matchacowbee · 10 months
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they’re all mamas boys :3
I wanted to do just wholesome and cute lil tickles with their moms 💗💗 I hope u guys like it :))
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slimeylee · 1 month
i accidentally drew a silly last night and he looks rly silly ..
also this place needs more lee cartman i took it into my own hands
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gigglingsoftly · 1 year
Sorry but a can you do lee!Cartman and ler!stan, kyle, and Kenny? Sorry if this is confusing, I love your fics and I’m sorry I requested this, I really love him😭😭
-One of your fans❤️
Awww nonnie you are literally soooo sweet. And it’s fine literally ask for all the Cartman tickles you want. I will always deliver! I hope you like it!
Also I had no clue how to write Kenny’s muffles so next time 😭
Not Ticklish
Word Count: 609
Lee!Cartman/Ler!Stan, Ler!Kyle, Ler!Kenny
Cartman claims he isn’t ticklish but like we all know that’s a lie.
The boys were hanging out at Stan’s house. They were in the living room watching Terrance and Phillip. Or at least they were trying to watch Terrence and Phillip. Stan and Kyle were play-fighting and tickling each other as per usual.
And at this point Cartman was used to it. He had gotten pretty good at tuning them and their gay ass antics out. But this was the last straw. He couldn’t hear the television over their stupid giggling and laughing.
“I’m so glad I’m not a ticklish little pussy like you guys,” The bigger boy muttered scooting closer to the TV.
At this point Kenny and Cartman had decided to sit on the floor since the other two boys were taking up the couch with their antics.
“Shut up fatass,” Kyle retorted.
Honestly, he was surprised they could fucking hear because he couldn’t.
“Yeah everyone is ticklish,” Stan said matter of factly.
“Not me,” Cartman replied, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, prove it. Me and Kyle do this all the time. Keep your arms up and if you really aren’t ticklish then you won’t laugh or anything,” The raven haired boy challenged.
“Maybe that’s how you super boyfriends or whatever the fuck you call yourselves like to spend your time but not me.” The brunette shot back.
“Dude if you aren’t ticklish then it shouldn’t matter!” Kenny added, taking his attention off the television.
“No…it’s okay guys. He’s probably lying anyway,” Stan concluded in annoyance. The other two boys nodded in agreement. They were going to just drop it and go back to watching TV.
“I am not!” Cartman wouldn’t necessarily count it as lying. His mom tickled him a little before but at most he squirmed away a little bit. It was nowhere near the reaction he’s seen his friends give to being tickled. So he was sure he had this little “challenge” in the bag.
“Okay fatass, then put your arms up!” Kyle responded.
“Fine but this is super gay,” Cartman grumbled walking on his knees toward the couch and lifting his arms.
Stan shot his fingers into the larger boy’s underarms and started scribbling. This caused Cartman to squeal and immediately try to retreat.
“See! I knew he was lying! Guys don’t let him escape! Grab his arms!” Stan shouted.
The two other boys immediately sprang to action to not let the brunette escape, holding him in place . They couldn’t… scratch that…they wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to put Cartman in his place.
This was way more than he expected. This was what those two were willingly doing to each other on a regular basis. He felt like he was being tortured. This was awful. He needed this to stop now.
“Okahahay, yohohou guhuhuys wihihin! Gehehet ohohohff alreheheheady!” The bigger boy demanded. He hated to admit defeat so early but what the actual fuck? He never experienced anything like this.
“Dude! Stan barely even tickled you!” The blond chuckled.
“Yeah, we finally found someone who’s more ticklish than me,” Kyle teased.
“Trust me. No one is more ticklish than you,” Stan said, not stopping the tickle attack.
The redhead growled playfully before pouncing on his best friend resuming their play fighting from before.
Normally this is when Cartman would tease them for how gay they are but honestly he was glad they turned their attention back on each other. He sat back up still trying to stop the residual giggles that were threatening to slip out.
“What was that you were saying again about not being ticklish?” Kenny teased. Cartman couldn’t see it but he definitely knew that the blond was wearing a shit eating grin.
“Shut up, Kenny!”
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strawmyberry · 1 year
my south park tickle headcannons! (the main four!)
the time has finally come!!! these little guys have been clogging up my brain for months- so what better way to remedy that than by spilling all my thoughts out here!!! and- it’s perfect to pass the time while i write my first fic for y’all! thank you so much for waiting!! it really means the world that people like to hear my silly little thoughts!
also- please let me know if you have any requests- i’d love to take a crack at them!!
anywho; here are some of my headcannons! thank you so much again!! i hope you like them!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
super ticklish!
im a huge sucker for the “stan snorts when he laughs” hc
he’s super duper embarrassed by it- he thinks it’s weird
stan goes for defense when getting tickled! instead of trying to get away/tickle back- he tries to cover himself/his mouth
he never likes giving the satisfaction of actually laughing. does hiding it ever work? no! does he still do it? yes!
i think he got it from all the times shelly has been absolutely merciless to him
(she’s a lot stronger than him- so he thinks that if he doesn’t laugh and give her what she wants she’ll get bored and stop)
99% of the time it’s her tickling him- he’s smart enough to know that trying to get revenge on her is practically impossible
definitely the type to lie about being ticklish or at the very least- the extent of how ticklish he actually is
“are you ticklish?” “no” “really?” “…i mean, maybe a little?”
he also gets super blushy - his ears turn RED
worst spot are his armpits- and he goes through great lengths for no one to find out about it
kyle found out a cute little funny trick where if you get your thumb and twist it into stan’s armpit it drives him up the damn wall
like: he starts snorting practically nonstop- can’t even speak he’s laughing too hard
i think up to like the age of 7- his mom had a little game that if she caught him trying to take cookies from the cookie jar when she knew he had some already: she’d taze his side
(it worked like a charm, and she still does it from time to time)
when he’s about to get tickled he just says his ler’s name over and over again with different inflections
“wendy? wendy- no- wendy- wendy. wendy-no! weNDY-“
(whenever he does this to kyle he always goes “yeah, dude? that’s my name!” and it piSSES HIM OFF SO MUCH LMAOO)
teases (that aren’t about his snorts) don’t really embarrass him they just kinda annoy him a little
teases don’t really work on him all that much unLESS IF IT’S WENDY- TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY THERE-
he actually really likes being tickled if it’s by his friends- he just hates admitting it
he likes having an excuse to laugh freely!!
and although i think i could go on for hours and hours about how he is as a lee- he’s more of a ler
hes canonically good at tickling! yay! (thank you matt and trey)
he tickles kyle for everything under the sun
bad mood? poke. beating me at mario kart? poke poke. won’t let me play with his blue hot wheels bugatti chiron? poke poke poke!
i think kyle is so ticklish that for a while he was too scared to even check if stan was too- so homie was in the clear for a while
he laughs with his lee- he finds their reactions very entertaining
he teases!! he’s mean!! smirks all the while!
“man, is it really that bad? sick…”
although, i think with wendy and kyle it’s more compliments than actual teasing
telepathic communication with kyle when it comes to teaming up on people! one look is all they need to know where to go
dream team with kenny- those two are absolute menaces to kyle
i don’t really think he’s mean on purpose- he just gets carried away because he’s having fun!
completely forgets how easy it is to get him back; it totally slips his mind until he’s face to face with revenge!
he is ticklish ticklish!!!
i totally agree that kyle is the most ticklish of the group- he so is!!!
and it lasts for a while after the fact too- like ten minutes later? he’s still hiccuping
unlike stan, instead of defending himself he goes balls to the walls. he pulls out all the stops!!
he kicks, he screams, he punches!
