felgueirosa · 8 months
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José García Ardura, "El Rey de Escardén" (The King of Escardén), a Vaqueiru man, alongside his wife and one of their cows in their summer braña of Busteḷḷán (Bustellán) in 1952. His nickname comes from his winter braña of Brañascardén (Escardén) and possibly his house name, Rei/Rey. The Vaqueiro house system is a complex system of kinship, inheritance, and land division which plays heavily into Vaqueiro cosmology.
The Vaqueiros are a small traditionally nomadic people indigenous to northwestern Spain.
Photos: Julio Antonio Fernández Lamuño (1920-2022), Muséu del Pueblu d'Asturies
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moviesandmania · 10 months
SANTASTEIN (2023) Reviews of comedy horror
‘The spirit of Christmas should have stayed dead’ Santastein is a 2023 American comedy horror film about a young man that resurrects Santa whom he accidentally killed as a child. Written and directed by Manuel Camilion and Benjamin Edelman based on their short of the same name. Produced by Fernanda Lamuño, Leonardo Pereira, Vasisth Sukul and Natalie Veater. The Imaginex production stars Jared…
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tonkiturbo · 2 years
Red pill or blue pill
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That’s just what we want to show you!įollow our posts in the next few weeks for a self-discovery journey that, hopefully, will open your eyes to the new reality of the tech jobs marketplace and prepare you for the challenges of a career in tech. Just like you, he just needs to choose to believe in himself, to see the world with his own eyes, and with his own rules. The 19th century philosopher George Hegel developed a form of discourse that became known as the Hegelian dialectic.
For the story to flow, Neo needs to understand that everything he needs to unlock his full potential, lies already inside of him. Metaphorically, it is the red pill or blue pill conundrum because in the current politic there does not seem to be a third choice. Whether it’s obvious by now or not, let’s just get it out in the open: the main theme behind The Matrix’s Red Pill vs Blue Pill construct is choice. That’s one of the reasons why we rebranded this year’s Landing.careers Festival, and why we’re also aligning our brand and vision to build a Landing.jobs that could help you find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes!Ĭhoice. Designing a streaming application which has to process data from 1 or 2. Found on: Anchor / Apple / Google / Spotify / + more Hosted by Catherine Mairena & Fernanda Lamuño. Either take the 'red pill' and face the harsh truth about your favorite movies, or, take the 'blue pill' and live in blissful ignorance. And we’re like, “Well, can we build an engaging journey that could help our tech professionals experience something similar while helping them better manage their careers?” Blue Pill/Red Pill: The Matrix of Thousands of Data Streams. An open discussion podcast about all things film. What we’re trying to achieve with this is a shift, the same kind of shift that happens for Neo when he goes from being in this sort of cocooned and programmed world to have to participate in the construction of meaning to his life. $ Remember: all we’re offering is the truth. From a scene in the 1999 film The Matrix, where the main character, who lives in a virtual world known as the Matrix, is given a choice between a red pill that. That’s precisely our goal with the Red Pill or Blue Pill series: help you see the world and your career in a brand new way.
I loved the fact that a movie could challenge so much of my assumptions and give me a glimpse of a completely different perspective of the world. As a kid in junior high, that spent way too much time playing computer games, The Matrix was definitely one of the movies that I would watch over and over again.
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Isabelle Mathers (Moon)
José Lamuño (hylianfrommad)
Marc Bartra (hylianfrommad)
Alex Bueno (hylianfrommad)
Charly Jordan (riot)
Álex González (whiskypeach)
Lily Macapinlac (Lachica)
Andrea Aghemio (polaroid)
Yael Shelbia (Sevilla)
C. Tangana (Puchito)
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noticianegocios15 · 2 years
Ibiza Luxury Destination anuncia su acción conjunta con Adlib
Los desfiles Pop Up tendrán lugar los días 12 y 13 de julio en el hotel Destino Pachá Ibiza Resort; el 9 y 10 de agosto en el hotel Aguas de Ibiza Grand Luxe Hotel y, el último; los días 13 y 14 de septiembre en el Bless Hotel Ibiza.
