#Like I'm gay and this is some of the most homoerotic shit that I've seen a M/F pairing have in YEARS
cupoteahatter 1 year
No One: Me: Fundamentally, Wyler is a bit toxic as ships go but they're also very healthy in terms of being able to see two characters 100% in it for themselves. Their self worth and their gain, it's an equal partnership and whilst they may compromise they always put their wants and needs first and THAT'S important, it might not be 'Romantic' in that sense but you know what? I love seeing couples who don't have to worry about the other one dying because they know damn well that they will FIGHT to survive, even if it means one of them is killed ultimately by the other. In a life or death situation one of them will not die for the other but will die to the other, kill for each other. Wednesday says it herself "I will always put my wants and needs first" and honestly I really think the ship is an excellently written one with a lot of potential in the future-
Also Me: Lovers to Enemies to Lovers goes brrrrr
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hxhhasmysoul 1 year
Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 馃槶.....
I find it more depressing than funny, tbh.
I haven't read/seen much BL recently so I'm not sure what the genre looks like but if I remember correctly, you could also find there slow, melodramatic romance.
But the strong gay vibes a lot of the shounen manga exhibit has a lot to do with patriarchy and censorship.
Popular shounen tends to be not that much about what all teen boys are interested in but what they should be interested in, what's acceptable for them to be interested in. It's societal gender expectations reinforced by peer pressure. Japan isn't great on the queer topics due to its history, especially when it comes to men. Not because they are more accepting of wlw, it's just women are societaly more invisible and their interests were/are? considered more frivolous. They can have homosexuality in their low brow media, because in a patriarchal society the media directed at women is by default kinda trashy.
And I'm talking here about women's media because BL and it's cousins are stereotypically female oriented categories, though it's not like men don't read/write it. There's manga that is by gay men for gay men, I forgot the name of it, but what I've seen it, it's more Tom of Finland in vibe than Yuri on Ice. (Though I've seen just a few titles and it's surely far more than just that)
That's why there will be plenty of homophobia in media directed at teen boys. Like there's a whole type of character in shounen that feeds into predatory homosexual stereotypes, like Hisoka from HxH, for example.
HxH is a very interesting example here because Togashi has hinted at times that he wanted to include a gay romance in HxH, and the phrasing he uses between Gon and Killua is quite openly romantic in nature @/https://www.tumblr.com/i-heart-hxh has a lot of meta about it, if you're interested.
In shounen historically two things converged, the homophobia and the ugh, romance is for girls, yuk! So we can't really have het romance in a normal way, because girls have cooties and romance is for girls, but we're also homophobic so we can't have gay characters.
But we also want drama and deep connections and cool lines, so like it all gets very homoerotic but the epilogue will make them straight.
It's getting better slowly, like gradually shounen will have female characters that do stuff, and there will be canon gay characters. Maybe there will even be romance in the major titles, though not in this "Big There", I'm afraid. And no I don't consider whatever the fuck predatory shit is happening in CSM as romance. JJK kinda has one relationship, Kirara and Hakari, but they aren't even officially confirmed despite everyone knowing what they are XD. There was also kinda Chousou/Yuki budding but well mum would not have it, apparently. Hell's Paradise has an established relationship with a bit of romantic flashbacks, but Kittymaru is kinda ace, so it's slightly too queer and not enough a non cringe het romance shounen so desperately needs (Hell's Paradise also has canon queer characters, Kaku took full advantage of Jump+ and it's to be commended).
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theyarebothgunshot 3 years
no but literally i do not understand how some people can't see destiel at all like. i get that het goggles are a thing but still it's SO obvious even in early seasons. like before i started watching the show i was like "oh i'll never be desperate enough for queer rep that i'll start watching supernatural, they've been queerbaiting for so long and it's probably not even that gay" and then i started it after nov 5th and was like huh. that queer sure can bait nsfdgsf
i started with s4 cause i knew that's when cas was introduced and i wanted to know what all the hype was about, and i binged that and s5 in like three days, and i haven't been the same since nsfsgs like it was just There the whole time but what really sold me was the 5x18 fight cause good god that is the single most homoerotic fight scene i have ever seen
but then like. i've watched reaction videos because it's my guilty pleasure and so many people just do not see it?? and i'm here like ?????? HOW 馃悶
YES YES EXACTLY YOU AND I ARE HOLDING HANDS!!!! it frustrates me so much to watch reaction videos (also a pleasure of mine. but not a guilty one because fuck that shit i am not feeling guilt for any of the things that bring me pleasure lmao) where people are just 馃憗锔忦煈勷煈侊笍 literally unmoved by destiel OR EVEN WORSE, WHEN THEY LAUGH ABOUT IT AND ABOUT ALL THE BI DEAN JOKES LIKE it gets me so angry istfg it's not a jokeeeee i wanna scream lmao okay sorry i'm gonna calm down now
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