(stan has gotten a bloody nose because of this multiple times. kyle still feels bad about it!!)
he curses up a storm when hes tickled- it’s so amusing for his ler(s)
(i totally think there was a time where kenny and stan set a five minute timer and they would add a minute every single time kyle cursed- five minutes were added within the first thirty seconds and the only reason why kyle eventually managed to stop cursing was because he was hiccuping so much he couldn’t even get a word out!) maybeillwritethisoutatsomepointidontknowww
he’s ticklish literally everywhere but his ears are the WORST
(his neck is pretty bad too- but ears? WOOOO)
he begs stan and kenny to keep his ticklishness a secret from cartman. he does NOT want his finding out!
he ends up finding out.
cartman loves to just randomly blow in kyle’s ear (it’s why he wears his hat 24/7) because he squeals and jumps like fifty feet in the air
kyle has really sensitive skin so if you tickle somewhere for a little while- it ends up turning red
(stan uses this as a timer sometimes! “oh- dude, your stomach is red. …guess it’s time to go for your ribs then!”)
just hearing the word “tickle” causes him to tense up- he gets so nervous
teases work SO WELL on him!
you don’t even have to be teasing him actually- if you talk to him AT ALL while tickling him it drives him up the wall
he tries to bargain his way out of getting tickled (it never works LMAOO)
“wait! wait waIT WAIT- we can talk about this, dude! dude, let’s just talk about it! let’s just taLK ABOUT IT-“
it doesn’t really matter how he’s being tickled; everything and i mean everything tickles to him- but i think light tickles are really his kryptonite
he’s the type to giggle hysterically before you even touch him (stan thinks it’s the funniest thing- so he takes his sweet ass time before even doing anything)
as a ler he is RUTHLESS
in his mind- he needs to tucker his lee out before they have the energy to try to get back at him
the years he’s had with ike really pay off and he has some SKILLED fingers!
he makes mental notes of where his lee(s) is the most ticklish- and he does not leave that spot until he figures out WHAT exactly works the best
loves ticking ike because it’s the one person he doesn’t have to worry about getting him back LMAOO
(even then ike still does from time to time)
if his lee makes ANY noise (snort, hiccup, squeak) they need to RUN because he will relish in that shit
“holy shit, dude!! what the hell was that? do it again!!”
him and stan are absolute horrifying when they work together- you got the brains and the brawn against you
hes super mean when getting stan back for his constant tickle attacks
and for kenny, he’s only a tiny bit nicer
he picks and chooses his battles when it comes to revenge…i just think he chooses violence 9 times out of 10 LMAOOO
too ticklish for his own good!!!
he has a super addicting laugh- it really doesn’t work well for him
not only that, but he has completely different laughs depending on where he’s being tickled
he MOVES when he laughs (not just when being tickled)
he seems like the type to fucking FLY forward when laughing at a joke LMAOO
he squirms and jerks like crazy!!
and he pounds his fists on the ground and/or pulls on his parka!! he needs something to do with his hands!! very entertaining!!
he doesn’t really fight back- he’s trained himself so he doesn’t accidentally hurt karen
his friends do this really mean thing where they pretend like they don’t understand him through his parka
“…what did you say? do you know what he said, kyle?” “yeah, dude! he said ‘please keep tickling me!’” “oh yeahhh! gotcha’! jussst checking…”
he also seems like the type to shake his head frantically and scream his ass before getting tickled!
runs for his LIFE, back against the wall- just shaking his head and his hands
“mm-mm! donmph!! donmt do itmph!! dONMT-NOOOOOOOO-!!!”
he’s also ticklish pretty much everywhere but his hips are SO BAD
he SCREAM laughs when you squeeze his hips and it’s so funny
his laugh is so contagious that sometimes his ler(s) have to stop for a second and just laugh along with him!
rougher tickles work on him better- since he’s wearing his parka! that shit is THICK!
squeezes are the death of him (literally) he can’t stand them
teases work pretty well on him! they get him all giggly
i think if you tickle him for too long he starts coughing- and that’s how you know when to stop!
gets into tickle fights with karen and kevin CONSTANTLY and most of the time- he gets WRECKED!
as a ler he’s surprisingly really sweet?
i think it’s because he’s died from being tickled too much before
and he knows that HE can come back to life. his friends and family? he doesn’t wanna risk it!
that doesn’t mean he’s not a total tickle monster!! he definitely is!! he’s just a bit more cautious about it
he keeps most of his tickles light
(unless it’s one of the others in the main four- he’s MEAN to them)
he’s the type to coo and tease- what he does to karen he does to everyone since up to this point it’s been pretty effective!
he LOVES giving people really quick cheer up tickles. just five minutes of innocent little flutters and the whole bad mood is gone!
he zips his fingers around random spots sometimes just making little “ooohs” and “aaahs”
”oooh! how aboumt heremph? oooooh! heremph? awwww!”
he’ll wiggle his two index fingers and only those two above his lee before striking with his whole hand!!
sometimes he pulls his parka tighter while teasing, just so they have to guess what he said- he thinks it’s funny!
raspberries are super fun for him since if he has the parka on, it’s ten times worse!
LOVES doing the “sike out” on his lees it’s super fun
not super ticklish- but ticklish!
he has a really “ugly” laugh LMAOO
like it’s almost kinda jarring
he somehow sounds like a mixture of a pig and a gremlin LMAOO
the other three don’t really tickle him all that much actually!
(probably because they’re all just a teeeeeny bit scared of him)
but also because they hate his laugh-
(kyle covers his ears half the time LMAOO im really cracking myself up here)
but in all seriousness, they are genuinely afraid to tickle him; he’s super mean
his mom on the other hand? she does it all the time
i love love LOVE the hc where cartman has ticklish cheeks- im a sucker for it i love it!
his cheeks and sides are his worst spot(s)
(his mom uses this to her advantage whenever she can!)
he’s SO overdramatic- it makes tickling him such an ordeal
he will flop to the floor after a single poke- and then he’s back up again; ready to wreck your shit
he curses like kyle- but noT IN THE SAME WAY AT ALL
kyle just goes “shit! fuck! you’re an asshole!” you know, normal stuff- carTMAN ON THE OTHER HAND??
he makes up the most obscure insults you have ever heard.
(boobie fucker is the first one that came to mind LMAOAOAOO)
teases work super well on him- it gets him all agitated
(especially if it’s his mom it drives him UP THE WALL.)
he definitely isn’t afraid to rip his lee’s hands off of him- he is not afraid to hurt anyone
when he’s about to get tickled- he doesn’t bargain or beg he threatens
and honestly? (you should probably listen-)
hes actually not that good at tickling- he sucks at it
but that doesn’t matter!!! he still makes life a living hell!!
he searches for your worst spot; and god forbid he finds it
he won’t stop until you are in tears- and he makes no exceptions!
(remember how i said kenny died from being tickled before? [f]artman is the one to blame!!)
it’s not even warranted half the time- he’s just a bully
and he doesn’t even “tease” he just insults.
he makes fun of your laugh, what you’re doing, where you’re ticklish
the other three have gone through this at least once- and they try their hardest to never have to go through it again
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dannystheone · 1 year
hmmm maybe he’s tryna give one of his gay ass speeches and the 3 boys are fed up and want him to shush so ofc they use the most efficient method hehe
ugh i love you anon LMAKSSK PLEASE
So the summer vibes are PERFECT today so I thought we could have a pool fic!!
