#Love Live! µ's Final LoveLive! ~µ'sic Forever
baltharino · 1 year
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µ's performing Bokura No Live Kimi To No Life Love Live! µ's Final LoveLive! ~µ'sic Forever
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pierrotcode01 · 7 years
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µ’sic forever
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kuuxkat · 8 years
[EN]Lisani Vol. 27.1 Interview with Kusuda Aina
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Translated and Typeset by: @kuuxkat / QC by: ~mega @ #teamonibe
Sourced from: Nanmiyai / Original TL by: _星小光 here
Images from: @emitsunosaurus-rex
Contents under the Cut!
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Typeset Images link: here
[Beginning only from 1 CD, being  able to receive so many people’s support and love, I really feel very blessed]
I don’t feel that I am acting as Nozomi, but I feel that [Nozomi] - this person truly exists. -- It has been around half a year since [µ's Final LoveLive! ~µ'sic Forever♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪~], What moments make you think about things relating to [LoveLive!] or µ's? Kussun: Half a year, huh…. It feels like It feels like it's been a lot longer. Whenever I meet people at my new work places,, they’ll always tell me: [You performed in Tokyo Dome before, right? That’s amazing.], topics like that. So there are many opportunities for me to think about those memories. Whenever I think about my voice actress activities, as expected I felt that my first job is the recording of [Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE (僕らのLIVE 君とのLIFE lit. Our LIVE, Our LIFE with you)], to me it’s a very important starting point. -- At the beginning when you heard that you would be performing a LIVE at Tokyo Dome, what were your thoughts? Kussun: [Tokyo Dome… that’s the place where they play baseball right?] I said at that time (laughs). Of course, as I did visit (Tokyo Dome) it before as part of the audience, so I felt that to be able to perform a LIVE at Tokyo Dome is an amazing thing. But, rather than ‘that’, the fact that it’s ‘Final’ really touched me more. Nevertheless, just like all the LIVEs before this, I still carried with me the same serious attitude to make the LIVE successful together with Nozomi and the other μ's members. -- To be able to be at Tokyo Dome (Performing a Live), do you feel that it was a coincidence? Kussun: That’s true… Of course, to be able to be at such a big stage with so many people together to hold a LIVE, I feel that it’s a very wonderful experience. --During the dress rehearsals, what were your feelings like? Kussun: When it’s all empty, the venue gives us the feel that it wasn’t that big… At the top of Tokyo Dome there was a large screen, so even during the daytime, it’s super bright and you can clearly see the audience~ But as the venue is in a circular shape, so I do feel that the rectangular shaped Saitama Super Arena feels further. And after hearing that the back of the stage would have audiences too, it means that from left to right we’ll be surrounded by fans, it really gives the feel that it’s a major event. -- When the LIVE was about to begin, what was the atmosphere like backstage? Kussun: I guess it felt very busy? At that time, everyone has their own way of focusing their attention, we ate while being massaged and then went about our own way with our preparatory work. I kept thinking: [Ah~~ I’m so nervous], like that (laughs). And when everyone was sitting in a row doing their makeup, someone played songs and everyone sang together. These small things, it’s just like what we’ll normally do together. -- When it officially began, it feels like that you were a natural on stage. Kussun: When I first started on stage, the faces of the audiences felt even clearer than any other time. As I could see smiles that were more radiant than anything else, so naturally I felt even happier. Before, I was so nervous that I could not even eat properly, but I was just so happy after appearing on stage, so five hours just passed by without me noticing. -- When an event like ‘that’ LIVE ended, what were your thoughts? Kussun: Although I felt kind of relaxed after Day 2 ended, but actually when Day 1 ended, I had a terrible time. It might be because I had the thoughts of: [Tomorrow is the last!] and it might have made my entire body stiffen a little tightly? I suffered a sprain during the middle of the performance. And the day before, we had a dress rehearsal that lasted quite late, so I guess my body was extremely tired. Although I felt very happy, but when I returned back stage it was like I had asthma, I couldn’t even walk properly… actually I was carried out. -- Eh!? But on stage, with your smiles and dance, we couldn’t tell at all... Kussun: I guess it’s because while you’re on stage, I told myself that I have to gut it out? Although I keep on thinking: [It hurts!], but I felt that if I gave up now, I’ll regret it in the future. And that’s why, on Day 2 after feeling the full extent of everyone’s support, I feel relaxed after it had ended. -- At Day 2, when you left the stage, at that very instant, what were you thinking? Kussun: [I think I remembered hearing that Tokyo