#LilyWily Comic
lilywily143 · 2 months
Thank you for this Year and 7 Months of this series
I'm gonna stay in this fandom for a long time when the show ends... But this is still gonna be a big change when the finale comes...
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I have had a lot of new things introduced to me because of this amazing series....
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I wanted to find people to talk about this series. I found chat apps.
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I experienced a new type of fun with roleplaying.
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I learned to be more informed on even simple things like character motive. Not just listening to one person telling me so.
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My art improved immensely from the show's art!
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And I met unforgettable people. Bad ones that helped me learn. And good ones still in my life....
And learning from my own type of mistakes and learning to improve. Even if it's kinda hard some days or maybe even weeks.
I can't imagine a life without this series.
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Thank you.
To the show and definally to all my friends for entering my life.
@zombytommy @electronix-arts @userdarkxwolf17 @w3t-c4t @electrozeistyking @rad10active-ketchup @yadchi-i-guess @spiralsofeyesandinterests @dubious-cats @brookiedaaroacecookie @melissa-titanium @mightys12 @lovelyheartclover @the-maria-afton @jamieenthusiast @hugsandchaos @leefl00f @sisterpaw125 @v-does-silly-stuff
If I forgot any of you, I'm very sorry. And I might have tagged a few that I'm not sure if we are mutual-mutual, but either/or I love having you all on my dash
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lilywily143 · 26 days
Doorman's Back Together
Finale Spoilers, Angst and Fluff, Oil
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Khan: Uzi!
Nori: Kiddo!
Uzi: Mama! Papa!
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U: Oh, did you two love my presentation?
N: Oh we loved it
K: I'd love to watch it again!
U: Thank you!!
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U: God. I am so happy you two are in my life...
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K: Then why did you hurt us..?
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U: Wh-what..?
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U: Pop?!
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U: What What What
N: Zi-zi...
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U: What have I done!!?? I'm a hazard! I'M A MONSTER
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U: Mama!! Papa!! I'm sorry!
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U: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...
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?: Uzi...
U: H-huh?
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SD-N: You were mumbling a lot in your sleep.. It worried me..
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U: ... I wanna cancel our sleepover...
SD-N: Huh?
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K: Not it.
N: N- Darn it!
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K: Heeheehee night
N: Sleep well, babe. I'll be back.
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U: Come in the morning, please. I wanna see you still by then.
SD-N: Of course
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N: ZuZu?
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U: H-Hi mom... I-I just... I had... a dumb dream and... I wanna... sleep with you and dad...
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N: Oh, of course. Come on, Zu
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K: ..Sweetie? oh, Uzi?
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U: D-dad. C-can I... sleep here..?
K: Hmm, yes of course wittle little dwone... yawnnn
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U: ... I won't hurt you. I'll make sure you're both safe...
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I promise
Hope you all enjoyed the comic! @electronix-arts @w3t-c4t @lovelyheartclover It's the comic I mentioned to you guys :333
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lilywily143 · 5 months
New AU!!
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Bonus Jessa
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(@the-maria-afton its the art)
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lilywily143 · 15 days
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Thad: So, am I still a useless scrap of metal?
J: S-Shut up, you tantalizing torrid drone.
Thad: Huh..?
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T: Was that a insult!? Ugh I hope N gets some care into you!!
N: H-hey calm down... She's been through the same stuff we have, bud....
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[A week or two later]
T: Hey...
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T: So you ran off outside?
J: Eh, why did you come to bother?
T: Because we want you in the comfort of the indoors.
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J: "We" who? You and Mr. Optimistic?
T: Hey, V and Uzi want you to be okay!
J: Quiet liar!!
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J: I'm sure they want me to be "okay!" so that I can't plan my "reVeNGe"!! Like I want that anyways! I at least know THEY don't want me back as a act of kindness!!!
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J: Why would anyone help the drone who followed people of power so she wasn't killed?
T: I do! Because... I can tell you want to be better. And the gang sees the good person you can be... So... come back...
J: ... Can...Can you promise you won't tie me up again..?
T: I promise
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J: Sigh Alright
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T: So.
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T: You think I'm a hot, alluring drone~?
J: Quiet, scrap. I can stay here.
T: Hehee well, okay.
@rory-multifandom-mess @zombytommy @lovelyheartclover
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lilywily143 · 1 month
The Secret Daters
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N: Sigh...
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Uzi: N?
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N: I-I wanna go on a date with you.. I just don't know how to, since we don't want people seeing us...
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N: What options do we have..? Ugh think think think
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U: Wanna watch a movie with each other? I can make food for us both.
N: Hmm I like that. It would be nice
U: Exactly. I think I know what movie to choose.
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lilywily143 · 24 days
Finale Spoilers
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Vixie: Get off you freak! /aff
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V: Hmp
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Nathan: [Vixie]?
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N: It-it's nice seeing you...
V: S-same
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V: N... I...
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N: Mmp!
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V: Don't die on me.... You scared me...
N:Hey, then why did you do that yourself?
V: I... I...
N: Hey
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N: Thank you for saving us... But never do that again, V...
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V: I'm sorry...
N: It's okay. I already heard your apology... You've been forgiven a long time ago...
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lilywily143 · 3 months
Bad Impressions
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Uzi: Lord do you ever shut up?
Jax: No way. Silence is very boring, darling.
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lilywily143 · 2 months
Guiding Glass
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Rodger: Oh no.. Blackout...
Toodles: PAPA!!! It's so dark.....
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R: Here. Here. Look through me.
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T: gasp I can see more!!!
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lilywily143 · 4 months
N's New Glasses
Initial Mini Doodles
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N: Please don't laugh at me...
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Full Comic
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N: I don't wanna wear the glasses!! I'm gonna look stupid!!