WARNINGS: Feet tickles and kids swearing! also kind of a long intro sorry
Kyle's New Pool! (Lee Kyle/Multiple Lers)
Kyle got a new pool installed for the summer in his backyard, but he needs to set some ground rules first!
I hope you like this! :) also I just re-read the whole thing and totally forgot Clyde existed AAA sorry he'll be in the next one
Energetic boys piled into the Broflovski's home, yelling and shouting with excitement. They were all eager to get a glimpse of what new installment was waiting in the backyard. Kyle had said his parents put something BIG for the summer back there, and to look for themselves to see he wasn't full of shit.
"Oh Gerald! There sure are a lot of them, I wasn't expecting so many guests!" Sheila Broflovski was pretty much plastered to her wall as boys from the fourth-grade class rumbled through her front door, including even a boy wheeling in on a motorized wheelchair.
"Just set out some more chips Sheila- OOF-" Gerald Broflovski was nearly run over by the entourage of shirtless boys as they threw open the sliding glass door in the kitchen and piled outside in the backyard.
"Look! There it is!" Craig Tucker called out. All the boys scrambled to the edge of the water. Kyle wasn't lying. His parents had installed a huge glistening pool in their backyard! The grass and playground they used to have were replaced with concrete, with pillowy lounging areas and table seating off to the sides.
"It's amazing! GAH! It's so hot out here! If I don't get in the water I'm gonna die!" Tweak Tweek winked an eye as Craig turned to him and started applying sunscreen to his shoulders, already blushing from the sun.
"Where the hell is Kyle?" Stan Marsh asked.
"Yeah, should we just get in without him?" Kenny McCormick questioned.
"TIMMEH!" Timmy answered.
"Guys! I'm right here! Isn't it cool?!" Kyle showed up behind the crowd of boys with a few boxes of Capri-Suns under his arms. The fourth-grade class cheered as Kyle set the boxes down on his patio table.
"Yeah, yeah, it's kewl, now let's get in the water already!" Eric Cartman pulled on his goggles and started pulling on his floaties to his upper arms. The boys followed suit by kicking off their flip-flops and throwing their shirts off.
"Woah, woah, woah, hang on fat-ass!" The fourth-grade boys froze and looked at Kyle quizzically. Kyle adjusted his green hat, despite wearing no shirt and green swim trunks.
"Before you get in the pool, there's some rules we have to follow! My dad said if we don't pay attention to the rules, he's not gonna let all of us use it anymore." Kyle explained. The boys looked at each other before they shrugged and continued taking their clothing items off.
"Okay well, what are the rules?" Tolkien Black asked. Kyle splayed his hands to get everyone's attention, but the boys chatted amongst themselves.
"Alright! Rule number one! ABSOLUTELY NO PEEING IN THE POOL! THAT'S DISGUSTING!! I'm looking at you, Cartman!" Cartman yelled out an "AYE!" before Kyle continued. "There is a bathroom located inside the house, first door on your right!"
Kyle looked around to see if he had everyone's attention. He had the attention of Butters, Jimmy, Timmy, and Tolkien, but everyone else was either setting up their toys in the pool or talking to other people.
"Guys! Don't put anything in the pool until I'm done saying the rules! This is important!" Kenny looked up from the pool as he slowly slid on a snorkel. Kyle sighed exasperated as he continued.
"Rule number two! No running around the edge of the pool or the pool area in general! It can get slippery and you don't want to fall! Rule number three! No diving headfirst into the pool, even in the deep area! You can hit your head and get hurt! Cannonballs are okay!" Cartman yawned loud and obnoxiously as the rest of the boys stood around and looked at their phones. Kyle could tell he was losing their attention already.
"Shut up Cartman! Rule number four! You have to put on sunscreen before you enter the pool! My mom is gonna set a timer for 80 minutes for everyone so we can get out of the pool, reapply our sunscreen, and then we can get back in!" The boys looked up at Kyle and groaned loudly.
"Dude we don't need sunscreen, the sun is good for you!" Stan complained. Craig was still helping Tweek apply his sunscreen across his back, so at least he was good. Kyle looked over at Stan with narrowed eyes.
"Dude do you have any idea how much cancer you can get from the sun?! Skin cancer is no joke! There was a study published just this year in 2023 stating that more than 2 people die of skin cancer every hour in the U.S.! 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70! Do you want that to be you?!" Kyle pointed at Stan. Tweek fidgeted as he yanked the sun tan lotion from Craig's hands and started rubbing generous amounts all over his front vigorously.
"GAHAH! THAT'S NOT GONNA BE ME! CRAIG, HELP ME!!" Craig took the bottle back from Tweek and gently started applying more lotion onto Tweek's back as he shot Kyle a venomous glance. Kyle swallowed as he looked back at the boys.
"Dude, we'll put the lotion on. But every 80 minutes is a little much, we'll be fine." Stan shrugged. The boys nodded in agreement.
"Guys you're acting like I'm making up the rules. It's my mom-" Eric rolled his eyes and walked up to stand next to Kyle.
"Kyle, buddy, hey there. Listen, you're talking waaaaay too damn much. Let us into the pool and we can start having fun, okay? I'll deal with your bitch of a mom if she decides to give us crap." Eric clapped Kyle on the back as Kyle stared dumbfounded at Cartman.
"Bitch of a-?! Cartman this is my parent's pool that YOU'RE using, fatass! The least you can do is listen!" Kyle said angrily.
"I think we should listen to Kyle's rules, very much. His p-p-p-pee-parents are nice enough to let us use it on such a hot day." Jimmy spoke up.
"Well, sure! My dad said if I don't put on my suntan lotion every 80 minutes and get skin cancer, he'd ground me for sure!" Butters fidgeted with his hands. Kyle smiled at them both and turned back to Cartman.
"There, you see fat-boy? That's why anyone who doesn't put on sunscreen BEFORE getting in the pool isn't getting in at all!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all stopped what they were doing and stared at Kyle and Cartman silently. Cartman cupped his chin in thought while Kyle stood next to him with his arms crossed.
"Hmm...ah, I see what you're saying, Kyle. Loud and Clear." Kyle had a triumphant face on before Cartman pointed at Kyle.
"GRAB 'EM!" Cartman exclaimed. All the boys in the fourth-grade class rushed Kyle. Kyle yelped as he was scooped up by the boys, wriggling and fighting to no avail. The boys carried him above their heads to the edge of the pool.
"GUYS! PUT ME DOWN!!" Kyle yelled out. The boys looked at each other and shrugged.
"You wanna be put down?" Stan asked a squirming Kyle.
"YES!!" Kyle shouted. The fourth-grade boys unanimously decided to set Kyle down.
By throwing his ass in the pool.
Kyle hit the water with a huge splash, causing the water to be disturbed and rippled. The boys cheered as they started jumping in after him and cannonballing into the pool. Kyle resurfaced and spit water out from his mouth.
"Pfft- GUYS! We can't be in the pool yet, we need sunscreen!" Kyle complained. Cartman waded into the pool as the boys started splashing each other with water and putting floaties and toys in the pool.
"Uh oh, guys! Kyle's still whining about the sunscreen! We better fix that!" Cartman exclaimed. Kyle turned to yell at Cartman when he felt hands grabbing his arms. Kyle turned back to see that Craig, Tweek, and Kenny started putting their hands on him. More kids were advancing as well.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Get off me!" Kyle squeaked as he splashed in the pool, more kids grabbing his legs and arms and wiggling fingers into his bare skin.