Tuvieron el placer de asistir personalidades como la Consellera de Promoción Económica y Empresarial y Cooperación Municipal, María Fajarnés; el embajador de Ibiza Luxury Destination, José Lamuño; los representantes del Bless Hotel Ibiza, José Manuel Molina; de Destino Pacha Ibiza Resort, Ignacio Gómez, y del Hotel Aguas de Ibiza Grand Luxe Hotel, Carmen Molina.
De igual forma, también estuvieron presentes agencias de luxury como Quissientally Luxury Spain, Best of Europe-Vips in Spain o Tailor Made Concierge Services; diferentes medios de comunicación como Woman o White Paper by y personalidades de renombre como Fiona Ferrer.
El evento comenzó con un discurso de bienvenida e introductorio de la presidenta de este club de producto de Fomento del Turismo, Nuria Moreno, quien hizo una breve explicación de la marca haciendo hincapié en que su finalidad es demostrar que “El lujo es estar en Ibiza”. “Actualmente, Ibiza Luxury Destination cuenta con 60 socios que dedican día a día su trabajo y esfuerzo para ofrecer el mejor servicio a sus clientes”, explicó la presidenta.
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lamuño, agosto 2018  //  digital (phone)
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iatitheater · 6 years
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#StageManager Maxwell Waters prepping for rehearsal #14 of #ThreeonamatchPlay @iatitheater #iatiworldpremiere #iatinewplay #iati50 Photo by Mateo Lamuño http://ow.ly/PxqB50gqyMp
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moviesandmania · 2 years
SANTASTEIN (2023) Comedy horror - with trailer
SANTASTEIN (2023) Comedy horror – with trailer
‘The spirit of Christmas should have stayed dead’ Santastein is a 2022 American comedy horror film about a young man that resurrects Santa after accidentally killing him years earlier. Written and directed by Manuel Camilion and Benjamin Edelman. Produced by Fernanda Lamuño, Leonardo Pereira, Vasisth Sukul and Natalie Veater. The Imaginex Films production stars Jared Korotkin, Anwar Nass, Corrine…
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x-fi-blog1 · 5 years
Peter Vives, Irene Montalà y José Lamuño protagonizan el primer capítulo de la webserie 'Sí, quedo'
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¿UNA COPA? La Organización Interprofesional de Vino de España presenta una webserie de tres capítulos, protagonizada por Irene Montalá, Peter Vives y José Lamuño. Peter Vives, Irene Montalà y José Lamuño protagonizan el primer capítulo de la webserie 'Sí, quedo' from eCartelera http://bit.ly/2SoWQt5 via IFTTT
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Para Conrad Fiedler, la forma es el elemento fundamental de toda apreciación de la obra de arte, punto clave desde el cual despliega  su desarrollo autónomo y, por tanto, su rebelión a toda consideración especulativa, idealista, o meramente hedonista de la belleza y el arte.
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La asturiana LAMUÑO, al no claudicar ante la materia, impone a la superficie unas marcas cromáticas confundidas con…
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35milimetross · 5 years
SORTEO – 2 camisetas de ‘Si, quedo’
Participa en nuestro nuevo sorteo y gana una camiseta de Sí, quedo, la nueva webserie donde el vino es el protagonista
Irene Montalà, protagonista de Si, quedo
Este mes, y gracias a la Organización Interprofesional del Vino de España (OIVE), sorteamos 2 camisetas ‘Wine is my Valentine’ de la nueva webserie Si, quedo, una comedia romántica en la que los enredos amorosos y, por supuesto, el vino, son los grandes protagonistas.
Un bar de vinos, tres extraños y un mensaje de móvil inesperado, llevará a los protagonistas a quedar en una cita con un final imprevisible y divertido. El reparto está formado por José Lamuño (Servir y proteger), Peter Vives (Mil cosas que haría por ti) e Irene Montalà (La verdad, Presunto inocente).