Uzi: N. Please. You need proper eyesight..
N: But V and J will laugh at me..!
U: No they won't. They feel the same as me. We want you to see things properly.
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N: Okay... hhhh
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U: woah
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N: You have a skull on your hoodie?
U: I always had! You really needed glasses.
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N: Yeah... heh... It's nice to see your pretty face though.
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lilywily143 · 3 months
Getting Along
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N: ooo chocolate cakes. I think Uzi likes chocolate.
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Khan: Unlocked?
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K: okay okay I need to go to my room...
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N: s-sir? Mr. Uzi?
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K: Yes..?
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N: sigh D-Do you know Uzi's favorite desserts?
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K: ...Excuse me?
N: heh u-um. I wanted to practice making food and... I thought making food Uzi knows well could help me learn and improve.
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K: uh sigh well um i-i
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K: I think learning how to match one person's preference only fits the goal to impress that one drone. You'd really want to learn to adapt to any person's taste. It does take a while to get to that point though.
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N: Thanks mister. I think I'll speak to you when I have cooking problems.
K: ...why me? You said you wanted Uzi to help you.
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N: Yeah but... You're a nice drone, I assume. I want to be... I don't think "friend" is the best word.
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N: Maybe like.. a parental figure..? I don't know... I genuinely don't... I doubt you'll want to be that for me. But.. I-I at least-
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N: I want to make you and Uzi happy. You went through so much because of what I was doing.... I feel like... being productive and creative could... could...
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K: Cheer us up..?
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N: Y-yeah.
K: Look.. um... Nathan?
N: Mhm?
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K: Your existence already makes Uzi incredibly happy. You've already done enough for her happiness.
N: But.. not you?
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K: I... don't feel urged to be someone important to you, N.
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K: I don't hate you. I just also don't get happy seeing you. Uzi does because you're important to her. Just not me. My family are honestly the only ones that have been important to me.
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K: Don't try to impress me to make me happy. I am happy enough seeing you make everyone else happy. Especially Uzi.
N: O-okay, sir.
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lilywily143 · 3 months
Get you Solved Calculus here everyone
Royals of Universal Destruction
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New Family
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Solvey: Hi
Lizzy: G.L.A.D.O.S.
Solver: What.
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Lu: Don't call your new mother that!
Pretty Ring
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L: Sweetie? Why did y-
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He's got a full set
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Husband, Wife, and a Creature beyond our comprehension
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lilywily143 · 5 months
God thank you @brookiedaaroacecookie for making the fic of my idea, you did great especially without me giving too many details for my AU then TwT
I made this comic of my idea with the fic basis too [I already showed it to you on discord but eh]
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N: Thank you sir!
Uzi: Ugghhh
N: Uzi?
Uzi: ...Hey
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N: Whatcha doing?
U: Homework.
N: I thought you finished it yesterday.
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U: I got more...
N: That's dumb.
U: yeah...
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N: Has your class gotten nicer...?
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U: Not really... at all. I'm used to ignoring them though.
U: I-I know... It's messed up. I just don't have the time or energy to do anything else about this..
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N: Can I help with.. you know?
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U: Why not..? ouch..
N: S-sorry
U: It's okay.
N: There we go.
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lilywily143 · 7 months
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Uzi: Bleh!!
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N: Bleh?
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N: U-Uzi?
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lilywily143 · 6 months
Sensitive Tails
Suggestive comic, nothing intense
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V: ouch!
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V: Why did you tug my tail?
Uzi: No-No reason
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V: ...
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V: Give me your tail!
U: N-NO!
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V: You won't escape!!
U: Gah!
V: Come here Talon~
U: V-V! V! I beg!
V: You're not begging for the right thing~
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U: NG~! Ha~~ please~
@the-maria-afton enjoy >:]
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lilywily143 · 18 days
Thad's Fangs
Yes I made a comic with the idea, I can't help it hehehhe
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Rebecca: Hmm You guys notice how Thad doesn't smile that much?
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Lizzy: Oh, of course I have
Kelsey: W-well you're close to him. O-of course you can notice.
Rebecca: Well do you know why? His smiles are always so tiny.
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L: Eh, he doesn't want me to share.
R: Hmm, oh Thad~
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T: Um... Hello, Becca?
R: Heya~ Um, I wanted to take a picture with you! I want a nice big smile!
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T: Heh well sure. Sorry if it's not a good smile.
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R: You should try thinking about something funny. It'll help. ... hmm.. Not bad, get in the photo now.
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T: Rebecca! HaHaa!
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R: Perfect! It's nice seeing you s-smile..
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R: Woah
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T: Delete Delete Delete Delete
R: H-hey! It's fine, can I just have my phone?
T: It's not fine!!
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T: HHH There we go. It's gone
. . .
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R: You have a nice smile.
T: Quiet...
R: Hey, it's true.
T: D-Don't mention this to your team...
R: I wasn't gonna.
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K: Is Thad a-alright?
R: Yep. I'm sure he'll be okay.
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R: Speaking of him... Maybe leave him alone for a while.
K: heh, b-because you found out why he b-barely smiles?
R: Yep. And you don't get to know~
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lilywily143 · 2 months
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Uzi: Did you get in a fight? You have some scars there on your shoulders.
N: I don't wanna get into it.
U: Are those scars... overlapping each other? That's more than three...
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N: I'm not gonna get into it...
U: ...Your claws w-would... align to...
N: Uzi. Uzi. No shut up. Don't say that. Th-that's n-not why I-
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U: I'm sorry.
N: ...But you didn't cause these...
U: ...I don't know what else to say...
N: ...Oh...
U: .....
N: I think this is enough...
U: ....That's good
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