"You see Kyle, I knew you were gonna make a big gay ass speech about what we should and shouldn't do before we got into your pool. As you always do such faggoty things before we're allowed to have any fun, I took it upon myself to tell the guys that if you start going off on a tangent and we need a quick way to shut you up, this was the perfect way to get it done." Cartman watched with glory in his eyes as Kyle started wriggling and giggling in the fourth-grade class's grip.
"Guhuhuys! Guhuhuys stohohohop!" Kyle giggled as what felt like hungry invasive fingers squished, kneaded, prodded, poked, spidered, and scribbled his skin. Jimmy, Tolkien, Butters, Stan, Kenny, Craig, and Tweek all zipped and wriggled their fingers into Kyle's skin while keeping his limbs spread apart. Being in the pool didn't help Kyle fight them off, and the water made his skin slick. Timmy watched with Cartman with a frown on his face.
"Uh...Timmeh?" Timmy asked. Cartman turned to Timmy, Kyle splashing in the pool behind him.
"Yes, Timmy?" Cartman asked. Timmy pulled up his phone and started recording.
"Timmy Timmy." Timmy said with an evil glint in his eye. Cartman nodded approvingly as he turned back to Kyle.
Craig held Kyle's arm away from his side and scribbled his fingers in his underarm while Tweek scritched along his ribs. Tolkien and Butters held onto Kyle's ankle and entertained themselves by stroking one finger up his foot and watching his toes clamp up. They did this over and over as it was entertaining each time.
Stan and Kenny held apart Kyle's other arm as Kenny gave Kyle little nibbles on his side and blew raspberries in his belly, which made Kyle buck and squeal. Stan scritched in Kyle's armpit while making conversation with Craig. Jimmy had Kyle's other foot all to himself. He held his ankle in the crook between his arm and his side in a headlock as he scrubbed Kyle's foot up and down with one hand. Kyle was quickly going ballistic already as 70 fingers played him at once.
"GUHUHUYS PLEHEHEASE!! THIHIHIS IHIHIS CRAHAHAZY!!" Kyle yelled out, the water splashing all around them. Kyle was floating on his back in the water being held up by the guys holding his limbs apart, so he had no leverage to squirm or escape anywhere. Kyle's eyes screwed shut as he felt fingers squish the pudge on his belly, to which he gave a loud reaction.
"Wow Kenny, you really like Kyle's stomach huh," Stan commented. Kenny shrugged and scribbled his fingers all over Kyle's tummy, reaching from the bottom of his ribs to the tops of his hips with his hands.
"Oh hey, I wanna help! Let me try!" Butters left Tolkien at Kyle's foot and went up to the opposite side of Kenny to add another ten fingers to Kyle's midsection. Kenny started scribbling his fingers in Kyle's bottom ribs while Butters dipped his fingers in Kyle's belly button and pinched his hips.
"GAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHO!! STOHOHOP PLEHEHEASE!!" Kyle pleaded, his body getting tired with all the exertion from trying to get away from so many fingers. He was gonna have a killer six-pack in the morning.
"Aww, well he's just ticklish everywhere, isn't he! That's so sweet!" Butters beamed at Kenny while Tolkien decided to experiment and scritched his fingers underneath Kyle's knee while still pulling his leg apart. Kyle let out a loud cackle as he tried pulling his leg back.
"Hey, how's that working for you, T-T-Tolkien?" Tolkien looked up at Jimmy with a smile on his face.
"Oh, it's working great! He gets really loud when I get right here. You wanna try?" Jimmy nodded and grabbed a better hold of Kyle's leg, and started scratching his fingers under Kyle's knee. Sure enough, Kyle started pulling on both legs trying to reclaim them with this new technique.
"Hahaha, awesome!" Tolkien gave Jimmy a thumbs-up as Craig halted his tickling for a moment to stretch his wrist. Cartman pointed a finger at Craig as he sat on the steps.
"Keep going, Craig! We gotta tire the Jew out so he doesn't bitch for the rest of the night!" Cartman demanded.
"NOHOHO YOU DOHOHON'T! JUHUHUST STOHOHOP!! I'M SORREHEHEE!!" Kyle yelled out, as Craig responded in his monotone voice.
"I'm doing the best that I can. His pulling is hard on my wrist." Craig rotated his wrist before holding onto Kyle's bicep and going back to a hidden gem he found. Between Kyle's middle ribs and back where the skin joined, Craig scribbled in that one spot to make Kyle scream a manly sound. Tweek winked as he kept his tickling confined to Kyle's side.
"So anyway, Red Racer reaches the finish line right as Blue Racer does, so the judges have to go back and watch the footage to see who actually won the race. It was a nail-biter." Craig explained to Stan. Stan nodded as he listened, but mostly looked down at his super best friend getting the shit tickled out of him. He had a forced smile plastered on his face with his eyes screwed shut tightly, with an occasional pull or tug of his limbs. Stan couldn't imagine being in this situation, but he wasn't gonna be the one to stop it. What if Cartman ordered they all go after him next? He couldn't handle that.
"...Yeah, so what did the judges say?" Stan asked as he scribbled his fingers in Kyle's underarm. He noticed he didn't have to try too hard to keep Kyle's arm away from his side to reach this spot.
"We won't know until next week. I can hardly wait. Red Racer always wins every race, but it's the season finale, so it could have a different ending." Craig discussed calmly as if he wasn't tickling a wildly splashing boy with six other boys.
"Timmy? Timmy Timmy?" Timmy asked Cartman, still recording on his phone. Cartman thought about it for a moment.
"Hmm, I'm not sure. Let's see." Cartman cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to Kyle. "How you doing Jew? Ready to give up the sunscreen?" He called out. Kyle shook his head bravely as he continued to laugh out.
"NOHOHOHO!! YOHOHOU STIHIHIHLL NEEHEHEHEED TO WEHEHEHEAR IT!!" Cartman shrugged as he went back to lounging in the pool.
"You heard him, boys! He wants more!" The fourth-grade class worked diligently, their fingers more energized than before.
"GAHAHAHAD!! I DOHOHOHON'T WAHAHANT MOHOHOHORE!! PLEHEHEHEASE!!" Kyle laughed out earnestly as more spots were found on him, to in-between his thighs, to his hands, to his inner elbows, and the skin above his knees. His thighs were a winner, however. Jimmy and Tolkien pulled apart his legs and hugged his knee to grip and scribble their fingers in his inner thigh, causing Kyle to squeal and cackle loudly.
Gerald and Sheila watched from the closed slider door, smiling gently. It was a rare sight to see Kyle acting like a kid for once with all his friends.
"He gets it from you, you know." Gerald held Sheila around her waist while they watched their son and pattered his fingers along her side. Sheila twitched as she bat Gerald's hand away with a blushing face.
"Oh stop it, Gerald!~ Save it for Saturday, honey~" Sheila cooed as the two shared a kiss, and turned for the living room as their son splashed in the water.
"CHRIHIST!! SOMEONE- *hic* so-SOHOHOHOMEONE HEHEHEHELP!!" Kyle cackled out as he felt Tolkien's fingers invade his toe spaces and Tweek and Kenny took turns blowing raspberries in his hip divets. They were having fun with this, actually.
"Wow, Kyle has a lot more endurance than I thought. If I had endurance like Kyle I would be so happy." Craig commented. Stan started to get uneasy. Kyle started hiccuping a second ago, and his red cheeks were concerning.
"Alright Cartman, that should be enough right? I mean, look at him." The boys stilled their fingers for a moment. Kyle still giggled to himself and twitched from the air moving around him.