La serie consta de tres capítulos que se podrán seguir en exclusiva a través de redes sociales como en el perfil de Instagram de los tres protagonistas y en las cuentas oficiales de OIVE en Facebook y Twitter. Para los más curiosos, la serie en versión extendida estará disponible en su perfil de Youtube y en la página web de campaña www.maridamejorconvino.com, donde se pueden encontar tambien materiales extras.
Antes de participar, recuerda ver nuestras normas sobre concursos.
👕 ¡ 2 camisetas "Wine is my Valentine" de la webserie #SiQuedo. ¡Participa!
⏰ Fin: 18/02 a las 10:00
👍 ¡Síguenos! @MejorCon_Vino y @35milimetros_es
🍷 ¡#MaridaMejorTuVidaConVino! pic.twitter.com/cRLw1yXKtX
— 35 Milímetros – Cine y TV 🎬 (@35milimetros_es) February 11, 2019
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2. Hacer RETWEET a la publicación del sorteo.
3. MENCIONAR a un amigo usando el hashtag #MaridaMejorTuVidaConVino.
  Duración del sorteo: Desde 11/02 hasta las 10 horas del 18/02.
Publicaremos el nombre del ganador en este mismo artículo y por redes sociales.
¡Tenéis una semana para poder participar! ¿A que estáis esperando? ¡Corred insensatos!
Para este concurso solo admitimos participación de usuarios residentes en la península ibérica.
¡Gracias por participar y mucha suerte a todos!
La entrada SORTEO – 2 camisetas de ‘Si, quedo’ aparece primero en 35 Milímetros.
from WordPress https://35milimetros.es/sorteo-2-camisetas-si-quedo/
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que-noticias · 5 years
Herido un hombre al salirse en la A8 el vehículo que conducía
Herido un hombre al salirse en la A8 el vehículo que conducía
Un hombre ha resultado herido en un accidente de tráfico en la A-8, pasando Cudillero hacia Luarca, en sentido Galicia, a la altura de la salida de Lamuño. Según los datos facilitados por el Servicio de Atención Médica Urgente (SAMU) el afectado fue trasladado por una ambulancia de soporte vital básico al Hospital San Agustín.
Según ha informado el SEPA, el Centro de Coordinación de…
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morrisbrokaw · 5 years
Momad February ’19 expressed its commitment to quality fashion, design and foreign markets . The Fair, organised by IFEMA, welcomed 15,250 professionals, of whom 25% were from abroad, in an edition distinguished by its good commercial atmosphere
Madrid, 25 February 2019.- Momad, Fashion in Madrid, displayed its commitment to quality, design and foreign markets at its recently-concluded event, held from 8 to 10 February at IFEMA-Feria de Madrid. The Fair, organised by IFEMA, welcomed 15,250 visitors, of whom 25% were from abroad, illustrating its growing importance and influence in the international arena. At this edition, distinguished by its good commercial atmosphere, the fair reinforced its role as the largest trade and trends forum for the Fashion sector in the Iberian Peninsula, where nearly 800 brands presented their offerings for Autumn-Winter 2019-2020 and Spring-Summer 2019.
After having acted in recent years as the umbrella brand that encompassed the Momad Metrópolis and Momad Shoes shows, Momad has evolved as a brand and, as of this latest edition, has gone on to become the benchmark fair for professionals in the field of Fashion and Clothing, where footwear and accessories brands that wished to become associated with fashion retailing were also present .
Design was one of the highlights of this edition, in which Hannibal Laguna and Devota & Lomba presented their Prêt a Porter collections and the creator Miguel Marinero also took part. A commitment by the show to creation, enhanced by the attraction of higher quality brands such as Emme and Marella, from the group Max Mara, Cupid Killer and Weill. These two commitments were very warmly received by the professional visitors.
