#Like I'll be wide awake at 2 am in the morning and be collapsing in class at like 2 pm
alicornze7 · 7 months
this is what happens when you get 4 hours of sleep for 3 days straight send help-
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I love flirty comedy gangle
(even tho she's so bad at it jsjsdhj)
Oh! And happy women’s day btw, pic is unrelated
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lunnybunny12 · 3 years
Monkey king X reader (part 3)
A young boy named Liuer embarks on an awesome adventure to protect a young baby girl with his monkey friend (Y/N). Little does Liuer know that his friend that he's known most of his life is over 500 years old and has been sent by the great Buddha himself to for fill her destiny
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Part 2                                                                                          Part 4
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You didn't sleep that night, you kept hearing strange noises all the time. You couldn't risk the lives of 2 children for an hour of sleep. That was not something you would do. As soon as you saw the sunrise you woke up Liuer and the baby.
"Ok, Lauer its time to get up." you said in a sweet voice.
With a grumble, he said "Morning".
"Morning" you replied as you placed the baby girl into the carrying basket and handed it to a now wide awake Lauer.
"So what’s the plan? what are we going to do now?" he asked while the baby was biting the woven basket.
With a quick scan of the area once again you lead the children out of the cave and to the bottom of a steep mountain that had a huge peach tree on top.
You pointed up to the tree and said " Breakfast. You ready to climb?"
small skip to the top of the mountain
When the 2 of you got to the top of the mountain, Lauer collapsed into a fit of panting. " You could have taken it easy on me you know. I am carrying a baby on my back" Liuer wheezed
" What? you said you wanted to race and you know how competitive I am" you giggled as you helped him sit up.
You turned to see loads of what looked like guinea pigs surrounding you with peaches in their tiny paws.
" Thank you, God of Land," you said as you took a palm-full of peaches from the tiny mammals.
You got multiple squeaks in return.  
As you placed peach after peach into the carrying basket, you heard a rustling coming from a nearby bush. 
"Lauer, climb up the tree now!" you commanded as a troll leapt from the bush and tried to climb after the 3 of you.
You threw the children into a crack in the rocks and kicked the beast off of the tree, sending it to the bottom of the cliff. 
You followed Lauer and the baby shortly after and ended up in a large cave.
"Ow," you whispered under your breath as you looked at the palm of your hand to see little droplets of blood-forming from a small cut, on your thumb. As a drop fell from your hand you saw that it didn't fall to the ground. infect it just disappeared.
You were just about to investigate this strange occurrence but you were snapped from your thoughts when you herd Liuer fall through a gap in the floor of the cave.
"Lauer are you ok?" you asked In slight panic.
"Yea. Wow, (Y/N) you need to see this" he answered
You then continued to slide down the little slide the young monk had made for you.
As you walked into the cold room you saw Liuer walking around a very large coulomb of blue ice. The coulomb also had multiple monkey-like hands coming out of it. What also caught your eye was all of the chains that seemed to be going into the ice.
A deep, familiar voice in almost a whisper say " Touch the hand".
It scared you. 
You gasped as you to looked around the room for who could have whispered that only to see that the room was covered in stone carvings of the great Buddha.
With a sigh, you turned to one of the hands that were in the ice and placed your hand onto it.
If you'd like to be updated on this story, please let me know and I'll add you to the tag list 🐒🐵
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