snehhospital · 4 days
Sneh Hospital: Your Trusted Partner for Pregnancy Delivery & Maternity Care in Ahmedabad
Pregnancy Delivery Hospital Ahmedabad - Maternity Hospital in Ahmedabad , Experience a comfortable pregnancy journey and exceptional delivery care at Sneh Hospital, a leading maternity hospital in Ahmedabad. We offer comprehensive pregnancy delivery and maternity services.
Google Map:--> https://maps.app.goo.gl/wvzS5tzh8HsZ2he49
Pregnancy Delivery Hospital Ahmedabad, Pregnancy Delivery Hospital in Ahmedabad, Womens Normal Delivery Hospital Near Me, Best Maternity Hospital in Ahmedabad, Maternity Hospital in Ahmedabad, Maternity Services in Ahmedabad, Best Normal Delivery Hospital in Ahmedabad, Painless Delivery Cost in Ahmedabad, www.snehhospitals.com/blog/best-cesarean-or-normal-delivery-hospital-in-ahmedabad-for-childbirth-2020, Sneh Hospital
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Best Gynecologist in Ahmedabad at Dharmi Multi-speciality Hospital
Dharmi Multi-speciality Hospital is home to the best gynecologist in Ahmedabad, offering exceptional care for women's health. Our highly experienced gynecologists provide comprehensive services, including routine check-ups, prenatal and postnatal care, fertility treatments, and advanced gynecological surgeries. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a patient-centered approach, our team ensures personalized and compassionate care for every woman. At Dharmi Multi-speciality 
Hospital, we prioritize your well-being and comfort, striving to make each visit as pleasant and stress-free as possible. Trust us for expert gynecological care tailored to your unique needs.
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sumandentalclinic · 1 year
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softzenia · 2 years
Top Maternity and Gynae Hospitals in Ahmedabad 
Pregnancy is when every woman needs the utmost care and guidance during gestation. Expecting parents need the right kind of guidance and medical help throughout the pregnancy. Pregnant couples must cherish this time together and select the reputable and best maternity hospital in Ahmedabad.  People need to select the best facilities and treatments that are available in the best Gyne hospital in…
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divawomenshospital · 19 days
Thyroid Problems During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a transformative journey marked by numerous physiological changes, and the thyroid gland is no exception. Responsible for regulating metabolism and hormone production, the thyroid plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health, particularly during pregnancy. However, thyroid disorders can complicate this already complex process, posing risks to both the mother and the baby. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the impact of thyroid disorders on pregnancy, the challenges they present, and effective strategies for managing them safely.
Understanding Thyroid Problems During Pregnancy
Thyroid disorders are relatively common among women of childbearing age, with approximately 2–3% of pregnant women affected by hypothyroidism and 0.2–0.3% affected by hyperthyroidism. These conditions can arise due to various factors, including autoimmune diseases (such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves’ disease), iodine deficiency, or nodular thyroid disease. During pregnancy, the thyroid gland undergoes physiological changes to meet the increased demand for thyroid hormone production, making it particularly vulnerable to dysfunction.
1. Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce sufficient thyroid hormone, resulting in a slowdown of bodily functions. Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, constipation, and dry skin. Left untreated, hypothyroidism during pregnancy can lead to complications such as preeclampsia, miscarriage, preterm birth, and neurodevelopmental issues in the baby.
Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, is characterized by an overactive thyroid gland, leading to excessive production of thyroid hormone. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism may include weight loss, rapid heartbeat, tremors, heat intolerance, and anxiety. Untreated hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and thyroid storm—a life-threatening condition characterized by severely elevated thyroid hormone levels.
Managing Thyroid Problems During Pregnancy Effectively managing thyroid disorders during pregnancy requires a multidisciplinary approach involving close collaboration between the pregnant woman, her obstetrician, and an endocrinologist. Here are some key strategies for managing thyroid problems during pregnancy:
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1. Preconception Counseling Women with a history of thyroid disorders should seek preconception counseling to optimize their thyroid function before becoming pregnant. This may involve adjusting medication doses, addressing underlying causes of thyroid dysfunction (such as autoimmune diseases), and ensuring adequate thyroid hormone levels before conception. Preconception counseling also provides an opportunity to discuss the potential risks and complications associated with thyroid disorders during pregnancy and develop a personalized management plan.