Leading firms participating in this edition included Vila and Object, from the Best Seller group, Corty Bennett; Weill; Md’M; Pati Conde; Lion of Porches; Lola Casademunt; Fyord; Gloor; Mercedes de Miguel – which this year is celebrating its 30th anniversary – ; Alba Conde; Veneno en la Piel; Celop; Nekane; Vidorreta; Calzados Victoria and Kickers.
This Momad event also made strides in its objective of contributing to the expansion of Spanish fashion’s presence in foreign markets. The fair thus organised a  large  International Buyers programme, which contributed to the promotion, revitalisation and internationalisation of the exhibiting companies. In total, professionals from 36 companies from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the Dominican Republic, China-Hong Kong, Slovakia, Greece, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Russia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar and Turkey visited the fair.
  Sustainable Fashion takes hold
The commitment to Sustainable Fashion was also reinforced in this edition of Momad with an increase in the surface area of the stands of the exhibitors in the Sustainable Experience space, in which some thirty companies participated with their offerings in fashion, footwear and accessories. The high attendance of professionals in this section confirmed this fashion segment’s strong progress in the national and international market.
As in previous editions, Momad also continued to promote innovative solutions with unique value for the Fashion industry in the Momad 4.0 area. In addition, as an innovation, it included the “Brands Connection” space, where the exhibiting brands had the opportunity to project their multimedia content and visitors were able to enjoy an interactive experience.
In turn, the Momad Catwalk hosted 10 parades over the three days of the fair, which attracted large audiences. Among others, the catwalk hosted the presentation of The Extreme Collection, the Ibiza Moda Adlib fashion show and the parade of Amse, the Sustainable Fashion Association of Spain.
Also, at a conference during the fair, the international Trends Agency Nelly Rodi shared the key points of the new Fashion season with visiting professionals. During the fair, the 10 finalists of the 2nd National Swimwear Fashion Award for new talents, ModaEspaña 2019, were announced.
The fact that the Momad venue and dates coincided with those of the Bisutex, MadridJoya and Intergift fairs led to valuable interactions among all the fairs and gave visitors the chance to visit all the pavilions of the venue with a single pass.
High attendance at the conferences
In parallel with the business activity, Momad included a large programme of conferences at the MOMAD Forum, that were very well attended, and in which the new strategies of the fashion business based on Digitalisation and Sustainability were analysed, in addition to holding a large number of training activities, workshops and events. The MOMAD Forum devoted its first day to Momad 4.0 and the second to Sustainable Fashion.
Among the speakers taking part in the Momad 4.0 workshop, Carolina Pérez of Instore highlighted “the importance of implementing technology at the points of sale for the customer, for example, in window dressing, to merge the physical store with the online store, since shopping often begins in the online environment and is completed in the physical store”. Mónica Casal from Tandem Up in turn echoed the impact that digital formats and marketplaces are having on online sales, since “71% of the internet user population purchase online, and 99% of them do so in marketplaces”. According to Casal, Europe is the third-largest e-commerce region in the world and has more than 220 marketplaces. “Spanish brands have to be aware that there is a large market beyond the Pyrenees, since this country only accounts for 5% of online sales, while the United Kingdom, France and Germany account for 60%,” she said.
On the second day, devoted to Sustainable Fashion, Belvis Soler, from the Sustainable Fashion publication Luxiders Magazine, explained that more and more “stores with responsible and sustainable attitudes and concepts” are emerging, and revealed that, according to the latest studies, 4 out of 5 consumers assess social or environmental sustainability when deciding between one garment or another. In her speech,Marisa Fatás from Kalon Madrid revealed a project that provides information on places devoted to responsible and fair consumption, andIgnasi Eiriz from Ethical Time explained how to facilitate consumer searches for ethically and sustainably produced garments.