Dome could only be used till 21:00 hrs, do we have a problem with the timing?] I was coolly thinking about it at that time (laughs), and I also felt that [This past six years has been a blessing, huh?], there were lots of emotions and thoughts welling about. Of course I did think that [I don’t want to end just yet]. Although I won’t say that my memories keep spinning around like a rotating lamp, but I guess that was the feeling at that time. -- It feels like all the thoughts that you accumulated all this time has been awakened, huh? Kussun: It was a very spacious stage right? But from all the stages so far, it gives the sensation of being closest to the audience. Sweeping over the audience one by one, it’s like I could see everyone’s faces, it makes me feel that I can remember every instant very clearly. Upholding a “Being Ignorant means strength” mindset that surpassed all turmoil for the past six years. -- Do you remember the scene where you first met Nozomi? Kussun: My first meeting with Nozomi was when a file with a concept art was sent to my home. My first impression of her was a very introverted and shy person. The feel of the kind of person that will hide behind someone’s back, I thought too that it could be someone like Hanayo-chan. But after the broadcast [Nice to meet you] and the performances in the TV Anime, my impression of her gradually changed too. -- No matter how you look at it, you’ll feel that Kusuda-san’s distance with Nozomi is very close, it feels like even in reality, the two of you are growing together. Kussun: For me, I don’t feel that I am acting as Nozomi. Of course I am indeed casted in this role, but because [Nozomi], this individual really exists, so I’m not acting, and I’m not injecting life into her or anything, but I feel she is by my side… just like myself, and like a good friend, it feels that we have quite an unfathomable relationship, right (laughs)? -- Both Kusuda-san and Nozomi’s growth has a familiarity that gave everyone strong impressions of it after all. Kussun: It’s true, as the Nozomi in the TV anime grew, I too had places where I grew too, but flipping it over, it is the same too… so it is a little different, it feels like she is a [comrade]? -- Do you yourself feel that the distance between you and Nozomi is getting closer and closer? Kussun: Before I did feel that I didn’t understand Nozomi. When the first season of the TV Anime just began, I came in contact with the Toujou Nozomi before she became a member of μ's, I discovered that side of her that I didn’t know before and it was very unexpected. At that time I was a little lost too. Before the first season of the TV Anime, there wasn’t much content written about Nozomi’s thoughts. Regardless of her background, what was the feelings she carried with her as she helped formed μ's. Regarding those, at that time, I thought about it lots. - After thinking about those for a while, do you feel that the distance did indeed shorten a little? Kussun: As an example, I think that between friends, completely understanding each other is impossible. There’ll always be something that we don’t know. But those portions that you don’t know, will it be important than all the other things from before? After going through the TV Anime and multiple LIVE, I feel that my distance with her had shortened lots in one go, and as a result the special bond between us was formed. -- Do you remember the things that happen during the first ever recording? Kussun: I remember it very clearly~ The one recording before me was Emitsun (Nitta Emi), as this is my first time recording, so they let me sit in. I thought in my heart: [So that’s how you do a recording huh?] and it was filled with a sense of freshness., but I also thought that the air-conditioning was being too effective and thought [it’s so cold!] like that, (laughs). As I’m someone whose hands would go cold when I am nervous, I remember at that time it was just so cold, so when I was singing my voice couldn’t be projected properly. So I couldn’t sing like what I imagined I would be able to, and I felt that the recording was very difficult, I was totally clueless too about the equipment in the recording room. -- The song that left an impression would be? Kussun: All of them~ No matter which song I would remember it clearly,  but if I have to choose, I guess it would be [Snow halation]. The memory of the first time recording it was that of a very bitter fight. In the SOLO version, they allowed me to record it again. As at the time it was just after 1st LIVE, so I was able to sing it out very naturally. During that  time I felt my own growth. As this song was released again as part of the Album [Heart of Magic Garden2] and went through a new arrange by Itō Masumi Itō, we performed it again. So to me it’s a song that was recorded the most number of times, so I had a very strong impression of it. -- Do you have any thoughts about 1st LIVE? Kussun: I guess the staff had it even tougher. To me it didn’t seem that bad, or perhaps it’s the first LIVE that we weren’t too worried about. In any case, at that time it was a case of getting done what we were told about beforehand. Thinking about it, at that time when I didn’t know much about the situation, became a very strong weapon for me. So