2. Regular Thyroid Function Tests Pregnant women with thyroid disorders should undergo regular thyroid function tests to monitor hormone levels throughout pregnancy. These tests typically involve measuring levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and, in some cases, free thyroxine (FT4). Monitoring thyroid function allows healthcare providers to adjust medication doses as needed to maintain optimal thyroid hormone levels and prevent complications.
3. Medication Management Thyroid hormone replacement therapy is the primary treatment for hypothyroidism during pregnancy. Pregnant women with hypothyroidism should continue taking their thyroid medication as prescribed and attend regular follow-up appointments with their healthcare provider. It’s essential to maintain adequate thyroid hormone levels throughout pregnancy to support fetal growth and development. In some cases, medication doses may need to be adjusted to accommodate changes in thyroid function during pregnancy.
4. Consultation with an Endocrinologist Women with thyroid disorders may benefit from consultation with an endocrinologist, a specialist in hormone-related disorders. An endocrinologist can provide specialized care and guidance tailored to the individual’s thyroid condition and pregnancy status. They can also offer expertise in managing complex cases, such as autoimmune thyroid diseases and thyroid nodules, which may require additional monitoring and treatment during pregnancy.
5. Nutritional Support Adequate nutrition is crucial for thyroid health during pregnancy. Pregnant women with thyroid disorders should consume a balanced diet rich in iodine, selenium, and other nutrients essential for thyroid function. Iodine is particularly important for thyroid hormone production, so it’s essential to ensure an adequate intake through dietary sources such as iodized salt, seafood, dairy products, and fortified foods. In some cases, supplementation with iodine or other nutrients may be necessary to address specific deficiencies and support thyroid function during pregnancy.
6. Monitoring Fetal Development Pregnant women with thyroid disorders may undergo additional fetal monitoring to assess fetal growth and development. This may include ultrasound scans to measure fetal growth and evaluate fetal anatomy, as well as fetal heart rate monitoring to assess fetal well-being. Close monitoring allows healthcare providers to detect any potential complications early and intervene promptly to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes.
7. Educating Patients Healthcare providers play a vital role in educating pregnant women about thyroid disorders and their management during pregnancy. Providing information about the importance of medication adherence, regular follow-up care, and potential risks and complications helps empower women to take an active role in their healthcare decisions. Patient education also helps alleviate anxiety and uncertainty surrounding thyroid disorders during pregnancy and promotes collaboration between patients and healthcare providers in managing the condition effectively.
If you’re pregnant and have thyroid problems or are concerned about your thyroid health during pregnancy, seek expert care at Diva Women’s Hospital in Ahmedabad. Our team of experienced obstetricians, endocrinologists, and other healthcare professionals specializes in providing comprehensive care for women with thyroid disorders during pregnancy. From preconception counseling to postpartum follow-up with the Best Gynec Doctors in Ahmedabad, we’re dedicated to supporting you every step of the way on your journey to a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our specialized services for thyroid-related issues during pregnancy. Your health and the health of your baby are our top priorities.
Thyroid disorders can present unique challenges during pregnancy, requiring careful monitoring and management to ensure optimal maternal and fetal outcomes. By working closely with healthcare providers, adhering to medication regimens, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and undergoing regular fetal monitoring, women with thyroid disorders can safely navigate pregnancy and childbirth. With the timely intervention of the right doctors and comprehensive care, women with thyroid problems can experience a healthy pregnancy and delivery, setting the stage for a bright and promising future for both mother and baby.
