#Like first and foremost I need to shill out 10k for a new comp and then we'll see lmfao
shiroselia · 11 months
Honestly I think by now the only thing stopping me from making an NA alt is the fact that it'd take like. Dorian level spendings to get it the way I want and tbh I do Not have the funds for that right now (Dorian is stronger than all of us and I respect him so much but alas I am but a humble student with a computer to replace)
Cause I'd want to treat it like my main where I get as many of my favourite horses as possible and I get three hundred clothing items I enjoy, and like. my main wasn't built in a day that shit takes Years if you're not buying star coins. And I don't have the funds to shill out for lifetime nevertheless star coins just willy nilly nor at the amounts I'd want to make an essentially second main account the way I'd want it
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