#Luci the entire time was running on sheer adrenaline and force of will [plus the power of friendship and he'll kill me for saying that]
soldsouls · 5 months
Anyway I can self-indulgently say that, in this AU, Luci did have to throw down with Asmodium to get his friends out. He caught them as they were escaping. Luci pushed the two of them out a window, and threw himself at Asmodium [who is not only more powerful but also physically larger / stronger even after Luci's promotions]. He knew he couldn't kill Asmodium, but he could at least incapacitate him. That was the aim anyway. He had only the briefest moment to do so as his friends plummeted toward the ground. He knocked Asmodium through a solid stone wall, left him with scratch scars across his neck and chest, then immediately dove out the window to catch his friends. They were mere inches from death when he caught them.
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catalinda04 · 5 years
Carried Away Chapter 7: Oxford & Ohs
Lucy enjoyed her day in Oxford; touring the Bodleian Library, and the School of Divinity, and visiting several of the colleges she had read about in a novel trilogy she had enjoyed. She had the requested pint at the Turf Tavern which advertised offering an “education in intoxication”, and bought a sweatshirt from the University for her sister-in-law. She returned to London sooner than she had originally planned though, she had made a decision and had some shopping to do.
Upon returning to the city she hailed a cab. “Where can I take you madam?” The lovely old driver asked in a Welsh accent.
Lucy gave him the name of a shop she had found online that specialized in what she was looking for: something to bring Henry to his knees.
The driver pulled up in front of a little lingerie boutique. “Thank you, sir.” She handed him the fare plus a generous tip.
“No, thank you, madam.” He said giving her a wink. Lucy giggled nervously.
She entered the store and started browsing through racks of lace and satin.
“Can I help you?” A woman, about the same age as Lucy asked.
“Yes. I need something pretty.” Lucy managed to stutter out.
“Well, you’ve come to the right place. Are you thinking pajamas or a robe, or something a bit more revealing.” She asked giving a little shimmy of her shoulders.
“I’m planning on...seducing my…..man...friend, I need some wrapping paper for him to open.” Lucy blushed.
“Well, you’ve come to the right place, I’m Genevieve, and you are?
“Well Lucy, let’s see here. Are you thinking, sweet and innocent, or dark and naughty?”
“Um, I’m not sure. I want something that’s going to cover my...problem areas,” she indicated her stomach area, “but shows the girls to their best advantage, but something that’s not going to be too complicated to remove when the time comes.”
After looking at and trying on a dozen different items. Lucy settled on a sheer black and teal chemise with matching lace panties. “Well, I don’t know about this bloke of yours, but I’d shag you,” Genevieve said when Lucy came out of the dressing room. “Good luck tonight. That’s one lucky bloke you’ve got there,” she said with a wink.
The cab pulled up in front of Henry’s house at exactly 7:00. Lucy looked up and laughed. It turns out she had walked past his house 3 times while lost. She remembered it distinctly because she’d commented to herself how pretty the hunter green door was. She paid the driver, and mounted the stairs to the door. Her small evening purse swung heavily at her side. It was almost full with a change of underwear, contact solution, and toothbrush; Lucy had no intention of returning to the hotel tonight.
The door flew open almost immediately after Lucy rang the bell. Henry stood barefoot in a pair of khaki linen trousers, a dark blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, and an apron. His eyes were alight. “You’re here! Come in. You look great.” He said kissing her on the cheek and ushering her inside. “I hope you’re hungry, I made quite a bit of food.” He lead her to the kitchen, where he stirred something in a small saucepan and wiped his hands on a towel.
That task completed, he turned and kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her as he took the kiss deeper as if he couldn’t get enough. When he finally pulled away, they were both breathing heavily. “Hi.” Lucy blushed.
Henry handed her a glass of wine and went back to the stove. She wandered over to look out the windows to his back garden. “How was your day? Did you enjoy Oxford?” He asked chopping tomatoes.
“I did. It’s a beautiful city.” She nattered about some of her favorite things she had seen. “Well, Lucy, it’s now or never. Just do it before you lose your nerve.” She gulped the entirety of the glass of wine and wrapped her arms around him from behind; moulding herself to his back. She knew she would never be able to say what she needed to say if she was looking him in the face, “Say, will dinner hold a while?” She asked, in a tone she hoped was nonchalant.
“Sure, why?” He continued chopping and measuring.
“Well, I have a question for you.” She buried her face in his strong back.
“Just let me put these on the back burner.” Though his hands stilled when he heard her next words.
“That...offer...that you put on the table, last week, well, I was thinking I’d like to pick it up if you don’t mind…now” Henry turned slowly in her arms.
“Are you sure?” He asked cupping her jaw.
She simply nodded. He put his finger under her chin lifting her head to meet his eyes. “Are you sure? I want the words.”
“Make love to me Henry,” Lucy said, with a confidence she didn’t feel.
Henry reached behind him to turn off all of the burners and the oven, before crushing Lucy to him in a barely restrained kiss.