"Aww, the poor guys all tickled out. Aren't you buddy?" Butters patted Kyle's stomach, which Kyle jerked away from reflexively.
"Buhuhutters- *hic* doho-dohon't touch me-" Kyle snickered as Butters fidgeted. Cartman stood up from the pool steps and looked down at Kyle. Kyle's eyes winced having to look up into the sun-filled sky.
"Well, Kyle? What do you say? Are we forgetting the sunscreen?" The boys waited intently for an answer; their arms still wrapped around Kyle's arms and legs while the water waved around them.
"Fuck no, fat-ass! We can't forget it, my parents will find out! Please, just put some on and we can start playing!" Kyle pleaded. Cartman sighed and gave the signal for the boys to start tickling again. Kyle felt the boys' hands around him shift and place themselves on his body.
"Wait wait WAIT! Okay okay! I'll forget it! I'll forget the sunscreen I swear!" Kyle yelled out. Cartman turned back and pointed a finger in Kyle's face.
"If I hear a single word about sunscreen or rules again from you Kyle, you're gonna get it! Alright, let him go." The fourth-graders slowly released Kyle. Kyle rubbed his wrists as the boys saw their fingers onslaught over Kyle's torso, the pink swipes and scratches on his white skin. Kyle looked to the side as he rubbed his shoulder silently.
"Well, I still need to put on my sunscreen, or I'll get grounded!" Butters announced. Kyle looked up at him.
"Yeah, I n-n-need to put on mine too, a comic always has to look his b-best!" Jimmy added.
"Hey honey, mind helping me put some sunscreen on my back? I could use it." Craig asked Tweek.
"GAH! O-Of course! Skin cancer is no joke!" Tweek winked as Craig smiled softly at him.
"We're all gonna put ours on, too." Tolkien, Stan and Kenny nodded in agreement.
"TIMMEH!!" Timmy smiled and exclaimed. All the boys started getting out of the pool to put their sunscreen on and made sure everyone was properly covered. Kyle had a huge smile on that wasn't forced on his face.
"Thanks you guys, you're the best! Now we can play all we want in the sun without getting hurt!" Kyle exclaimed. The boys all cheered and cannonballed back into the pool while Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Aw dude, sick!" Stan shouted upon seeing Cartman at the bus stop on Monday. Cartman's face was pink with white peelies all over his ears, neck, and cheeks. He had suffered bad sunburn from the pool with no sunscreen. He rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms in a huff.
"Whatever! Sunscreen is overrated and gay as hell! I don't peel, I'll just get tan after this!" Kenny and Kyle walked to the bus stop and stood next to Cartman. Kenny burst out laughing upon seeing Cartman, and Kyle let out a few sputters as well.
"AYE! You all better shut the fuck up! I don't need any damn sunscreen!" Cartman defended.
"HE LOOKS LIKE A FAT TOMATO!" Kenny cried out. Kyle and Stan both started laughing hysterically as Cartman yelled out at them.
"I'M NOT FAT! SHUT UP!" Cartman shouted.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it, you big baby." Stan rolled his eyes as he clapped Eric on the back. Eric yelped as the sunburn on his back stung from Stan's slap.
"ACK! Don't do that, retard! I got sunburn-" Cartman called out, but shut himself up as his friends leered at him.
"What was that you said, fat-ass? You got sunburn?" Kyle said with a shit-eating grin as he slapped Eric's back. Eric let out a screech as he started running down the road, away from the bus stop. Well, as well as he could run anyway. The three boys easily caught up to him and slapped all their hands across his sunburned back.
After this experience, Cartman learned his lesson. He was never caught without sunscreen again, and abided by all of Kyle's rules before entering his pool.
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yiplee · 1 year
Can u do smth for lee kenny n ler cartman?:0 i just love ur fics sm oml😭❤
Hi anon! Thank you for the request! I’m gonna put my own spin to it since I came up with a scenario of them when I got this request. This is gonna take place in the dikinbaus episode!
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Cartman and Kenny are starting their own restaurant. Great! Since their starting money is coming from Butters’ paychecks, and they both want to earn from it, they have a bit of a scuffle over who gets what percentage. Cartman gets a grand idea for a negotiation.
(Kenny is without his parka, as he was in the dikinbaus episode, by the way.)
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Pleasure Doing Business
A South Park Ticklefic
(Lee!Kenny) (Ler!Cartman)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Kenny, I already told you, it was my idea so I get 70% of the profit!” Cartman hissed the words like venom, pointing an accusatory finger at Kenny.
“Dude, you can’t even have 70% anyway, because the money is already a percentage, coming out of Butters’ paycheck! You can’t take a percentage of a percentage, dumbass!” Kenny argued.
“I’m not talking about that money! I’m taking about the hotdog money! Besides, you’re poor as shit! You don’t get a say!” Cartman retorted.
“That’s exactly why I need the money! And all I’m asking for is a fair share! And you’re poor as shit too, asshole! At least I don’t live in a hotdog!” Kenny shouted back, full force. Without his parka, his voice was powerful.
“Kenny, I’ve had just about enough of your bitching! Now you either take 30%, or you can get nothing!” Cartman yelled back, stepping up to Kenny and pointing a finger in his face.
“Ugh, this is fucking unbelievable! You can’t do that!” Kenny retorted.
Cartman stared at Kenny for a moment. He looked so different without his thick parka. His hair was free. His face was free.
Without that thick parka…
Suddenly, Cartman got a great business idea.
“Well then, that’s too bad for you, because…I had such a great business deal planned.” Cartman started, dramatically turning away from his blonde friend.
Kenny scoffed. “And what kind of business deal would that be?”
“So glad you asked!” Cartman said, whipping around with an evil expression before suddenly skittering his fingers up and down Kenny’s sides.
“Hey what the- Cartman whahat the fuhuck?” Kenny blurted, grabbing Cartman’s wrists and trying to pull them away, but to no avail.
“What? Never heard of leverage? It’s crucial for every negotiation, you know.” Cartman spoke his wicked reasoning as his fingers moved to Kenny’s ribs next.
The blonde was struggling to hold his composure, though his tickle fights with his siblings had proven useful in helping him deal with Cartman’s ruthlessness.
“Gehet off mehehe you fahahat fuck!” Kenny snapped, trying and failing to push Cartman away. He was far outweighed by the other pressing him against the dirty, ketchup-stained wall, and could barely move.
“So, you gonna take that 30% now? I feel that now I have a more compelling argument.” Cartman teased, as he moved his fingers down to Kenny’s hips and waist.
Kenny pushed against the back of the wall as strained laughter forced itself out of him as he began wildly squirming in the other’s grasp.
“AAHAHAHA CAHA- CA- AHAHA STAHAHAP!!” He squealed, trying to pull Cartman’s hands away.
“Jeez, you’re taking a while to consider this offer. Are you sure you don’t wanna take that 30%?” Cartman continued, as if this wasn’t even happening.
“FUHUHUHUCK YOU AHAHAHAHASSHOLE!!” Kenny shrieked, thrashing uselessly against Cartman’s firm hold.
“Well, that’s not very professional.” Cartman teased, digging his thumbs right into Kenny’s hips, hitting his nerves perfectly, making him squeal.
“AAAAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP OH MY GAHAHHAAHAHA-!!” His eyes widened to the size of plates before clamping shut as he shrieked, thrashing more wildly. Cartman’s smirk widened as he realized this even more effective tactic.
“Soooo…70-30?” Cartman said again, continuing to drill both thumbs right into the spot on the sides of Kenny’s hips.