Read More:- Thyroid Problems During Pregnancy
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softzenia-tech · 5 months
Increasing the Quality of Care at Greater Noida's Best Superspecialty Hospital
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The gynecologist in Greater Noida work at a prestigious medical facility with a staff of dedicated doctors who are all committed to providing the best healthcare services possible. With its state-of-the-art facilities, the hospital ensures that patients will receive the best medical care in a wide range of fields.
Becoming a leader in women's health
Women in Noida Extension highly rate the specialized medical facility as home to the best gynae in Noida Extension. These doctors and nurses are at the cutting edge of women's health care. The hospital cares about the well-being of women in more ways than just medical matters. They create a helpful environment where each person can shine.
Adding more innovative care in Noida
The institute is the best Multi speciality hospital in Noida Extension and offers a wide range of medical services to meet all of your needs. There are many specialized areas at the hospital, such as cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, and gastroenterology. This makes sure that people who live there can get the best medical care without having to drive a long way.
A Thought for a Happy Tomorrow
This super speciality hospital in Greater Noida wants to create a village where everyone can get medical care. With a extensive range of medical experts and the best gynecologists in Noida Extension, the hospital is a model of health and wellness, creating an atmosphere where everyone is treated with the respect they deserve. In conclusion, this tertiary speciality hospital is more than just a medical facility; it shows how committed the city is to making its people healthier and happier.
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jigishahospital · 1 year
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modernindseo · 2 years
Pearl Hospital is established in 2022 hospital has a visionary leadership towards their achievements and goals to provide healthcare services at lowest cost with high quality healthcare services at affordable rates for patients and their relatives with only one motto is “Healing Hands, Caring Hearts”
Gynecology Department manage pregnancy, labor, and the post pregnancy time frame (obstetrics) and the wellbeing of the female conceptive frameworks (vagina, uterus, and ovaries) and the bosoms (Gynecology).
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Pearl Hospital - Gynaecology Hospital is devoted to ladies' wellbeing and prosperity. It gives extensive clinical treatment to gynecological issues as well as obstetric administrations.
The Labor ROOM is in nearness to the operation theatre which gives all crisis administrations to Best Gynecologist, 24 hours every day: (eg-Cesarean segment, fetus removal administrations, ectopic pregnancy or the board of antepartum or post pregnancy dying, and so forth). Maternity home
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goldenpharma125 · 3 months
Empowering Women's Health: Chhaya Women's Hospital in Ahmedabad
In the realm of healthcare, specialized facilities tailored to women's unique health needs play a crucial role in promoting wellness and addressing specific medical concerns. Chhaya Women's Hospital in Ahmedabad stands as a beacon of excellence in women's healthcare, offering a comprehensive range of services designed to empower women and enhance their overall well-being. This article serves as a detailed guide to Chhaya Women's Hospital, exploring its history, services, expertise, and commitment to providing exceptional care to women of all ages.
A Legacy of Excellence:
Founded with a vision to provide high-quality healthcare services exclusively for women, Chhaya Women's Hospital has established itself as a trusted name in the field of women's health in Ahmedabad. With a legacy spanning several decades, the hospital has earned a reputation for its unwavering commitment to patient-centered care, clinical excellence, and innovative medical practices.
Comprehensive Services:
Chhaya Women's Hospital offers a comprehensive range of services across various specialties, catering to the diverse healthcare needs of women at every stage of life. Some of the key services provided include:
Obstetrics and Gynecology: From prenatal care and childbirth to gynecological surgeries and menopausal management, Chhaya Women's Hospital offers comprehensive obstetric and gynecological services delivered by experienced specialists.
Maternity Care: With state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive environment, Chhaya Women's Hospital ensures a safe and comfortable childbirth experience for expectant mothers, emphasizing personalized care and evidence-based practices.
Reproductive Health: The hospital provides a range of reproductive health services, including infertility evaluation and treatment, family planning counseling, and menstrual disorder management, aimed at helping women make informed decisions about their reproductive health.