Henry couldn’t believe it. After a week of cold showers, she would finally be his. He had hoped to seduce her tonight, but he hadn’t expected her to make the first move.
He was so hot for her, he could take her right there on the kitchen floor. But he restrained himself. This was her first time, a fact he still couldn’t wrap his head around. He was going to be the first man to love her. It was both a gift and a tremendous responsibility.
Henry’s hands trailed down Lucy’s back to her bum, lifting her into his arms, urging her to wrap her legs around his waist.
“Put me down, I’m too heavy. I’ll hurt you.” He didn’t respond but captured her protesting mouth in another searing kiss. He was so pumped on adrenaline he could have carried her for miles. He carried her all the way up to his bedroom, thankful he’d thought to light the candles before she arrived. She deserved romance, and he was going to give it to her.
When they reached his bedroom, he set Lucy down by the bed, letting every inch of her body run down every inch of his, before following her. Despite her bravado in the kitchen, he could see the nerves on her face now.
He kissed her, slow and deep, Trying to calm himself before he embarrassed himself. She wrapped her arms around him, trying to take the kiss deeper. He pulled back.
“Baby, we’ve got all night. This isn’t a race.” He said, dropping slow kisses on her lips.
He reclaimed her lips, kissing her deeply, their tongues dancing in a beautiful prelude of what was to come. His mouth left her lips and trailed down her neck to her shoulder, pushing the strap of her dress off, she stalled his hand.
“Henry, I um, I got you something today.” She said in a breathless voice that was barely hanging on. She reached down to pull the dress off over her head, revealing the lingerie underneath.
“This may be the best present I’ve ever gotten.” He said pressing a kiss to her collarbone, as he lifted her to lay on the bed, stretching out beside her.
“I thought maybe if you had some pretty wrapping paper, you wouldn't be disappointed with what you found underneath.” She said, not meeting his gaze.
“That is not physically possible.” He said grabbing her hips to press them against the hard ridge of his erection. He lifted her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “Do you feel that? You do that to me. I appreciate the gift, it’s sexy as hell, but you’re sexy without it.” His lips returned to her collarbone, kissing and sucking their way to her breasts.
He pushed the straps of the chemise off her shoulders and down her arms, baring her breasts to his gaze. His hands came up to frame her breasts, his thumbs grazing over her sensitive nipples before dipping his head to taste first one then the other.
Lucy’s hands buried themselves in his hair, more for something to hang on to as wave after wave of sensation his her, than to control his movement. He took his time, laving and sucking each nipple until it came to a hard peak, and Lucy’s breaths were shallow and frantic.
He continued pushing the chemise lower down her body, and his lips and hands followed. She gasped when he hooked his fingers into the sides of the black lace panties and slid them all the way down her legs to join the chemise on the floor.
Henry’s hands slowly retraced their route, up her legs, first kissing the scallop shell tattoo on the top of her foot before learning the curves of her legs.
Lucy nearly jumped out of her skin at the first press of his mouth to her. He nibbled and suckled and licked at her sex until she was writhing and squirming beneath him, her breath coming in shallow gasps.
He entered her with one finger while he licked and nibbled. A second finger followed soon after, stretching her. He began to gently twist and pump them in and out, while his tongue kept up its own rhythm.
“Henry, please.” Was all she could manage before her orgasm hit her. Her entire body tensing with the power of the pleasure. He continued to stroke and lick through her climax, feeling her muscles clench around his fingers, before slowly kissing his way back up her body. She struggled to regain her breath.
“Why,” She asked breathlessly, “Are you still wearing so many clothes?”
“Tonight is about you darling. Not me.”
“Well, I want you naked, right now.”
“Yes ma’am,” he said undoing the first button of his shirt. “Would you like to help?” He asked seductively.
Lucy’s hands shook as she reached for the first button, sliding it free from its hole. Slipping her hands under the fabric, she buried her fingers in the hair liberally sprinkled across his chest. Lucy leaned forward, pressing her lips to his chest, while her fingers continued opening the buttons of his shirt. Henry helped her slide the shirt over his shoulders, before throwing it behind him.
Lucy gasped when his shirt was finally removed. Her hands roamed over his wide muscular chest and followed the ridges of his abs to where they disappeared into the waistband of his trousers.
Her hands dropped to the button and zip holding his trousers on. Very carefully she lowered the zipper past the erection barely contained by his boxer briefs. Her hands slid inside the waistband before he stopped her. “Let me help you,” he said and lowered his trousers and pants in one motion. Lucy's eyes were transfixed, unconsciously she licked her lips.
Henry climbed back onto the bed beside her and claimed her mouth in a soul-searing kiss. Lucy reached out to feel the crisp hair on his chest, swirling her fingers through it, to his nipples. She leaned forward to kiss first one then the other paying him the same attention he had paid her while her hands trailed down toward his hips.
She wrapped her hand around his erection, and he groaned his appreciation. She ran her hand up and down the shaft, slowly, lightly, getting a feel for his member.
