#Lionel is avan jogia don't ask me why
royalsunshinehotel · 2 years
hi babeee 🥰🥰🥰 can i request soldier boy! joshua coming home from the war and finding out his girl is about to get married so he runs to the wedding and he OBJECTS because DRAMA (and u kno if i wanna make it steamy at the end i won’t object 😗 👉🏽👈🏽)
Priceless (Joshua Madika x Reader, 18+)
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A/N: Bestie Idk if I did it justice but there's a lot of fluff happening.
Lionel saw him first. Your childhood friend Lionel. The one who only evaded the war due to his being an amputee, but this only meant he would be present to help you while you waited on Joshua to come home.
And then Joshua goes missing.
Lionel held off Immigration as long as he could while your mourned your missing 'presumed dead' lover. The war reaches a second year, and your visa expires, and he's still gone. Your life is here, your business is here, and your friend won't let you hit the bricks so easy.
So Lionel organizes a wedding. And of course, the guests were filing in, and Lionel was trying to calm himself down in a side room, sticking his head out the window.
And there was Joshua. His dear friend Joshua, missing presumed dead. Josh's usual bright smile had twisted into a scowl as he seethed in the bushes by the large ornate church. Lionel opens his mouth to say something, especially about how long Joshua's hair looked, how Joshua was acting as if he'd gone through a paper shredder, but no words came out. Not even a, "Back from the dead huh?"
In a blink, his friend has burrowed into the hedges, out of sight, and Lionel smiles.
The day had been a little tense for him, and you. It's bright, sunny, warm, but the day's haunted by an impending storm rolling in later that evening. Isn't it ironic?
Now Lionel loves you, he knows he does. The two of you would have a good life together, but he was there the moment you met Joshua, and he held your hand when he went missing some months before. He thought maybe you could learn to be happy with him, same as he was with you. But Joshua's alive.
And you and Josh aren't done. Not even close.
The ceremony starts, and all his snobbish extended family, who insisted on making this an ordeal, begin to tear up as You walk down the aisle. Your wedding dress is wearing you. On paper you're a vision of loveliness, but your eyes are hollow. Lionel won't stand for it.
"Should anyone object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Your throat's dry, but you're going to say no. Your going to tell them it was a mistake, and you're going to tell them that you'll just go home. It's fine, you can rebuild wherever.
But Lionel beats you to it.
"Wait." He tells the priest, and all of his stiff grandmama's gasp as if this wasn't the best outcome. Lionel had prayed for your pain to stop, and here he was, sulking in the plants outside.
Fucking Josh, trying to do the best thing for everyone but himself.
The doors to the church are open, and your fiancée all but runs down the aisle, shutting one of the doors for privacy.
"Get your ass up!" You hear Lionel snap, but you can't hear who he's talking to.
You take a step off the stair, back down the aisle, to try and get a better look as to why you were being delayed. It's nothing more than a haze of "I swear to god get out of those bushes." "Motherfuck-" "Green C-" "fucker!" "-You?" followed by a series of slapping and scuffling noises. The kind of punches you throw when you don't want to hurt the other party involved.
Against every instinct you had been living with for the past half-year, a tiny flame of hope sparks in your chest, as you get closer and closer to the doors. A familiar sight of two friends bickering
"Josh?" You ask, voice already wet with tears. The man attempts to square his shoulders, and push his shaggy hair from his face.
"Sorry I'm late."
Joy is usually a fickle thing. Better writers have said so, and I just copy them. But as you and Joshua reunited, Lionel felt it, pure and solid joy. Something you could hold in your hands.
You see fit to pounce on your soldier, and he's more than ready to catch you.
Lionel makes a slow, deliberate movement, taking a leaf out of your love's hair, before turning on his heel and taking over the ceremony.
"Father Selvey, Please skip to the end. We all know they've taken vows." Lionel orders, making a 'speed up' motion with his hand.
The Father asks if you do, and you say yes. He asks Joshua, and he agrees. Lionel passes you some keys, and the two of you are out the front door in a flash. You're crying, but your laughing, and Joshua is holding your hand a little tighter than he usually would. Your here, he's here. He's with you. He's home.
He gets the door for you and shoves your poufy dress into the drivers seat and shuts the door behind you. Joshua buckles you in before joining you.
All Lionel can do is smile as the two of you speed away in the white VW bus he knew you'd always liked.
Inside the car, the ride is silent. A comfortable silence, that feels more like a blanket than anything else. Joshua's looking at you like you were the moon. And in a way, you were.
He'd talked to the moon every night when he was away, and pretended it was you. But you didn't need to know that yet.
"Hey love, pull over." Joshua's eyes wander to your hands as you switch gears and take an exit to a sideroad, just as rain begins to fall. This country had curved roads, lush forests, and so many beautiful places to hide.
You do as he says, and don't wait to unbuckle yourself and straddle his hips. He's your husband. You can do that now.
"I missed you." You practically whisper, just for Joshua to give you the big toothy smile you missed so much.
"We're married!" He rumbles, putting his thumb on your chin, taking in your lovely face.
"I get to kiss you whenever I want." You declare, and Joshua presses his forehead against yours, breathing you in.
"How about right now?" He asks, softer.
And you do.
You don't know how long you and your husband stay in that car, but your never letting him out of your sight again.
Anywhere you go, you go together, anything that needs healing, will be a team effort. You wrap yourself around him like a shield, and after the worst year of his life, he's finally home.
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