Expertise and Compassion:
At Chhaya Women's Hospital, a team of highly qualified and compassionate healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care to every patient. Whether it's a routine check-up, a complex surgical procedure, or emotional support during challenging times, patients can trust in the expertise and empathy of the hospital's staff.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
Chhaya Women's Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art medical infrastructure and advanced technology to deliver cutting-edge healthcare services. From modern labor and delivery suites to advanced diagnostic imaging equipment, the hospital ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care in a comfortable and safe environment.
Community Engagement and Outreach:
In addition to providing clinical services, Chhaya Women's Hospital actively engages with the community through various outreach programs, health education initiatives, and awareness campaigns. By promoting preventive healthcare and empowering women with knowledge about their health, the hospital strives to make a positive impact on the overall well-being of women in Ahmedabad and beyond.
Chhaya Women's Hospital in Ahmedabad stands as a beacon of hope and healing for women seeking comprehensive and compassionate healthcare services. With its legacy of excellence, comprehensive range of services, expert medical team, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to community engagement, the hospital continues to uphold its mission of empowering women and promoting their health and wellness. For women in Ahmedabad, Chhaya Women's Hospital remains a trusted partner in their journey towards a healthier and happier life.
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snehhospital · 7 months
Best Maternity Hospital in Maninagar | Maternity Hospital in Maninagar - Sneh Hospital
The best maternity hospital in Maninagar, and embark on this remarkable journey with confidence and care.
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Navigating motherhood with the best maternity hospital in Maninagar. Explore top-rated maternity hospitals, factors to consider when selecting a hospital, and embrace the joy of motherhood with the best care.
Sneh Hospital is famous as the Maternity Hospital in Ahmedabad , Gujarat, India – Book Appointment Online.
Maternity Hospital in Maninagar, Best Maternity Hospital in Maninagar, Maternity Hospital, Sneh Hospital
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chhayawomenshospital · 7 months
Chhaya Women's Hospital Ahmedabad: Excellence in Caesarean Deliveries and Women's Healthcare
Chhaya Women's Hospital in Ahmedabad is a beacon of excellence in women's healthcare, particularly renowned for its expertise in caesarean deliveries. As a leading maternity and gynaecological care centre, Chhaya Women's Hospital is committed to ensuring the well-being of both mothers and newborns. This article delves into the reasons and circumstances that may necessitate a caesarean delivery, highlighting why Chhaya Women's Hospital stands out as the best caesarean delivery hospital in Ahmedabad, with a focus on its exceptional team of gynaecologists.
Understanding Caesarean Deliveries:
A caesarean delivery, commonly known as a C-section, is a surgical procedure in which a baby is delivered through incisions made in the mother's abdomen and uterus. While many pregnancies progress naturally, there are instances where a caesarean delivery becomes the preferred or necessary method of childbirth.
Emergency Situations:
Caesarean deliveries may be performed in emergency situations, such as foetal distress, umbilical cord complications, or sudden changes in the mother's health, where a rapid delivery is critical to ensure the safety of both mother and baby.
Placenta Previa or Placental Abruption:
Conditions such as placenta previa (when the placenta covers the cervix) or placental abruption (when the placenta detaches from the uterus) may require a caesarean delivery to prevent complications and ensure a safe birth.
Breech Presentation:
If the baby is in a breech position (feet or buttocks first), a caesarean delivery is often recommended to reduce the risk of birth complications associated with a breech birth.
Previous Caesarean Deliveries:
Women who have had a previous caesarean delivery may opt for a repeat caesarean or choose a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) under certain conditions. The decision is often based on individual health factors and the circumstances of the previous delivery.
Chhaya Women's Hospital: The Best Cesarean Delivery Hospital in Ahmedabad:
Chhaya Women's Hospital has earned its reputation as the best caesarean delivery hospital in Ahmedabad through a combination of skilled medical professionals, state-of-the-art facilities, and a commitment to personalised care. The hospital's team of experienced gynaecologists specialises in assessing each case individually, ensuring that the decision for a caesarean delivery is made with the utmost consideration for the health and well-being of both mother and baby.