“Wonderful!” Cartman said with satisfaction as he pulled away, letting Kenny recover as he deflated like a balloon to the ground, his face red and fresh with tears.
“Well, I’d say that negotiation went well.” Cartman chuckled to himself, giving Kenny a shit-eating grin.
“…Fuck you.” Kenny sighed, flipping Cartman off as he caught his breath slowly in recovery.
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gokkyfanboy · 1 year
one thing about my dad is the fact that if you go downstairs late at night, you can hear him watching south park from the basement
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matchacowbee · 1 year
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they squishin him
this is based off one of my fics, I’ll link it here <-
Cartman gets tickled by his friends >:3
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slimeylee · 2 months
guys i need more lee butters lee jimmy lee cartman fics .,... pls
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gigglingsoftly · 1 year
South Park Main 4 HCs
Literally has the cutest laugh. The girls voted on it and the rest of the gang kinda has to agree
Best ler in the group and it literally sends a shiver down their spine if he threatens to tickle them
Actually very ticklish himself but he’s the best at hiding his reactions bc he doesn’t like giving Shelly the satisfaction of seeing him squirm, squeal, and beg
I agree with every head canon that says he snorts if he laughs too hard
Literally dies at the idea of having a tickle fight with Wendy. He doesn’t want her to see him being that dorky
The most ticklish one obvi!
WILL LITERALLY DECK YOU SQUARE IN THE FACE AND FUCKING LAUGH AFTERWARDS. He isn’t sorry either that was your dumbass fault
Can’t hide that he’s ticklish to save his life lol
Will laugh purely from anticipation alone
only Stan is really allowed to tickle him and even he’s gotten hit so tickle him at your own risk 🤷🏾‍♀️
He’s soooo giggly and squirmy
Used to being tickled by his siblings all the time
Has definitely died from too many tickles it’s literally so embarrassing to him
He’s argue that the anticipation of it is worse than the actual tickles
He’s so happy his parka blocks a lot of the sensation and his face bc he’s definitely blushing
He knew he was kinda ticklish. His mom has given him quick tickles here and there but he never knew the true extent of it until his friends tickled him.
He gets overwhelmed way quicker than the others because he’s the least used to it. So even though he’s not the most ticklish he has the least tolerance to it then his friends
The rest of the gang can’t lie he’s pretty entertaining to tickle because he’s going to be a big baby about it
He’s more squirmy and going to try to fight more before he’s tickled. Once you get him he’s going to focus more on protecting himself
Will literally try to avoid it bc he’s at SUCH an unfair disadvantage! He doesn’t have siblings (well… technically). So he’s not skilled enough to fight back effectively
The gang will literally team up just so he’ll SHUT UP and it works. Literally on his best behavior. And dare they say it he was even pleasant to be around
If he is dragged into their bs he does get ler euphoria and gets carried away and needs to be pried off. He really enjoys that feeling of power
Out of all the boys I feel he gets the least amount of love! We need more Cartman tickles!!!
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mceproductions · 2 years
MCE Best of 2022: Honorable Mention
TV Shows: South Park (Comedy Central)
For 25 Years the quiet mountain town unexpectedly has its weekly adventures tie into real world events.
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As South Park Colorado exits Pandemic life we get more classic adventures featuring a simple Pajama day, Cartman wanting to keep his status quo but inadvertently making things worse, an activity with teens, and more fun with breakout star of the last 8 years Randy.
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But the shades of reality aren’t far as we get another special Paramount+ exclusive featuring the return of everyone’s favorite climate change metaphor.
The big highlight though involved a dream concert with Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Primus, and others at the legendary Red Rocks Amphitheater.
Pure epicness that can still be great 25 years in.
SUM 22: The TV Honorable Mention gave more of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny with its silver anniversary.
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dannystheone · 1 year
hey guys so uh
i had an idea LOL just forget everything I said in the last post LMAO im so embarrassing-
this is just a little drabble because I do still have the urge to write just not my more drawn-out projects if that makes sense-
well anyway enjoy lel
WARNINGS: Cursing and discussing torture topics
Quit Distracting Us, Cartman! (Ler Cartman/ Lees Kyle, Kenny, and Stan)
Mr. Garrison talks about interesting historical torture practices throughout the ages in his classroom, but one of them is more diabolical than the rest...
"Okay children, let's take our seats. Today we will be discussing different methods of torture practiced throughout history, as your history exam has a section on this topic. Flip your textbooks to page 202, please."
Mr. Garrison started writing on his chalkboard the lesson for the day while the fourth-graders set up their desks and flipped their textbooks. Kyle, Kenny, Stan, and Eric sat at their respective desks and took out their pencils and books.
"And then- and then I was like, "No way homo!" And I shot him with my-" Cartman rambled about a video game he was playing the night before to his friends (who couldn't care less, for the record) before Mr. Garrison interrupted him.
"Eric Cartman, take your textbook out and flip to page 202. We're talking torture topics today." Mr. Garrison instructed. Mr. Garrison might as well have told Cartman he was taking him on a surprise trip to Disneyland. His face lit up with childlike wonder as he took out his textbook.
"Torture topics?! Why didn't you say so?! Hurry up already and teach!" Cartman quickly flipped his book to the page and got his pencils and notebook set up to take studious notes. He's never been so well-prepared for a class in his life.
"Okay then children, today we will be discussing Ancient China and the torture methods they used against their people who committed crimes in the village. One of the most common torture methods was tattooing. Now, this may not seem like a-" Mr. Garrison went on describing torture methods used by the Ancient Chinese; the children wincing at some and grimacing at others, while Cartman drank it all in.
He didn't care if they were more of the boring ones or the more gruesome ones, he viewed them all one and the same. He felt so informed and educated. If only school were like this all the time.
Kyle held his throat while Stan winced and wrote down notes in his notebook while Mr. Garrison was finishing up with the Han Dynasty.
"Now children, nobility of Ancient China could be tortured as well for their crimes, but due to their status, they were given a punishment that would be considered light to most people. The method of choice was tickling, or tickling torture, as it was painless and left no marks behind on the noble's skin. The Ancient Chinese reserved tickling torture for nobles and those in positions of authority." Mr. Garrison read from his textbook.
Murmurs started going around the classroom and snickers at the goofy idea.
"Tickling as torture?" Wendy asked.
"It doesn't even hurt," Craig noted.
"That sounds awesome," Cartman remarked, starstruck. Kyle shivered at the idea while Stan held his breath. Kenny was playing with his pencil to distract himself when he felt a poke in his side. He let out a small noise behind his hood when he looked to his right and saw Cartman looking at him with a wicked grin.
"Whumph?" Kenny asked. Cartman said nothing and turned his attention back to the front. Mr. Garrison was trying to settle down the class as they grew more riled up at the discussion of tickling.
"Dude, imagine stealing a piece of bread to feed your family and you get tickled for a day. Like, what?" Stan asked with an amused grin. Kyle shook his head with a smile as he turned to Stan. The classroom was discussing among themselves now as Mr. Garrison quit trying to settle them down and organized his work instead.
"Mr. Garrison said they reserved it for nobility, dude. So imagine being a count or a duke or something and getting tickled. That's even more embarrassing- Ah!" Kyle felt a push in his side all of a sudden. He turned around to see Cartman with his pencil outstretched with the eraser sticking out.
"What Cartman? Don't do that!" Kyle berated. Stan snickered at Kyle's easy temper.
"Relax Kyle, he didn't do anyth-EENG!" Stan scrambled in his chair as he felt fingers wriggle in his side. Stan slapped Cartman's hand away and fumed at him.