as after I continued to gain experience, the pressure that I have to face got even stronger. -- So this means that as the event venue changes and it gets bigger, the pressure that you feel also increases proportionately, right? Kussun: The LIVE at Pacifico Yokohama, I was especially nervous. When it came for us to go on stage, I was soo nervous that I almost cried out. I remember Mimorin telling me: [You can’t, okay, not now!] (laughs). -- So I heard that Kusuda-san was already crying at the start, but you cried at the end too right? Kussun: Actually, at that time we already knew that the next LIVE would be held at Saitama Super Arena. So at that time I felt that, if Pacifico Yokohama’s LIVE was not a success, I won’t be able to stand up to the pressure at Saitama Super Arena. At the stage that we stood on during [Animelo Summer Live], only the nine of us would be holding LIVEs on two consecutive days, the uneasiness of whether we could do it and what not kept on growing bigger and bigger. I feel that is the time period when us members spoke to each other the most. It’s also at that time, it was an opportunity for us members to get closer to each other too. -- Following that is last year, a surge of activities that began since Summer. Kussun: As to me [LoveLive!] is an existence that is natural, so although many people said to me: [It’s really amazing~], I have this feeling of: [Is that so?]. Perhaps as during [MUSIC STATION] or [Kōhaku Uta Gassen], we didn’t get to see how the reactions were like during the broadcast, and so it ended without us realizing the full depth of the situation, it is a pity. But after watching the program feed, I could only think in my heart: [So that’s what’s recorded huh?] - I had feelings like that (laughs). I guess this is also the good side effect of being kept in the dark about the situation. If the same situation would happen again, I might be all nerves.
-- So besides preparing for the LIVE, this large swathe of activities does let one being unable to get a firm grip of the situation right? (referring to the large amount of activities last year) Kussun: That might just be the case. But, knowing that so many people recognized and likes [LoveLive!] This is something that makes me feel happy when I knew about this. . Please gift some words to the comrades that walked with you all the way till here. -- We’ll ask again, after going through this past six years period, what are your feelings right now? Kussun: How do I put it, I guess it’s an indescribable feeling. Such incidents you might only meet it once in a lifetime, no, if you are living a normal life you might never meet one right? It has been an unbelievable six years, if I start recollecting from the start, at that time there were definitely many different things happening, and at that time everything that I faced, I put my all to do it. So right now, looking back, to some degree I feel that [All of these, it is just a dream right?]. It really just went by in a flash. I want to say that nothing much had changed, but on the other hand actually these six years had brought many changes… in the end, what am I trying to say?? (laughs)
 -- It’s filled with many different kinds of feelings huh? (laughs) Kussun: Even now just trying to remember the things that happen in the past six years, I still don’t think that this is real. I do feel that if I think about this after 10 years, 20 years, it’ll have a: [it’s really an exciting six years, huh?] - those kind of thoughts, right? -- The eight members that you have spent together in the past six years, what kind of existence are they to you, Kusuda-san? Kussun:  Mm… what kind of existence are they huh… I feel very happy to be able to see everyone performing actively on their own stage, I’ll think that I need to work harder too. They are good rivals, but are also companions, but aren’t friends though. Of course our relations aren’t bad (laughs). Bu rather than call us friends, rather, in this six year period, they are the teammates that have gone through the same activities I did. We are a group whose relations are very good, although we won’t want to play together every day, but we would often think of things about each other. From today onwards we’ll definitely have a camaraderie that would never be broken, that’s how it feels.
 If I can say something to Nozomi now, it’ll be: [I hope you can be happy] -- To who you just said was a comrade, Nozomi. If you are able to say something to her, what would you want to say? Kussun: That’s true, if I want to say something to her… I would want to ask her: [Is the ‘you’ now, smiling? Are you happy?] Although it’s not the same as asking just one sentence, but I feel that if she is happy now, that’ll be great. I guess that’s true, I guess what I want to say to her is: [I hope you can be happy]. -- To be able to hear you say that, I think that Nozomi now would be thinking the same thing. Kussun: Mm…. if that’s the case, I’ll be very happy (laughs). -- Finally, please say something to the fans too. Kussun: Thank you everyone for always supporting us. This past six years, starting from one CD, to being able to be loved and supported by so many people, I am really blessed. This feeling, I won’t ever forget it. Thank you very much everyone.
