ask for spoilers. this is in the context of post life mission so he's gone through all the story already!
again, this will only be available for 24 hours!!!
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daedelweiss 2 years
Happy birthday big dude! I hope y鈥檃ll are having a blast. First, what鈥檚 your favorite present you鈥檝e gotten this year and who gave it to you? Second, you mentioned learning to read, that鈥檚 awesome! Who鈥檚 teaching you?
aw, shoot. this is why i don't like getting gifts a lot. raph has bad memory. but i really love the snorlax bean bag the fam got me! gonna use it for sleepovers now.
and donnie's teaching me how to read! he taught me how to speak more fluently back then, too. i wasn't really taught how to do both as a kid 馃槄 he said i'm a super fast learner though! i'm speeding through books now actually. i'm on the 3rd part of this series and they introduced a new character named bianca and i love how much of a big sis she is!
oh, damn. he's gonna haaaaate me for introducing this to him-
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daedelweiss 2 years
To LM! Raph, happy birthday!! Enjoy your day & make the greatest memories!! 馃
Also, what did your family gave you presents on your birthday?
And had you made a friend when you were apart from your family?
i didn't really want a lot of gifts so i told them to give me just one. they got me a snorlax bean bag!! 鉂わ笍
and, no. i was pretty isolated before i found my family. before i became a battle nexus champion, i was big mama's biggest secret. only a few of her most trusted staff knew about me. somethin' about my debut being the biggest one yet. the doctors and trainers i had were... okay. they were just doin' their job, anyway.
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daedelweiss 2 years
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goin to sleep, gamers!!! raph will get back to answering your questions once i'm up 馃槃 he'll go hang out with his fam in the meantime. i'll try to get through most questions but there was a lot. hope you know that raph appreciates all the love tho! 馃挅
good night, y'all!!
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daedelweiss 2 years
Is Leo over protective of you and the others?
i guess you could say that haha
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daedelweiss 2 years
That lil' birthday hat on Raphy is the cutest thing ever <3
why thank you!!!
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daedelweiss 2 years
Does LM!Raph try to push Leo to be a "hero"?
Or is LM!Leo already too responsible?
I had to push him into being a hero. look, leo's a lot of good things but when we met, responsible was not one of 'em and he wasn't the hero type. he was way too impulsive and he had zero regard for his safety. you would not believe how relieved april was when i came along and set him straight.
he was too concerned on being in his little bubble and that's fine and all. but we have the skills to help people so why not use it for good?
luckily, he changed and listened to what i had to say. came back to bite me and gave me a heart attack at one point. i just hope he knows he can keep others safe as well as himself.
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daedelweiss 2 years
What are you most afraid of LM!Raph if you don't mind me asking?
waking up and finding out my life with my brothers isn't real, that i'm still stuck with... her.
sometimes raph has those nightmares. they never really go away. i'm just glad they're all in my head.
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daedelweiss 2 years
To LM!Raph: Whay do you love the most about your brothers?
i really love how determined leo is. you can also say "stubborn" but either works. if he likes you enough, he'll never ever give up on you, even when everyone else has.
donnie is actually really patient. ik having us for brothers can get wacky and crazy and he's close to snap a lot of times but he knows how take a breath and slow down. he's honestly the most mature and "grown up" of all of us. probably because he's the only one who had a 9-5 job and had to put up with so many annoying people.
mikey is crazy passionate about things he loves. leo can be quiet about his likes but mikey is loud and proud. he doesn't like being subtle about it. and he's pretty wild, too! he's the only one here who had a "rebel kid" phase haha!
long story short, i love all my brothers! they're all cool and awesome in their own way 鉂わ笍
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daedelweiss 2 years
Happy birthday Raph!!!!
What's your favorite game? Any kind; video game, sport, board/card games, anything!
also we're bday buds馃悽馃崉
ooooo!!! raph has a couple of favorites!!! i really love super smash bros. any of them are so fun. i main DK and ganondorf but sometimes i play as zelda, if you're curious. and i really love wrestling and boxing! it's just pretty fun watching guys beat up each other sprinkled with some drama. and... weirdly baseball? i don't know why but watching baseball kinda relaxes me.
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daedelweiss 2 years
to LM!Raph: happy birthday big guy!!!!! Hope you got some awesome plans for the day 馃コ馃巶
My question is: thoughts on anime? Or just in general, any particular shows you or your brothers like?
i don't really watch a whole ton of anime. but i'm getting curious about all the magical girl shows!
mikey and donnie seem to really like shonen stuff A LOT. donnie goes bonkers whenever there's mech. leo's taste in anime is surprisingly chill! he leans more into slice of life stuff or a good romcom.
again, i haven't watched a ton but i did love the one with a girl named violet. that made raph feel things! i saw myself a lot in her 馃挃
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daedelweiss 2 years
So, what do you like to do in your down time?
Whether it be alone or with your brothers
when raph needs time for myself, i usually just listen to music, do some training, or read. i've been practicing on my reading a lot, especially since getting into Jupiter Jim! i wasn't really taught how to back in the hotel.
if it's with my brothers, pretty much anything we do is fun! i just love being around them and not be alone. if there's anything i really love doin' with them though, it'd be playing video games (or just games in general). we're all a little bit competitive but no one takes it too far so it's all fun!
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daedelweiss 2 years
What is lm!Raph's favorite flavor of cake? I hope that the boy gets some cake for his birthday!!!
i love chocolate cake with marshmallow frosting! mikey is making me one later!
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daedelweiss 2 years
thanks for all the birthday wishes and love, guys! i wish i could answer all of them but i had fun. just know raph read all of them and i really appreciate you all! this won't be my last time takin' questions and my brothers still got their birthdays lined up! thank you again for makin' my birthday a fun one. i hope you take on the year like a boss!!! 鉂わ笍
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