Best Gynaecologist in Ahmedabad:
Chhaya Women's Hospital takes pride in its team of the best gynaecologists in Ahmedabad, who play a pivotal role in guiding expectant mothers through their childbirth journey. These experts bring a wealth of experience and expertise, ensuring that every woman receives comprehensive and compassionate care throughout pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.
Chhaya Women's Hospital in Ahmedabad stands as a testament to excellence in caesarean deliveries and women's healthcare. As the best caesarean delivery hospital in Ahmedabad, the hospital combines advanced medical practices with the expertise of the best gynaecologists, ensuring that mothers receive the highest standard of care during this crucial period. For expectant mothers seeking unparalleled maternity and gynaecological services, Chhaya Women's Hospital emerges as the ideal choice in Ahmedabad.
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softzenia · 2 years
How to find the best Maternity Hospital and Gynecologists in Ahmedabad
How to find the best Maternity Hospital and Gynecologists in Ahmedabad
In addition to pelvic examinations, pap tests, cancer screenings, and diagnosis and treatment for vaginal infections, gynaecologists also provide reproductive and sexual health services. They identify and handle conditions affecting the reproductive system include endometriosis, infertility, ovarian cysts, and pelvic pain. They might also provide care for those who have cervical, ovarian, or…
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softzenia-tech · 2 years
Role of a Gynecologist and Gyne hospital during Pregnancy
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Pregnancy is an exceptionally unique experience in the life of a lady. The actual news calls for festivity and sets the clock for the euphoric event of inviting another life. Nonetheless, all through the 40 weeks of pregnancy, ladies should be cautious about their well-being. They should know that their lives and the creating life inside them are looking great. This is where a gynecologist comes in at a maternity hospital in Ahmedabad.
The best gynecologist in Ahmedabad are specialists in ladies' conceptive well-being. They are much of the time called 'women expert specialists. These clinical specialists are capable of ladies' regenerative well-being and other gynecological ailments.
Today, you can counsel the best gyne hospital in Ahmedabad both online and offline. You can visit the specialist in the facility for an actual examination or decide on a web-based specialist for tele or video discussion. With the continuous pandemic, it is presently suggested that you stay at home however much as could reasonably be expected. Subsequently, online counsel with a gynecologist is an incredibly compelling answer for pregnant ladies. A computerized clinical discussion assists them with getting top-quality clinical consideration without the gamble of venturing out. It likewise defends them from getting a disease or a destructive infection.
Online counsel gynecologists can direct you on the off chance that you are in your pregnancy during this pandemic. You can likewise counsel them online as and when you see any entanglements. Likewise assuming you are seeing indications of pregnancy, an internet-based gynecologist specialist can help and guide you effectively. They offer consistent internet-based proactive consideration incorporating meeting with a decent gynecologist. Converse with gynecologists online today to figure out more about pregnancy care.
Pregnancy care:
A gynecologist's counsel is pertinent right from the time you start family arranging. Gynecologists prescribe sound and compelling ways of considering without difficulties. You can likewise book a meeting with a web-based skeptic specialist and look for a gynecologist conference for family arranging.
The present gynecologists guarantee that pregnant ladies are in finished control of their bodies and psyche all through labor. The specialists propose a way of life and dietary changes, and activities, and offer tips to improve the general strength of a lady during pregnancy. You can check the maternity clinic near me for the best treatment.