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baltharino · 1 year
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µ's performing Bokura No Live Kimi To No Life Love Live! µ's Final LoveLive! ~µ'sic Forever
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baltharino · 1 year
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µ's performing Bokura No Live Kimi To No Life Love Live! µ's Final LoveLive! ~µ'sic Forever
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kuuxkat · 8 years
[EN]Lisani Vol. 27.1 Interview with Uchida Aya
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Translated and Typeset by: @kuuxkat / QC by: ~mega @ #teamonibe
Originally Sourced from: Ultra_utchi here
Original TL by: 月牙、阿暄、乔君、红 QC by:月牙、阿暄、清凉、鱼鱼、乔君
Images from: @emitsunosaurus-rex
Contents under the Cut!
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Typeset images can be seen: here
-- In the half year after “µ's Final LoveLive! ~µ'sic Forever ~”, were there times where you revisited your time in <LoveLive!>? Ucchi: It’s already been half a year huh…. Although I did receive my copy of the Final Live BD before the release date, when I got my hands on it, I didn’t have the courage to view it immediately and I left it there for 2~3 days. In the end I still viewed it before the release date, I felt an indescribable feeling that I had to view it in an impartial way to accept it, I guess. I knew that it was a very long ‘Live’, so I prepared hot drinks to watch it leisurely. But, from the moment I started watching, my body unwillingly leaned forward and I didn’t have the frame of mind to even drink. I closely watched every frame on the screen, I felt that it was a waste to even blink (laughs). -- What were your thoughts after viewing it again?
Ucchi: When the camera wasn’t on me, my thoughts would run around like: “This moment that was picked for this child, and when she was singing this line --- It’s soo cute that I could cry!”, basically I viewed it as if I was a member of the audience.
But, when it’s me though, I’d feel that it’s something remarkable. “This part was cleaned nicely” and the image that I can see from far away, I felt that I could see Kotori - like that. When I look into it in detail, and when I saw myself in the various poses, I felt very gratified… all those complex feelings are joined together.
I watched it many times while holding on to thoughts of: “I can’t watch this part impartially, let’s watch this a little more carefreely” or “Let’s watch once more, just that song”. -- During the preparatory period for Final Live, what was the state of mind that you carried with you then? Ucchi: Speaking honestly, I have too much feelings for <LoveLive!> that I don’t know what to do. During dress rehearsals we could unexpectedly and calmly say that: “This is our final song.” So to our fans we would say that just as calmly, but for myself, I still feel that: “Because this is the final, so I want to put a performance that I won’t have any regrets about. I tried to make my actions as close to Kotori as possible. As there were time constraints on the time that everyone could rehearse together, so everyone put our best during the limited time we have, to create a Live that would leave the best memories in our hearts.
There were many different things happening that build on each other, but we didn’t want to just finish it in a hurry. And for the songs that had their choreography done for the first time at Tokyo Dome, with the consideration that this is the final, I put in lots more suggestions as compared to before. -- Do you have any very strong impressions about scenes during Final Live? Ucchi: That instant when there were the nine of us before <Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari (僕たちはひとつの光 lit. We Are A Single Light)> began.
“Even as we arranged our costumes, we spoke to each other, “This is the end, huh?””.
In that place where the audience can’t see us, being surrounded by unbloomed flowers that were moving. This space that belonged to us members was the one which seemed the most real, so it left a very strong impression.
Although the Anime didn’t show scenes at the backstage, but I can strongly feel that: “So this is what μ’s would have felt then, huh?”, so from there I really wanted to cry. Although we said that we won’t cry, but in the end, we still cried.
But I personally felt that those were good tears. To be able to cry because the other members were cry in their beautiful faces too, it is also something very wonderful.
Mimorin she is the type who doesn’t really cry, during the MC portion she dropped tears too. At that time, by chance I was looking at that side, and what I saw with my own eyes were the tears dropping from her eyes. At that time, something struck me hard. It really was exactly like how ‘indescribable’ - would be like, as at that moment, I felt that everything that we’ve done up till now, was crystallized beautifully in that moment. -- What was the situation like after it ended? Ucchi: It’s different from saying that I successfully finished a concert, if I have to say what’s different, it would have to be that I was in a terrible state after the performance in the first day.