"Dude Cartman what the hell is your problem? What do you want?" Stan demanded. Kenny, Stan, and Kyle looked at their friend demanding an explanation.
"I have been possessed with the spirit of an Ancient Chinese master tickler! It is all I know how to do. To punish- using tickles." Cartman claimed. Kyle rolled his eyes as he turned to Stan in his chair.
"Shut up dumbass, no you haven't. I'm sure it was more a myth than anything actually based in fact." Kyle theorized. Kenny turned to Cartman and placed his cheek on his fist.
"Speak in ancient Chinese if you've been possessed, Cartman." Stan teased. Kenny and Kyle laughed with Stan while Cartman fumed.
"Hmhmhmph! Yeah, spmeak in Chimnese imph youmph- mmph! Mhmhmhmph! Cartmahahan!" Kenny burst out in giggles as Cartman scribbled his fingers on Kenny's side. Kenny's parka made an awful zipping sound as Cartman's nails zipped on the synthetic material. Cartman switched to squeezing Kenny's side instead to lessen the noises he made.
"You disrespect the authori-tah of the almighty tickler! For that, you must perish!" Cartman demanded. Kenny's eyes narrowed as he kicked in his chair and held onto Cartman's wrist while he squeezed. Kenny brought his knee up in his seat to try and shield himself, but Cartman reached over and squished the top of his knee until Kenny squirmed enough to throw it back down.
"Cahahartman! Stohohomph! You'remph not funneheheymph!" Stan and Kyle turned around to see their friend getting tickled by Cartman. They looked at each other with a sigh.
"Cartman, let 'em go." Kyle reached out to lay a hand on Cartman's shoulder to stop him from tickling Kenny. "You're not possessed by the-" Cartman switched his attention to Kyle and grabbed his wrist to keep it in its upright position, and tickled Kyle's free armpit.
Kyle's serious face turned into one of mirth as he giggled and fought automatically. Kyle's elbow bent to pull his body close to his outstretched arm, which just closed Cartman's fingers into Kyle's divet and trapped them in between his armpit and his arm.
"Pffmt- Cahahartman! Lehehet go dumbahahass!" Kyle snickered as Stan watched, unsure of how to help. Kenny held his chest, recovering from the random tickle attack and breathing deeply.
"Your impolite nature will be corrected by the master tickler of Ancient China! You will learn to respect my authori-tah!" Cartman took his other hand and reached forward behind his desk to squish his hand in Kyle's side while his first hand was still stuck in Kyle's armpit. Kyle giggled at the ridiculous tickles, the loud classroom discussion between friends being the perfect cover for Kyle's laughter.
"Stohohop! Gehehet off mehehe duhuhuhude!" Kyle snickered, his face alight with his snickers. Stan pushed down his anxiety and tried to go a different approach. Stan reached forward and hooked his arm under Cartman's to pull his arm down and away from Kyle. But that still left him open. Cartman wasted no time in reaching forward with the newly dislodged hand and dove straight for Stan's hip.
Cartman squished Stan's hip through his shirt and jeans, but it was still enough to make Stan giggle and kick his leg. Now Cartman's hand was trapped underneath Kyle's armpit and squeezing Stan's hip at the same time.
"You will respect the ways of the Ancient Chinese tickler! You will pay for your insubordination!" Stan and Kyle continued to laugh while Kenny reached forward and started tugging on Cartman's arm.
"Kenny- Kenny myeh. Myeh Kenny- they were about to pay for their insubordinatiooon. Stop it, Kenny, you dickhole!" Cartman took his hands off Kyle and Stan and dove them both for Kenny, grabbing both his sides and squishing the divets. Kenny started giggling again and fell over onto his desktop, a real pile of giggles.
"Using this torture method, I'll build my own empire! Anyone who questions the almighty imperial leader will be sent to the stockades! It's almost too perfect..." Cartman fantasized about his empire while scribbling his fingers all over Kenny's sides, armpit, and zipping his fingers along his back. Anywhere he could reach Kenny was targeted.
"Cahahartman pleheheamph! Nohohomph mohohoremph!" Kenny laughed out behind his hood as he swung his arms towards Cartman to get him to back off.
"Cartman get off of him, he said to- stohohohop!" Stan burst out laughing as Cartman switched gears and reached forward to start squeezing Stan's sides again. Stan curled up as well as he could, but Cartman had a firm grip on him. Stan held onto Cartman's wrist with both hands while Kyle lunged forward to wrench Cartman off of Stan.
Cartman used his other hand to scribble his fingers in Kyle's neck and ears, to which Kyle made a small shriek and batted his hands away. With Cartman's arms outstretched to either side, Kenny took hold of Cartman's back and tried pulling him back from both of his friends, but his weight helped Cartman in this situation.
It was truly a scene, with Stan and Kyle laughing, Cartman having a tyrannical look on his face while Kenny tried wrenching back Cartman from tickling his friends. A sight to behold. And Mr. Garrison beheld it.
"Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Eric, what the hell do you think you're doing in my classroom?!" Mr. Garrison bellowed. All four of them froze in their comical position. Even Kyle and Stan's laughter ceased immediately as this was no longer funny.
"All four of you head down to the principal's office, this instant!" Mr. Garrison demanded. The boys scoffed as they slowly collected their belongings and made their way down to the Principal's office.
"Way to go Fatboy, you got us all in trouble," Kyle remarked.
"You talk to me like that again, Kahl, and the Ancient Chinese tickler will possess me again and punish you," Cartman retorted as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.
Kyle didn't respond to his threat. He didn't want to see if Cartman was serious or not.
At the end of the day, all four of them got a slap on the wrist for messing around in class when they should have been paying attention. But they all got the highest scores on their exams come test day.
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devilish-blue · 1 year
~Devilish Smoke Shoppe~
Hi you smokin' pervs, i'm Devilish or Blue, and i am here to fulfill whatever horny, angsty, or fluffy needs you have. Everything you guys are about to see is everything i will do, so eat your guys' gross little hearts out <33
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Fandoms/Things i will write:
Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Shikamaru Nara
Kiba Inuzuka
Kakashi Hatake
Neji Hyuga
Rock Lee
Asuma Sarutobi
Tsunade Senju
Sakura Haruno
Ino Yamanaka
Hinata Hyuga
Hinata Shoyo
Kageyama Tobio
Tsukishima Kei
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Tanaka Ryūnosuke
Nishinoya Yu
Koshi Sugawara
Daichi Sawamura
Asahi Azumane
Kiyoko Shimizu
Aoba Johsai:
Oikawa Tooru
Iwazumi Hajime
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani (Mad Dog)
Lev Haiba
Sō Inuoka
Kenma Kozume
Taketora Yamamoto
Morisuke Yaku
Tetsuro Kuroo
Kenjirō Shirabu
Tsutomu Goshiki
Satori Tendō
Eita Semi
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Haruki Komi
Akinori Konoha
Keiji Akashi
Kōtarō Bokuto
Osamu Miya
Atsumu Miya
Suna Rintaro
Aran Ojiro
Shinsuke Kita
Keishin Ukai
Ittetsu Takeda
Kiyoomi Sakusa
TV Shows:
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Ajax Petropolus
Cobra Kai:
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Hawk/Eli Moskowitz
Demetri Alexpoulos
Tory Nichols
Samantha LaRusso
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Reggie Mantle
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Toni Topaz
Cheryl Blossom
South Park (Aged up (COLLEGE) and/or Post Covid!):
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick
Eric Cartman
Tolkien Black
Craig Tucker
Tweek Tweak
Clyde Donovan
Big Mouth:
Judd Birch
Human Resources:
Maury Beverley
Connie LaCienega
Emmy Fairfax
Rochelle Hillhurst
Pete Doheny
Sam and Colby
Horror Characters:
Ghostface (Billy Loomis and Stu Macher)
Michael Myers
Jason Vorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Ticci Toby
Eyeless Jack
Homicidal Liu
Jeff The Killer
Ben Drowned
Laughing Jack
My Do's And Don'ts:
Spam me
Piss, Scat, Throw up, Vore.
