#Lyanne's tag
42bakery 3 months
Top 5 movies and top 5 flowers?
Hi Lyanne 馃憢馃憢馃憢
So top-5 movies... It's tough one because I more of a film girl than movies, but here my current top-5
1- Mulan 1998 Film. 2- Campeones (winners/champions) -it's about a basketball coach/assistant that got in trouble and was sent to train a basketball team where everyone has a mental disability. Through the film you see how the coach change his way of thinking and sees those disabilities as different abilities. This film made me cry, so please if you can, watch it. 3- Hidden Figures -it's about 3 black women, key figures in the NASA/History forgotten 4- The Man from U.N.C.L.E -set in the cold war where USA and URSS tried to be the top dog. Spoiler alert: they aren't. 5- Patrik, 1.5 -a gay Swedish couple wants to adopt a baby, but instead they are given a troubled kid. In the fil you see how that changes them.
Now my top-5 flores are this:
1- jasmine 2- poppy 3- Lavender 4- I'm confussed by this one. So I love ones that we called 'campanilla' (bell in English), but I don't remember them properly and when searching the net, it gave me several options from the Convolvulaceae family. And looking at several, yeah, I probably like that family
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5- Roses
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waru-chan8 7 months
鉁煂堚榾锔弒end this to the ten people you鈥檙e happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day馃専馃寛馃挜
Lyanne thank you so much for this 馃槏馃槏馃槏馃槏馃槏馃槏馃槏.
I also love to see you on my dash and notifications every times, so thank you so much
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Wishing you the best of the days
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42bakery 4 months
鉁煂堚榾锔弒end this to the ten people you鈥檙e happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day馃専馃寛馃挜
Thank you so much Lyanne. You don't know how happy it makes me to see this inn my inbox 馃グ馃グ馃グ
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I wish you too a good day
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42bakery 5 months
Your Motogp ask game is amazing!!
馃幍 馃嵈 馃憛 馃惣
Hi Lyanne 馃憢. I hope your 2024 started well.
Glad people is liking my game.
馃幍 Would you rather let rather learn how to play piano with Pol, bass with Joe Roberts or guitar with Zarco? I'd love to learn how to play guitar, but it's Zarco the teacher. So my answer is piano with Pol, he doesn't seem to strict and we might have fun.
馃嵈 Would you rather have a BBQ with the Binder brothers or Paella with the M谩rquez? I have to go with BBQ with Brad and Darryn. I'm not that fan of paellas and I can have them at home.
馃憛 Would you rather learn languages with Dani (Spanish, Catalan, English, Italian, French and some Japanese) or with Miguel (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and English)? This one is a bit tough because I already speak Spanish, English and Catalan, so my obvious choice would be Miguel to also learn Portuguese, but it's Dani and I want to learn Japanese. So Dani it is
馃惣 Would you rather use a shark or a bunny as your animal/brand? I'd go with a bunny or any soft-looking animal. The reason is that people will not take you seriously and will overlook you.
Thank you o much
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waru-chan8 7 months
1, 3, 9 and 23 for the songs ask 馃幎
Thank you so much Lyanne for this
1. A song you like with a colour in the tittle La puerta violeta (The Violet door) by Rozal茅n. It's about a women beaten by his partner that finds strenghts to leave them
3. A song that reminds you of summertime Eso que tu me das by Jarabe de Palo
9. A song that makes you happy Don't Fix Me by Blind Channel. This is the song I wanted to hear when I was a teen and I broke with my bf. I wanted to hear that there wasn't anything bad with me
23. A song that you think everyone should listen to In The Shadows of Ukraine by Kalush Orchestra & The Rasmus. The base of the song is In The Shadows from The Rasmus but they got a cool mix in there. Be aware that the video has war and gruesome imatges
Music general ask
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waru-chan8 8 months
3, 5, 29, 33, 37 and 46 for the ask game 馃槃
Thank you so much Lyanne 馃槝馃槝馃槝馃槝
3. do you leave the window open at night? Only on summer. And blinds depending on the day are open or down.
5. what color are your eyes? A weird mixture of blue and gray.
It's this colour
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but the yelow-ish inside is like this one
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So not sure which colour they really are. It also depends on the light because som people said are more blues and other gray. And once a teacher told me thy where green, and I used to have then even more blue than I have now.
28. how do you like your shower water? Pretty hot water. Around 37潞C (I know because my grandma used to have a shower with the temperature numbers and it was usually in between 35-40 with most of the time 37潞C). I also like lower pressure and falling directly into my head.
33. the last adventure you鈥檝e been on? What does classify as an adventure? Because it could be as something as random as trying to by a present for someone without them not knowing (mid September)? Or exploring a new place (August when I went on holidays)?
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you鈥檝e known for 10+ years? Yeah people from school, my neighbours and someone who is like a second mother to my mum. Oh and a guy that is currently in politics and works at the city hall of my town.
46. favorite holiday film? None that I can think of. I'm not really a film girl, so I just randomly watch whatever is on TV or the ones I found online. I try to avoid the Christmas one because it's all about finding true love around the most romantic time 馃あ and seriously I get burned by them
This was not helpful at all. Sorry.