I didn’t want to leave any regrets behind, so I worked too hard, on the second day when I woke up in the morning I found out that I couldn’t utter a sound.
I panicked and didn’t know what to do…
Looking back at it, at the time I considered only those who could only take part in the first day’s concert, and I didn’t consider those in the second day.
I held with me the thoughts that: “There were things that only could be done on Day One of the Live” and I put in my all to perform, and discovered that although the heart was willing, my body is weak.
… but, looking back at it, I put in all my effort into it that way huh? Looking at the images in the BD, I feel that the calls during the interlude periods were especially lively too. (laughs) The everyday where the goal is to show that “Kotori is here!”
-- Looking back, what was your first impression when you first met Kotori?
Ucchi: Just from the name you can imagine that within the members she is the type that is very warm and gentle, as she would add accessories like tails to her school uniform, it also gives the feel that she is a very trendy child right?
As we didn’t have much information about her, I went through lots of scenarios in my head just from the concept art and her name about her character. -- Her personality and etc hadn’t been determined at that time right? Ucchi: Although we were still in the planning phrase, but I originally did know about the project that the <Dengeki G’s Magazine> readers were taking part in. I was very happy to be part of the project, and I knew too that it’s a project whose long term future would be determined by the readers’ votes, so having lots of restrictions on the designs wouldn’t be that good.
At that time, I got very excited just thinking about what kind of character Kotori would grow up to in the end. -- In some way, among the members Uchida-san was the member that had the best grasp of what the project’s goals were (laughs). Ucchi: But, even if if we knew that it would be votes that would decide placings, but as expected there would be ups and downs. In the first round of votings, Kotori was placed 9 out of 9 members, I couldn’t help but exclaim out loud at that time (laughs).
At that time, I thought that perhaps I have to work harder to lead Kotori forward.
So when I was singing together with the nine of us, I kept on thinking that no matter if it was just one line that was sung alone, I had to express myself in a way that let people recognize that it was Kotori.
Before that, when all nine of us sang together the key would be a little lower, and it was hard to showcase Kotori’s soft fluffy voice. But <baby maybe Koi no Button (baby maybe 恋のボタン lit. baby maybe Love's Button)>, this song’s speed was comfortable and the lyrics were simple, so I feel that I grasped the method where: “In this way, I’ll be able to perform Kotori’s thoughts.” From the beginning to the end, the goal to achieve [the feel of Kotori] had never changed. -- What were your feelings like when you first performed as Kotori during 1st Live? Ucchi: I didn’t have any confidence at the start, I felt very uneasy on whether there’ll be any audiences that will come for our live. That unease started when under Printemps, the three of us performed under the name of <LoveLive!> in the first ever event.
But when it was time, the audiences that came had filled the entire 80 seater venue completely. I was very extremely happy at that time…
From then on, during the process of preparing for Lives, there was something growing slowly, a confidence that: “Who knows, it might give birth to something that’s beyond our imagination, something amazing.” -- Just as expected, μ's gradually became an existence that couldn’t be ignored, so are there any changes in Uchida-san’s mental state? Ucchi: For myself, there weren’t many changes. I myself isn’t someone who looks up to Idols, but is one who looks up to Voice Actresses - that’s why I joined this industry. So at that time, I wasn’t sure what to do when I had to stand on stage and make appearances.
I believe that the Uchida Aya who is casted as Minami Kotori, whether in stage appearances or Drama CDs, the right way for her to sing is in the capacity of a Voice Actress. So I’m always working hard towards the direction of “How to show the [Feel of Kotori]”.
As I would have to perform the exact same dance movements in the Anime in a Live, just dancing by itself doesn’t have much meaning… the performing skills of the one performing as Kotori is irreplaceable, so at that time I went to study many videos of idol groups, and researched the actions of girls who looked especially cute and fluffy.
From the beginning to the end, the goal to achieve [the feel of Kotori] had never changed -- So that means, even among the intensity of those around you, from the start till the end you would have to maintain a state that would “express a synchronized front with Kotori”? Ucchi: Yes. At that time I felt that I still had some distance between myself and Kotori who was slowly gaining popularity and it created some unease. I didn’t have the same appearance, didn’t have the same body and I was still wearing the same outfits while being published on magazines. I was also depressed about people saying that “she’s not cute”. But, as I’ve already decided that I’ll use all that I have and put in maximum effort. So when it was decided that we’ll be performing for the first time at the Saitama Super Arena, all those worries were tossed away to the skies.