“Henry. I want you. Inside me.” She said against his mouth.
He didn’t speak instead, he rolled her onto her back, bracing himself above her on his hands. He grasped his penis one hand rubbing just the head along her slit. He stilled, to look her in the eyes as they came together.
“Henry, wait.” She said, stopping him. He thought he might actually die if she stopped him now.
“It’s ok.” He said breathlessly. “If you’re not ready, we’ll wait.”
“No, please dear god, no. Do you have a condom?”
He laughed to himself, thank god, but how had he forgotten a condom? He reached into the nightstand, to grab one of the condoms he’d put there just hours before, making quick work of sheathing himself, before meeting her eyes again.
“Are you ok?” He asked kissing her.
“Yes, please Henry” She groaned, her hips rising off the bed to meet his.
He pushed himself into her opening, just an inch, before withdrawing. His eyes searching for any sign on her face that she wanted to stop. She nodded her encouragement before he leaned forward, sheathing himself inside her, inch by delicious inch. He heard a “mmmm” come from deep within her throat. When finally he slid all the way home, her eyes closed and she groaned her approval.
His hips slid backward, until her legs wrapped around his waist, holding him in place. His hips slowly pistoned back and forth, letting her get used to his size.
“Henry please.” She moaned, and his control almost snapped. He thrust into her with an intensity he hadn’t planned on. Her hands came up to wrap around his shoulders, holding on against the onslaught of sensations. Her nails scored down his back, urging him to go faster.
He reached between them to find the bundle of nerves, guaranteed to make her lose herself, and rubbed with his thumb. Her climax hit her like a bolt of lightning. She screamed his name, he could feel her muscles clenching him. Finally, he let go of all his control, pumping into her as his climax tore through him. He groaned her name as he finished, taking care to turn as he flopped onto the bed, dragging her on top of him, panting.
“I don’t think I can feel my legs.” Lucy said breathlessly “Is it always like that?” She asked panting in between words.
“I didn’t hurt you did I? I’m afraid I was a bit more...enthusiastic...than I had planned on being. I had planned to gentle, but if you’re going to run your fingernails down my back, I can’t be responsible for my actions.” He said kissing her deeply.
When they finally came up for air Lucy asked, “Wait a second, planned? Were you planning on seducing me tonight?” She asked with a mock innocence, looking around and noticing an excess of candles on every surface of his bedroom.
“I know I told you I’d wait, but I had thought maybe if I asked again, you might say yes.”
“I had my suspicions…” she responded, kissing his chest. Snuggling up next to him, she swirled her fingers in his chest hair. “You know, I didn’t think I went for a guy with chest hair.”
“And now?”
“You don’t hear me complaining do you?” She laughed. Lucy would have been content to lay there the rest of the night, warm in Henry’s arms, until her stomach grumbled.
“Well, now that we’ve fed one appetite, I believe I was promised dinner. I was so worked up about the possibility of tonight, I couldn't eat anything.”
“You are quite demanding tonight. I like it.” Henry said while sliding out of bed and kissing her. He pulled on his boxer briefs and started out of the room. She went to the bathroom to put herself to rights a bit before slipping back into her lace panties and contemplating her dress on the floor, she snatched up Henry’s button down shirt before padding downstairs to the kitchen to find Henry on the phone. He disconnected just as she turned the corner into the kitchen.
“It would appear that dinner will NOT hold. Pizza will arrive in about 30 minutes.” He explained.
As he talked, she surveyed the over-cooked remains of dinner on the stove, and in the oven. “You made me tapas! Oh! That’s so sweet! I’m sorry it was all ruined.”
“I’m not.” He smirked pulling her close for a kiss. “I like that shirt on you by the way. While we wait for the pizza, why don’t I give you the grand tour?”
“I’d like that.” He explained that his bedroom and en-suite occupied the entire second floor, while the third floor held an office and storage space. The first floor contained the kitchen, dining room, living room, as well as 2 guest rooms with a guest bath.
“Where’s Kal?” Lucy asked, curious, as she hadn’t seen the dog all evening.
“I have him stashed in one of the guest bedrooms.” He opened the door and Kal sprang out, knocking Lucy down.
“Oh! You again!” She laughed rubbing Kal’s ears. “What is it with you tackling me?!?”
“Kal! Off!” Henry ordered. “I’m sorry there must be something about you. Though now that I think about it” He offered her his hand to help her up off the floor, and pulled her in for a slow deep kiss. After the tour, Henry refilled their wine glasses and they ate their pizza on the living room floor.
Lucy excused herself to the bathroom, and when she came back all of the lights had been turned off, dozens of candles were lit and music played softly in the background. She called out for Henry, but he didn’t answer. She returned to their spot in the living room to find a trail of rose petals leading from the coffee table, around the couch, and up the stairs.
Their second round of lovemaking was sweet and gentle. Taking time to learn each other's bodies, They both drifted off to sleep on a cloud of pleasure, making love twice more before the morning came, each time more wonderful than the last.
Chapter 6           Chapter 8
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