  Social networks, effective formulas to reach the final consumer
The Momad fair also promoted an activity with influencers, and the installation of a television studio, in which interviews were held with a large number of exhibitors and leading figures of the event during the three days of the fair. Both were revealed as effective formulas for reaching the final consumer. Thus, within the framework of the “Momad Wardrobe” activity, four well-known influencers – Patricia Valley, Sandra de La Porte, José Lamuño and Jes, created outfits for wearing on different occasions, using clothes from the stands of the fair. To do this, they toured the pavilions in search of the most up-to-date garments to define what will be in fashion and the brands that showcase them. The outfits were uploaded to the social networks of the show and the participating brands were tagged.
Momad February ’19 expressed its commitment to quality fashion, design and foreign markets . The Fair, organised by IFEMA, welcomed 15,250 professionals, of whom 25% were from abroad, in an edition distinguished by its good commercial atmosphere published first on https://workbootsandshoes.tumblr.com/
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estoyalmando · 6 years
La 1 estrena el próximo lunes, 17 de septiembre, a partir de las 22:30h, ‘El Continental’, drama ambientado en los años 20 protagonizado por Michelle Jenner y Alex García en el que el amor, la ambición y la clandestinidad serán los grandes protagonistas. Producida por RTVE en colaboración con Gossip Events y creada por el productor, director y guionista Frank Ariza, cuenta con un amplio reparto, encabezado por Roberto Álamo, Raúl Arévalo, Fernando Tejero, Christian Sánchez, Paz Vega, Eloy Azorín, Franky Martín, Manolo Solo, Secun de la Rosa, Raúl Tejón y Estefanía de los Santos, entre otros. 
El universo de ‘El Continental’
Ricardo León (Alex García) es un empresario del mundo del alcohol, oscuro, con poca sensibilidad para las relaciones personales y con una deuda moral que arrastra del pasado con su tío Baena (Roberto Álamo). Ricardo iniciará la primera red de tráfico ilegal en la ciudad con el fin de posicionar su empresa y vengarse de su familia.
Pero una serie de situaciones hacen que el rumbo y los objetivos de Ricardo cambien al enamorarse de Andrea Abascal (Michelle Jenner), hija de Alfonso (Manolo Solo), dueño de un local de las afueras que, tras la aparición de Ricardo, se convertirá en el centro neurálgico para las negociaciones más oscuras de la capital.
Andrea es una mujer adelantada a su época que se reinventa ante la adversidad y planta cara a las dificultades alzándose como una pieza clave en esta red de distribución. La historia de amor entre ambos girará en torno a una guerra por el control, que involucrará a los grandes grupos de la sociedad de la época. De este modo, convierten ‘El Continental’ en uno más de los protagonistas principales, y a Andrea Abascal en la primera gánster. La serie está ambientada a principios del siglo pasado, y busca derribar las normas convencionales.
Completan el reparto Antonio de la Torre, Alexandra Jiménez, Chanel Terrero, María Alfonsa Rosso, Mariola Fuentes, Juan José Ballesta, Luis Callejo, Mario Plágaro, María Isabel Díaz, María Hinojosa, Manuel Bandera, Patxi Freytez, José Lamuño, Lucía Guerrero, Manu Vega, Ruth Gabriel, entre otros. Frank Ariza es el director de la serie, cuyo equipo de realizadores ha sido complementado por Kike Maillo y Rafa Montesinos.
La 1 estrena el próximo lunes ‘El Continental’, drama ambientado en los años 20 protagonizado por Michelle Jenner y Alex García La 1 estrena el próximo lunes, 17 de septiembre, a partir de las 22:30h, ‘El Continental’, 
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spanishnews247 · 6 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/spanishnews247
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iatitheater · 6 years
Three on a Match by Rhett Martinez; Directed by Eric Parness
Videographer: Mateo Lamuño
Post revolution, three inhabitants remain at the Grand Hotel. When a powerful guest arrives to take over, the three must defend themselves against this imperialist.  An allegorical drama that crosses over into multiple genres examining the legacy of state terrorism in Latin America.
Production by IATI Theater | February 23 - March 18, 2018
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