I thought that since the arena would be so big, what everyone could see would only be as big as a grain of rice, so if it’s only the silhouette that’s similar, in the distance it’ll be especially be like Kotori. So I left my hair long and after considering, dyed my hair to a color closer to Kotori’s. -- We’ve talked about it earlier, but after watching the BD of Final Live, you did feel that you do have a ‘feel’ just like Kotori now, right? Ucchi: From the start, I worked with the hair-stylist bit by bit to improve and it all accumulated to today. At my time at the Tokyo Dome, I added hair extensions, dyed my hair specifically and wore a bird crown. I achieved a state that is closest to the real Kotori. And well, Kotori is in charge of costumes, so in this part I paid special attention to it. As this time there were lots of fast costume changes, and clothes that would bloat a little after being worn, so I discussed with the costumer designer several times.
Especially so for <Mogyutto "love" de Sekkin Chuu! (もぎゅっと“love”で接近中! lit. Approaching Tightly with LOVE!)> ,the costume had a lot more thought put into it.
We stubbornly said, time and time again said: “This skirt is better!” “If this part is too bloated, the silhouette would be different from the anime!” stuff like that.
It’s exactly because of this scrutiny with regards to the hair and the costume, that when I saw the image of my back in the BD, it’s just as if Kotori really was there, and I myself am especially satisfied.
“That’s what I want to see! This product, it’s literally one and only, isn’t it?” (laughs) A miracle product due to the convergence of 9 incomparable individuals -- For Uchida-san, what does the existence of the members of μ's mean to you Ucchi: I feel that they are nine individuals which are invincible. The members of μ's are simply amazing. This is what I feel all the time, and when a Fan Meeting occurs, this feeling is born once again. If we gather the nine of them together, I guess they can do anything. It’s at a level that makes people question: “What exactly is the main profession of this group of individuals?”, everyone can sing and can dance, and even if it’s just speaking they are still so interesting.
Every member has an area where they could be proud of, for such a diverse group of nine individuals to gather together, and each with their own speciality…
It creates a safety blanket where one would feel: “I’m not afraid of causing an awkward situation, someone would be able to turn it around”. “I’m not afraid of being asked unusual topics or questions where I won’t be able to answer, everyone would be able to pool their efforts to finish this cooperatively without asking”. The team synergy is especially amazing too!
Although it feels like I’m talking about someone else, but really it makes one feel: “What’s up with these guys huh!” (laughs) To have so many people view Kotori as a treasure, to me, I feel very very proud. -- So, what kind of presence is Kotori who has been walking together with Uchida-san for the past Six years? Ucchi: How do I put it, I guess it’s an incredible feeling. Although this project is coming to an end, but i feel that it will never end. Although it’s commonly said that I gave Kotori life, but we created memories together, we went through hard times, bad times to have happy and blissful experiences, it’s something that will forever stay with me. Just like how when I was young, the Anime characters that I watched still remains in my heart, like they never left…
Although Kotori and I are definitely different, but it’s because of her that I can gather my determination, I guess she is something like my life’s treasure?
In many places that I don’t know would have many people who view Kotori as a treasure, to me, I feel very very proud. -- Finally, please say something to the fans. Ucchi: I think, after Final Live there would be many people who would be wallowing in their sadness? But half a year have passed, for myself, my mood has gotten much better, and I am able to finish this interview with a calm state of mind.
As expected this is because, at ‘that’ stage we’ve created a moment in time where it can never be compared against.
People often rate <LoveLive!> as a miraculous project, and I feel that at the Live, singing with everyone for the final time - till the end, at the end it’s still a project that fits the title of ‘Miracle’.
The way it ended was just exquisite, after rewatching the BD, I literally gasped at: “It actually ended at the exact right time!?” (Laughs)
For a project to be surrounded by so much love, I’m afraid there’s no comparison, and for it to be born in the first place, the credit would have to be given to everyone who have supported and loved it from the start.
From selling not even 400 CD copies at the start, the number of people who love this product gradually grew and it’s because of this that we are able to see such a big dream.
Because they exist in everyone’s hearts, if everyone tastes something bitter, or when you hit a wall in life, if at that time you think of <LoveLive!>, then this project bores meaning.
I hope that this project would continue in this way, continue shining onwards.
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