Do NOT request any pedophilia or r@pe.
OKAY so now that you guys know everything, basically, you can request it because i honestly can't think of anything on my own. ALSO i am looking to do commissions, if you are interested then please let me know <33 Smoke your pervy little hearts out <33
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matchacowbee · 7 months
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Cartman and Stan ‼️‼️💗💗
tbh these both could be better quality I’m sorry guys 😭 i still hope u enjoy it !! ><
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slimeylee · 2 months
Toolshed's Improved Tools
characters : kyle broflovski ( human kite ) & stan marsh ( toolshed ) -- request for anon !!
" So if we beat up our past selves , does that mean we change the future ? "  " Maybe we split off into another timeline . "
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lee ! human kite , ler ! toolshed - south park tickle fic :3 WARNING : this fic includes the use of tools !
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In the lair of the Coon and Friends residing in Cartman's mom's basement , conversation was rather dead tonight . There weren't any of South Park's typical strange situations ... no fire in Kenny's house , no oil spills , no evil almighty dark lords . The group were superheroes all night , and typically they all did their own thing in the basement until an announcement was brought up . Just in case .
Professor Chaos sat quietly in his cage with Mysterion sat chatting with him . The Coon watched television and ate Cheesy Poofs , Fastpass and Tupperware talked at the table , Mintberry Crunch sat with Captain Diabetes in a far corner of the base . The Human Kite and Toolshed sat in a separate corner of the base as well . Toolshed had told Kite a bit ago that he had been working on some new , upgraded tools .
So that's just what they did . In the corner of the base , Toolshed and Human Kite sat and looked over Toolshed's tools . " I'm still kinda working on this one , but this is a hammer that can do permanent damage to even the strongest villain's bones ! " Toolshed exclaimed , picking up a sledgehammer that had bolts on either side from the bucket of finished and work-in-progress tools he was working on . " I don't know if I'm gonna add anything else yet , but I might add a mini shield or something to protect myself from the enemy . " He explained . He wasn't actually too sure how it would work in general ( in superhero terms ) , but he came up with stuff as he went on . " Cool ! " Kite exclaimed , a big grin on his face . He loved watching Toolshed be passionate about his works , even if it was just a game .
" Wanna see some of the ones I finished ? I've been waiting to show you them and I actually wanted to try a couple out with you , " Toolshed said . The Human Kite's expression became slightly worried , slightly concerned . " Don't worry , they won't actually hurt you -- they're not actually designed to hurt -- they're more meant to stun . " Toolshed explained . Kite loosened up a bit , " Oh , okay . Sure then . " He nodded , and Tool immediately smirked a bit ... that couldn't be good . Maybe he should've turned down the offer ? Too late now , he presumed .
" Let's do this one first , " Toolshed said , pulling up a screwdriver out of the bin . But it wasn't any ordinary screwdriver -- it had a ... feather , taped to the tip . " I don't have names for any of these yet . I'll show you how it works . We can spar , " Toolshed explained , and Kite stood from his spot on the floor . " Alright , sounds good . "
" Okay ... and , go ! " Stan started to somersault in different directions , rolling and jumping from one spot to another . Kite spread his arms , ' flying ' around and ' shooting ' with his laser eyes while making " Pew pew ! Pew ! " sound effects . Kite whooshed behind Stan , a wrong move , to which Stan took as an opportunity to tackle Kite to the floor . " Ah ! - Wait , I was - FLYing ! " The Human Kite immediately yelped .
Kyle had immediately broke character in that moment as the gentle feather of Toolshed's screwdriver fluffed under his chin . " Wait -- Toolshed ! Ahahahahah -- what the heheck ! " The Human Kite giggled and squirmed beneath Toolshed , turning his head away to try and escape the tingly sensation that the feather brought . " Effective , right ? " Shed asked . " T-Tohohoolshed stohop ! That tihickles ! " Kite whined with loud giggles as Toolshed skittered the feather over his chin , neck and ears .
From his belt , Toolshed grabbed out another screwdriver . This one was a normal screwdriver . It was one of those ones with the thin , straight tip rather than a pointed tip . Kite got the chance to catch his breath as the feather-tipped screwdriver was placed down , immediately breaking into laughter again as he felt gentle but quick pokes being peppered around his abdomen .
" FUHUhuck ! Tohohoolshed ! Gehet off ! " Kite made a desperate attempt to cover his stomach , but with Toolshed prodding in different areas , it made it hard to cover himself immediately . " Ihihit tihickles ! " Human Kite whined a second time. " That's kind of the point , dude , " Toolshed chuckled at Kite's current situation .
" Oh yeah , I had another one I wanted to show you . " Toolshed smirked . In a rush , he stood up and ran to the box of tools . Human Kite lay practically defenseless on the floor in a flurry of giggles and pants , making an attempt to stand up .
Unfortunately for him , Toolshed was quicker . He immediately straddled Kite's waist again . " Thought you could escape ? " He grinned , holding up the tool he had acquired in the short amount of time . It was a wrench -- A wrench that looked normal , til with the push of a small button it ' transformed ' . The top half of the wrench twirled up , and it was connected to a contraption that made the top half of it spin whenever Stan pushed down the button .
Human Kite panicked and began to thrash underneath Toolshed . " Waitwaitwaitwait -- let's tahahalk about this ! Please ! " Kite whined , looking at the tool with a look of anticipation and ( playful ) terror . Toolshed smirked , " It looks like your screws are a bit too tight ... that's usual -- let me loosen them for you , " He grinned , pushing down the button . It made the top half spin rapidly , which was apparently extremely scary to Kite , because he grabbed at Toolshed's hands , pushing him away and trying to squirm away himself .
" What's wrong , Kyle ? " Toolshed taunted , " I'm just trying to help you loosen up ! " Shed giggled , trying to pry his hands out of Kite's grasp . Human Kite was laughing madly out of anticipation -- pushing at Toolshed's wrists . " Woah -- fuck ! " Shed startled Kite by pulling his arms back , and Kite released his wrists . Letting out a mighty cackle .
" HAHA ! SHIHIT - STAHAN ! " Kite squealed out as Toolshed began to lightly drill the wrench into his stomach . He moved it along Kyle's stomach from one side to the other , adding in some scribbles to his side with his free hand . Kite thrashed , his laughter turning eventually into snorting and wheezing . His face was extremely red . Stan smiled and ... realised how adorable Kyle was just now . Wow . He's never beating the gay allegations
But , he noticed Kyle was definitely getting to his limit ... despite not lasting very long ... and eventually brought the tickling to a stop . He hopped off of Kite's waist , waiting by his side for him to calm down . While also admiring him in the process . Kite sighed loudly , covering his face with his hands . "Thahat was fucking horrible , " He whined .
Stan smirked . " They're good tools though , right ? " He asked , to which Kite gave him a playfully annoyed look . Stan held out a hand , and helped pull him up . Their little moment was interrupted by a yell from the other side of the base .
" What the fuck are you fags doing ? " from The Coon . Yeah ... everyone was looking at them .
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