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meddcohealthcare12 · 11 months
Caesarean Section in Ahmedabad
Caesarean Section (C-section) is a significant aspect of childbirth in Ahmedabad, India, providing a safe and effective method for delivering babies when traditional vaginal delivery might pose risks to the mother or baby. This surgical procedure involves making an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus to bring the baby into the world. In Ahmedabad, where access to quality healthcare is readily available, the rate of C-section deliveries has been on the rise, reflecting global trends. The decision to perform a Caesarean Section in Ahmedabad is based on various medical indications and factors. Fetal distress, where the baby shows signs of compromised health during labor, is one of the most common reasons for a C-section. Breech presentation, where the baby's position makes a vaginal birth challenging, also necessitates a C-section. Additionally, certain maternal health conditions like placenta previa or placental abruption might require immediate intervention through a C-section to prevent life-threatening complications. Furthermore, previous C-section deliveries often lead to subsequent C-sections in Ahmedabad, as the risk associated with a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) might outweigh the benefits for some women. While these medical indications are essential reasons for performing C-sections, there has also been a rising trend of planned or elective C-sections in Ahmedabad, driven by factors such as convenience and personal preferences. In Ahmedabad, expectant mothers have access to experienced obstetricians and gynecologists who carefully evaluate each case and counsel mothers on the best delivery option based on their medical history, health conditions, and preferences. The decision-making process for a C-section is a collaborative effort between the healthcare provider and the mother, ensuring that the most appropriate and safe approach is chosen for both the mother and baby. During the C-section procedure in Ahmedabad, regional anesthesia, such as epidural or spinal anesthesia, is commonly used. This allows the mother to remain conscious while numbing the lower half of her body, providing a relatively pain-free experience during surgery. In emergency cases or specific medical conditions, general anesthesia might be administered. The surgical team, comprising skilled obstetricians, anesthetists, and nurses, works diligently to ensure the successful delivery of the baby and the well-being of the mother. After the C-section in Ahmedabad, meticulous postoperative care is provided to facilitate a smooth recovery for the mother. The incision site is closely monitored for healing, and steps are taken to prevent infections. Pain management strategies are employed to keep the mother comfortable during the recovery process. Early ambulation and gentle movement are encouraged to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. As part of a global movement to promote natural births and reduce unnecessary C-sections, healthcare professionals in Ahmedabad also advocate for evidence-based practices and informed decision-making. Efforts are made to minimize the rate of elective or non-medically indicated C-sections while ensuring that medically necessary C-sections are conducted with the highest standards of care. In conclusion, Caesarean Section plays a vital role in the delivery of babies in Ahmedabad, providing a safe and effective option when vaginal birth is not feasible or poses risks. With access to advanced healthcare facilities and experienced medical professionals, the city ensures that C-sections are performed with utmost precision and attention to the well-being of both mother and baby. Expectant mothers are encouraged to engage in open discussions with their healthcare providers, promoting a shared decision-making process that prioritizes safe and positive birthing experiences.
Meddco offers features such as searching for doctors, hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centres based on location, specialty, and cost. It provides comprehensive information about healthcare providers, including their qualifications, patient reviews, and transparent pricing. This allows patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare needs and find affordable options without compromising on quality. You can find the best package price in your nearby location. The platform also enables online booking of appointments, saving time and effort for patients. Additionally, Meddco offers an electronic health record (EHR) feature, allowing users to store and access their medical records digitally. With its focus on transparency, convenience, and personalized care, Meddco aims to transform the healthcare landscape, making it easier for individuals to access the medical services they require
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vatsalyahospital · 2 years
Finding The Top Gynecologist Doctor in Ahmedabad: 8 Things To Consider
If you're having difficulties with your reproductive organs, whether it's premature troubles, sexual problems, or anything else, it's time to see a gynecologist doctor near you. Complications of the gynecological system might be quite dangerous. The majority of the time, problems go unnoticed.
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surya9115 · 1 year
Sevak Maternity & Surgical Hospital 
Contact Number: 082009 52003
Clinic Timings:
Tuesday 11:30 am–1:30 pm 6–8:30 pm Wednesday 11:30 am–1:30 pm 6–8:30 pm Thursday 11:30 am–1:30 pm 6–8:30 pm Friday 11:30 am–1:30 pm 6–8:30 pm Saturday Open 24 hours Sunday 11:30 am–2:30 pm Monday 11:30 am–1:30 pm 6–8:30 pm
105/106 Nirmalkala Complex, Opp. Sangath Bus Stop, Motera Stadium Road, Motera , Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380005
For more information visit the site:
Reach at us by clicking here:
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