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waru-chan8 9 months
馃椇馃弽馃儚 for the motogp ask :)
Thank you so much Lyanne 馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏
馃椇 favorite circuit? Currently in the calendar Silverstone or San Marino, but my truly favourite one is Arag贸n. I can't wait fot it to return to the calendar.
馃弽 favorite team? Team Suzuki ECSTAR, what I'm delusional, they never did an official statement about them leaving the championship, so they are just dormant. But Aprobably in the current grid Aprilia or Mooney in MotoGP and Aspar Team in Moto2&3. And also in Moto3 I love BOE Motorsports (Ana's and Mu帽oz's team) and Angeluss MTA Team (Aurora my beloved 馃挏).
馃儚 a rider who is underrated, in your opinion? In MotoGP I want to say Brad or Aleix, but they are not as underrated as they used to be as people is already counting on them to win against the Ducatis. I'll probably go with Luca. What people doesn't know, is that is a data driven rider and he is pretty good at it. He always knows what his limits and doesn't (usually) make stupid mistakes. He is also pretty constant result wise. So I can't wait for him to really explote and be at the front. In Moto2 I'll go with Baltus and Bendsneyder because they've been constantly in the top-10 and people have been ignoring them.
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waru-chan8 10 months
If you still do the character bingo, can you do the dutch racers? I'm curious to see what you think about them 馃
Of course I can do it!
For Bo:
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*to be honest, until recently I forgot about his existence, but I'm happy to see him at the front. I also feel like he will be a kind of like Guevara, a bit of a bastard and ruthless on track.
Basically I like them, specially Bo, but as they are not usually at the from hey are not my mind preoccupations.
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waru-chan8 11 months
鉁煂堚榾锔弒end this to the ten people you鈥檙e happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day馃専馃寛馃挜
Thank you so much. I hope you know I love to see you on my dash.
This made my day, even if I waited so long to respond to this
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I hope you have a nice day
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waru-chan8 11 months
Thank you so much for this 馃グ馃グ馃グ
馃崟 Last thing you ate you didn鈥檛 have to cook yourself
Today's lunch. My sister did hers and she did too much, so I just ate her leftovers
馃挰 last text message you sent
To my aunt giving her a summary of what her docotr told her. I'm the (un)official family doctor despite me not having a medical degree
馃巵 last gift you bought
Probably my mum's birthday present? It was a mug with a swear message she says a lot, a pyjama and a bag-purse
馃毑last time you rode a bike
Either last summer or 2022 Easter. I only ride bikes as in bicycles when I'm on holiday. If its bike as in motorbike then never
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waru-chan8 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last 10 people that reblogged from you!
Took me ages to answer but here it goes:
The family pet. We have a weero/weiro quarrion that hates me (he literally runs away from me) but at the same time my head is his nest. The little shit even moves my hair and put it as his liking to be more comfortable.
Sunny days. Lately we have had gray and rainy days, so I'm appreciating the sun more and more.
The heat of the sun in the skin
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waru-chan8 1 year
If you could meet someone you've always wanted to meet right now, who would you want to meet and what would you say/do?
I think I probably want to meet with Sergi Llull a Real Madrid Basketball player. And the first thing would be ask: why the hell did you say 'No' to the Houston Rockets? And the next question would be 'why did you thought it was a good idea to not comment/let Real Madrid choose the NBA clause at 60 millions euros?
The other person I'd like to meet might be Rosalind Franklin just to warn her about the supervisor going behind her back and showing the infamous photo 51 to Crick and Watson. That "photo" (was an X-ray of the DNA) was the key evidence to postulate and later on confirm the DNA structure. Franklin was not aware of that, and never credited. In fact, the credit of her work when to the her boss.
I'd like to see what might happen if she hadn't got the photo.
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waru-chan8 2 years
For sleepover saturday: what is your top 5 animals and your top 5 sport to play yourself?
Thank you so much Lyanne 馃槝馃槝馃槝
Top-5 animals
Top-5 Sports to play yourself
Basketball, but I'm not medically allowed 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶 I still like to play 21 when I can
It's not sport really, but scuba diving
Rhythmic gymnastics
Pitxi. It's a game similar to baseball play in Catalonia the difference is that you need to say 'Pitxi' every time the guy who throws the ball recibes it and it's played with a tennis racket and not a bat. I loved it when we played it in school
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waru-chan8 2 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last 10 people that reblogged from you! 馃挌
This has been lying so long in my inbox that I feel embarrassed to answer, but any way here is my list:
Watching all the Suzuki content still up and that they still post about it.
Every time people likes or reblog stuff I do even if it's bad
When a basketball player goes to pick a trophy with the shirt of those players that are important for the team but they are not there due to an injury. They always make my cry
Seeing glimpse of Llull's true potencial once again
Seeing my mutuals content
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waru-chan8 2 years
For the songs ask: 3, 18 and 23 馃幎
3. A song that reminds you of summertime
Bomba by King Africa I mean it was literally a summer hit.
18. A song from the year you were born
Zombie by The Cranberries (yes, I'm that old)
23. A song that you think everyone should listen to
Wake by Black Veil Brides
General Song Asks
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waru-chan8 2 years
S, for the 5 songs
Hi Lyanne. Thank you very much for this. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Sube la Copa by Huecco it was the official song for the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup
Scars by Papa Roach
Save me by Blind Channel
Situations by Escape The Fate
Snake by Blind Channel ft GG6
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